
Pathological and anatomical changes in the nervous system of dogs in case of arsenic poisoning
Tsvetaev A.A.
Bratz. Zur Opiumbehandlung der Fpilepsie nach Flechsig. — Allg. Zeitschr, f. Psychiat. Bd. 54, pg. 208—220
Idelson G.
Research of the central beginnings and endings of the accessory nerve (N. accessorius Willisii)
Osipov V.P.
A. P. Bazilevsky. On the descending systems of the cerebellum in the spinal cord by the method of fresh rebirths (Marchi). — Diss. SPb. 1896
Board E.
Chizh V.F.
Dr. V. M. B-r. Hamlet Shakespeare from the medical and psychological point of view. —Archive of psychiatry etc. T. XXX, No. 2, 1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
On the question of servants in psychiatric hospitals
Morozov M.S.
About the connections of the cerebellum with the rest of the central nervous system
Telyatnik F.K.
John Turner. Statistics dealing with Hereditary Insanity, based on upwards of a Thousand Cases occuring in the Essex County Asylum. (The journal of mental science. 1896, № 142)
Board E.
Materials for the study of secondary degeneration in the spinal cord after transverse injuries
Vorotynsky B.I.
Harriet С. В. Alexander. —Abuse of bromides. —The Alienist and Neurologist, 1896, № 3
Board E.
The volume of changes in the cerebral cortex in senile dementia
Zhestkov V.I.
Blink-Stuart-Morel syndrome
Ismagilov M.F., Khasanova D.R., Galimullina Z.A., Sharayienidze D.M.
About the factors influencing the indicators of social prognosis in mental illness
Khokhlov L.K., Gavrilov V.V., Savelyev L.N., Gorokhov V.I.
Features of the clinic and diagnosis of pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint
Vasilevskaya O.V.
Clinico-electromyographic estimation of hypertonic muscles in extension Contracture of the knee joint
Khabirov F.A., Galyamov D.L., Popelyansky Y.Y.
Deautomatization of motions as a principle of rehabilitation in the acute period of osteochondrosis
Popelyansky Y.Y.
Pharmacologic correction of psychic processes by «semax» medicine during rehabilitation period of neurosurgical patients
Prilukova T.I., Khlunovsky A.N., Gaidar B.V., Starcenko A.A.
Conception of the adaptive functional dominant of central nervous system in the prediction of neurorehabilitation results
Starchenko A.A., Khlunovsky A.N.
Combined assessment of the immune system state in women suffering from neurotic disorders
Polozhy B.S., Vasilyeva O.A., Ivanova S.А.
Epileptiform syndromes in children with chronic leptomeningitis
Madzhidov N.M., Nasyrova М.
Radicular insult
Popelyansky Y.Y., Ibatullin М.M.
Editorial board of the journal "Neurological Bulletin" from Yu.V. Popov
Popov Y.V.
Meeting on the organization of charity for mentally ill soldiers
Vyrubov N.A.
Chronicle of the Society of neuropathologists and livres at the Imperial Kazan University. In a joint meeting on September 10, 1915
Steinberg S.
To the question of the essence of contusions by modern artillery shells
Segalova T.E.
Dr. P. Kouindjy. De l'extension et de son application dans le traitement des maladies nerveuses. (Extrait des Archives de Neurologic, 1902, nos 73 et 74)
Pavlenko I.
V. N. Kryzhanovsky. Changes in the nerve nodes of the heart in rabbits, dogs and humans under the influence of rabies poison. Arch. biological sciences. Volume IX, no. 4
Sivre A.V.
S. D. Vladychko. The effect of smoke on the nervous system and the body in general (with a focus on the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic poisoning). From 16 fig. on 2 tab. (From the laboratory of the clinic of the nervous. Bol. University of St. Vladimir in Kyiv). St. Petersburg 1909
Bogatyrev N.
Dr. Hartenberger. Neurasthenia and psychasthenia. Neurasthenia and psychasthenia. Revue neurologique, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
G. Guillain, R. Duvigeaud et S. Troisier. Signs of Argyll-Robertson in non-syphilitic brain peduncle lesions. Revue neurol. 1909, No. 8
Osokin N.E.
Drr. Henry Claud et Schmiergeld. - 17 cases of epilepsy from the side of the study of glands with internal separation. Etude de 17 cas d'epilepsie au point de vue de l'etude de glandes a secretion interne. Revue neurologique, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Brain disease in arteriosclerosis
Chizh V.F.
Academician V. Bekhterev. Syphilis of the central nervous system. St. Petersburg. 1902
Obraztsov V.N.
Athetosis with epilepsy
Rudnev V.I.
Chronicle and mixture. Volume XVII, № 4 (1910)
Baklushinsky I.D.
Arndt. Glycosuria in alcoholic delirium. Ueber die Glycosurie der Alkoholdelironten. — Monatsch. fur Psych. and Neurol. bd. XXVII, S. 222 (1910)
Likhnitsky V.N.
Lhermitte et Giccione. Rare symptoms and lesions in multiple sclerosis. De quelques symptoms et lesiones rares dans la sclerose en plaques. — Encephale, 1910, No. 3
Likhnitsky V.N.
Conditioned reflexes in dogs from hearing to salivation, training dogs to grasp food from hearing, the influence of conditioned. reflexes to resolve the issue of the existence of auditory centers in the brain
Larionov V.E.
T. Zh. Yudin. Partial thyroidectomy for dementia parecox. — Modern psychiatry. 1910. April
Bogatyrev N.S.
N. A. Yurman. On the question of the influence of suppuration on the course of progressive paralysis. — Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology. 1910. № 3
Bogatyrev N.S.
Carl D. Camp Sensory disorders in one case of craniocerebral lesion. Type and distribution of sensory desterbances due to cerebrale lesion. — Journal of Nervous and Mental diseases, 1910. № 2
Likhnitsky V.N.
V. K. Khoroshko. Secondary rebirths in the ascending direction with spinal cord lesions, Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. 1910. book 1
Bogatyrev N.S.
Journal of Psychotherapy. 1910, No. 1 - No. 2
Bogatyrev N.S.
V.P. Fedorov. About the paralysis of pregnant women Practical. Doctor 1910 No. 11, 12, 13
Baklushinsky I.D.
On the question of the action of muscarine and atropine on the heart
Nikolaev V.V.
Bokelmann. Epilepsy and its treatment. Modern clinic and therapy. № 10 & № 11 1908
Zhilin I.N.
M. Bertolotti About cross skin reflexes. And propos des reflexes cutanes croises. - Revue neurol, 1909, № 2
Osokin N.E.
Dr. Hisayoshi Kato. A new way of staining nerve fibers. Eine neue Neurofibrillenfärbung. Folia NeuroBioiogica. bd. II. No. 3. 1908
Nikiforova O.I.
To the symptomatology of trembling paralysis
Markelov G.I.
G. Markelov. On the Treatment of Neuralgias with Blue Light. The Therapeutic Review, December 1909
Likhnitsky V.
Dr. Kellner. Successful treatment of epileptics and the need for hospitals for epileptics Zeitschr. f. d. Erforschung und Behandlung d. jugendlichen Schwachsinns. B. II. 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
Margit Revesz. The ability of calculus in incapable children and a more accurate assessment of it. Die Rechenfähigkeit der Schwachbefähigkeit und deren genauere Wertung.—Zeitschr. f. d. Erforschung und Behandlung d. jugendlichen Schwachsinns, B. II, 1908
Kovalevsky P.I.
A. M. Virshubsky. Mental and nervous diseases according to the Talmud. — Jewish medical voice. Odessa. 1909
Bogatyrev Y.
S. Mikhailov. On the relationship of the sympathetic nervous system to the cells of the spinal ganglia in connection with the issue of pericellular plexuses. Medical newspaper, No. 44 - 45. 1909
Bogatyrev Y.
Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of May 1, 1908
Osipov V.P., Pervushin V.P.
Ernest Dupre et B. Charpentier. Chronic polyneuritis with mental symptoms. Des psychopolyneurites chroniques. L'Encephole 1908. No. 4, avril
Obraztsov V.N.
"On the question of the fine structure of peripheral sympathetic ganglia"
Mikhailov S.
Sex differences in first-ever acute stroke (Stroke. — 2003. Jul. — 34(7). — P. 1581—1585: англ.)
Roquer J., Campello A., Gomis M.
Prof. Chizh. The significance of political life in the etiology of mental illness. Review of psychiatry, and experimental psychology. No. I-3. 1908
Zhilin I.
I. Grosset et L. Rimband. A case of paraphasia "Revue neurologique" 1908 № 12
Osokin N.E.
Influence of mood on the speed of visual perceptions
Osipova V.N.
Privat-Associate Professor Seletsky. "Dissociation of representations and its meaning". Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Egiz. To the casuistry of cerebral hemiplegia of diphtheria origin. Medical review No. 5. 1908
Zhilin I.N.
Ermakov. "Epilepsy in the Russian-Japanese War" Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I, 1908
Zhilin I.N.
To the innervation of the swallowing movement
Kitaev F.Y.
Doctor Sukhanov "On Constitutional Psychopathies and Psychoses". Modern Psychiatry", January, 1908
Zhilin I.N.
N. E. Osokina. Kozhevnikov epilepsy. (Medical Review No. 1, 1908)
Zhilin I.N.
Three cases of tetanus
Pervushin V.P.
A case of children's diplegia complicated by bilateral athetosis
Osokin N.E.
Results of a clinical study of the drug bilobil
Sokolova T.V., Dubova M.N., Pavlov S.S.
Structural and dynamic features of verbal hallucinosis in organic lesions of the frontal region of the brain
Afanasiev S.V., Mendelevich D.M.
Prof. Ѵ. Monakow. Aphasie und Diaschisis. Neurol. Centralblatt. 1906. No. 22.
Shapiro L.М.
Mechanisms of development of temporal lobe epilepsy: clinical and experimental studies
Balykova O.P., Shikhanov N.P., Inozemtseva V.S., Sosunov A.A., McKhann G., Chelyshev Y.A.
Clinical and MRI peculiarities of chronical forms of cerebral circulation disorders in men and women with arterial hypertension
Zabbarova A.T., Bogdanov E.I., Ibatullin M.M.
On the issue of iris movements after optic nerve transection in mammals
Chirkovsky V.
Die operative Behandlung der Hirngeschwülste von d-r. M Weil in Stuttgart. Halle a S. 1903
Eichenwald L.I.
The history of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan Universityѣ-1902-3 year
Obraztsov V.N.
Bio-psychological parallelism
Radin V.P.
Evaluation of placebo use in migraine without aura, migraine with aura and episodic tension-type headache acute attacks (Arq. Neuropsiquiatr. —2001. —Sep. —59(3-A). —P. 552—558: португал.)
Bigal M., Bigal J., Bordini C., Speciali J.
Psychopathology and headache (Rev Neurol (Paris).—2000. Dec. —156. Suppl. 4.-4S62-4S67: Франц.)
Radat F.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of December 13, 1898
Popov N.M.
The volume of changes in the cells of the brain under the influence of carbon monoxide poisoning
Spirtov I.
About the influence of sodium bromystago, ammonium bromystago and lithium bromystago on the cerebral circulation
Gerver A.V.
Dr. Ed. Bérillon. Hypnotism and mental orthopedics. — Paris, 1898
Vorotynskiy B.I.
About the feeling function of the so-called the motor region of the human cerebral cortex
Bekhterev V.M.
S. Sukhanov. Contribution to the study of changes undergone by dendritic extensions of nerve cells under the influence of narcotics. Extract from the Journal “la Cellule” t. XIV, 2nd fascicle
Yanishevskiy A.
Physiological and psychological basis of aesthetics
Smirnov A.I.
Damage to the Varoliyev bridge with bilateral paralysis of volitional movements of the eyeballs, violent confusion and crying and early muscle atrophy of the right lower leg
Bekhterev V.
Prof. D-r Н. Oppenheim. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten für Aerzte und Studirende. Mit 287 Abbildungen. Zweite wesentlich vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1893. Pr. M. 23
Vorotynskiy B.I.
The tasks of forensic psychopathology and its modern meaning for a doctor and a lawyer
Vorotynsky B.I.
A. N. Bernshtein. New insight in the theory of perception. Questions of philosophy and psychology. 1898, January-February
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Secretory nerves of the prostate
Mislavsky N., Borman V.
М. van Erp Taalman Kip. Acute Manie. — Allg. Zeitschr. für Psychiat. Bd. 54. pg. 119—135
Idelson G.
About ascending degenerations in the brainstem and descending in the spinal cord (after damage to the lateral part of the brain between the occipital foramen and atlant)
Sukhanov S.A.
К Strozewski.—A case of hysteria simulating multiple sclerosis of the nerve centers. — Medical newspaper.. 1897, № 6
Board E.
About the end of the nerves in pepsin glands in mammals
Kytmanov K.A.
Prof. I. A. Sikorskiy. Epidemic free deaths and murders in Ternovsky farms (near Tiraspol). - Questions of neuropsychic medicine. T. II, no. 3.1897
Vorotynskiy B.I.
The case of erythrophobia
Popov N.M.
The volume of the anatomical connections of the frontal lobes
Zhukovsky M.N.
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