
Mironenko, I. M

栏目 标题 文件
编号 2 (2019) Articles Contribution of water to the cheese structure formation
编号 1 (2019) Articles Participation of water in the cheese structure formation
编号 4 (2018) Articles Algorithm of transforming milk into cheese
编号 2 (2018) Articles Effects of the temperature on the special features of the types of the semi-hard rennet cheese
编号 2 (2012) Articles Process of cheddaring: formation of taste in cheeses
编号 3 (2012) Articles Special features of preparing milk for rennet coagulation
编号 6 (2012) Articles Department of whey and cheese formation
编号 6 (2012) Articles Effects of natrium citrate on consistency of soft thermoacid cheese from reconstituted whole milk
编号 1 (2013) Articles Cheese cream «Non-melting sundae»
编号 1 (2013) Articles Pressing of cheese mass
编号 2 (2013) Articles Effects of the ion calcium concentration in the reconstituted whole milk on the consistency of soft thermo-acid cheese
编号 2 (2013) Articles Pressing of cheese mass
编号 3 (2013) Articles Ways to salt cheese
编号 1 (2014) Articles About the role of syalic acid in milk and its functions at milk coagulum formation
编号 2 (2014) Articles Development of the technology of the product with high fat content
编号 3 (2014) Articles Special issues of producing thermo-acid cheeses
编号 5 (2014) Articles Development of the technology of the domestic analogous of the «Maskarpone» cheese
编号 6 (2014) Articles Special issues of cream cheese production
编号 1 (2015) Articles Possibilities and prospects of the farmers’ cheese making
编号 3 (2015) Articles Critical temperature points of milk. The temperature 55 °C
编号 6 (2015) Articles Goat milk. How to make dreams come true
编号 1 (2016) Articles About the role of carbon dioxide in milk and cheese
编号 1 (2016) Articles The history of cheese arising and the first wave of the import replacement in Russia
编号 3 (2016) Articles Ability of the cheese curd to melting
编号 5 (2016) Articles Special features of calcium behavior at milk coagulum formation. Part 1. Functional properties of calcium
编号 1 (2017) Articles Special feature of calcium behavior at formation of milk coagula. Part 2. Interrelation of the active calcium dynamics in milk with temperature and active acidity
编号 2 (2017) Articles Process of cheddaring in cheesemaking
编号 3 (2017) Articles Rapid cheeses
编号 3 (2017) Articles Study of the high fat milk products by the method of thermo-effectometry
编号 4 (2017) Articles Functional special features of milk whey protein
编号 5 (2017) Articles Modeling of the cream cheese production by the thermo-acid method using glucono-d-lactone
编号 6 (2017) Articles Modeling of the process of the cream cheese production by the thermo-acid way using glucono-5-lactone