
The history of the journal Neurology Bulletin (to the 130th anniversary)
Sozinov A.S., Mendelevich V.D., Mitrofanov I.A.
Structural and bioenergetic changes in muscle tissue in idiopathic muscular dystonia
Bushueva O.O., Antipenko E.A., Pchelin P.V., Mukhina I.V., Lobanov I.A.
Acupuncture: theory, efficacy, and practice (Ann. Intern. Med. —2002. —Mar. 5. — Vol. 136(5). —P. 374—383: англ.)
Kaptchuk T.
Chronicle and mixture, Vol. XVI, № 2 (1909)
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Comt val158met genotype affects mu-opioid neurotransmitter responses to a pain stressor (Science. — 2003. —Feb. 21. — 299(5610). — P. 1240—1243: англ.)
Zubieta J., Heitzeg M., Smith Y., Bueller J., Xu K., Xu Y., Коерре R., Stohler C., Goldman D.
Genality, mental imbalance and criminality
Vorotynsky B.I.
Annals of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University
Donskov N.A.
Ways of psychological and psychopharmocological correction of psychoemotional state of women with dishormonal focal diseases of the mammary gland in pre-operation period
Ustimov D.Y.
Report on the activities of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1907
Nikolaev V.V.
Letters to the editor 2. Volume XV, № 4 (1909)
Golenishcheva-Kutuzova O.
Letters to the editor 1. Volume XV, № 4 (1909)
Golenishcheva-Kutuzova O.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Volume XV, № 3 (1908)
Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.
Clinical and immunological indications of diffuse connective tissue diseases in patients with multiple sclerosis
Sultanova I.V., Kolikova Y.O., Ishmuhametova D.G., Matveeva T.V., Arleevskaya M.I.
Kazan neurological school: past and present
Ismagilov M.F.
Chronicle and mix
Donskov N.A.
To the question of multiple sclerosis epidemiology on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan
Kondratjeva O.S., Ismagilov M.F., Matveeva T.V., Saitgaleev I.Z.
Report of the Odessa City Psychiatric Hospital for 1906, compiled by the doctors of the hospital
Board E.
"Russian Medical Vesnik". 1898, no. 1
Vorotynskiy B.I.
The development of myxedema in the wounded
Arkhangelskaya E.N.
Chronicle and mixture, Vol. X, № 3 (1902)
Baklushinskiy I.D.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University dated January 28, 1909
Darkshevich L.O., Sholomovich A.S.
Vasily Petrovich Andreev - teacher, doctor, person (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health of the TASSR)
Mendelevich D.M.
The first steps of psychiatry during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 Dr. Shumkov. Works of the Society of Kiev Doctors for 1907
Board E.
Mental disorders with voice disorders
Galiullina L.K., Mendelevich D.M.
Сh. Vallon et Ar. Marie. Les alienes en Russie 1899
Vorotynskiy B.
Cerebral insult incidence and death rates in the Republic of Tatarstan
Ismagilov M.F.
Pletnev and Citron. Serodiagnosis of syphilis. (Medical Review No. 2. 1908)
Zhilin I.N.
Ligation of thyroid arteries for vascular goiter, B. Enokhina. Scientific notes of Kazan University. XI-XII. 1907 year
Board E.
A case of sudden death of an epileptic during sleep
Naumov F.A.
VII Congress of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov in Kazan
Obraztsov V.N.
A few words about the article by Dr. Osipov: "Long-term research in the area of the central endings of the X-th pair of cranial nerves"
Klyachkin G.A.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1898)
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Paroxysmal course of Nishimoto-Takeuchi-Kudo disease (my-my disease)
Danilov V.I., Zakirova N.G., Tavluy K.P.
Chronicle and mix. Volume XXIII, № 1-2 (1916)
Baklushinsky I.D.
G. Etienne arbitrary zoniform hemorrhage (Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpätriere № 5, 1907)
Board E.
Journal "Practical Medicine" No. 4, X Pirogovskiy congress
Sholomovich A.S.
Cerebral circulation disorder is the most important medical and social problem. Organization and development prospects of care for patients with cerebral stroke in the Republic of Tatarstan
Ismagilov M.F.
To the question of differentiated therapy of urination disfunctions in multiple sclerosis patients
Kuzmina S.V., Zaslavsky L.G., Kuzmin I.V.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of November 15
Popov N.M.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 2 (1898)
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Social and hygienic aspects of a disease incidence and treatment results of patients with primary tumors of the central nervous system in the Republic of Tatarstan
Danilov V.I., Alexejev A.G., Vakhitov S.M.
State of vegetative neurous system and nonspecitic adaptation mechanisms in multiple sclerosis patients
Evdokimova O.V., Starikov A.S., Lapkin M.M., Zhdanov V.A.
Brain function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Brain. — 2002. — Jan. — Vol. 125 (Pt 1). — P. 4—13: англ.)
Anderson J., Head S., Rae C., Morley J.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 1 (1899)
Vorotynsky B.I.
To the question of the centers of suppression of pupillary reflexes in the medulla oblongata
Chukovsky V.V.
On the issue of suturing peripheral nerves and dorsal roots of the spinal cord
Tsypkin I.I.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Volume XV, № 2 (1908)
Darkshevich L.O., Pervushin V.P.
Rodiet A. et F. Cans. Visual auras in epileptics (Archives de Neurologie No. 9 —1907)
Board E.
Gamma-glutamyltransferase and risk of stroke: the eurostroke project (J. Epidemiol Community Health. — 2002. — Feb. — Vol. 56 Suppl 1. —P. 25—29: англ.)
Bots M., Salonen J., Elwood P., Nikitin Y., Freire D., Concalves A., Inzitari D., Sivenius J., Trichopoulou A., Tuomilehto J., Koudstaal P., Grobbee D.
Letter to the editor from Dr. Klyachkin
Osipov V.
Chronicle and mixture. Volume XVII, № 2 (1910)
Donskov N.A.
Evaluation of the role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of localization of herniated intervertebral discs in lumbar osteochondrosis
Ablyazov O.V., Shokirov E.A., Khudoiberdiev K.T., Khamraev R.B.
Effect of early rehabilitation on restoration of motor functions in acute period of cerebral circulation lesion
Takhavieva F.V., Bogdanov E.I.
Dr. med. N. N. Reformatsky. Charity for the mentally ill in Berlin, Paris and Vienna. St. Petersburg. 1908
Sholomovich A.S.
S. Wladyczko. Troubles mentaux pendant le siege de Port-Arthur, Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpetriere. № 4. Juillet Aout. 1907
Board E.
Psychophysiological research and tasks of neuroprophylaxis
Andrushchakevich A.A., Troshin V.D.
Atypical symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome — treatment and results (Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr — 2002. — Jan. — Vol. 70(1). —P. 46—51: нем.)
Sakhel J., Ahlhelm F., Schwerdtfeger K., Steudel W., Kelm J., Loew C., Nabhan A.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 3 (1897)
Ostankov P.A.
M. Laehr. On disturbances of pain and temperature sensation as a result of diseases of the spinal cord - Archive. f. Psychiatry, vol XXVIII, issue. 3
Board E.
Long-term results of conservative treatment of giant unruptured cerebral aneurysms
Schlosberg P.
Amendments to the article by P. A. Viktorovsky
Board E.
Chronicle and mix. Volume XV, № 4 (1909)
Baklushinsky I.D.
Velocity of Na+/LI+ countertransport in patients with a chronic heart failure and cerebrovascular disease
Bulashova O.V., Oslopov V.N., Matveeva T.V.
Chronicle and mix. Volume XIV, № 1 (1907)
Donskov N.A.
About the Gürtle method
Fanstein B.
Тhе genetic epidemiology of multiple sclerosis (Philos trans. r. soc. lond. b. Bbiol. sci. - 1999; oct. 29; 354; 1623-1634)
Compston A.
Role evaluation of autoimmune inflammatory reaction in cerebral ischemia pathogenesis
Zhdanov G.N., Gerasimova M.M.
Pharmacoepidemiologic usage analysis of neuroleptics for treating paranoid schizophrenia in psychiatry hospital
Kuchaeva A.V., Ziganshina L.E., Yakhin K.K., Minnetdinova L.M., Gatin F.F., Mikhailova E.B.
Letter to the editor. Volume XIV, № 1 (1907)
Board E.
Food and headache attacks. A comparison of patients with migraine and tension-type headache (Panminerva Med. — 2002. — Mar. — Vol. 44(1). — P. 27—31: англ.)
Savi L., Rainerо I., Valfre W., Gentile S., Lo Giudice R., Pinessi L.
Physician-psychiatr in the role of an expert on trial
Vorotynsky B.I.
A.S.Dogel Histological research. Issue I. Zap. Imper. Academy of Sciences, vol. VII oy; E. Heimann. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der feineren Structur der Spinalganglien. Virchow's Archiv., Bd. 152, IL 2., p. 298 .; On the same. Ueber die feinere Structur der Spinalgan- glienzellen. Fortschritte der Medic. 1898. Bd. 16, no. 9; Van Gehuchten and Ch. Nelis. Quelques points concernant la structure de cellules des ganglions spinaux. "La Cellule", recueil de cytologie et d'histologie generale. 1898 2nd issue; Vladislav Kuzicka. Untersuchungen über die feinere Structur der Nervenzellen und ihrer Fortsatze. Archiv. f. microsc. Anat. 1899 H. 4, Bd. 53
Murzaev B.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VI, No. 4 (1898)
Vorotynsky B.I.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on March 8, 1898
Popov N.M.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting on November 30
Popov N.M.
Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment 11/4 96 years
Bekhterev V.M.
Dynamics of clinical manifestations of myofascial trigger points. In the rehabilitation of patients with ankylosing arthritis with pondylo
Parsanov S.A., Ivanichev G.A.
To the attention of the authors of the journal "Neurological Bulletin"
Board E.
On the question of determining the number of mentally "sick warriors in need of charity"
Vyrubov N.A.
Chronicle of the Society of neuropathologists and livres at the Imperial Kazan University. In a joint meeting on September 10, 1915
Steinberg S.
Medical and economic report on the psychiatric department (with a colony) of the Odessa City Hospital for 1901
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Dr. M. Lannois. Observation of the chest of a hysterical woman. Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpetriere
Tsaregradsky Аннотация A.
Souques et Harvier Secretory neurosis Névrose sécretaire. „Revue neurology“. 1908 № 10
Osokin N.E.
Appeal of the Central Committee for the construction of a monument to the late professor of surgery Ernst von Bergman
Board E.
L. Marchand et Nonet. Epilepsy et Paralysie generale. (Annales Med. Psych. Janv.-Fevr. 1908)
Khudyakov A.I.
Kurt Mendel. To the casuistry of the sacral form of multiple sclerosis. Neurologisches Centralblatt—1908—No. 3
Veselitsky I.A.
Chronicle and mix. Volume XIV, No. 2 (1907)
Board E.
P. M. Krasin. To scholarship G regeneration of peripheral nerves after damage to them. Experimental histological examination. With the attachment of three tables of figures. Diss. 142 pages Kazan, 1907
Sholomovich A.S.
The usefulness of children’s drawings in the diagnosis of headache (Pediatrics. — 2002. Mar. — 109 (3). — P. 460-472: англ.)
Stafstrom C., Rostasy K., Minster A.
Lower endotoxin immunity predicts increased cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients after cardiac surgery (Stroke. — 2003. —Feb. — 34(2). — P. 508—513: англ.)
Mathew J., Grocott H., Phillips-Bute B., Stafford-Smith M., Laskowitz D., Rossignol D., Blumenthal J., Newman M.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 2 (1899)
Nikolaev V.V.
W. von Bechterew. Bewusstsein und Hirnlocalisation. Rede gehalten auf der allgemeinen Versammlung des VI. Kongresses russischer Ärzte zur Erinnerung an. N. J. Pirogoff. Deutsch R. von Weinberg. Leipzig. 1898
Yanishevskiy A.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VI, No. 3 (1898)
Nikolaev V.V.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol meeting on October 26
Popov N.M.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1897)
Soloviev A.
Paroxysmal syndromes in patients with discirculation in vertebral-basilar system
Eninya G.I., Zagoryanskaya G.V.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Livers at the Imperial Kazan University of September 10, 1915
Steinberg S.
Ernst Emil Moravcsik. —Ueber die Frühsymptome der progressiven Paralyse. — Allg-Zeitschr. f. Psychiatry LVIII Bd., 5 Heft. — About the early symptoms of progressive paralysis
Boldyrev V.S.
E. L. Klyucheva. Staphylococcemia as a cause of mental illness. - Russian Doctor, 1910, № 32
Baklushinsky I.D.
Diseases of the nervous system in the Russian army for 1891-1900
Sobolevsky A.V.
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