
The current state of the science of aphasia
Idelson G.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1897)
Editorial B.
Prof. Т. Flechsig: "New investigations into marrow formation in the human cerebral lobes". Neurolog. Centrablatt. 98 г. № 21.
Troshin G.
The state of the mentally ill in the Stepnoye general-governorships (Akmola, Semipalatinsk and Semiruchensk regions) for the period from 1893 to 1897 inclusive
Shaykevich M.
Prof. Dallemagne. The will in its relations with penal responsibility. — Paris. Scientific Encyclopedia of Aide-Mémoire published under the supervision of M. Léanté, Member of the Institute
Vorotynskiy B.I.
On the location of the motor centers of the cerebral cortex in a person according to the results of irritation by their faradic current during cerebral operations
Bekhterev V.M.
A. I. Yushchenko. On the question of bed keeping mentally ill. (Russian. Medical Bulletin)
Greke V.
To the question of excitability of the cortex and epileptic seizures in lower animals
Lapinsky M.
The second epidemic of hysterical convulsions in the Podolsk district, Moscow province
Genik E.A.
Ophthalmoplegia with periodic raising and lowering of the upper eyelid and with a kind of visual illusion
Bekhterev V.M.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of an emergency appointment on February 8, 1898
Popov N.M.
To the microscopic anatomy of the medulla oblongata
Blumenau L.V.
S. Ramon Cajal. Nouvelles contributions à l’étude histologique de la rétine. Journal de l’Anatomie et de la Physiologie. XXXII année, 1896, № 5. Septembre—octobre. P. p. 481—543
Smirnov A.E.
About the looped layer. Research by the method of rebirth
Lazurskiy A.F.
А. Cramer. Pathological-anatomical findings in an acute case of the paranoia group. Bd. 29, Heft. 1. pg. 1—24)
Idelson G.
К. Chdchowski.—Niezwykly zbior objawow, towarzyszacy znieczuleniom polowicznym mozgowym pochodzenia organicz- nego.—Gazeta lekarska. 1897, № 2
Board E.
On the question of secondary degeneration in the spinal cord
Sukhanov S.A., Agapov A.V.
Nissl. Die Hypothese der specifischen Nervensellenfundion. (Allg. Zeitschr. f. Psychiat. Bd. 54. pg. 1—107)
Idelson G.
I. A. Klimov. About the pathways of the cerebellum. Diss. Kazan, 1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
To the question of diseases of the conusmedullaris and the sacral part of the spinal cord
Bregman I.S.
H. M. Reznikov. To the doctrine of the structure of the retina. -Diss. SPb. 1897 year
Vorotynskiy B.I.
About the connections of the cerebellum with the rest of the central nervous system
Telyatnik P.I.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Minutes of the meeting on October 27
Popov N.M.
Alzheimer. A "born criminal". —Archiv f. Psych. Vol. XXVIII, H. 2. II. Kurella. Fetishism or simulation? Jd. Notebook. 3
Board E.
Differential diagnosis of multiple neuritis. Polyesthesia and macroesthesia
Shcherbak A.E., Ivanov I.I.
Pathological and anatomical changes in the brain in acute delirium
Popov N.M.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of September 20, 1899
Popov N.M.
Physiological and psychological foundations of aesthetics
Smirnov A.I.
About auditory centers in the cortex of hemispheres
Bekhterev V.M.
Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1898
Vorotynsky B.I.
I.K.Shmukler. Children masturbation. Kiev. 1897 year
Sergeev L.A.
To the morphology of the terminal nervous apparatus in the muscles of voluntary movement
Polumordvinov D.
To casuistic progressive muscle atrophy
Bregman I.S.
Experimental research of the memory of sound impressions
Girshberg N.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the annual meeting of the Society on January 31, 1898
Popov N.M.
Prof. A.S. Tauber. Brain surgery. Clinical lectures. -Spb. 1898
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Theoretical and practical considerations regarding the study of cranial circulation by measuring blood pressure at the two ends of the carotid artery
Telyatnik F.N.
Dr. A. Mercier. Sections from the central nervous system. -Translated from French. N. Vyrubova, with a preface by prof. V. M. Bekhterev. Published by K. L. Rikker. SPb. 1897. Price 1 r. 40 k
Vorotynskiy B.
On the question of servants in psychiatric hospitals
Morozov M.S.
Prof. PI Kovalevsky. Epilepsia senilis. — Archive of psychiatry, neurology and court. psychopathology. 1897, №1 .; Prof. PI Kovalevsky. To the doctrine of toxic epilepsy and its treatment. — Archives of psychiatry. 1897, № 2
Vorotynskiy B.I.
K. Strozewski. — Leczenie wiadu rdzenia. Treatment tabes dorsalis. — Gazeta lekarska. 1897, no. 5
Board E.
Ivanov, Differential diagnosis of multiple neuritis. Polyesthesia and macroesthesia
Shcherbakov A.E., Ivanov. I.I.
Ernst Beyer. Ueber eine Form der acuten Verworrenheit im klimakterischen Alter. (Archiv f. Psych. Bd. 29. Heft. pg. 182—210)
Idelson G.
A.P. Langovoy. About gastrointestinal disorders in patients suffering from hysteria and neurasthenia. —Moscow, 1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
A Case of Epidemic Religious Insanity
Maevsky M.M.
Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment 19/3 96
Bekhterev V.M.
К. Schaffer: Zur feineren Struktur der Hirnrinde und über funktionelle Bedeutung der Nervenzellenfortsätze. Arch. f. Mikrosk. Anatomie. XLVIIL 4 Heft. 1897. S. S. 550—572
Smirnov A.E.
A case of hysterical aphasia
Zhestkov V.I.
Е. Tromner. Contribution to the knowledge of disorders of the external language, especially in multiple sclerosis and dementia paralytica. —Archive for Psychiatry. Vol. XXVIII, H. 1
Board E.
About fusion or stiffness of the spinal column, as a special form of disease
Bekhterev V.
A rare deformity of the brain, accompanied by incomplete separation of the cerebral hemispheres
Osipov V.P.
Academician V.M.Bekhterev. Therapeutic value of hypnosis. SPb. 1900
Vorotynskiy B.
Development and current state of the doctrine of pathological and anatomical changes in dorsal tabes
Shtern N.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of March 26, 1900
Popov N.M.
The volume of changes in the cerebral cortex in senile dementia
Lazursky A.F.
The doctrine of neurons before the court of the newest researchers
Arnstein K.A.
Spitzer: A case of tumor at the bottom of the diamond pit. Contribution to the knowledge of the posterior longitudinal bundle. (From the nervous department of Prof. Krafft-Ebing and from the laboratory of Prof. Obersteiner in Vienna). — Yearbooks f. Psychiatry and neurology. Vol. 18. 1899
Troshin G.
Influence of ligation of cervical arterial trunks in young age on the development of the skull and brain
Konosevich M.A.
Letter to the editors
Likhachev A.
The essence of hysteria (To the phenomena of irradiation and antagonism between nerve centers)
Knotte B.
Chronicle and mixture, Volume XXII, No.3-4 (1915)
Editorial B.
Estimated income and expenditure of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs for 1915
Baklushinsky I.D.
Minutes of the III meeting of the Society on March 27, 1914
Darkshevich L.
Chronicle and mix, Volume XXII, No.1 (1915)
Editorial B.
From the Physics and Medicine Society in Moscow
Sukhov A.A.
Surgical intervention for seizures of partial epilepsy caused by a brain tumor
Lapukhin V.D.
G. Freud. The theory of sexual attraction. Authorized translation from the 2nd nѣm. ed. Dr. A. Vyakhirev and H. E. Polyakov. Ed. Psychotherapeutic Library. Issue III. Moscow 1911
Obraztsov V.N.
Sommer. On the question of kindred marriages and reduction of the number of ancestors in humans and animals. Zur Theorie der Verwandtenehe und des Ahnenverlustes bei Menschen und Tieren. Klinik f. psych. u. nerv. Kankh. v. R. Sommer. B. V. H. 4. S. 291
Averbuch R.
On the question of the influence of mental fatigue on the psyche of students.
Plaksin N.V.
Fr. Linn. On the influence of local arsonwalization. Ueber die Wirkung localer Arsonwalisation. — Arch, physik. Med. u. med. Technik. III. Bd. H. 3-4
Klyachkin G.
Dr. Holos. Epilepsy and paranoia. Neurolog. Gentralblatt, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
V.N. Vasiliev. Foreigners from the north of the Turukhansk region. Yearbook of the Russian Anthropological Society at St. Petersburg University, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Dr. Ch. de Montet und dr. W. Skop. Myasthenia gravis und Muskelatrophie. Monatsschrift f. Psychiatrie und Neurologie 7. 1908
Sholomovich A.
Dr. Anglade et Jacken. Cardiovascular form of epilepsy. Annales medicopsychologiques, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Can we talk about the physiological dementia of a woman?
Osipov V.P.
L. Gutmann. The difference between sound perceptions in neuro and mentally ill. Untersuchungen über die Unterschieds empfindlichkeit auf dem Gebiet der Schallemfmdungen bei herben und Geisteskranken. — Monatschrift f. Psych. und Neurol. 1908-V
Sholomovich A.
S. Vincent. Two cases of chronic syphilitic meningitis. Revue neurol. No. 19, 1908
Osokin N.
Dr. G. Panegrossi. To scholarship on the spinal cord dryness, accompanied by chronic spinal meningitis. Beitrag zur Studium der von chronischer spinaler Meningitis begleiteten tabes. Monatschr. f. Psych. und Neur. 1908-IV
Sholomovich A.
Some data from the literature on diseases of the lowest part of the spinal cord with two cases of self-observation
Veselitsky I.A.
J. Grasset et A. Gaussel. Sign of organic paralysis of the lower limb, (Un signe de paralysie organique du membre inférieur. Revue neurol. 1905. No. 17)
Pavlov A.
Historical outline of the situation of patients with epilepsy and the matter of helping them in ancient Russia
Sukhov A.A.
Combined plantar phenomenon. Reflectivity in hysteria (Le phénomene plantaire combiné. Etud de la réflectirité dans l'hystérie. Revue neurol. 1904. No. 27)
Pavlov A.
Artur A. D. Townsend. Mental depression and melancholy viewed from the point of view of autointoxication with a special report on the presence of indoxyl in urine and the clinical significance of this phenomenon.
Toporkov N.
Chronicle and mix
Editorial o.
Protocol of appointment on February 25, 1901
Popov N.M.
Prof. S. S. Korsakov "Bed keeping during the treatment of acute forms of mental illnesses and the changes caused by them in the organization of institutions for the mentally ill". Journal of neurops. and psychiatr. named after S. S. Korsakov. 1901 book. I and II
Yanishevskiy L.
Influence of artificial skull sutures in young animals on its growth and development
Babkin B.P.
R. Näcke. Significance of inheritance in progressive paralysis. (Die Rolle der erblichen Belastung bei der Progressiven Paralyse der Irren). - Neurolog. Centralblatt. 1900. No. 16. 748 s
Malyev V.
About the central conductors in the upper branch n. facialis
Aspisovykh I.N.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of October 29
Popov N.M.
Common ocular motor paralysis in a tabetic anatomical examination. A. Papadaki. (Neurological Review, 1904)
Kagan S.
Psychiatry statistics
Maleev V.P.
Chronicle and mix
Obraztsov V.N.
Prof. A. Pick. A note about the pathology of acroparesis. Revue Neurologique 1903, p. 12.
Yanishevskiy A.E.
Multiple cranial sarcoma due to the transfer of neoplasm from the lung
Vyrubov N.A.
† V.I.Vasiliev
Vorotynskiy B.
Ob changes in temperature with progressive paralysis of the mad
Sorokovikov G.V.
M. Lapinskiy. The state of reflexes in the paralyzed part of the body with total interruptions of the spinal cord. (Questions of Neuro-Psychic Medicine. Vol. VI)
Obraztsov V.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on September 26
Popov N.M.
Dr. N.A. Vyrubov. About the degeneration of nerve cells and fibers in the spinal cord with growing paralytic dementia — Diss. SPb. 1899
Vorotynskiy B.
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