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Vol 489, No 2 (2019) Sulfides in the marbles of spurrite-merwinite facies: the Kochumdek River, East Siberia PDF
Sokol E.V., Deviatiiarova A.S., Kokh S.N., Reverdatto V.V., Artemyev D.A., Kolobov V.Y.
Vol 488, No 2 (2019) Sulfur isotope composition of Ru-Os sulfides from the Verkh-Neivinsky dunite-harzburgite massif (Middle Urals, Russia): new data PDF
Murzin V.V., Badanina I.Y., Malitch K.N., Ignatiev A.V., Velivetskaya T.A.
Vol 484, No 2 (2019) Suns are convex in tangent directions PDF
Alimov A.R., Shchepin E.V.
Vol 486, No 2 (2019) Synthesis and gas transport parameters of membranes modified by star­shaped nanocrystalline palladium PDF
Petriev I.S., Bolotin S.N., Frolov V.Y., Baryshev M.G.
Vol 485, No 4 (2019) Synthesis and hydrophobic properties of poly[(perfluoro-tret-hexyl)bytylmethacrylate] PDF
Mel’nik O.A., Kondratenko М.S., Tyutyunov A.A., Igumnov S.M., Khokhlov A.R.
Vol 485, No 1 (2019) Synthesis and properties of new 2,3,5,6-tetraaminopyridine based polyheteroarylenes PDF
Ponomarev I.I., Razorenov D.Y., Ponomarev I.I., Volkova Y.A., Skupov K.M., Lysova A.A., Yaroslavtsev A.B.
Vol 484, No 4 (2019) Synthesis and self-assembling amphiphilic diblock-copolymers of (2,3,4,5,6)-pentafluorostyrene PDF
Chekurov K.E., Barabanova A.I., Blagodatskikh I.V., Lokshin B.V., Peregudov A.S., Abramchuk S.S., Khokhlov A.R.
Vol 485, No 2 (2019) Synthesis of isotopically modified derivatives of dopamine, serotonin and doxorubicine with Boc-Pro and Boc-[2H]Pro PDF
Shevchenko V.P., Andreeva L.A., Nagaev I.Y., Myasoedov N.F.
Vol 487, No 5 (2019) Synthesis of nanostructured island alumina coatings on the surface of macropores of hierarchically porous nickel PDF
Gnedovets A.G., Zelenskii V.A., Ankudinov A.B., Tregubova I.V., Alymov M.I.
Vol 487, No 5 (2019) Synthesis of new polytype modifications of Fe7C3 AT 5,5 GPa PDF
Chepurov A.I., Gromilov S.A., Sonin V.M., Sukhikh A.S., Zhimulev E.I., Chepurov A.A., Sobolev N.V.
Vol 484, No 1 (2019) Synthesis of Ni nanoparticles with controlled pyrophoricity and mean size PDF
Alymov M.I., Rubtsov N.M., Seplyarsky B.S., Zelensky V.A., Ankudinov A.B., Kovalev I.D., Kochetkov R.A., Shchukin A.S., Petrov E.V., Kochetov N.A.
Vol 487, No 5 (2019) Synthesis of the new sodium pectinate metal complexes with cobalt and nickel ions and their antimicrobial activity PDF
Minzanova S.T., Arkhipova D.M., Khabibullina A.V., Mironova L.G., Voloshina A.D., Sapunova A.S., Kulik N.V., Milyukov V.A., Mironov V.F.
Vol 484, No 3 (2019) Synthesizing spacecraft orbits with high inclinations using Venusian gravity assists PDF
Golubev Y.F., Grushevskii A.V., Koryanov V.V., Tuchin A.G., Tuchin D.A.
Vol 487, No 4 (2019) Synthetic chalcogenides of gold in the Au-Te-Se-S system and their natural analogs PDF
Palyanova G.A., Tolstykh N.D., Zinina V.Y., Kokh K.A., Seryotkin Y.V., Bortnikov N.S.
Vol 487, No 2 (2019) System of equations for boundary layer of rheologically complex media. The Crocco variables PDF
Bulatova R.R., Samokhin V.N., Chechkin G.A.
Vol 485, No 4 (2019) Systematics and distribution of ferret badgers Melogale (Mammalia, Mustelidae) in Vietnam: first genetic data PDF
Rozhnov V.V., Korablev M.P., Abramov A.V.
Vol 488, No 3 (2019) Taking into account the fluid saturation of bottom sediments in marine seismic survey problem PDF
Golubev V.I., Shevchenko A.V., Petrov I.B.
Vol 485, No 3 (2019) Taurida cave, a new locality of the early pleistocene vertebrates in Crimea PDF
Lopatin A.V., Vislobokova I.A., Lavrov A.V., Startsev D.B., Gimranov D.O., Zelenkov N.V., Maschenko E.N., Sotnikova M.V., Tarasenko K.K., Titov V.V.
Vol 485, No 1 (2019) Technogenic radioactivity of waters in the Central Arctic Basin and adjacent water area PDF
Matishov G.G., Kasatkina N.E., Usyagina I.S.
Vol 485, No 3 (2019) Temperature measurements of optically cooled calcium atoms using differential two-photon spectroscopy PDF
Bobrov A.A., Vilshanskaya E.V., Arshinova I.D., Saakyan S.A., Sautenkov V.A., Zelener B.V., Fortov V.E.
Vol 488, No 5 (2019) Template method for graphene synthesis PDF
Chesnokov V.V., Chichkan A.S., Bedilo A.F., Shuvarakova E.I., Parmon V.N.
Vol 489, No 5 (2019) Textured materials with extreme wettability for water harvesting from aerosols PDF
Emelyanenko K.A., Melnikov S.N., Proshin P.I., Domantovsky A.G., Emelyanenko A.M., Boinovich L.B.
Vol 486, No 2 (2019) Thapsigargin, inhibitor of sarco-endoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase, effectively suppresses the expression of S100A4 in human breast cancer cell line PDF
Kotnova A.P., Lyanova B.M., Dukhanina E.A., Portseva T.N., Ilyin Y.V., Georgieva S.G., Stepchenko A.G., Pankratova E.V.
Vol 485, No 6 (2019) The accuracy of finite-difference schemes calculating the interaction of shock waves PDF
Ostapenko V.V., Khandeeva N.A.
Vol 486, No 4 (2019) The accurate calculation of the geodetic heights of the celestial body’s surface points relative to the triaxial ellipsoid PDF
Fleis M.E., Nyrtsov M.V., Borisov M.M., Sokolov A.I.
Vol 486, No 1 (2019) The adhesion of human dermal fibroblasts on anodized nanotube-layered titanium, modified for implantology application PDF
Fadeyev F.A., Khrunyk Y.Y., Belikov S.V., Lugovets D.V., Gubaeva O.V., Karabanalov M.S., Leontyev S.L., Popov А.А.
Vol 485, No 6 (2019) The age and evolution of the lithospheric mantle in the East Antarctic Craton: osmium isotope composition and the distribution of the platinum group elements in spinel lherzolite nodules PDF
Krymsky R.S., Antonov A.V., Belyatsky B.V., Sushchevskaya N.M., Sergeev S.A.
Vol 484, No 3 (2019) The age of back-arc spreading of the Ural paleoisland arc (by the results of Sm-Nd and U-Pb dating of dolerites and studying the composition of inclusions in zircon) PDF
Ivanov K.S., Berzin S.V., Erokhin Y.V., Ronkin Y.L., Khiller V.V.
Vol 486, No 6 (2019) The analysis of physical and chemical efficiency of electroflotation process the removing products of hydrolysis titanium tetrachloride from technogenic effluents PDF
Meshalkin V.P., Kolesnikov A.V., Saveliev D.S., Kolesnikov V.A., Belozerskiy A.Y., Menshova I.I., Maslyannikova D.V., Sucheva O.V.
Vol 488, No 1 (2019) The antiproliferative action of the “early” protein of papillomavirus HPV16 E2 on testis toumors of mice induced by the injection of Hela cells PDF
Salyaev R.K., Rekoslavskaya N.I., Stolbikov A.S.
Vol 485, No 2 (2019) The conservative version of a method of the characteristics with a floating grid in problems of gas dynamics PDF
Grishin Y.A., Bakulin V.N.
Vol 489, No 6 (2019) The CoOccurence of Hyoplagus and Lepus (Leporidae, Lagomorpha) in the early pleistocene of Crimea PDF
Lopatin A.V.
Vol 486, No 3 (2019) The CYP443C1 (CYP74 clan) cytochrome of sea anemone Nematostella vectensis - the first Metazoan enzyme possessing hydroperoxide lyase / epoxyalcohol synthase activity PDF
Gorina S.S., Toporkova Y.Y., Mukhtarova L.S., Grechkin A.N.
Vol 486, No 4 (2019) The deformators of high ranks and the kröner incompatibility tensors with two-dimensional structure of subscripts PDF
Georgievskii D.V.
Vol 485, No 4 (2019) The development of reporter system for the investigation of molecular mechanisms of ecdysone response PDF
Mazina M.Y., Krasnov A.N., Georgiev P.G., Vorobyeva N.E.
Vol 484, No 5 (2019) The distribution of Nb and Ce betweet two immiscible melts in the system CePO4–SiO2–NaF–Fe2O3–Nb2O5 PDF
Delitsyn L.M.
Vol 489, No 6 (2019) The duality principle and new forms of the inverse Laplace transform for the analysis of signal propagation in inhomogeneous media with dispersion PDF
Pavelyev A.G., Pavelyev A.A.
Vol 489, No 3 (2019) The effect of a rapid photon treatment of the foil of the PdCu solid solution of composition close to the equiatomic PDF
Ievlev V.M., Solntsev K.A., V. Serbin О.V., Dontsov А.I., Sinetskaya D.А., Roshan N.R.
Vol 485, No 6 (2019) The effect of distributed dislocations on bending of a rectangular beam with a preliminarily stressed layer under superposition of large strains PDF
Levin V.A., Zubov L.M., Zingerman K.M.
Vol 484, No 2 (2019) The effect of initial temperature on the modes of passivation of pyrophoric na-nopowder (macrokinetic approach) PDF
Seplyarskii B.S., Rubtsov N.M., Ivleva T.P., Alymov M.I.
Vol 484, No 1 (2019) The effect of seismic deformation mechanisms on fluid migration in accumulation area of gold ore concentrations PDF
Zlobina T.M., Petrov V.A., Murashov K.Y., Kotov A.A.
Vol 488, No 5 (2019) The energy spectrum of the current velocity in deep layers of the Black Sea PDF
Klyuvitkin A.A., Ostrovskii A.G., Lisitzin A.P., Konovalov S.K.
Vol 488, No 2 (2019) The existence theorem for weak solution of optimal feedback control problem for the modified Kelvin-Voigt model of weakly concentrated aqueous polymer solutions PDF
Plotnikov P.I., Turbin M.V., Ustiuzhaninova A.S.
Vol 489, No 1 (2019) The exoskeleton of vertebrates: the geometric regularities of the formation of armor relief in early jawless vertebrates (Agnatha, Vertebrata) PDF
Afanassieva O.B.
Vol 484, No 6 (2019) The exotic inim block of the argun continental superterrane of the central asian fold belt: results of U-Th-pb geochronological (LA-ICP-MS) and Sm-Nd isotopic-geochemical studies PDF
Ovchinnikov R.O., Sorokin A.A., Kotov A.B., Sal'nikova E.B., Kovach V.P., Sorokin A.P.
Vol 486, No 4 (2019) The experimental simulation of ores leaching processes from the deposit Lyubov (Transbaykalia) PDF
Epova E.S., Yurgenson G.A., Eremin O.V.
Vol 485, No 2 (2019) The expression level of S100A4 protein affects the migration activity of breast cancer cells PDF
Dukhanina E.A., Portseva T.N., Kotnova A.P., Pankratova E.V., Georgieva S.G.
Vol 486, No 3 (2019) The fault system controlling methane seeps on the shelf of the Laptev Sea PDF
Baranov B.V., Lobkovsky L.I., Dozorova K.A., Tsukanov N.V.
Vol 489, No 2 (2019) The final stage of the Acid Island Arc magmatism in the Northern Urals PDF
Petrov G.A., Tristan N.I., Borozdina G.N., Maslov A.V.
Vol 489, No 1 (2019) The first AMS radiocarbon dates of organic matter microinclusions in the ice wedge of the upper part of the Batagay yedoma megaslump, Yakutia PDF
Vasil’chuk Y.K., Vasil’chuk J.Y.
Vol 487, No 4 (2019) The first colorimetric characteristic of the bottom sediments from the Chukchi Sea PDF
Kolesnik A.N., Kolesnik O.N., Astakhov A.S., Vologina E.G.
Vol 488, No 2 (2019) The first data about the structure and mineral composition of the ores of the Tarakon potential gold ore field (the Far East of Russia) PDF
Buchko I.V.
Vol 487, No 1 (2019) The first data about the variations in the content of macro- and microelements and precious metals in vertical sections in industrial wastes of the Fiagdon tailing dump (Republic of North Ossetia - Alania) PDF
Gurbanov A.G., Bogatikov O.A., Leksin A.B., Gazeev V.M., Gurbanova O.A., Lolaev A.B., Ilaev V.E.
Vol 486, No 4 (2019) The first data on the late pleistocene ostracodes of the Kuray depression (Gorny Altai) PDF
Khazin L.B., Agatova A.R., Nepop R.K., Shurygin B.N.
Vol 484, No 2 (2019) The first data on the n-isotopic composition of the Permian and Triassic of North-Eastern Russia and their significance for palaeotemperature reconstructions PDF
Zakharov Y.D., Biakov A.S., Horacek M., Goryachev N.A., Vedernikov I.L.
Vol 487, No 2 (2019) The first determination of the andesite-dacite complex isotope age of the Middle Urals Еastern zone PDF
Koroteev V.A., Chervyakovskiy V.S., Zaitseva M.V., Volchek E.N., Necheukhin V.M.
Vol 488, No 2 (2019) The first discovery of oxyborates in the rocks of the Norilsk-1 intrusion (northwest of the Siberian platform) PDF
Shevko A.Y., Kalugin V.M., Gora M.P., Karmanov N.S.
Vol 486, No 6 (2019) The first find of silver nuggets in gold placers of Subpolar Urals PDF
Mayorova T.P., Kuznetsov S.K., Filippov V.N.
Vol 484, No 2 (2019) The first petrological evidence of subduction at the western margin of the Siberian сraton PDF
Likhanov I.I., Kozlov P.S., Savko K.A., Zinoviev S.V., Krylov A.A.
Vol 486, No 3 (2019) The first results of tephrochronological investigations of the late pleistocene-holocene volcanic explosions in the valley of the Zhom-Bolok River (Eastern Sayan) PDF
Shchetnikov A.A., Bezrukova E.V., Kerber E.V., Belozerova O.Y., Kuz'min M.I., Ivanov E.V., Krainov M.A., Filinov I.A., Nechaev I.O.
Vol 488, No 2 (2019) The first results of U-Pb datings of detrital zircons from the basal deposits of the Upper Precambrian of the Subpolar Urals PDF
Pystin А.M., Pystina Y.I., Hubanov V.B.
Vol 486, No 5 (2019) The first U-Pb (SHRIMP-II) evidence of the Franklin tectonic event at the western margin of the Siberian craton PDF
Likhanov I.I., Reverdatto V.V.
Vol 487, No 2 (2019) The formation of nanowhiskers in syntactic foam containing tungsten under nanosecond flow of relativistic electrons PDF
Milekhin Y.M., Sadovnichii D.N., Sheremetyev K.Y., Kalinin Y.G., Kazakov E.D., Markov M.B.
Vol 486, No 1 (2019) The fractal model of reinforcement of nanocomposites polymer/carbon nanotubes with ultrasmall concentrations of nanofiller PDF
Kozlov G.V., Dolbin I.V., Koifman O.I.
Vol 485, No 3 (2019) The generation of the human mab RabD4 specific to the rabies virus glycoprotein and characterization thereof PDF
Ilina Е.N., Solopova E.V., Aliev Т.К., Larina М.V., Balabashin D.S., Varlamov N.Е., Dolgikh D.А., Sveshnikov P.G., Kirpichnikov М.P.
Vol 487, No 2 (2019) The high-resolution oxygen isotope diagram of late Pleistocene ice wedges of Seyaha yedoma, Eastern Yamal Peninsula PDF
Vasil’chuk Y.K., Budantseva N.A., Vasil’chuk A.C.
Vol 489, No 2 (2019) The implementation of a given motion of a rigid body relative to its center of mass by moving the material point PDF
Shmatkov A.M.
Vol 488, No 3 (2019) The induction of the synthesis of interferon, CD4 and CD8 t lymphocytes in blood and spleen of mice after oral vaccination with the “early” protein HPV16 E2 PDF
Salyaev R.K., Rekoslavskaya N.I., Stolbikov A.S.
Vol 487, No 3 (2019) The influence of cavitation and the degree of overlap of the flow of cylindrical flow bodies on the flow pattern, hydrodynamic and spectral characteristics of a flat-type hydrodynamic generator PDF
Ganiev S.R., Shmyrkov O.V., Rudakov V.P.
Vol 486, No 6 (2019) The influence of manganese oxide on the sintering and properties of the eutectic ceramics ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system PDF
Smirnov V.V., Smirnov S.V., Obolkina T.O., Antonova O.S., Goldberg M.A., Barinov S.M.
Vol 489, No 1 (2019) The influence of sodium and potassium doping effect on phase formation in calcium sulphate synthesis PDF
Khayrutdinova D.R., Smirnov V.V., Antonova O.S., Goldberg M.A., Smirnov S.V., Obolkina T.O., Barinov S.M.
Vol 486, No 1 (2019) The influence of sodium niobate addition on sintering and properties of zirconia ceramics PDF
Smirnov V.V., Smirnov S.V., Obolkina T.O., Goldberg M.A., Antonova O.S., Barinov S.M.
Vol 488, No 4 (2019) The influence of the heating scheme of a heterogeneous drop on the characteristics of micro-explosion fragmentation PDF
Antonov D.V., Rebrov A.K., Strizhak P.A.
Vol 488, No 4 (2019) The interaction effect of bacterial cellulose with gold nanoparticles obtained by metal-vapor synthesis PDF
Rubina M.S., Pigaleva M.A., Butenko I.E., Budnikov A.V., Naumkin A.V., Gromovykh T.I., Lutsenko S.V., Vasil’kov A.Y.
Vol 485, No 2 (2019) The least distance between extremums and minimal period of solutions to autonomous vector differential equations PDF
Zevin A.A.
Vol 486, No 5 (2019) The Lower Precambrian in the structure of paleozoic in the Subpolar Urals PDF
Pystina Y.I., Pystin A.M., Hubanov V.B.
Vol 484, No 2 (2019) The main features of lithium metallogeny in geological time PDF
Tkachev А.V., Rundqvist D.V., Vishnevskaya N.A.
Vol 489, No 2 (2019) The mating ritual and patterns of monopolar electrical pulses in Hong Kong catfish Clarias fuscus (Clariidae, Siluriformes) PDF
Olshanskiy V.M.
Vol 484, No 2 (2019) The mechanism of disordered graphite formation in uph diamond-bearing complexes PDF
Shchepetova O.V., Korsakova A.V., Zelenovskiy P.S., Mikhailenko D.S.
Vol 485, No 5 (2019) The method of cleaning and modification of the material for bone xenografts in bi-phase media containing high pressure CO2 PDF
Bulat M.V., Pigaleva M.A., Novikov I.V., Levin E.E., Gallyamov M.O.
Vol 485, No 5 (2019) The multi-isotope composition of sulfur in sulfides and microfossils of the Mesoarchean Leksa pyrite ore occurrence of the Karelian Craton: new data on abiogenic and biogenic effects on the formation of ancient ores PDF
Vysotskii S.V., Khanchuk A.I., Kuleshevich L.V., Ignat’iev A.V., Slabunov A.I., Velivetskaya T.A.
Vol 486, No 3 (2019) The Murman-2018 experiment on remote sensing in order to study the boundary of “impenetrability” at the transition between the brittle and plastic states of the crystalline earth's crust PDF
Zhamaletdinov A.A., Velikhov E.P., Shevtsov A.N., Skorokhodov A.A., Kolobov V.V., Ivonin V.V., Kolesnikov V.V.
Vol 486, No 2 (2019) The nature of philogopite-ilmenite and ilmenite paragenesises in deep-seated xenoliths from Udachnaya kimberlite pipe PDF
Solov’eva L.V., Kostrovitsky S.I., Kalashnikova T.V., Ivanov A.V.
Vol 489, No 6 (2019) The new model of erosion destroying PDF
Kuzavov V.T.
Vol 484, No 4 (2019) The new plant expression system for the development of vaccines against papillomaviruses PDF
Salyaev R.K., Rekoslavskaya N.I., Stolbikov A.S.
Vol 484, No 2 (2019) The novel dipeptide ligand of TASP PDF
Deeva O.A., Pantileev A.S., Rybina I.V., Yarkova M.A., Gudasheva T.A., Seredenin S.B.
Vol 488, No 4 (2019) The novel element in the mechanism of endogenous regulation of depressive-like states PDF
Garibova T.L., Gudasheva T.A., Seredenin S.B.
Vol 485, No 6 (2019) The one glass transition criterion for liquids PDF
Sanditov D.S.
Vol 486, No 6 (2019) The orientation of the layered aluminosilicates particles with a high aspect ratio in paraffin under electric field PDF
Kuznetsov N.M., Bakirov A.V., Belousov S.I., Chvalun S.N.
Vol 484, No 5 (2019) The physical nature of heterogeneity of the composition of river water PDF
Chashechkin Y.D., Rosenthal O.M.
Vol 486, No 6 (2019) The porcupine Hystrix (Acanthion) vinogradovi (rodentia, hystricidae) from the early pleistocene Taurida locality in Crimea PDF
Lopatin A.V.
Vol 489, No 6 (2019) The precession of Mercury’s orbit PDF
Amel’kin N.I.
Vol 486, No 3 (2019) The production of pure hydrogen peroxide solutions in water activated by plasma of the electrodeless microwave discharge and their application to control plant growth PDF
Andreev S.N., Apasheva L.M., Ashurov M.K., Lukina N.A., Sapaev B., Sapaev I.B., Sergeichev K.F., Shcherbakov I.A.
Vol 486, No 1 (2019) The provisional dermal folds in the mouth apparatus of the American paddlefish Polyodon spathula Walbaum, 1858 (Acipenseriformes, Polyodontidae) PDF
Tsessarsky A.A.
Vol 484, No 5 (2019) The redox properties and antiradical activity of terpenophenols PDF
Polovinkina M.A., Kolyada M.N., Osipova V.P., Berberova N.T., Chukicheva I.Y., Shumova O.A., Kutchin A.V.
Vol 486, No 2 (2019) The reduction of the degree of integrals of hamiltonian systems with the help of billiards PDF
Vedyushkina V.V., Fomenko A.T.
Vol 484, No 6 (2019) The relationship between global volcanic activity and variations in the velocity of Earth's rotation PDF
Levin B.W., Sasorova E.V., Gurianov V.B., Yarmolyuk V.V.
Vol 486, No 5 (2019) The results of the competitiveness analysis of photovoltaic microgeneration systems in the Russian Federation PDF
Gabderakhmanova T.S., Popel O.S.
Vol 487, No 4 (2019) The results of the experimental study of the efficiency of the electroflotation process of extracting a mixture of slightly soluble compounds of the cerium group from aqueous solutions PDF
Meshalkin V.P., Kolesnikov A.V., Gajdukova A.M., Achkasov M.G., Kolesnikov V.A., Belozerskij A.Y., Men’shova I.I.
Vol 489, No 3 (2019) The role of catecholamines in the development of pathological retina neovascularization in an experimental model of retinopathy of prematurity in rats PDF
Katargina L.A., Osipova N.A., Panova A.Y., Petrovskaya A.V., Nikishina Y.O., Murtazina A.R., Ugrumov M.V.
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