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Vol 72, No 2 (2023) Extended combined screening for preeclampsia prediction in women with diabetes mellitus
Kapustin R.V., Tcybuk E.M., Kopteeva E.V., Alekseenkova E.N., Chepanov S.V., Shelaeva E.V., Arzhanova O.N., Korenevsky A.V., Kogan I.Y.
Vol 51, No 3 (2002) External endometriosis, effectiveness of laparoscopic surgery PDF
Savelieva G.M., Shtyrov S.V., Golova Y.А., Karapetyan R.S., Pivovarova О.Y.
Vol 12, No 4 (1898) Extraction from the historical review of the activities for the past decade from 1887 to 1897 of the Obstetric and Gynecological Society at I. Moscow University PDF
Chechulin S.D.
Vol 54, No 3 (2005) Extraembryonic and amniotic structures in normal and complicated pregnancies. Ed. V.E. Radzinsky and A.P. Milovanova PDF
Kvetnoy I.М., Kolobov А.V.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Extraembryonic structures and perinatal complications PDF
Radzinskiy V.Y., Kondratjeva Y.N., Gagaev C.G., Orazmuradov A.A., Avramenko S.A.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) Extrauterine (peritoneal) pregnancy. Charevosuchenie. Removal of a dead fetus. Recovery PDF
Eberlin A.
Vol 12, No 7-8 (1898) Extrauterine Pregnancy operated on at the seventh Month. Transactions of the Southern surgical and gynecological Association PDF
Ginzburg M.
Vol 9, No 1 (1895) F. A. Dobert. — Beiträge zur Anatomie der Uterusschleimhaut bei ektopischer Schwangerschaft. (Arch. F. Gynaekologie, Bd., XLVII, Hft. 2). To the anatomy of the uterine mucosa in ectopic pregnancy PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 7, No 5 (1893) F. Westemark. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wehenthätigkeit des menschlichen Uterus bei der physiologischen Geburt. (Skandinavisches Arch. für Physiologie. 1893). The forced activity of the human uterus during physiological childbirth. Experimental research PDF
Soloviev A.N.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) F.A. Stefanis. - A case of dual deformity. (Universitetskíya Izvestiya, Kiev, 1895, No. 3) PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Factors influencing embryo development in-vitro PDF
Vorobjeva O.A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Factors of early ovarian cancer’s prognosis PDF
Bakhidze E.V., Maximov S.J., Hederim M.N., Chepik O.P.
Vol 8, No 5 (1894) False dermoid ovarian cysts that developed after oophoropexy PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 51, No 2 (2002) Features Central Blood Circulation at Women with Normal and Pathological Current of Pregnancy PDF
Kosheleva N.G., Buzurukova P.S., Vosheva T.P., Crawl T.M.
Vol 63, No 6 (2014) Features experiences gynecological patients in the preoperative period
Bloch M.E.
Vol 64, No 2 (2015) Features of a course of pregnancy at bronchial asthma and influence of immunological deposits on a placentary barrier PDF
Shapovalova E.A., Zubzhitskaya L.B., Lavrova O.V., Arzhanova O.N., Dymarskaya Y.R.
Vol 52, No 4 (2003) Features of adaptation of newborns with intrauterine growth retardation PDF
Evsyukova I.I., Fomenko B.A., Andreeva А.А., Kovalchuk-Kovalevskaya O.V., Dodkhoev D.S., Kianksep А.N., Tretyakova M.B., Maslyanyuk N.A.
Vol 62, No 2 (2013) Features of Asthma Treatment while Pregnancy PDF
Lavrova O.V., Shapovalova Y.A., Petrova M.A., Dymarskaya Y.R., Sablina A.V.
Vol 52, No 4 (2003) Features of cardiointervalogram and the state of central hemodynamics in newborns who underwent acute hypoxia PDF
Evsyukova I.I., .Fedorova М.V.
Vol 52, No 2 (2003) Features of changes of menstruation function in the various periods of ontogenesis at the working women of an instrument-making industry PDF
Kostjuchek D.F., Patutin V.N.
Vol 61, No 4 (2012) Features of diagnostic cognitive impairment for faces of genesial age PDF
Vorobev S.V.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Features of early adaptation at newborn high infectious risk PDF
Antipova I.I., Aksenov A.N., Kuzmenko L.E., Bashakin N.F.
Vol 49, No 3 (2000) Features of endocrinal status dynamics of women subjected to the influence of radiation PDF
Bezhenar V.F., Kira E.F., Beskrovnyi S.V.
Vol 50, No 4 (2001) Features of functional maturation of the central nervous system in fetuses with multiple pregnancies
Prokhorova V.S., Pavlova N.G., Konstantinova N.N.
Vol 65, No 1 (2016) Features of labor induction with patients with the premature rupture of membranes associated with the lack of biological readiness for deliveri in case of full-term pregnancy PDF
Bolotskih V.M., Afanasieva M.H., Kuzminykh T.U.
Vol 64, No 5 (2015) Features of oxidative modification of proteins and erythrocyte functional state in pregnancy complicated by placental insufficiency PDF
Shevelkova A.A., Aylamazyan E.K., Evsyukova I.I.
Vol 47, No 3-4 (1998) Features of pregnancies and labors in women endured acute salpingoophoritis PDF
Novikov E.l., Marchak A.A., Simchera I.A., Chernichenko I.I.
Vol 63, No 3 (2014) Features of pregnancy and delivery in minors female in a metropolis (by the example of St. Petersburg)
Mikhaylin Y.S., Ivanova L.A., Savitskiy A.G., Zhibura L.P., Minina A.G.
Vol 66, No 4 (2017) Features of pregnancy with gestational diabetes mellitus and prediction of diabetic fetopathy PDF
Akhmetova E.S., Lareva N.V., Mudrov V.A., Gergesova E.E.
Vol 65, No 6 (2016) Features of proand antioxidant systems in patients with uterine leiomyoma and its combination with adenomyosis and endometrial hyperplasia and the development of recurrence after organ-saving operations PDF
Popov E.N., Arutyunyan A.V., Sudakov D.S., Dymarskaya Y.R.
Vol 50, No 3 (2001) Features of regional blood flow after endoscopic myomectomy
Niauri D.A., Harutyunyan A.F.
Vol 48, No 2 (1999) Features of the central hemodynamics of the pregnant women with insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) mellitus and gestosis PDF
Busurukova P.S.
Vol 70, No 6 (2021) Features of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in women with cerebrovascular pathology and assessment of perinatal outcomes
Yatsenko D.S., Gabelova K.A., Bezhenar V.F.
Vol 69, No 5 (2020) Features of the course of pregnancy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Nikolayenkov I.P., Kuzminykh T.U., Tarasova M.A., Seryogina D.S.
Vol 61, No 3 (2012) Features of the gene polymorphism of estrogen and progesterone receptors in women with uterine leiomyoma PDF
Osinovskaya N.S., Ivaschenko T.E., Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Baranov V.S., Tkachenko A.N., Sultanov I.Y.
Vol 69, No 2 (2020) Features of the medical history and pregnancy outcomes in women with antiphospholipid syndrome depending on correction methods PDF
Kravchenko E.N., Goncharova A.A., Kuklina L.V.
Vol 65, No 1 (2016) Features of the morphological structure of endometrial infiltrates in women with chronic pelvic pain syndrome PDF
Efimenko T.O., Kogan I.Y., Tral T.G., Molotkov A.S., Tolibova G.K.
Vol 68, No 6 (2019) Features of the placenta structure in post-term pregnancy PDF
Burkitova A.M., Polyakova V.O., Bolotskikh V.M., Kvetnoy I.M.
Vol 71, No 6 (2022) Features of the prognosis and outcomes of pregnancy with massive subchorionic thrombosis. A literature review
Kuznetsova A.A., Shelepova E.S., Osipova N.A., Roschina T.Y., Zazerskaya I.E.
Vol 71, No 1 (2022) Features of the reproductive tract microbiota in patients with genital endometriosis. A literature review
Kazymova O.E., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Savicheva A.M.
Vol 68, No 4 (2019) Features of the vegetative status and quality of life in patients with external genital endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome PDF
Kuznetsova D.E., Prokopenko S.V., Makarenko T.A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Features of thermoregulatory reaction of the rabbit fetus, developing in reduced utero-placental blood flow conditions PDF
Nazarova L.A., Petrova O.P., Konstantinova N.N.
Vol 62, No 4 (2013) Features of uterine scar after cesarean section depending on the time of delivery PDF
Telegina I.V., Pavlov R.V., Selkov S.A.
Vol 65, No 5 (2016) Features of vascular stiffness in pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia and postpartum PDF
Riabokon N.R., Zazerskaya I.E., Bolshakova O.O.
Vol 67, No 1 (2018) Features of women’s vaginal delivery with uterine scar at present stage PDF
Mudrov V.A., Mochalova M.N., Mudrov A.A.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) Fecal fistula of the small intestine, occurring from the pressure of the peri-uterine effusion. Self-healing PDF
team E.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) Fehling. - Weitere Beiträge zur Lehre von der Osteomalakie. (Arch. F. Gyn., Bd. XLVIII, Hft. 3). More to the doctrine of osteomalacia PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 8, No 10 (1894) Female doctor M. A. Panfilovich. Three cases of embryotomy. (Collection of protocols General Kaluga doctors for 1893 Kaluga. 1894, p. 55) PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 8, No 10 (1894) Female doctor M. Volkova. A case of treatment of non-operated uterine fibroids by means of vibrations. (Proceedings of the General Russian doctors in St. Petersburg for 1893-1894, March) PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) Female Doctor, Mistriss Mary Scharlieb. - (Physician to the In-Patients New Hospital for Women.) Surgical Treatment of Uterine Myomata. - (British Med. Journ., 1895, 12 / i, p. 68) .- Surgical treatment of myom uterus PDF
Ginzburg M.
Vol 49, No 5S (2000) Female genital candidiasis - approaches to standardization of diagnosis and treatment PDF
Mirzabalaeva A.K.
Vol 12, No 2 (1898) Female infertility PDF
Stoll K.G.
Vol 50, No 4 (2001) Female military personnel in the navy - a paradox or a reality?
Tsutsiev S.A., Lizunov Y.V., Terentyev L.P., Tsutsieva M.G.
Vol 52, No 2 (2003) Femoston 1/5 as a preparation continuous combined hormonotherapy in pre- and postmenopausal patients PDF
Repina M.A.
Vol 48, No 1 (1999) Femoston as a hormone replacement therapy for ovarian failure PDF
Repinа M.A., Zinina T.A., Korzo T.M.
Vol 51, No 3 (2002) Femoston in the substitute hormonotherapy of early and late climacteric disorders in patients with postovariectonomical syndrome, which were subjected to surgical intervations in their transitional age PDF
Beskrovny S.V., Tsveliov Y.V., Bezhenar V.F., Karpishchenko J.M.
Vol 50, No 2 (2001) Fetal adrenal cortex function in pregnancy, complicated by maternal insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Shelaeva E.V., Mikhailov A.V., Borodina V.L., Oparina T.I.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Fetal adrenal function in normal and insulin-dependent diabetic pregnancies PDF
Shelaeva E.V., Mikhailov A.V., Borodina V.L., Konstantinova N.N.
Vol 12, No 2 (1898) Fetal birth per vias naturales with extrauterine pregnancy PDF
Malinovskiy A.
Vol 51, No 1 (2002) Fetal brain venous return in complicated pregnancy PDF
Ailamazyan E.K., Polyanin A.A., Kogan I.Y.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Fetal cells in maternal circulation PDF
Takabayashi H., Takahashi H., Ozaki M., Kita M., Kuwabara S., Ukita T., Yamafuji K., Ikawa K.
Vol 70, No 3 (2021) Fetal growth and development disorders in smoking pregnant women
Gryzunova E.M., Baranov A.N., Solovyov A.G., Kazakevich E.V., Chumakova G.N., Kiselyova L.G.
Vol 71, No 6 (2022) Fetal growth restriction in diabetic pregnancy: a retrospective single-center study
Kopteyeva E.V., Shelayeva E.V., Alekseenkova E.N., Nagorneva S.V., Kapustin R.V., Kogan I.Y.
Vol 71, No 6 (2022) Fetal growth restriction: ways to the solution of the problem. A literature review
Shcherbakova E.A., Baranov A.N., Revako P.P., Istomina N.G., Burenkov G.M.
Vol 50, No 2 (2001) Fetal growth retardation in multiple pregnancy: anthropometrical and haemodynamic criteria of early antenatal diagnosis
Prokhorova V.S., Pavlova, N.G., Kozlov V.V., Novikova A.V.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Fetal plasma ACTG, cortisol and C-peptide levels and fetal lung maturity in insulin-dependent diabetic pregnancies PDF
Shelaeva E.V., Mikhailov A.V., Borodina V.L., Oparina T.I., Konstantinova N.N.
Vol 63, No 1 (2014) Fetal'naya ekhokardiografiya: patologiya levykh i pravykh otdelov serdtsa PDF
Bataeva R.S.
Vol 63, No 1 (2014) Fetal'naya neyrosonografiya: anomalii razvitiya zadney cherepnoy yamki v I i II trimestrakh PDF
Bataeva R.S.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) Fetid endometritis in old women PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 7, No 5 (1893) F.F.Kutlinskiy. To the question of the operation of taking away the dropped handle. (Protocol of the meeting of obstetrician-gynecological society in Kiev. God 5, volume 5, issues 9 and 10) PDF
Krasnopolskiy F.
Vol 53, No 2 (2004) Fibrocystic breast disease: diagnostic approaches PDF
Kogan I.J., Polyanin А.A., Tarasova М.А., Mjasnicova М.O., Solnceva I.А.
Vol 72, No 6 (2023) Fibroid pseudocapsule: a modern view of the problem. A literature review
Polenov N.I., Yarmolinskaya M.I.
Vol 12, No 4 (1898) Fibrom und Dermoidcyste des Ligamentum rotundum PDF
Fischer F.F.
Vol 12, No 2 (1898) Fibromyoma (cervix) of the uterus, removed immediately after childbirth PDF
Zakharievskiy A.I.
Vol 8, No 5 (1894) Fibromyoma of uterus, becoming sarcomatous PDF
Kaplyanskiy V.
Sokolovsky L.I.
Vol 5, No 1 (1891) Fibrous (croupous) inflammation of the entrance and sleeve (colpitis crouposa) PDF
Brandt A.
Vol 5, No 7-8 (1891) Fifty gluttonies PDF
Hermonius A.
Hermonius A.K.
Hermonius A.K.
Vol 63, No 6 (2014) First-trimester medical abortion
Sukhikh G.T., Serov V.N., Prilepskaya V.N., Khan N.E., Tutunnik V.L., Baranov I.I., Baev O.R., Shmakov R.G., Tetruashvili N.K., Klimenchenko N.I., Kuzemin A.A., Astakhova T.M., Balushkina A.A., Aylamazyan E.K., Tarasova M.A., Krasnopolskiy V.I., Logutova L.S., Melnik T.N.
Kochurova V.
Vol 8, No 10 (1894) Flaischlen. Zur Complication der Schwangerschaft und der Geburt durch Ovarialtumoren. (Zeitschrift. Für Geb. und Gyn., Bd. XXIX). To complications of pregnancy and childbirth with ovarian tumors PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Sadovsky P.T.
Mironova M.M.
Vol 49, No 5S (2000) Flow cytofluorometry of cervico-vaginal flushes as an objective method for the diagnosis of urogenital disorders in women who have undergone bilateral oophorectomy PDF
Konovalov V.I., Zvychayny M.A., Vorontsova A.V., Gorlenko A.V., Kiseleva M.K., Pristolenko S.Y.
Vol 62, No 5 (2013) Fluorescence monitoring photodynamic therapy of benign of the uterine cervix diseases associated with human papillomavirus PDF
Khachaturyan A.R., Papayan G.V., Petrishchev N.N.
Semenova T.V., Milyutina Y.P., Arutyunyan A.V., Arzhanova O.N.
Vol 62, No 6 (2013) Folate therapy optimization in complicated pregnancy PDF
Kerkeshko G.O., Arutjunyan A.V., Arzhanova O.N., Milyutina Y.P.
Vol 8, No 3 (1894) For a case of bending back and infringement of the pregnant uterus PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 5, No 1 (1891) For examination and dietetics pregnant women and women who have recently given birth. PDF
Cordy G.
Vol 50, No 1 (2001) For the 100 year anniversary of Prof. R.R. Makarov PDF
Tsvelev J.V.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) For the study of the removal of tumors of the uterine appendages through the vagina PDF
Soloviev A.N.
Vol 11, No 9 (1897) For the treatment of ovarian tumors during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 12, No 5 (1898) Forceps with adjustable axis-Traction PDF
Ginzburg M.
Vol 5, No 5-6 (1891) Foreign body in the uterine cavity PDF
Bukhshtab A.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) Forensic case of prolapse of the mucous membrane of the urethra PDF
Yurasovskiy I.K.
Vol 65, No 2 (2016) Formation of fetal opioid system PDF
Yakovleva A.A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Formation of thermoregulation in sleep state in early human ontogenesis PDF
Minitcheva T.V., Evsjukova I.I., Petrova О.P.
Vol 53, No 4 (2004) Founder of "educational homes for brought children and hospitals for poor mothers" PDF
Abashin V.G., Tsvelev Y.V.
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