
Vegetative regulation in paroxysmal disorders of the cardiac rhythm
Shutov A.A., Tuev А.V., Kozminykh Е.V.
Editorial board of the journal "Neurological Bulletin"
Khasanov M.K.
A brief review of the literature on neuropsychiatric diseases of wartime.
Osokin N.E.
E. Brissaud et Maurice Brecy. Paraplegie flaccide dans cas de pachyméningite cervicale. Revue nenrologique. 1902 № 4
Obraztsov V.N.
To the question of vasomotor neuroses of the extremities
Obraztsov V.N.
A. Strosser u. M. Berliner. — Duschemassoge bei Beschäftiguns neurosen, Neuritiden u. ähnlichen Zuständen. Massage with showers for professional neurosis, neuritis and similar conditions. Monatschr. f. die physik. — diath. Heilmeth. H. 9. 1909
Klyachkin G.
Prof. V. M. Bekhterev. Localization of motor apraxia. Ueber die legalisation der motorischen Apraxie. Monatschr. t. Psych. 1909-I
Sholomovich A.S.
V. G. Bozhovsky. A case of persistent hiccough due to malaria. Proceedings and prot. Imp. Kavk. honey. Tot. Oct. 1908 - Jan. 1909 Tiflis
Bogatyrev N.S.
A case of surgical treatment of paralytic internal clubfoot of both limbs
Shumkova-Trubina K.G.
E. Kalmus. A case of degeneration with a rare sign of degeneration.—Coloboma nervi opt. with pulpy fibers of the optic nerve. - Centrlbl. f. N. and Ps. No. 142. 1901
Eichenwald L.
Arsenic paralysis
Popov M.N.
Kafka. Technique and significance of cytological examination of the craniocerebral fluid. Ueber Technik und Bedeutung der cytologischen Untersuchung des Liquor cerebrospinalis. — Monatschrift für Psych. and Neurol. XXVII,414 (1910)
Likhnitsky V.N.
N. R. Botvinlka, E. R. Hesse and E. A. Giese. On the issue of recognizing tumors of the cerebral appendage, - Russian Doctor, 1910, № 29
Baklushinsky I.D.
Prof. P. V. Nikolsky. The effect of mental activity on the skin. Warsaw Univ. Izvestia 1910. VI
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Chronicle and mixture. Volume XVII, № 3 (1910)
Donskov N.A.
I. Moreira. Mental illness in leprosy patients. Geistesstörung bei Leprakranken. — Algemeine Zeitschrifr. fur Psychiatric LXVII, S. 293 (1910)
Bogatyrev N.S.
S. M. Rodionov. To auto-intoxication psychoses in case of adrenal disease. —Review of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Experimental Psychology, 1910. No. 2
Bogatyrev N.S.
M. P. Nikitin. A case of atrophy in the area of branching of the 1st branch of the trigeminal nerve. — Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology. 1910. № 2
Bogatyrev N.S.
B. A Mavergoose. "On the doctrine of the fibrillar apparatus of the nerve cell and its changes under certain experimental conditions". SPB. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine
Favorsky A.E.
Prof. P. Dubois. Goals and ways of rational psychotherapy. Ziele und Wege einer ratiollen Psychotherapy. — Monatscher. f. d. hysik. - diat. Heilmeth. 6. H. 1909
Emdin P.
Doctor Gimbal. Arteriosclerosis of the nervous system. “Modern. Clinic and Therapy, № 5, 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Aurelio Lancia. Pathological - anatomical study of the case of deaf-muteness and experimental data for the study of the path of rami cochlearis n VIII. Ricerche anatomo-patologiche in un caso di sordomutismo e contributo sperimentale allo studio des decorso della branca codeare dell' VIII pajo. Rivista italiana di Nevropatologia psichiatria ed electroterapia 1908. Vol. I phase. 7
Nikiforova O.I.
About the motor nerves of the heart
Polumordvinov D.V.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University dated October 28, 1909
Darkshevich L.O., Sholomovich A.S.
R. Julien. Electrodiagnostics and electrotherapy of neuritic post-typhoid paralysis. Electrodiagnostic et electrotherapie dans les paralysies névriqutics post-typhiques. Archives d'electricité medical. November 1909
Likhnitsky V.
Dr. Williams. The difference between suggestion and persuasion. The difference between suggestion and persuasion. —The Alienist and Neurologist, 1909
Kovalevsky P.I.
Dr. Gilmour. The mental symptoms in coser of exophthalmic goitre and their treahement.—The journal of mental science, 1909
Kovalevsky P.I.
Bonché G. A case of subacute combined sclerosis due to anaemia perniciosa. Un cas de sclérose combinée subaigue associée a l'anémie perniciuese. —Journal de neurologie. 1909, no. 5.
Likhnitsky V.
About the regulation of the movement of the stomach
Polumordvinov D.V.
Dr. Birshubsky. To the treatment of postpartum psychosis. Modern psychiatry. 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Dr. A. I. Yushchenko. Influence of thyroidin, spermine and adrenaline, as well as removal of the thyroid gland and testicles, on oxidative processes, urine toxicity and respiratory gas exchange in animals. Russian Doctor. 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Screening for depression among neuro-otology patients with identifiable vestibular lesions (Int. J. Audiol. — 2003. — Apr. — 42(3). — P. 161—165: англ.)
Grunfeld E., Gresty M., Bronstein A., Jahanshahi M.
Medical and organizational aspects of prehospital care for patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation, delivered to the hospital
Galochkin E.G.
Chronicle and mix. Volume XV, № 3 (1908)
Baklushinskiy I.D.
N. Klieneberger. To the symptomatology of shaking paralysis. Beitrag zur Symptomatologie der Paralysis agitans. Monatschrift f. Psych. and Neurology. 1908-I
Sholomovich A.S.
G. V. Fleisher. Materials for the chemistry of the gray matter of the brain. "Russian Doctor". No. 12. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
L. V. Blumenau. Human brain. Anatomical and physiological introduction to the clinic of nervous and mental illnesses. Issue I. St. Petersburg. 1907
Markelov G.I.
Modern Psychiatry No. 2, 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Doctors Buchshtab and Huvin. To the clinic of paralysis of the diaphragm. Medical newspaper. Kg 3. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
A. Souques. Relative splitting of musculoskeletal sensitivity in lesions of the medulla oblongata „Revue neurology“. 1908, No. 6
Osokin N.E.
Theory of knowledge from the point of view of energy psychology
Krainsky N.V.
Report on the defense of the dissertation by doctor I.P. Alferyev, January 21, 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Meeus. Claudication intermittente D'origine cerebrale. Revue Neurologique. 1907. No. 18
Markelov G.I.
Dr. Schima from Japan. On the issue of changes in the central nervous system under the influence of adrenaline. Neurologisches Centralblatt. 1908. No. 4
Veselitsky I.A.
To the innervation of swallowing movements
Kitaev F.Y.
To topography of the cerebellum
Vishnevsky A.V.
Diplegia facialis
Popov N.M.
Differential recognition of the nervous form of spinal stiffness
Osipov V.P.
Modern concepts of molecular genetic mechanisms and pathogenesis of the main forms of idiopathic generalized epilepsy
Perunova N.Y.
Character of ТТН in children and adolescents
Yudelson Y.B., Ratchin A.P.
And L. Schwartz. To the doctrine of degenerative and regenerative changes in the central nervous system. From Pathologic. office of the Institute Experim. medicine. Dissertation. 1906
Shevalov Е.
Robert Jones (London). A case of Chorea and Pregnancy with Insauity. "The Journal of Mental Science". V. XLIX. No. 206. p. 486
Skuridin I.
Socio-economic problems of patients with multiple sclerosis
Kondratieva O.S., Matveeva T.V.
Neurologic and neuropsyhologic manifestations of specific learning disorders in children
Kalashnikova T.P.
The history of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Volume XI, No. 4 (1903)
Obraztsov V.N.
To scholarship on the cross-linking of nerves
Levin I.A.
A Case of Hemiplegia Complicated by Opposite Hemichorea
Obraztsov V.N.
Maurice Dide et Louis Chenais. Examination of urine and blood in patients suffering from premature dementia (Recherches urologiques et hematologiques dans la démence précoxe. Annales medico-psychologiqus 1902. Novembre-Décembre)
Korolko L.
About the commissural systems of the cerebral cortex
Yanishevsky A.E.
The expanding clinical and genetic spectrum of the myotonic dystrophies (Acta Neurol. Belg.— 2000. Sep.—100(3). —151—155: Англ.)
Ricker K.
Migraine-related seizures in an epileptic population (Cephalalgia. — 1999. — Nov. 19(9). - P.797 - 801: англ.)
Velioglu S.K., Ozmenoglu M.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1897)
Editorial B.
Prof. Т. Flechsig: "New investigations into marrow formation in the human cerebral lobes". Neurolog. Centrablatt. 98 г. № 21.
Troshin G.
The state of the mentally ill in the Stepnoye general-governorships (Akmola, Semipalatinsk and Semiruchensk regions) for the period from 1893 to 1897 inclusive
Shaykevich M.
Prof. Dallemagne. The will in its relations with penal responsibility. — Paris. Scientific Encyclopedia of Aide-Mémoire published under the supervision of M. Léanté, Member of the Institute
Vorotynskiy B.I.
On the location of the motor centers of the cerebral cortex in a person according to the results of irritation by their faradic current during cerebral operations
Bekhterev V.M.
A. I. Yushchenko. On the question of bed keeping mentally ill. (Russian. Medical Bulletin)
Greke V.
To the question of excitability of the cortex and epileptic seizures in lower animals
Lapinsky M.
The second epidemic of hysterical convulsions in the Podolsk district, Moscow province
Genik E.A.
Ophthalmoplegia with periodic raising and lowering of the upper eyelid and with a kind of visual illusion
Bekhterev V.M.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of an emergency appointment on February 8, 1898
Popov N.M.
To the microscopic anatomy of the medulla oblongata
Blumenau L.V.
S. Ramon Cajal. Nouvelles contributions à l’étude histologique de la rétine. Journal de l’Anatomie et de la Physiologie. XXXII année, 1896, № 5. Septembre—octobre. P. p. 481—543
Smirnov A.E.
About the looped layer. Research by the method of rebirth
Lazurskiy A.F.
А. Cramer. Pathological-anatomical findings in an acute case of the paranoia group. Bd. 29, Heft. 1. pg. 1—24)
Idelson G.
К. Chdchowski.—Niezwykly zbior objawow, towarzyszacy znieczuleniom polowicznym mozgowym pochodzenia organicz- nego.—Gazeta lekarska. 1897, № 2
Board E.
On the question of secondary degeneration in the spinal cord
Sukhanov S.A., Agapov A.V.
Nissl. Die Hypothese der specifischen Nervensellenfundion. (Allg. Zeitschr. f. Psychiat. Bd. 54. pg. 1—107)
Idelson G.
I. A. Klimov. About the pathways of the cerebellum. Diss. Kazan, 1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
To the question of diseases of the conusmedullaris and the sacral part of the spinal cord
Bregman I.S.
H. M. Reznikov. To the doctrine of the structure of the retina. -Diss. SPb. 1897 year
Vorotynskiy B.I.
About the connections of the cerebellum with the rest of the central nervous system
Telyatnik P.I.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Minutes of the meeting on October 27
Popov N.M.
Alzheimer. A "born criminal". —Archiv f. Psych. Vol. XXVIII, H. 2. II. Kurella. Fetishism or simulation? Jd. Notebook. 3
Board E.
Differential diagnosis of multiple neuritis. Polyesthesia and macroesthesia
Shcherbak A.E., Ivanov I.I.
Pathological and anatomical changes in the brain in acute delirium
Popov N.M.
Decision of the I International Symposium on Rehabilitation of Neurological and Mental Patients
Gusev E.I., Burd G.S.
Psychoneuroimmunomodulation - an immunotherapy strategy in complex neurorehabilitation
Starchenko A.A., Khlunovsky A.N., Komarets S.A., Prilukov T.I.
Reablement of alcoholism patients at various stages of the disease
Enikeev D.G., Shmakova M.A., Valeeva A.M., Sajfullina A.K.
Rehabilitation of mental patients and invalids in the republic of tatarstan
Mendelevich D.M., Khalitov I.M., Evplov V.A.
Correction of motor disorders in some psychic diseases in the early age
Goryunova A.V.
Possibilities of the functional rehabilitation of dysgemic disorders of adaptation in patients with initial stages of cerebrovascular diseases
Shutov A.A., Shestakov V.V.
Results of the study of epilepsy problem from the viewpoint of systematic approach
Voloshin P.V., Mertsalov V.S., Voloshina N.P.
Genetic aspects of neurogenic syncopes
Ismagilov M.F., Gainetdinova D.D.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of November 9, 1916
Darkshevich V.P., Steinberg S.
Lumpiness of the spine
Rudnev V.I.
R. V. Krafft-Ebing. Psychosis menstrualis, eine klinischforensische Studie. Stuttgart. 1902
Shapiro M.B.
The effect of cerebrin on the excitability of the cerebral cortex
Osipov V.P.
Dr. Gerlach. — Hydrotherapeutische Nassnahmen in der Psychiatric. Hydrotherapy measures in psychiatry. Monatsschr. f. d. physicaldiätetischen Heilmethoden. 5 H. 1909
Klyachkin G.
Dr. Fritz Heinrich Lewy. Inducing the Babinski reflex by electrical stimulation. Die Vervorrufung des Babinskischen Phänomens durch electrische Reizung. Monatschr. f. Psych. 1909-I
Sholomovich A.S.
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