
Ultrasound diagnosis of the parathyroid glands changes during the clinical examination
Kraynyukov P.E., Rybchinsky S.S., Kotkovets N.A.
Features of formulating a clinical diagnosis and medical examination of military personnel in case of chemical and gas poisoning.
Kryukov E.V., Gaiduk S.V., Kuzmich V.G.
An algorithm for diagnosing and making an expert decision for injuries of peripheral nerves
Litvinenko I.V., Tsygan N.V., Bazilevich S.N., Bulatov A.R., Naumov K.M., Zabolotsky N.N., Kolomentsev S.V., Gaivoronsky A.I.
Ultrasound assisted examinations in the provision of medical care for military personnel: organization and problematic issues
Salukhov V.V., Kitsyshin V.P., Surzhikov P.V., Demyanenko A.V., Varavin N.A.
Diseases of the vocal apparatus in military personnel: modern diagnostics and objectification of treatment results
Dvoryanchikov V.V., Golovanov A.E., Kuts B.V., Lisovskaya T.L., Morozov A.D.
Diagnostic value of calculation methods for determining left ventricular hypertrophy when examining military personnel with essential hypertension
Fursov A.N., Potekhin N.P., Chernov S.A., Zakharova E.G., Datsko A.V., Mailer K.S., Pestovskaya O.R., Sharonova S.P., Chernov M.Y., Petrova O.N.
Experience in using simulation training in the training of residents in the specialty «Anesthesiology and intensive care»
Shchegolev A.V., Andreenko A.A., Strukov E.Y., Lakhin R.E., Tsygankov K.A.
The 111th Main State Center for Forensic and Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Defense is 80 years old
Pinchuk P.V., Fokin A.A.
Branch No. 1 of the Main Center for Military Medical Expertise of the Russian Ministry of Defense celebrates the 100th anniversary
Datsko A.V., Korobko S.A., Andronenkov I.A.
The relevance of the method of ultrasound diagnostics in medical examination of military personnel
Rybchinsky S.S., Demyanenko A.V., Mashkov T.N.
Syncope in military personnel is a problematic issue of military medical expertise
Litvinenko I.V., Naumov K.M., Odinak M.M., Bazilevich S.N., Zolotareva N.A., Datsko A.V., Petrova O.N., Koryakin S.V.
Study of the peculiarities of the labor activity of a medical specialist in military medical examination
Serikov V.V., Datsko A.V., Koryakin S.V.
Ensuring the habitability of samples of military equipment of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation: methodological aspect
Shchukina N.A., Osipov O.A., Bogdanova O.A.
The founder of military dentistry in Russia
Kovalevsky A.M., Zheleznyak V.A., Meilikh I.M.
Improving the flight medical expertise: experience of cooperation between civil and military healthcare
Aldasheva A.A., Sivash O.N., Lim V.S., Lekalov A.A., Runets O.V.
Branch No. 1 of the N.N.Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital (7th Central Military Clinical Aviation Hospital) celebrates the 80th anniversary.
Davydov D.V., Lim V.S., Gorbunov R.S.
Osteopathic correction of the emotional and functional state of adolescents from military families with a high level of neuro-emotional stress
Buchnov A.D., Matvienko V.V., Lupanov A.I., Budko A.A., Klimko V.V., Arseniy T.V.
Directions for improving the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders in military personnel in the conditions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Kryukov E.V., Agafonov P.V., Gaiduk S.V., Lemeshkin R.N.
Ways to improve military medical expertise of the citizens subject to conscription
Datsko A.V., Cherkashin V.S., Tokarev V.D., Kabalin A.P., Sergoventsev A.A., Pastukhov A.G.
On improvement of standard medical examination of military personnel of the Armed Forces
Popov A.P., Pastukhov A.G.
Methodological approaches to assessing the nutritional status of military personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the US Army
Smirnova G.A., Ishchuk Y.V., Konovalova I.A., Kravchenko E.V., Andriyanov A.I.
Organizational and legal foundations of the military medical examination department in Saint-Petersburg
Petrova O.N., Karasaeva L.A., Chaplyuk A.L.
Efficiency of ultrasound diagnostics of adrenal glands incident during a screening examination
Demyanenko A.V., Rybchinskii S.S., Bakasova A.V.
From the history of military-medical examination in the Far East (To the 60th anniversary of the 4th Branch of the Main center of military-medical examination of the Ministry of Defense of RF)
Pashkovskiy R.D.
Health status of female soldiers serving in the Northern Fleet
Myznikov I.L., Askerko N.V., Ustimenko L.I., Miloshevskiy A.V., Khankevich Y.R., Volkova L.V., Sadchenko S.N., Matochkina A.A.
Risk factors for the development of bone metastases of breast cancer
Moskaleva L.I., Astakhova T.P.
Military medical examination for urolithiasis in the Armed Forces (analysis of work published in 2015-2019)
Kryukov E.V., Protoshchak V.V., Paronnikov M.V., Karpushchenko E.G., Datsko A.V., Petrova O.N., Nikolaev O.V., Borisov A.G.
Medical examination of military personnel as a system of preventive and medical-diagnostic measures in the Armed Forces: experience
Eloev M.S., Klipak V.M., Zherebko O.A., Yasakova M.V.
Phased rehabilitation treatment of military pilots with alimentary obesity
Chernetsov V.A., Kostyuchenko O.M., Kazakov S.P., Lim V.S., Ovinnikov A.A., Karakozov A.G., Sheenkov Y.A., Levchenko O.B., Molodova A.I.
On the provision of medical care to patients of the dispensary group in a multidisciplinary military medical organization
Mashkov T.N., Krainyukov P.E.
Formation and development of flight-surgeon examination in the Branch № 1 of Main Military Clinical Hospital n. a. N.N.Burdenko
Esipov A.V., Tsyganok V.A., Vartbaronov R.A.
Methodological approaches to effectiveness assess of the medical fitness of citizens for military service
Khmelik V.I., Brovkin S.G.
New in the military-medical examination of persons suffering from hypertension
Potekhn N.P., Chaplyuk A.L., Fursov A.N., Sarkisov K.A., Starovoitova I.M., Orlov F.A.
An activity of forensic services during the Great Patriotic War: events, facts, people.
Pinchuk P.V., Fokin A.A.
Branch N 1 of the Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital celebrates the 75th anniversary
Lim V.S., Ovinnikov A.A., Efimenko N.A., Nagovitsyn A.V., Gorbachev O.Y., Sapegin A.N.
From the history of military medical examination in Russia
Churilov Y.K., Chaplyuk A.L., Brovkin S.G., Vovkodav V.S.
Clinical and laboratory features of chronic dermatosis among military personnel.
Patrushev A.V., Samtsov A.V., Nikitin V.Y., Ivanov A.M., Gumilevskaya O.P., Sukhina I.A.
Medical support for the aviation of the Air Force of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War
Vartbaronov R.A., Ushakov I.B., Zhdanko I.M., Khomenko M.N., Vovkodav V.S., Churilov Y.K.
Technology of the stroke prevention: experience in the use of methods of preventive cardioneurology
Rudskikh O.P., Shirokov E.A., Batusov O.V., Suvorov A.V.
Evaluation of gynecologic morbidity in female cadets of military universities of St. Petersburg
Artyukhova N.S., Shmidt A.A., Abashin V.G.
Main principles of heart failure diagnosis of some diseases of internal organs in practice of military medical examination
Kalmanov A.S., Brovkin S.G., Bulavin V.V., Pashkovskii R.D., Denisova M.P., Zhitnikov A.G.
Problems of military medical examination of military servicemen suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chaplyuk A.L., Brovkin S.G., Kal'manovA.S A.S., Bulavin V.V.
Scientific and research experimentation center of aviation and space medicine and human engineering celebrates 80th anniversary.
Zhdanko I.M., Vorona A.A., Lapa V.V., Khomenko M.N.
Specialized geriatric examination at the Department of anaesthesiology and resuscitation
Ilnitskii A.N., Gorelik S.G., Volkov D.V., Ermolaev V.A., Belov D.F., Kulikov V.A.
Branch № 1 of the Main center of military-medical examination of the Ministry of Defense of Russia celebrates the 95th anniversary
Chaplyuk A.L., Andronenkov I.A.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease: features of pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and examination of citizens
Grinevich V.B., Chaplyuk A.L., Petrova O.N., Bakushkin I.A., Kravchuk Y.A., Britvina L.A.
The use of the functional diagnostic tests for the additional assessment of the risk of cardiovascular diseases during an in - depth medical examination of military personnel
Popov A.P., Leksina N.Y., Kudinova S.P., Petrov S.V., Samodeenko O.A., Bekker A.K., Levina A.E., Dolgova E.V., Batueva N.B., Abramova M.V.
Epileptic seizures after a concussion are an urgent and complex issue in military medical expertise
Litvinenko I.V., Bazilevich S.N., Odinak M.M., Emelin A.Y., Naumov K.M., Datsko A.V., Petrova O.N., Koryakin S.V.
Stages of development of military medical examination (To the 90 anniversary of establishment of permanent military medical commissions)
Kamenskov N.N., Koval’sky O.N.
Outpatient care for patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of lower extremities
Nemchenko I.A., Krivoshchekov E.P., Dmitriyeva I.A.
Chronic kidney disease as an object of medical examination
Chaplyuk A.L., Potekhin N.P., Sarkisov K.A., Orlov F.A., Starovoitova I.M., Karakozov A.G.
The internal quality control of medical care in military medical organizations
Kuvshinov K.E., Ryzhman N.N., Reutskii I.A., Butsenko S.A.
Expert approaches to chronic kidney disease
Kryukov E.V., Potekhin N.P., Chaplyuk A.L., Sarkisov K.A., Borisov A.G., Orlov F.A.
Optimization of methods of medical examination of students of the Moscow Cadet Corps «Pansion of pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation»
Moshetova L.K., Zakharova I.N., Meshkov A.V., Doroshina E.A., Machneva E.B., Reznichenko E.V., Nikiforova T.Y., Koldina O.N.
Problems of military medical examination and dispensary observation of military personnel with chronic viral hepatitis
Zhdanov K.V., Kozlov K.V., Shakhmanov D.M., Zhabrov S.S., Yaremenko M.V., Sukachev V.S., Lyashenko Y.I., Ivanov K.S., Zubik T.M.
Experience of military medical examination of personnel working with chemically dangerous objects
Khalimov Y.S., Matveev S.Y., Voronin S.V., Yazenok A.V., Fomichev A.V., Pershko V.A.
Military medical examination of anorexia nervosa (clinical case)
Datsko A.V., Cherkashin V.S., Pashkovskii R.D., Novik M.V.
Laparoplasty of the pyelourethral segment with hydronephrosis in young military personnel
Protoshchak V.V., Sivakov A.A., Kushnirenko N.P., Karandashov V.K., Sinel’nikov L.M.
Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of complexes of medical rehabilitation of flight personnel with the autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system
Vovkodav V.S., Godilo-Godlevskii V.A., Churilov Y.K., Richei I.I., Yakovleva E.V.
The system of rendering ent-aid in the troops in the new look of medical service the russian Armed Forces
Govorun M.I., Kokorina O.V.
About military medical examination of patients with paroxysmal supraventricular reciprocating tachycardia
Simonenko V.B., Kuvshinov K.E., Steklov V.I., Gorbatov E.A., Morozov D.A., Emelyanenko M.V.
Bilateral massive pulmonary embolism: clinical observation and literature review
Koltunov A.N., Lishchuk A.N., Shklovskii B.L., Kornienko A.N., Brovko L.E., Salomov A.A., Esion G.A., Koltunova T.Y., Baksheev V.I.
Development of a methodology of for medical-flight examination of flight personnel under condition of hospital
Isaenkov V.E., Shishov A.A., Ryzhenkov S.P., Olenev N.I., Shishkin A.N., Filatov V.N.
On the interaction of the Russian Defence Ministry with the subjects of the Russian Federation on health protection of citizens, called up for military service
Pastukhov A.G., Datsko A.V.
Features of symptomatology, autonomic regulation and central hemodynamics in aircrew with poor tolerance of hypobaric anoxia
Vartbaronov R.A., Churilov Y.K., Shishov A.A., Vovkodav V.S., Bondareva S.V., Shishkin A.N.
Military medical examination in case of the central retinopathy
Ignatev S.A., Kabalin A.P., Chaplyuk A.L., Koryakin S.V., Nam Y.A.
Military-medical examination for cardiovascular diseases in the central military clinical hospital
Shklovskii B.L., Prokhorchik A.A.
Development of the system of medical examination of aviation personnel of the state aviation of the Russian Federation
Sergoventsev A.A., Pastukhov A.G., Zemlyakov S.V., Datsko A.V., Churilov Y.K., Vovkodav V.S., Petrova O.N., Richei I.I.
To the issue of quality management in healthcare based on standards
Gruzdeva A.A., Khubulava G.G., Ilin M.V., Kharitonova E.A., Mushnikov D.L.
Analysis of recruits and doctors satisfaction in Orenburg region organization of medical support training of citizens for military service
Kuz’min S.A.
Organizational aspects of medical service for veterans of the Great Patriotic War
Popov A.P., Pokusaev A.A.
Problematic medical and psychological issues concerning rehabilitation of crews during the after-sea-dutymen period.
Liseenko A.N., Artemenko E.S., Demeev Y.A., Shchur M.S.
Modern methods of diagnosis of chronic viral hepatitis used in the practice of the military-medical examination
Bulavin V.V., Chaplyuk A.L., Kal’manov A.S., Solomka A.V., Denisova M.P., Blinov V.V.
Actual issues of medical-flight expertise in aortic regurgitation.
Ovchinnikov Y.V., Chaplyuk A.L., Nagovitsyn A.V., Vovkodav V.S., Chernov M.Y., Antonik E.Y.
Application of Integrative medicine at the centre of medical rehabilitation for aircrew
Gorbachev O.Y., Ovinnikov A.A., Shchegolkov A.M., Sapegin A.N., Vysotskii A.E., Gornov S.V., Stupin F.P.
Тhe military medical examination of military personnel with the consequences of closed craniocerebral injuries
Litvinenko I.V., Bazilevich S.N., Odinak M.M., Naumov K.M., Chaplyuk A.L., Brovkin S.G., Klimov I.A., Koryakin S.V.
Chronic kidney disease affecting the determination of the category of fitness for military service
Kryukov E.V., Datsko A.V., Potekhin N.P., Sarkisov K.A., Borisov A.G., Petrova O.N., Koryakin S.V.
Experience of using computer posturography for pre - flight and post - flight control of the functional state of the body of pilots
Zhiltsova I.I., Alzhev N.V.
Diagnosis of atherosclerosis and its risk factors in military personnel of chemically hazardous objects
Gordienko A.V., Gorichnyi V.A., Partsernyak A.S., Serdyukov D.Y., Khalimov Y.S., Yazenok A.V.
Prophylactic medical examination of military personnel with ENT-diseases
Belevitin A.B., Govorun M.I., Syroyezhkin F.A.
Pathology of the nervous system in conscripts with drug abuse in past medical history: symptomatology, diagnostics methods
Litvintsev B.S., Odinak M.M., Kovalenko A.P., Efimtsev A.Y., Tarumov D.A., Petrov A.D., Lisyanskii D.A.
A new light on professional fitness expertise of patients with highly curable arrhythmia after hi-tech methods of treatment.
Simonenko V.B., Hubulava G.G., Chaplyuk A.L., Steklov V.I., Morozov D.A., Emelyanenko M.V.
Preparation of the sea-based aviation pilots to aviation physical examination
Gavrilov V.V., Eshkinin I.V., Miloshevskii A.V.
General approaches to the formulation of the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm in the conduct of military medical examination
Kryukov E.V., Chaplyuk A.L., Koryakin S.V., Krylov N.L., Kabalin A.P., Ushakov I.I.
Features of an in-depth medical examination of frame officers with a high and very high risk of cardiovascular disease
Popov A.P., Kucheruk T.V., Didenko O.I., Khachaturian L.E., Chernevich S.V., Tsygelnikova Y.V.
Minor cardiac abnormalities: study and evaluation for the purpose of military medical examination
Chaplyuk A.L., Brovkin S.G., Koryakin S.V., Ariskina M.A., Ignatov Y.G., Orlov F.A.
Diagnosis, treatment, and medical examination of military personnel with familial hypercholesterolemia
Pomogaibo B.V., Kryukov E.V., Chaplyuk A.L., Sergienko I.V., Ezhov M.V., Chernov S.A., Shakhnovich P.G.
Prospects for improving expert approaches to determining suitability for military service, considering the provisions of the International Classification of Diseases of the eleventh revision
Datsko A.V., Potekhin N.P., Brovkin S.G., Ignatov Y.G., Yumanov A.P.
Organizational design of the medical service of the Russian army in the XVII - early XVIII centuries
Kulnev S.V., Kryuchkov O.A.
Problem aspects of the medical examination for HlV-infection in the youth of conscription age
Akimkin V.G., Parshyn M.Z., Zemlyakov S.V.
75 years safeguarding health of warriors of Saint-Petersburg (Leningrad) garrison
Tsymbal A.N.
Health status of military men serving on the North Fleet
Myznikov I.L., Askerko N.V., Khankevich Y.R., Ustimenko L.I., Burtsev N.N., Kuzminov O.V., Sadchenko S.N., Matochkina A.A., Trofimova A.Y.
Age estimation of two-stage splenic injury
Pinchuk P.V., Levandrovskaya I.A.
About modern aspects and trends in military out-patient institutions’ activity
Popov A.P.
On disadvantages of medical and expert opinions on the category of eligibility of citizens subject to conscription for military service
Pinchuk P.V., Burmistrova N.V., Chaplyuk A.L., Datsko A.V.
System of examination and treatment in health resorts of children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Nenko A.M., Vlasenko S.V.
Effect of different methods of physical training to improve the special physical qualities pilots maneuvering aircraft.
Maryashin Y.E., Malashchuk L.S., Filatov V.N.
Forensic evaluation of the displacement of the spleen with a full stomach
Levandrovskaya I.A., Aseeva I.A., Pinchuk P.V., Kryukov E.V., Troyan V.N.
About the professional standard of a specialist in military medical examination
Khrapylina L.P., Koryakin S.V., Kabalin A.P., Datsko A.V.
The usage of the age-related structural changes of the skin during the forensic medical examination of the dismembered corpses
Savenkova E.N., Efimov A.A.
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