
Problematic issues of diagnosis and treatment of lumboischialgia in a military hospital
Yundunov B., Rogovaya О.
Diagnosis and treatment of sialodochitis of the submandibular salivary glands in a dental clinic
Afanasyev V., Shipilova I., Titov S.
On the history of the Syzran garrison military hospital
Ignatov М., Lomakin D.
Six decades of guarding the health of soldiers and residents of the Moscow region
Esipov A., Melchakov A.
Benign diseases of the mammary glands in the practice of the mammalogical department of the medical and diagnostic center
Kalashnikova Y., Tomilina Y., Serpokrylenko O.
Combined use of magnetic field and balneotherapy for the treatment of dyshormonal diseases of the female reproductive system
Antonov P., Pavlov A., Gulina V., Tkachenko L., Sashko A.
Gathering of specialists from the Resort Complex «Krymskij»
Pasyakin V.
Conference «Actual issues of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor V.A. Malyshev
Grebnev G., Zheleznyak V., Guk V.
Clinical and diagnostic features of the poisoning in the bites of poisonous snakes and approaches to the provision of medical care
Ilyinsky N., Tyunin M., Myasnikov V., Pugach V., Sarynina A., Chepur S.
Transfusion therapy during periods of wars and armed conflicts
Starokon P., Galik N., Musailov V., Zakharov V.
Organization of a system for the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system in servicemen of the Armed Forces, their treatment and medical rehabilitation
Trishkin D., Sergoventsev A., Dolgikh S., Patsenko M., Pastukhov A., Datsko A., Makiev R., Zemlyakov S.
Relevance of the problem of chemical injury
Simonenko V., Krainyukov P., Patsenko M., Dulin P., Sarmanaev S.
Staged treatment of the Mirizzi syndrome Type 4, complicated by obstructive jaundice and acute cholangitis, in the COVID-19 pandemic
Svyatnenko A., Demko A., Osipov A., Surov D., Kokorin V.
Application of low-frequency pulsed electrostatic field for dorsalgia on an outpatient basis
Iosifova О., Novozhilov A., Egorova О.
The «Actual issues of medical support of the CSTO peacekeeping potential in the interests of international peacekeeping activities» conference
Kalachev O., Tokmakov M., Pchelnikov I., Igokhin A.
Prospects to treat wound infections in the spread of bacterial multidrug resistance
Bryusov P., Potapov V.
Experience in the combined medical and surgical treatment of progressive pterygium
Egorov A., Kamenkova E., Egorov V., Pravilnikova P.
Characteristics of modern standards for the supply of medicines for the provision of medical care and treatment of children in military sanatorium organizations
Miroshnichenko Y., Dolgikh S., Kirsanova A., Golubenko R., Kovlen D., Rodionov E.
Modern information and digital technologies: prospects for application in the context of the mental health of military personnel
Kryukov E., Shamrey V., Marchenko A., Lobachev A.
Clinical cases of pulmonary embolism in female military personnel
Serdyukov D., Gordienko A., Dydyshko V., Chumak B., Mikhailov S.
The military health-resort «Zvenigorodsky» celebrates the 75 anniversary
Sobolev A., Sukhoterin A., Kazantsev V., Goncharov V., Sysoev I.
Myocardial muscle bridges: state of the problem and clinical observation
Davydov D., Fursov A., Potekhin N., Chernov S., Kranin D., Mailer K., Gaidukov A., Lyapkova N.
Penza Garrison Hospital celebrates the 80th anniversary
Abasov T., Chvanov A., Saksonova G., Perepelova A.
Experience in organizing the work of a garrison military hospital during the counterterrorist operation in Dagestan (1999–2001)
Bulavin V., Golosov S., Amirov А., Nikitin V., Vorona А., Bulavin V., Storozhenko I., Avdeeva Т.
A working meeting of the heads of medical services of the defense departments of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) on improving the medical support of Troops (Collective Forces)
Ovechkin V., Pchelnikov I.
Implementation of the basic principles of providing troops (forces) with medical equipment in the fight against the new coronavirus infection COVID-19
Miroshnichenko Y., Stavila A., Kononov V., Rodionov E., Krivous L.
Outpatient diagnostics and home treatment of patients with prostate diseases
Talberg P., Kucheruk T., Tayanovsky V.
Modern possibilities of combined treatment of advanced gastric cancer
Pashaev A., Dolgikh R., Narimanov M., Pashaev A.
Temporomandibular arthroplasty joint
Epifanov S., Krainyukova L., Kokorin V., Shtempel M., Shomin E., Vyseltseva Y.
In the military health-resort «Aurora»
Avershin V., Klementiev A., Shabalin A.
Polemic aspects of the pathogenesis of destructive pancreatitis.
Bromberg B., Krainyukov P., Denisov A., Kokorin V., Matveev S., Navmatulya A., Grinev M.
Saki military clinical health resort named after N.I.Pirogov
Pasyakin V.
Roundtable discussion «COVID-19 and its consequences: features of the clinical course, achievements in diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation»
Patsenko M., Zhdanov K., Mukhtarov R.
All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Theoretical and practical issues of clinical dentistry»
Zheleznyak V., Kovalevsky A.
The use of platelet-rich autologous plasma in the treatment of patients with gonarthrosis
Gasanov I.
Features of the development of pulmonary embolism at a young age
Serdyukov D., Gordienko A., Dydyshko V., Chumak B.
Routing of drug supply for military personnel in military medical organizations
Miroshnichenko Y., Ivanov V., Rodionov E., Kostenko N., Shcherba M.
The use of neurogymnastics in the process of medical and psychological rehabilitation of combatants
Ivanov I., Syrnikova B., Gladkova T., Storozhenko D.
Medical rehabilitation in the armed forces: history, current state and prospects
Fisun A., Shchegolkov A., Yudin V., Ponomarenko G.
Differentiated surgical tactics for abdominal trauma, accompanied by damage to the liver and spleen
Suvorov V., Markevich V., Goncharov A., Pichugin A., Myasnikov N., Petukhov K., Kuraev P., Nosov A., Kaznacheev M., Skakunova T.
The experience of realization of health resort rehabilitation programs for children under conditions of «Тhe Central Military health resort for children»
Buchko L., Tkacheva E., Erkenova N.
The effectiveness of the health-resort treatment of patients with glaucoma in a low-mountain climatic resort
Antonov P., Sitnikov O., Tsyrulina D., Mareeva G.
«Podmoskovie» - health resort institution of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation celebrates the 20th anniversary
Bondar I., Minaev D., Nasretdinov I., Petukhov A.
Experience in the treatment of hemorrhagic complications in a patient with a new coronavirus infection on the background of anticoagulant therapy
Krainyukov P., Demyanenko A., Skorobogatov V., Efremov K., Kim E., Efremova A.
Quality of life as a criterion for the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment of conscripts with autonomic dysfunction syndrome
Matvienko V., Buchnov A., Egorova I., Lupanov A., Yudin V., Kosukhin E., Kharisov A.
The meeting of the Siberian Association of Neurosurgeons dedicated to military neurosurgery
Rudskoi S., Rzaev D.
Differentiated tactics in the complex surgical treatment of carbuncles
Lipatov K., Cherkasov Y., Khrupkin V., Lysenko M., Dekhissi E.
Neurosurgical conference «The Burdenkovsky meetings» at the N.N.Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital
Ovchinnikova M.
Ebola virus disease: clinical and diagnostic aspects and organization of treatment-and-prophylactic measures
Fisun A., Zhdanov K., Zakharenko S., Kovalenko A.
Normative legal aspects of health-resort treatment organisation for military servicemen oft he Armed Forces
Ponomarenko G., Merzlikin A., Adkhamov B., Voronina L.
New approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of military personnel, military pensioners and their family members with arterial hypertension
Potekhin N., Sarkisov K., Starovoitova I., Orlov F., Fursov A., Karakozov A., Klopotskii S., Alatortseva I.
Assessment of the influence of the balneo-physiotherapeutic procedures on microcirculatory blood flow in patients with occlusive diseases of the great arteries
Kotenko K., Esipov A., Yamenskov V.
Manual technologies in the treatment of bile duct dysfunction in reserve officers
Matvienko V., Frolkov V., Pankov O., Zhernov V., Zubarkina M.
Clinical-and-pathological and molecular factors of portal cholangiocarcinoma prognosis
Zharikov Y., Kovalenko Y., Chzhao A.
Experience in the organization and functioning of the School of Health for patients with circulatory diseases in the military sanatorium
Avershin V., Bitsadze A., Kuznetsov V., Radaev A.
First experience of an aviation evacuation of wounded and ill during wars of the beginning of XX century (1900-1930)
Sokolov V., Chmyrev I., Varfolomeev I.
The effectiveness of normoxic and hyperbaric oxygenation in the complex spa treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus
Antonov P., Vikulin S., Pavlova I., Lisinskaya O., Vasileva S., Novozhilova M.
The military health - resort «Marfinsky» celebrates the 90-th anniversary
Dolgikh S., Kirsanova A., Sobolev A., Gulevatyi G.
Foreign experience in the use of aviation for the evacuation of the wounded and sick in the period 1920-1930s
Sokolov V., Varfolomeev I., Butrin Y., Tsvetkov D.
The problem of eliminating open and intense pneumothorax at the advanced stages of medical evacuation and ways to solve it
Samokhvalov I., Golovko K., Chuprina A., Suprun T., Zhirnova N., Denisov A., Komyagin S., Demchenko K., Vertii A.
V.F.Voino-Yasenetskii - the leading surgeon of the Krasnoyarsk evacuation hospital No. 1515 during the Great Patriotic War
Kalikinskaya E.
Applying of the multifaceted approach to the treatment of patients with a phlegmon of hand
Krainyukov P., Tatarin S., Oganov A.
Peculiarities of surgical treatment of wounded with combined thermomechanical injuries of the lower extremities under conditions of counter-terrorist operation.
Dubrov V., Koltovich A., Khanin M., Paltyshev I., Ivchenko D., Tsvigun O., Kobritsov G., Gereikhanov F.
Burnout syndrome: diagnosis, principles of treatment, prophylaxis.
Ovchinnikov Y., Palchenkova M., Kalachev O.
Biocontrol method with feedback on rheoencephalogram during sanitarium rehabilitation of patients with cerebrovascular pathology
Avershin V., Bitsadze A., Kuznetsov V.
Adaptation reactions and their dependence on the period of sanatorium treatment
Vanyukov D., Mikheev S., Syuris N.
Treatment of patients with pathology of respiratory and blood circulation in sanatorium complex «Crimean» of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Terganov K., Kolomytsev A., Tyukina A.
Effectiveness of immunomodulating therapy in the complex treatment of angina in the military
Orlov F., Pantyukhova T., Orlova E.
Complex sanatorium-resort and orthopedic-surgical treatment of contractures and deformations in children with cerebral palsy
Ponomarenko Y., Nenko A., Deryabin A., Khashchuk A.
LXXV meeting of the Siberian Association of Neurosurgeons «SibNeyro» dedicated to military neurosurgery
Rudskoi S., Rzaev D.
Features of lipid metabolism in patients with arterial hypertension in men with different psychosomatic status
Usenko G., Vasendin D., Usenko A.
The effectiveness of complex standard and osteopathic methods of treatment of patients with post - traumatic stress disorder
Matvienko V., Buchnov A., Egorova I., Budko A.
Reconstructive treatment of trophic insufficiency in wounded with the traumatic disease
Bulavin V., Yaroshenko V., Vorona A., Nikitin V., Remizov Y., Sorokin A.
Ways to reduce mortality in modern hybrid warfare: injured to a surgeon or surgery to a wounded?
Fisun A., Samokhvalov I., Goncharov A., Reva V., Kanibolotskii M., Pochtarnik A., Evich Y., Ovchinnikov D., Alimov A., Kozovoi I.
Modern approaches to the pathogenetic therapy of toxic convulsive syndrome
Chepur S., Pluzhnikov N., Yudin M., Fedonyuk V., Nikiforov A., Ivanov I., Subbotina S., Bykova A., Tyunin M., Kolesnikov A.
Emergency state of health by arterial hypertension
Kryukov E., Potekhin N., Fursov A., Chernetsov V., Chernov S., Orlov F., Zakharova E.
Organization of rehabilitation and treatment measures in the armed forces of foreign countries.
Trishkin D., Malykh A., Ponomarenko G., Merzlikin A.
Treatment of spontaneous rupture of the abdominal aorta in a versatile military hospital
Dolgikh R., Obraztsov A., Pinchuk O., Yamenskov V., Rakov A.
Results of surgical treatment of patients with diffuse toxic goiter
Skorobogatov V., Barsukov A., Gurgenidze V.
Experience of correction of asthenic states in military personnel under out-of-hospital conditions
Kryukov E., Chernetsov V., Kazakov S., Semiserin V., Khritinin D., Katenko S., Malakhovskii V., Karakozov A., Molodova A., Levchenko O., Kozyrev P., Krasnov A.
The Kirov Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
Svintsova M.
Active detection, treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic liver diseases in a multidisciplinary hospital
Pavlov A., Shakula A., Shchegol’kov A., Chernyshev A.
Using the deep oscillation physiotherapeutic system in the spa treatment of patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases
Sedenkova E., Lukin Y., Chebotareva L., Leonchuk T.
The use of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation of the pelvic organs in complex spa treatment
Neburchilov V., Nigmatulin I., Karaptan G., Bakhareva M.
Description of modern standards for supplying medical equipment of sanatorium - resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense
Miroshnichenko Y., Dolgikh S., Stavila A., Rodionov E., Skibo I., Kiselev A.
Experience in the treatment of patients with gastric cancer
Pashaev A., Kharisov A., Suturin S., Kirichenko S., Bazin D., Lesik P.
Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of compression bandages, time sheets and promising dressings
Boyarintsev V., Golovko K., Nosov A., Trofimenko A., Kudarov M., Fil’kov G., Samokhvalov I., Kharin V.
Results and prospects of scientific research in the field of anti-epidemic protection of troops (naval forces)
Dobrynin V., Zakharov B., Ivchenko E., Katsalukha V., Komissarov N., Misnikov O., Musaev A., Nikitin M., Savel’ev A., Stepanov A., Stepanov N., Shchelgachev V.
Alcoholic liver disease: possibilities of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in multidisciplinary hospital
Pavlov A., Belyakin S.
Organization of health resort support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during peacetime
Trishkin D.
Treatment of patients with bronchial asthma associated with obesity in a health resort «Okeanskiy»
Tsareva U., Demeev Y., Skachkov O., Sheverdina E.
Case of successful treatment of a patient with necrotic cellulitis, lower limb fasciitis, accompanied by sepsis, under condition of base hospital
Kovalenko A., Sekachev V., Admakin A.
Branch N 2 of the 428th military hospital of the Ministry of Defense celebrates 30th anniversary
Kalmykov A., Arsentev O., Zhirun P.
Surgical treatment of infective endocarditis of the aortic valve before development of severe hemodynamic disorders: case report
Krainyukov P., Sergoventsev A., Afonaskov O., Borisov I., Dalinin V., Krylov V., Dieva T.
Use of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography for diagnosis, choice of surgical treatment tactics for patients with Mirizzi’s syndrome.
Sorokin V., Berezin A., Ilenko G., Bystrov D., Nasykhov R., Shelepova V.
Early complications of endovascular prosthetic abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Esipov A., Pinchuk O., Obraztsov A., Yamenskov V., Zharikov S., Abrosimov A.
Experience in using a medicinal composition based on selenium for local treatment of wounds
Lutsenko V., Namokonov E., Grebenyuk A., Kurapov A.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of psychotherapy in the complex spa treatment
Antonov P., Sitnikov O., Vikulin S., Klyus E.
Treatment of children with pathology of the musculoskeletal system in combination with cerebral palsy in a military children’s sanatorium
Ponomarenko Y., Deryabin A., Nen’ko A., Vlasenko S., Khashchuk A.
To the history of the military health resort «Divnomorskoe»
Loktionov Y., Neburchilov V., Ivashkin G.
1 - 100 的 147 信息 1 2 > >> 


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