
The state of hemostasis in perimenopause and hormonal replacement therapy
Repin M.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of third-generation lipid emulsion therapy for early pregnancy loss
Zhernakova T., Bespalova O., Shengelia M., Kornyushina E., Pachuliia O., Postnikova T.
Management of high perinatal risk pregnancy with heterozygous Leiden mutation. A clinical case
Mochalova M., Sidorkina A., Akhmetova E., Khaven T., Kuzmina L., Durova O., Tomina E., Solpov A., Mudrov V.
Efficacy of using progesterone as an immunosuppressant for the prevention of preeclampsia in pregnant women with iron-deficiency anemia
Djabbarova Y., Ismoilova S., Ziyaeva S., Mirzaahmedova K.
Application of wobenzyme in complex therapy in patients with infertility in marriage
Kalinina S., Tiktinsky O., Alexandrov V., Savicheva A., Skryabin G., Korenkov D.
Some troubles and complications while using transfusion therapy
Vetrov V.
Hydrolytic enzymes in therapy of gestosis
Gabelova K.
The organ of the Imperial Clinical Midwifery Institute is the forerunner of music therapy in Russia
Ailamazyan E., Kniazeva J.
The effect of ovestin on the sexuality of postmenopausal women
Yesefidze J., Balan V.
Comparative estimation of phytoestrogens and natural estrogens efficiency while using as substitute therapy in patients with climacteric syndrome
Vishnevsky A., Safronnikova N., Nurmukhamedov A., Yusupova I., Igamberdieva N., Kandiletu A.
Rational pathogenetic therapy of patients with urethral syndrome
Rossikhin V., Pereverzev A.
The role of hormone replacement therapy in the treatment of menopausal dysuria
Hajiyeva Z., Balan V., Alyaev Y.
Experience of drug treatment of patients with neurogenic urinary disorders
Alexandrov V., Kuzin G., Smirnov M.
Psychoemotional disorders in postmenopausal women and methods of their correction
Niauri D., Petrova N., Chanysheva O., Grobova O.
The treatment of pseudoerosion of the cervix uteri (Second report)
Kupert A.
Femoston 1/5 as a preparation continuous combined hormonotherapy in pre- and postmenopausal patients
Repina M.
Experience of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for correction of vaginal microecology in vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women
Muravieva V., Esefidze Z., Ankirskaya A., Balan V.
Tissue therapy in the treatment of urogenital disorders in women with menopausal syndrome
Kirichenko I., Lutsenko N., Lomaka I.
Markers of bone remodeling in patients with surgical menopause undergoing hormone replacement therapy with Divigel
Yureneva S., Smetnik V., Lyubimova N., Abaev V.
Laser therapy for urogenital disorders in postmenopause
Kalinina I., Bragina L.
Rehabilitation of infertile patients after reconstructive plastic surgery on the pelvic organs
Bakuridze E., Dubnitskaya L., Fedorova T.
Recombinant human erythropoietin - contemporary aspects of application in obstetrics
Ailamazyan E., Samarina A.
Possibilities of modern hormone replacement therapy for the correction of urogenital estrogen deficiency syndrome in women with the pathological course of menopause
Zvychayny M., Konovalov V., Vorontsova A., Gorlenko A., Pristolenko S., Pristolenko L.
The influence of hormonal replacement therapy on immune system in patients with hypergonadotropic ovarian insufficiency
Abashova E., Poteen V., Rulev V., Selkov S., Grigorjeva V.
Experience of Femoston Treatment in Perimenopausal Women Receiving Oral Corticosteroid Therapy
Dreval A., Marchenkova L., Polyakova E., Kryukova I., Tishenina R., Gasparyan N., Grigorieva D., Koroleva A.
Obstetrical hemorrhages (tactics, principles of infusion/transfusion therapy)
Kuzminykh T.
Changes of lipids exchange in the postmenopausal women
Maichuck Е., Yureneva S., Vasilevitskaya O.
Laser therapy of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages
Condrina E., Ponomarenko G.
Stress urinary incontinence in women. Possibilities of conservative therapy
Rusina E., Zhevlakova M., Yarmolinskaya M.
17p-estradiol (1 mg daily) in continuous combination with dydrogesterone (5.10 or 20 mg daily) increases bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
Stevenson J., Teter P., Lees В.
Replacement hormonal therapy for rehabilitation of patients with endometrial carcinoma after radical treatment
Mikhailyuk G., Urmancheeva A., Ulrich E.
Procedure for specialized anesthesium-renamatological assistance in case of massive obstetric bleeding
Shirokov D., Korostelev Y., Vartanova I.
Anemia and thrombocytopenia in HIV-positive pregnant women
Mozalyova O., Samarina A., Rassokhin V.
Menopausal metabolic syndrome and obesity
Repina М.
Donors of nitric oxide in the treatment of preeclampsia: influence on the state of the endothelium and hemodynamics in the functional mother-placenta-fetus system
Malakhovskaya E., Zainulina M.
Neuroendocrinal disturbances of menstrual cycle
Zelenina N., Dolgov G., Iliyn A.
Natural micronized progesterone for hormonal replacement therapy in reproductive medicine
Repina M., Kornilov N.
The influence of substitutive hormonotherapy on functional state of cardiovascular system and intracardiac hemodynamics
Martynov A., Kulakov V., Smetnik V., Maichuk E., Yureneva S., Voevodina I., Pilyaeva N.
Diagnostic and correction treatment of male immune infertility
Ter-Avanesov G., Kulakov V., Goloubeva E., Korotkova I.
Prevention of RDS in prematurely born very low birth weight infants
Laskowska M., Leszczycska-Gorzelak B., Poniedziaiek-Czajkowska E., Oleszczuk J.
Resistance of Chlamydia trachomatis to antibiotics
Stypitsyna E., Savitcheva A.
Interferon therapy of herpes virus infection in pregnant women
Tareeva T., Malinovskaya V., Vitushko S., Kotov Y.
Phenotypical characteristic of endometrial immunocompetent cells during polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) hormonal therapy
Kulakov V., Sukhikh G., Makarova O., Gadieva F.
Femoston in the substitute hormonotherapy of early and late climacteric disorders in patients with postovariectonomical syndrome, which were subjected to surgical intervations in their transitional age
Beskrovny S., Tsveliov Y., Bezhenar V., Karpishchenko J.
Substitute estrogen therapy at post-varicotomy
Riabtseva I., Shapovalova К.
Procurement of autoplasma and autoplasma transfusion in the surgical treatment of gynecological patients
Bugaev A., Tsvelev Y., Kaleko S.
Variants of normal and pathological postpartum involution of the uterus
Shlepakov V.
Transdermal estradiol in the treatment of hypergonadotropic and normogonadotropic ovarian insufficiency patients
Gzgzian A., Potin V., Niaouri D., Tkachenko N.
Transdermal hormonosubstitute therapy - the selection method in treatment of aftersurgical estrogen deficit
Kira Е., Karpishchenko J., Beskrovny S.
The value of systemic enzyme therapy in the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory formations of the uterine appendages
Repina M., Krylova N., Mitchenko G., Kornilova J.
Early diagnosis and stage-related therapy as major factors for preventing disability in children with perinatal cerebral pathology
Serganova T., Kosiy S., Lisov N., Frantzuzova Z.
Pathogenetic aspects of hormonal therapy in early climacteric disorders
Beskrovniy S., Kira E., Tsvelev Y.
Comparative effectiveness of endometriosis-associated infertility therapy
Kulakov V., Gasparov А., Nazarenko T.
Mammary gland - organ of women reproductive system
Ilyin A., Beskrovny S.
New approaches to the prevention of vascular damages at peri-postmenopausal women
Repina M.
Prenatal diagnosis and fetal gene therapy today and tomorrow
Baranov V.
Positive experience in laser therapy of patients with polysystemic disorder syndrome with hvdmp using scanning beams through the vagina
Baranov V.
External endometriosis, effectiveness of laparoscopic surgery
Savelieva G., Shtyrov S., Golova Y., Karapetyan R., Pivovarova О.
Contemporary principles of intensive- reanimation assistance to new-born infants
Antonov A.
Ovarian cancer: current approaches to classification, diagnostics, staging and differential management of patients
Solopova A., Bitsadze V., Solopova A., Makatsariya A., Rozanov I.
New approaches to immunomodulating therapy in patients with pelvic endometriosis
Yarmolinskaya M., Selkov S., Grigorjeva V.
Clinical and immunological effects of local therapy with cycloferon liniment in patients with vaginal infections
Nesterov I., Ajlamazyan E., Kovalenko A., Galkina O., Totolian A.
Hyperbaric oxygenation as a method of intensive therapy of posthypoxic disturbances of cerebral bloodflow in neonates
Baiborodov B.
Adenomyosis: opportunities and perspectives of endosurgical treatment with consideration of morfological structure of myometry, endometry and ovaries
Strizhakov A., Davydov А., Pashkov V.
Hormone replacement therapy and malignant tumors
Urmancheeva A., Burnina M.
Age distribution of cervical cancer in Saint Petersburg
Vorontsova A., Ourmantcheeva A., Merabishvili V.
Morphological changes in parenhyma of the liver of rats during long-term estrogen therapy
Madej B., Maciejewski R., Radzikowska E.
The effect of virolex and immunoglobulin therapy on the specific antiviral neonatal immunity with herpes-virus infection
AIeksandrovsky A., Kudashov N., Vanko L.
Efferent therapy in the complex treatment of EPH-gestosis
Vetrov V.
Placental insufficiency treatment in patients with herpes virus infection
Tioutiounnik V., Ordzhonikidze N., Zaidieva Z., Kravchenko N.
IV. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective - postnatal care of the immature lung. Surfactant therapy
Liubsys A.
Effects of estrogen/progestin therapy in women with ovarian insufficiency associated with weight loss
Abdulkadyrova Z.
Pathogenetically oriented endoscopy in the treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes
Popov E., Niauri D.
Diagnostic screening character of adnexa inflammatory formations
Shatunova E.
Affective disorders after ovariectomy: psychosomatic and therapeutic aspects
Kulakov V., Smetnik V., Krasnov V., Yureneva S., Kamenetskaya G., Ryzhova I., Dovzhenko T., Maychuk Y.
Perimenopause - from contraception to hormone replacement therapy
Smetnik V.
The expirience of infrared laser application in manage out of chronical endometrits
Orlova O., Mihnina E., Dobrotvorceva O.
Endometriosis at the present stage
Baskakov V.
Suppurative tuboovarial of derivation (clinic, diagnostic, principles of therapy)
Kqstuchek D.F.
The Influence of hormonal therapy on bone tissue: myths and reality
Shalina M., Yarmolinskaya M., Abashova E.
Modern possibilities of drug treatment of uterine fibroids
Aganezova N.
Significance of social and reproductive factors in mother-to child transmission of HIV
Niauri D., Musatova E., Kolobov A., Martirosyan M., Karev V., Zinserling V.
Systemic Enzyme Therapy during expectant management of preeclampsia: controlled randomised trial
Repina M., Korzo T.
The role of cytotoxic cells and interferon system in regulation of processes of proliferation in endometriosis
Yarmolinskaya М., Selkov S.
Atrophic colpitis. Pathogenesis. Preventive treatment. Treatment.
Radzinskij V., Ordijanc I.
Use tibolone (livial) at patients with klimacteric cardiopathie
Bobrov L.L., Dudarenko S.V., Qbrezan A.G.
Clinical and microbiological rationale for the prophylaxis of obstetric and perinatal pathology caused by group B streptococci
Khvan V., Shipitsyna E., Zatsiorskaya S., Grinenko G., Shalepo K., Savicheva A.
Experience of using fluorescence diagnosis and photodynamic therapy genital endometriosis
Khachaturyan A., Yarmolinskaya M.
Kucherenko M.
The results of the use of new criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus
Borovik N., Tiselko A., Arzhanova O., Kapustin R., Potin V., Androsova N.
Experience of use indivina for treatment of climacteric syndrome in postmenopausal patients
Ryabtseva I., Shapovalova K.
Loss of ovarian function and replacement hormonal treatment
Repina M.
Substantiation of adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy in complex treatment of widespread endometriosis (III-IV stages)
Ruhliada N.
From experiments with artificial insemination of rabbits to assisted reproductive technologies
Korsak V.
Pregnancy in epilepsy: management and delivery
Tsivtsivadze E., Petrukhin V., Novikova S., Vlasov P., Ryazantseva E., Klimova I.
Cytokins as the markers for non-invasive diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis
Yarmolinskaya M., Tsitskarava D., Selkov S.
Enterococci and their role in perinatal pathology
Oganyan K., Arzhanova O., Zatsiorskaya S., Savicheva A.
Postoperative hormonal therapy by buserilin in the patients with genital endometriosis
Beskrovniy S., Gayvoronskih D., ll'in А.
A place of a preparation «Divina» in treatment perimenopausal of disorders
Repinа M.
Riazantceva E., Tarasova M., Tkachenko N., Gzgzyan A.
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