
Continuous improvement of the quality of medical care is the main direction of work of Russian orthopedic traumatologists (Part 2)*
Mironov S., Nazarenko G., Polubentseva E., Cherkashov A., Kuzmin V.
Modern methods of treatment of malignant tumors
Kotz R.
Articular fractures in children: systemic approach
Volkov M., Samoilovich E., Shaklychev O.
Fractures of the proximal femur. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment (Clinical guidelines, abridged version)
Dubrov V., Shelupaev A., Arutyunov G., Belov M., Bogopolskaya A., Bozhkova S., Boyarkov A., Vorontsova T., Gilfanov S., Gubin A., Zagorodni N., Zlobina Y., Koryachkin V., Kostyuk G., Litvina E., Protsenko D., Runikhina N., Solomyannik I., Stafeev D., Tikhilov R., Tkacheva O., Tsykunov M., Shubnyakov I.
Current views on the management of congenital dislocation of the knee based on current data on the outcomes of orthopedic treatment in these patients
Kruglov I., Rumyantsev N., Agranovich O., Omarov G., Kagantsov I., Rumiantceva N.
Aneurysmal bone cysts therapy using monoclonal human antibodies to RANKL
Abdiba N., Pozdeev A., Chigvarya N., Dolgiev B.
Report on the work of the XII All-Russian Congress of Traumatologists and Orthopedists (December 1–3, 2022, Moscow)
Mironov S., Ochkurenko A., Perminov V., Trofimova A.
Two-stage treatment for old dislocation fractures in the Lisfranc and Chopart joints
Cherkes-Zade D., Do A.
Analysis of long-term functional results of surgical treatment of spondylolisthesis in middle-aged and elderly patients
Gvozdev N., Shchurova E., Prudnikova O.
Neuropathic pain syndrome during surgical interventions on the lumbar spine
Leonova O., Nazarenko A., Baykov E., Kuzmin N., Balychev G., Krutko A.
Traditional and modern approaches to the choice of implants in the treatment of fresh acetabulum fractures (literature review)
Kolesnik A., Donchenko S., Solodilov I., Ivanov D., Surikov V., Yarmamedov D.
Lesions and diseases of the distal radioulnar joint. Part II. Treatment
Golubev I.
Surgical treatment of uncomplicated instable injuries of lower thoracic and lumbar spine.
Azizov M., Shotursunov S.
Application of Irradiated Bone Replants in Surgical Treatment of Osteogenic Sarcoma in Children
Bizer V., Kurilchik A., Sidorchenkov V.
Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head as a complication of its traumatic dislocation
Skovran Y., Zorya V., Krasnov S.
Specialized surgical treatment of gunshot wounds of the hand: status, problems, and prospects
Nikolenko V.
Embolization of the arteries in the relief of joint and near joint pain: how, when and in whom? A review
Medjidov K., Parshikov M., Ginzburg L., Solov’yev Y., Uzhakhov I.
Coxarthrosis. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment: clinical guidelines (abridged version)
Tikhilov R., Lila A., Kochish A., Alekseeva L., Shubnyakov I., Denisov A., Bozhkova S., Stafeev D., Builova T., Bodrova R., Tsykunov M., Israelyan Y.
Harrington instrumentation in combination with Luque method versus Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation for scoliosis correction
Vetrila S., Kuleshov A., Shvets V.
Conservative treatment of children with congenital hip dislocation
Bakhteeva N., Vinokurov V., Norkin I., Persova E.
Yu.O. Novikov Dorsalgia Publishing house "Medicine", Moscow, 2001. 160
Tsykunov M.
Spontaneous Resorption of Intervertebral Disc Herniations
Kuleshov A., Krupatkin A., Murav’yova N.
Functional postoperative treatment of Achilles tendon subcutaneous tears
Mironov S., Vasiliev D.
Autoplasty of post-resection defects of long bones in modern treatment of osteogenic sarcoma in children
Kovalev V., Starostina A., Strykov V., Kovalev D., Bystrov A., Borodachev A., Loseva M.
A case of successful treatment of a patient with severe catatrauma
Levichev E.
Reconstructive plastic surgery in the treatment of desmoid fibroids of extraabdominal localization
Yadrina A., Karpenko V., Novikova O., Bychkova N., Derzhavin V., Bukharov A.
Basic principles of examination and treatment of patients with post-traumatic heterotopic ossifications in the elbow joint
Ovsyankin N., Nikityuk I.
The first experience in the treatment of closed fractures of the metacarpal bones with the use of a short plaster cast
Migulev I., Semiletov G., Mirzoyan A.
Treatment of gunshot wounds to the hand
Nikolenko V.
Ultrasonographic diagnosis of hand tendon injuries
Eskin N., Kuzmenko V., Korshunov V., Magdiev D., Chulovskaya I.
Surgical tactics for multiple and concomitant shock-related injuries of the musculoskeletal system
Grinev M., Frolov G.
Midterm surgical treatment outcomes of unstable distal radius fractures
Yeghiazaryan K., Ratiev A., Grigoriev A., Germanov A., Danilov M., Chebotarev V.
Colles’ fracture: two years follow-up. (results of conservative treatment)
Golubev I., Shershneva O., Klimin D.
Surgical treatment of lateral instability of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the first finger
Korshunov V., Skvortsova M.
Tactics of surgical treatment of closed fractures of long bones of the extremities in patients with polytrauma in the early period
Sokolov V., Byalik E.
Achillotalar syndrome
Mironov S., Vasiliev D.
Treatment of limb fractures in children with multiple and concomitant injuries
Khodjanov I., Khodzhaev R.
Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic displacement of middle and lower cervical spine
Moiseenko V., Tsodyks V.
Tactics of complex prevention and treatment of purulent-septic complications in clinical traumatology
Sergeev S., Ezmekna S., Zelenshna L., Novozhilova E., Golubeva V., Suvorova I., Yurina T., Zagorodniy N., Abdulkhabirov M., Koshevarova O.
Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of congenital arthrogryposis in children
Malakhov O., Kosov I., But-Gusaim I., Mikhaylova S.
Splint-boot for the treatment of injuries in the ankle joint
Ott G., Lange L.
Method of radioulnar superposition in the treatment of patients with congenital radial club hand
Prokopovich V.
The use of osteogenon in the complex treatment of patients with skeletal fractures
Izmalkov S., Caskets Y.
Osteoarthritis: current state of the problem (analytical review)
Mironov S., Omelianenko N., Orletsky A., Markov Y., Karpov I.
Method for the treatment of ulnar and prepatellar bursitis
Ostrovsky V., Mozdon A., Bessonov A.
Treatment of open fractures of the leg
Gordienko D., Skoroglyadov A., Litvina E., Mitish V.
The method of surgical treatment of ars-syndrome
Mironov S., Orletsky A., Vasiliev D.
A method for arthroscopic fixation of the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint in case of their acute injury
Mironov S., Orletsky A., Vetrila V.
Combined treatment of malignant medullar spine tumors
Bizer V., Kudryavtseva G., Zubarev А.
Surgical treatment of injuries and diseases of the spine using the steffee and luque systems
Vetrila S., Kuleshov A.
Diagnosis and treatment of marginal fractures of the acetabulum
Ezhov Y., Smirnov A., Labazin A.
Diagnosis and treatment of fractures of the nail phalanges of the fingers in children
Shastin N., Nemsadze V., Kulikova N.
Evaluation of the results of treatment of injuries of the flexor tendons of the fingers
Fedoseev A., Lapin V., Lobanov D.
Our modification of the splint for the treatment of injuries of the finger extensor tendon at the level of the distal interphalangeal joint
Zolotov A.
Various limb-saving operations in children with primary malignant tumors of long bones
Kovalev V., Strykov V., Starostina А., Borodachev А., Kovalev D., Lebedev K., Yasonov A., Bystrov A., Rykunov A.
Treatment of open extensive injuries and destruction of the hand
Korshunov V., Germanov V., Skopinov V., Karazhaev K.
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis IV and VI
Mikhailova L., Sokolova T., Polyakova O.
Universal reposition and fixation ring for surgical treatment of acetabulum fractures: preliminary results of laboratory static tests
Kolesnik A., Gavryushenko N., Fomin L., Donchenko S., Solodilov I., Ivanov D., Ovcharenko A., Surikov V., Tarasov E.
Restorative treatment for traumatic dislocations of the acromial end of the clavicle
Kotelnikov G., Stukolov B., Chernov A.
The use of artificial correction of movements and orthotics in the complex conservative treatment of patients with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine
Skoblin A.
Tendinous-muscular transposition for the treatment of nn median us, ulnaris, radialis injury sequelae
Grishin I., Shiryaeva G., Polotnyanko V.
Solid type of aneurysmal bone cyst
Berezhniy A., Burdygin V., Snetkov А., Verchenko G., Nechvolodova О., Frantov А.
Operative treatment of combined fractures of pelvic bones and lower extremities
Cherkes-Zade D., Chelyapov V., Lazarev A.
Surgical treatment of comminuted fractures of the humeral condyle type C according to the AO/ASIF classification
Zhabin G., Fuad S., Fedyunina S.
On conservative treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the hip and knee joints in adults
Nazarov E.
Surgical treatment of patients with transverse flat feet, hallux valgus: medical process design
Kuzmin V.
State of the cardiorespiratory system in patients with grade IV thoracic scoliosis before and after surgical treatment
Avtandilov A., Vetrile S., Nemanova D., Kuleshov A.
Massive Retroperitoneal Bleeding in Pelvic Fractures
Lazarev A., Borozda I.
Treatment of femoral neck fractures at the turn of the century
Lirtsman V., Zorya V., Gnetetsky S.
Features of the treatment of lower limb deformities in children with systemic diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Lapkin Y., Konyukhov M.
Surgical methods in the complex treatment of fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine
Ramikh E., Atamanenko M.
Some aspects in the treatment of patients with a suppurative process after joint implanting
Makhson N., Pokryvalov A.
Modified apparatus for reposition and fixation of bone fragments
Oganesyan O.
Surgical treatment and rehabilitation capabilities of patients with patellar fractures
Solod E., Zagorodniy N., Lazarev A., Tsykunov M., Abdulhabirov M., Hijazin V.
Surgical treatment of fractures of the distal femur using the LISS system
Cherkes-Zade D., Monesi M., Causero A., Marcolini M.
Skeletal dysplasia: classification, early diagnosis and treatment
Mikhailova L.
Early surgical treatment of acute patellar dislocation
Lazishvili G., Kuzmenko V., Girshin S., Lishansky A., Gorbunova E.
Features of the treatment of injuries of the talus
Koryshkov N., Zaytsev O.
Medico-biological aspects of experimental studies of armored contusion injury
Crazier A., Kamenev Y.
Treatment of intervertebral disc hernia in lumbar spine
Musalatov K., Aganesov A., Shulyak Y., Pestereva L., Khoreva N.
Anomalies of development and dysplasia of the upper cervical spine (clinic, diagnosis and treatment)
Vetrile S., Kolesov S.
Tactics of providing qualified medical care to severely burned patients. Preventing Errors and Complications
Zhegalov V., Dmitriev D., Vorobyov A., Vilkov S.
Conservative treatment of osteoarthritis of large joints
Geroeva I., Tsykunov M.
Thermal Burns: Treatment
Pakhomov S., Pakhomov A.
Diagnosis of Asymptomatic Pelvic Ring Injuries
Cherkes-Zade D., Nechvolodova O., Lazarev A., Morozov A., Urazgildeev R.
Injuries of the thoracic and lumbar spine due to juvenile osteoporosis
Merkulov V., Rodionova S., Ilyin V., Zhigacheva A., Lapkin S.
Evaluation of the Influence of HaloGravity Traction upon the Results of Severe Neuromuscular Deformity Treatment
Kolesov S., Baklanov A., Shavyrin A., Kudryakov S., Shaboldin A., Kaz’min A.
The case of surgical treatment of a victim with an injury to the common carotid artery
Shirko N., Mikhailets G.
The role of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of knee joint lesions in children
Zar V., Merkulov V., Ushakova O.
Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow
Golubev V., Golubev V., Ondar V.
Organizational of Mechanisms of Innovation Management and Their Realization in Public Health (on the example of the Tsiv’yan Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics)
Totskaya E., Sadovoy M.
Gentle method of treatment of closed diaphyseal fractures of the tibia bones in elderly and old people
Semenov A., Rabinovich L., Kalashnik A., Yakimov L.
Complication rate of long bone fractures treated by early stable internal and trans-osseous osteosynthesis
Faddeev D.
Conservative Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis in Children
Berezhniy A., Ochkurenko A.
Treatment of Femoral Head Aseptic Necrosi
Akhtyamov I., Kovalenko A., Anisimov O., Akhtyamov I., Kovalenko A., Anisimov O.
Treatment of Elbow Fractures in Children and Adolescents
Merkulov V., Dorokhin A., Stuzhina V., El'tsin A., Mininkov D., Merkulov V., Dorokhin A., Stuzhina V., El'tsin A., Mininkov D.
Treatment of dislocations and dislocationfractures of carpal bones
Magdiev D., Korshunov V.
Combination of craniocerebral and skeleton injurieis: diagnosis and management
Ankin L., Polishchuk N., Treshchinsky A., Shlapak I., Roschin G., Farmanolla A., Babaev E.
Blood components autotransfusion at the planned treatment of patients with orthopaedic diseases
Dorozhko І., Onoprienko G.
On conservative treatment of complications of irregularly healed fractures of the distal radial metaepiphysis
Landa V., Kachur E.
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