Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 16, № 6 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences

From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov and Their Importance for the Formation of Legal Acts, Improvement of the Police of the Russian Federation. Part 1. The essence of police duties, the main goal and limits of the activities of the police of the Russian Empire under the project of Police Charter

Shurukhnov N., Shurukhnova D.


The article briefly presents the norms of the general provisions of the draft Police Charter, reveals the purpose and main directions of the activities of the police of the Russian Empire, means and methods of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, procedural issues of the work of police officers, in particular, the preparation of basic documents that ensure the reliability of the information presented. The relationship between the norms of the Charter and the norms of the legislative acts in force at that time, as well as with individual articles of the Federal Law “On Police” is given.

Under this general title it is planned to publish several articles in which, according to the editors and authors, there will be:

- the content and essence of the draft Police Charter (PUP) is revealed;

- shows the features of the alleged activities of the police of the Russian Empire, that difficult period for the state;

- its directions in the fight against crime are outlined, subject to strict observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of Russian citizens;

- a comparative legal study was carried out with the norms of other regulatory legal acts that were already in force at the time under review and determined the legal status of the police in certain situations;

- the correlation between the norms of the draft Police Charter and some norms of the Federal Law of 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police” is demonstrated;

- a hint was made to Russian officials who have the right of legislative initiative to introduce changes to the said Federal Law, aimed at improving the organization, intensifying the activities of the modern police, increasing the financial compensation of its employees, improving logistics and personnel support, strengthening the prestige of the service.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Formation of the System of Navigation Safety in Sweden in the 19th - Early 20th Centuries

Kirov A.


The article reveals the process of formation of the navigation safety system in Sweden in the 16th - early 20th centuries. It is established that it took place on the basis of formation of the legal status of helmsmen (pilots) endowed with state estates and performing the corresponding functions. Special helmsmen were hired for the naval fleet. By the end of the 18th century a system of pilotage service was formed in Sweden by royal decrees in 1642, 1687 and 1696. In 1677 the state pilotage service was established with the creation of the board for pilotage and lighthouse service. Pilotage and lighthouses were managed by the Director of Pilots, subordinate to the Admiralty Collegium. In 1803 the pilotage office was transferred to the Maritime Affairs Department. In 1872 the pilotage and lighthouse affairs were separated from this Directorate and transferred to the Pilotage Board. Since 1888 its director was promoted to the rank of pilot-general. In 1904, 6 pilotage districts were organized, and the Pilotage Council (subordinate to the Ministry of Maritime Defense) was established as a general guide for the Pilotage Board and subordinate pilotage districts.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):21-26
pages 21-26 views

Specifics of Creation and Activity of Private Railroads in the Grand Duchy of Finland

Gauk A.


The article discusses the process of legal organization of the creation and activities of private railways in the Grand Duchy of Finland. The basis of the legal framework of this process was the following regulations: Resolution on anonymous or joint-stock companies and a resolution on partnerships unspoken or on faith from 24.11.1864; Regulation on the chief inspector of private railways from 24.01.1858; Personal decree "On the procedure for supervision of private railways with a small length" of 1/ 18.05.1865; Regulation on inspectors of private railways from 26.06.1857; Declaration on the supervision of private or public owned railways in Finland from the 12.10.1871; The law on the procedure for making serfs and mortgages for private railways open to public movement from 15.04.1889; A decree on the conditions for the permission of individuals, society and communities of concessions for the construction of railways in Finland and on what should be observed in this case, from 3.02.1876; Decree on imputing the owners or holders of land as an obligation, for remuneration, to cede land to public needs from 12.12.1864.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Public Law (State Law) Sciences

Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services (on the Example of Derivative Financial Instruments)

Krokhina Y.


Derivative financial instruments are used by financial market participants both for the purpose of hedging risks and for speculative interest. In recent yearsn residents have increased their interest in derivatives transactions, which are used as an alternative to foreign investment products, as well as to circumvent economic sanctions. By economic nature, a derivative is a complex and high-risk financial instrument, the legal regulation of which is imperfect. These circumstances give rise to a large number of violations of the rights of consumers of financial services. The standard for protecting the rights of consumers of financial services requires the Bank of Russia to take proactive measures aimed at preventing violations and restoring the violated rights of participants in transactions with derivative financial instruments. The implementation of these powers of the regulator is difficult due to the large number of regulations of various levels that regulate differentiated sectors of the financial market. Reasoned proposals to improve the efficiency of the standard for protecting the rights of consumers of financial services.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):34-40
pages 34-40 views

Analysis of the Relationship between Targeted Taxes and Public-Law Payments in the Context of Russian Legislation: Identifying Gaps and Paths for Their Elimination

Guzanova M.


The research involves a critical analysis of the deficiencies in the legal regulation of public-law payments and an examination of their nature in the context of targeted taxes. It is recommended to amend the Russian Tax Code by encompassing all public-law payments within its scope and endowing them with the characteristics of targeted taxes. Furthermore, it is advisable to establish a clear definition of targeted taxes within the Russian Tax Code. Addressing the gaps in regulation and attributing the nature of targeted taxes to public-law payments will contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of revenue collection, and improving administrative procedures. The findings of this study hold practical significance for the development of measures to refine tax policies and enhance the regulatory framework in this field.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):41-47
pages 41-47 views

Actual Problems of Distinguishing Petty Hooliganism Committed at the Facilities of the Moscow Metro with Related Offenses

Matyukhina M., Uzdenov R.


Purpose of research. The problems of distinguishing petty hooliganism committed at the facilities of the Moscow Metro with related structures often cause difficulties for law enforcers in qualifying. In this work, the authors aim to fill the most pressing gaps in this area by highlighting the specific features of the respective compositions.

The methodological basis of the presented work is formed by the dialectical method of cognition. Also, the analysis method, logical-legal and comparative legal methods were used in the study. These scientific methods were involved in the meaningful consideration of the signs of specific elements of administrative offenses.

Results. The study of the problem stated in the title of the article suggests that the composition of petty hooliganism has specific features, which, however, are not always obvious to the law enforcer.

Differentiation of the compositions of petty hooliganism, administrative insult and destruction / damage to other people's property (Article 7.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) should be carried out not on the basis of purpose, but on the basis of guilt. More specifically, the direction of intent.

The fundamental difference between criminally punishable vandalism and petty hooliganism is that with the latter, the perpetrator can not only damage (spoil, destroy) someone else's property, but must do this in an effort to oppose himself to others, to demonstrate a dismissive attitude towards them, which is not required in vandalism.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

Formation and Implementation of Legal Interests of Owners

Ryzhik A.


The article discusses the formation and implementation of legal interests of owners, methods, techniques, ways aimed at realizing and protecting the legal interests of owners.

The most important place among them is occupied by techniques (methods), (including methods of permission, prohibition and restrictions), norms of objective law, the institution of property rights, the civil law branch of “real property law” and other branches of civil law, real, obligatory and other legal relations, subjective rights and legal obligations, contracts, agreements on the exercise of corporate rights, property (things), their legal regimes, legal status of owners.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Interests of owners in the norms of obligation law

Ryzhik A.


The article discusses issues related to participants in obligatory legal relations, an authorized person (interested owner) who has the right to demand from the obligated person the proper fulfillment of contractual obligations assumed, and in case of failure to fulfill them, to apply to the court for appropriate judicial protection.

As a result of causing tortious harm or illegal enrichment, the injured person becomes empowered and interested in demanding from the offender (the obligated person) the implementation of certain positive actions to compensate for damage, restore the original position, and return what was illegally obtained and/or saved.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):58-62
pages 58-62 views

Protection of Natural Persons with Regard to Extrajudicial Bankruptcy Procedure from Unfair Actions of Creditors in the New Law

Zagaynov M.


Purpose of the study: The article draws a comparison of protection of natural persons with regard to extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure from unfair actions of creditors in the existing legislation and in the new wording of the law. The purpose of the study is the establishment and identification of wide-spread ways of abuse on the part of creditors in case of extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure. Also an assessment of the new wording of the law is given from the standpoint of protection of debtors’ interests.

Conclusions: As a result of the study the author arrives at the conclusion that the new wording of the section on the extrajudicial bankruptcy of a citizen of the Federal Law N 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” of 26.10.2002 is more oriented towards protection of debtors, whereas the former wording was oriented towards protection of creditors’interests. The author makes the conclusion that such an approach to the write-off of debts will lead to abuse on the part of debtors.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):63-67
pages 63-67 views

The Role and Powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in Regulating the Circulation of Cryptocurrencies: Development Prospects

Balanyuk L., Gurko A.


The purpose of the research. The article examines the features of the legal regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrency in Russia as a type of digital currency to determine the extent of the shortage of legal instruments in the field of regulation, supervision and control of the cryptocurrency market. Results. Despite Russia’s leading position in terms of cryptocurrency settlements and miningn legislation lacks the terminology necessary to regulate the cryptocurrency market. This situation leads to the lack of definition of permitted and prohibited types of activities in the cryptocurrency market, adequate application of taxation to all cryptocurrency transactions, and not just to operations for the alienation of cryptocurrency, the absence of a methodology for measures and types of legal liability for violations in cryptocurrency turnover. In addition, the position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is to prohibit not only settlements in cryptocurrency, but also any operations related to it.

To solve this problem of eliminating the legal vacuum in the field of cryptocurrency turnover, it is necessary to determine the terminology necessary for legislative implementation, defining the features of cryptocurrency operations, and the classification of digital currencies.

The article analyzed different methodological approaches of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the EAEU bodies to the possibility of using cryptocurrency as a payment instrument. The authors of the article propose their own classification of types of digital currencies, which will make it possible to determine the powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in terms of regulatory, control and supervisory functions regarding the issuance and circulation of various types of existing digital currency in general and cryptocurrency in particular.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):68-75
pages 68-75 views

Legal Support of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Citizens During Digitalization in the Field of Housing and Communal Services

Kluychnikova Y.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the specifics of the implementation of the principles of housing law in the context of the introduction of information and digital technologies in the sphere of housing and communal services. The article examines the main directions of digitalization and the use of information technologies in the field of housing and communal services, examines the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the field of housing and communal services, the digitalization of the industry is aimed at improving the implementation of the effectiveness of which. The author also identifies areas for improving legislation on information and digital technologies in the field of housing and communal services.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):76-80
pages 76-80 views

Creative Commons Licenses as a Tool for Balancing the Interests of the Parties when Concluding Online Contracts

Lomakina E.


The purpose of the scientific work is to analyze Creative Commons licenses as a special mechanism that ensures a balance of interests of the parties when concluding contracts on the Internet. The author examined the genesis, legal nature and features of the use of Creative Commons licenses. As a result of the study, the author came to the conclusion that there is insufficient certainty in the regulation of legal relations arising from Creative Commons licenses in the Russian Federation. The author draws attention to the possibility of qualifying Creative Commons licenses as contracts of adhesion. The author of the article noted the good practice of developing special symbols and abbreviations for each type of Creative Commons license terms in order to protect the weak party of the contract. The author evaluated the effectiveness of imperative establishment of requirements for graphic design of signs symbolizing certain types of contractual terms for any type of online contract.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):81-85
pages 81-85 views

Protecting Children from Violence and Preventing Suicide

Samoilov T., Petrov D.


The purpose of writing the article was that the system of social norms regulating public relations in relation to children in a difficult psychological and emotional situation requires revision. In particular, this applies to adolescents against whom there have been facts of violence (physical or mental), as well as adolescents who have attempted suicide. There is a need to approach the solution of this problem systematically, identifying the facts of destructive behavior that are the result of problems and causes leading to tragic consequences.

The practical significance of the work and its main conclusion is that it is important to form an understanding in civil society that recognizes the importance of protecting children and the systematic implementation of the former state policy to prevent violence and suicide among children. The inclusion of all stakeholders - parents, educators, medical professionals, law enforcement agencies and others - can help create a strong social bulwark for children.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Sources of Legal Regulation of Corporate Responsibility in the USA

Miroshnichenko I.


The purpose of the study. The article examines the history of the collapse of one of the largest corporations in the world, the measures taken by the President and the US Government in connection with its bankruptcy. The stated problems are of increased interest from the perspective of the development of corporate law in Russia, since our state is among the developing countries of the world, which determines the need to study and adopt the experience of developed countries in the regulation of corporate legal relations. The sphere of corporate governance is particularly complex and of fundamental importance for the normal functioning of the state. Violations of corporate legislation, abuses by managers can lead to large-scale negative consequences: a decrease in confidence in business entities, government agencies and officials, destabilization of the country's economy, an increase in unemployment, an increase in the burden on the judicial system due to the mass filing of individual and collective lawsuits. The damage caused to the company and led to its bankruptcy also affects the country's economy, especially when it comes to corporations occupying a serious niche in the domestic market. The purpose of the study was to identify the most promising ways to combat corporate fraud, prevent the commission of other crimes related to the activities of corporations, and conclude that the US experience can be used in relation to the Russian legal system. Conclusions. The necessity of smooth implementation of a set of measures aimed at expanding corporate responsibility into the Russian legal reality has been established: reform of criminal legislation, additional regulation of the responsibility of audit entities.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):91-98
pages 91-98 views

The Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Private International Law

Pakshin P.


This article analyzed attempts to legally regulate artificial intelligence in private international law. The author notes that the problem of interaction between artificial intelligence and law is becoming more and more urgent with each decade, and the fact that there is no solution to the issue of legal recognition of the actions of artificial intelligence systems in Russian legislation deserves special attention. The author draws attention to the prerequisites for the emergence of artificial intelligence, studies the features of its regulation in private international law, aspects of functioning and the limits of its applicability, as well as legal liability. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to use a flexible approach in which the amount of responsibility initially assigned to the creators of the artificial intelligence system is gradually shifting from the creators to the systems themselves. The author draws attention to the fact that the use of artificial intelligence systems seems promising in the field of harmonization and unification of norms of private international law, as well as monitoring the observance of ethical principles by parties in international arbitration. Speaking about the security of works obtained with artificial intelligence, the author believes that it is possible to recognize artificial intelligence systems as an “author-in-fact”, but the “author-in-law” should be a person. At the same time, the application of the concept of “collective subject” to an “electronic person” is a correlation of the legal personality of artificial intelligence with the legal personality of a legal entity and is the most specific and easy to implement.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):99-105
pages 99-105 views

Features of Computer Program Protection Under the Legislation of the European Union

Sviridova E.


The article analyzes the legal regimes of protection of a computer program as an object of intellectual property under the legislation of the European Union. The purpose of the study is to determine the most optimal way to protect a computer program in the system of objects of intellectual rights, taking into account the legislation and judicial practice of the European Union. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, it is concluded that the software contains elements protected by copyright and elements that are not subject to copyright protection. The analysis of the EU patent practice allowed us to draw a conclusion about the patentability of a computer program if it has a technical nature.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):106-112
pages 106-112 views

Charity in Modern Sustainable Corporate Governance: the Ideology of Soft and Legal Regulation

Petrova A.


Charity, traditional for Russian entrepreneurship, along with sponsorship and philanthropy, has historically been based on an ideology that goes into the dogma of Christian virtues, today it is being supplanted by the ideology of pr-strategies and, to a lesser extent, sustainable development.

In Russia, the legal basis and institutional environment for corporate and other charitable activities has been formed, the need for their improvement exists, but it is derived not so much from defects or insufficiency of legislation, but from the weakness of civil society, the fall in the authority of traditional values and the mercantile understanding of sustainable development goals as a pr- strategies.

Corporate charity, like charity in general, was and remains exclusively voluntary, not assuming the imperative of the state, which only suppresses attempts and practices of using charity to cover up illegal activities. In the corporate segment, the priority remains for the norms of soft regulation, voluntarily adopted by the business community.

Within the framework of corporate social responsibility concepts, philanthropy is included in sustainable corporate governance strategies, which are also largely regulated by universally recognized, but still soft norms.

To a greater extent depends on the penetration into the business environment of the ideology and goals of the social market economy, understanding the awareness of responsibility in the field of sustainable development. The possibilities of legal regulation in this case are in demand to ensure the free functioning of civil society institutions, as well as state incentives for charitable activities. In this sense, it is recommended to supplement the Decree of the President of Russia of November 9, 2022, by including charity in the list of traditional values (clause 5), to which it certainly historically, mentally and traditionally relates.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):113-117
pages 113-117 views

Legal Regulation of Corporate Governance in Credit Institutions During the Period of Unilateral Restrictive Measures of Foreign States

Samokhina A.


The purpose of the research. The article reveals the features of the legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions under the conditions of unilateral restrictive measures by foreign states. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the role of special legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions, taking into account the current needs of the state and its economy. The scientific novelty lies in the study of corporate governance in credit institutions during the period of sanctions against economic entities of Russia, which represents additional risks for the development of credit institutions in the long term. The author analysed the impact of sanctions on the activities of credit institutions and their corporate governance. The research uses a wide range of general scientific and private (formal legal, legal forecasting, comparative legal) research methods. To identify the features of the legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions, the author used the method of system analysis. The formal legal method contributed to the solution of the tasks associated with the formulation of conclusions. Results. Temporary measures of state support in the field of legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions are aimed at protecting national interests and ensuring the sustainability of the Russian economy. The author draws conclusions about the practice of corporate governance in credit institutions in 2022-2023, and formed recommendations for further improvement of the legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions in the conditions of the existence of anti-Russian unilateral restrictive measures.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):118-126
pages 118-126 views

Formation of a Forest Plot: Legal Aspects

Khubieva M.


The purpose of the research. This article examines the concepts of a forest plot, a part of a forest plot in accordance with the current legislation, the peculiarities of the formation of forest plots, the establishment of special requirements for the forest plots formed is proposed. Results. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to establish special requirements for the formed forest areas.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):127-130
pages 127-130 views

Grounds and Procedure for Seizure of a Land Plot Due to Its Improper Use

Sagitov S.


The purpose of the study is to establish the civil and land legal features of the seizure of land plots due to their improper use. Achieving the stated goal required the use of a complex of methodological approaches. Of fundamental importance were: methods of inter-industry comparison, formal-logical method and normativist approach to the study of current Russian legislation. The method of legal hermeneutics made it possible to come to the conclusion about the need for a comprehensive interpretation of the norms of land law in their relationship with constitutional and legal norms on the judicial procedure for limiting subjective rights to land. Conclusions: Inappropriate use is understood as a violation of the intended purpose of the land plot established by the current land legislation. It also includes the non-use of a land plot for the required period for construction or farming and other violations of the legal regime in relation to a specific land plot. This definition is in harmony with the norms of civil legislation, but does not reflect the specifics of land legal norms. According to these norms, other grounds for the seizure of a land plot are acceptable, taking into account the specifics of its purpose. The grounds for seizure of a land plot are exclusively civil in nature, but clarifications are possible in the norms of land legislation. The latter includes not only the Land Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws, but also by-laws that specify the criteria for improper use of a land plot.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):131-135
pages 131-135 views

Legal Significance of the Project Documentation of the Forest Area

Khubieva M.


The purpose of the research. The article examines the legal nature of the project documentation of the forest plot, its difference from the layout of the land plot. The correlation of the project documentation of the forest area and the materials of forest management in terms of establishing the boundaries of forest areas is revealed. Resuils. As a result of the conducted research, the legal significance of the project documentation of the forest area has been established, the presence of which is a prerequisite for the formation of a forest area. It allows you to consolidate the ownership of forest plots and protect them from possible disputes or illegal use.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):136-139
pages 136-139 views

Modern Model of Interaction of Criminal Executive Inspections with Internal Affairs Bodies

Tarasov M., Fedorov A., Vechkaev N.


Modern society faces many problems related to crime and violation of laws. In this regard, an important area of government activity is the fight against crime and its prevention. One of the tools to combat crime is alternative imprisonment, which can be imposed instead of imprisonment. Such alternative measures include community service, probation, electronic house arrest and others. However, for these measures to be effective, it is necessary to ensure their proper organization and control. In this regard, the interaction between the criminal executive inspections and the internal affairs bodies is important. This will ensure monitoring of compliance with the conditions of alternative measures, as well as timely response to violations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):140-144
pages 140-144 views

Criminal Law Sciences

Place and Role of Operational-Search Activity in the Public Administration System in the Context of the Reform of Criminal Justice (on the Materials of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic)

Maydykov A., Maydykov A., Dubanaev B.


The article analyzes the criminal procedural legislation and the legislation on operational-investigative activities of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic, determines the place and role of operational-investigative activities in the public administration system, the development of operational-investigative policy and its transformation in the context of reforming criminal justice.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):145-155
pages 145-155 views

Formation of Legal Awareness as a Preventive Measure to Counter Extremism Among Young People

Shkhagapsoev Z.


Extremism is a serious threat to the public security and stability of States. The essence of extremism lies in radical ideology, violence and the desire to change the existing order. The danger posed by radical individuals and groups requires a set of preventive measures to counter extremism on an ongoing basis.

The article substantiates that the prevention of extremism occupies an important place in the system of combating crime, since the considered social negative phenomenon of modern reality is the main cause of social destructiveness and "affects" broad segments of the population. It is noted that modern youth is most susceptible to the influence of extremist ideology, which necessitates the formation of an anti-extremist worldview in this group of the population, which contributes to reducing the influence of extremist ideology and views.

The author concludes that a comprehensive approach is required to combat extremism among young people, including preventive measures, including anti-extremist education, education and upbringing, as well as legal measures, international cooperation and social integration. Preventive measures are aimed at preventing radicalization and forming a tolerant society, and legal regulation and cooperation, including at the international level, contribute to the suppression of extremist actions and the persecution of supporters of extremist views and ideas.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):156-160
pages 156-160 views

The Influence of the Environment on the Formation of Deviant Behavior of Minors: Criminological Aspects (on the Example of Family and School)

Serebrennikova A., Markova G.


The modern world is full of transformational processes, situations of uncertainty, which affects social interaction. An important aspect of modern life is the transition to a digital environment. Many aspects of public life have not yet found their legal regulation, which contributes to the expansion of illegal actions both in the virtual and real environment. In this regard, one can observe the contradiction between the norms of law and real life. On the one hand, the processes taking place in society are aimed at its development, and on the other hand, the legislation does not keep up with the constantly changing processes, which in turn leads to the expansion of criminal activity. A person develops in the environment, in accordance with the norms and rules that are accepted in society. The concept of "environment" is a very multifaceted term and is considered in different contexts of scientific knowledge. In our work, we will try to identify negative aspects that require reflection and “procreation, (rebirth) <…> based on the birth of new meanings…” (Kiyashchenko, Golofast 2022) and the creation of an environment that contributes to the creation and development of morality and value-oriented. To address this issue, we considered the environment as a factor in which a person is brought up and identified aspects that influence the formation of deviant behavior.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):161-166
pages 161-166 views

New Means of Technical and Forensic Support for the Fight Against Crime

Berova D., Gauzhaeva V.


The purpose of writing the article is to summarize the data on some new methods of technical and forensic support in the light of the spread of groups of crimes and new types of technologies. The paper provides a generalized description of cybercrime and the new generation of technical and forensic tools that make up the technical and forensic support of the initial stage of the investigation.

The conclusions are the list of new technical and forensic tools with recommendations for their use, which include: forensics (a set of methods for solving crimes related to computer information, about the study of digital evidence, methods for searching, obtaining and fixing such evidence), methods related to artificial intelligence, use in the investigation of unmanned aerial vehicles, biometric data, three-dimensional printing. It seems to us that the first of these methods requires a separate study.

The results of such a generalization can be used in the practical activities of the preliminary investigation bodies, for further theoretical research, the preparation of scientific papers and for solving practical problems in the field of preparing and conducting an investigation of criminal cases at the initial stage.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):167-170
pages 167-170 views

Criminal-Legal and Procedural Issues of the Investigator’s Activity in the Investigation of Crimes Under Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Alexandrov A., Limar A.


The article deals with the topical issues of theory and practice arising in the investigation of criminal cases initiated on the facts of traffic accidents (Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as a result of which several persons were injured, who suffered serious, and others moderate or light harm to health. On the example of the Belgorod region, it is analyzed the practice of the preliminary investigation bodies of bringing both criminal and administrative responsibilities for the same actions related to traffic violations caused a traffic accident and the onset of several different consequences. At the same time, it is being considered the separate criminal procedural aspects under the procedural status of victims of the crime who have suffered moderate or minor harm to health in the criminal case. The authors’ opinion is substantiated on the inadmissibility of maintaining law enforcement investigative practice, which allows bringing a person to responsibility twice for one act being one event, even with having of both consequences for which criminal and administrative responsibilities is provided. The authors also propose the specific actions to form an appropriate investigative practice ensuring the correct application of the norms of the criminal procedure law, as well as legislation providing for criminal and administrative responsibilities for the commission of traffic rules as a result of a single fact.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):171-177
pages 171-177 views

Typical Investigative Situations and Versions of the Initial Stage of the Investigation of Fraud in the Field of Lending

Dzyuba A., Mahtaev M.


The article is devoted to practically significant and fundamental aspects in the investigation of fraud in the field of lending – the analysis of investigative versions and investigative situations. These two components set the direction of the investigation and affect its dynamism. In situations of investigation of credit fraud, the above is of particular importance, since credit fraudsters quickly eliminate traces of the crime and promptly realize the stolen property. Moreover, the growth of crimes in the field of lending is growing rapidly, credit fraudsters are adapting to modern realities, inventing and improving ways of stealing credit funds, which poses a threat to both the economic security of the country and the development of trade. A correct understanding of typical investigative situations, a logically competent construction of investigative versions will allow you to quickly begin the process of investigating credit fraud, to approach the production of investigative actions in a structured manner. Thanks to the generalization and systematization of the rich experience of forensic scientists on the issue of putting forward investigative versions and assessing investigative situations that develop at the initial stage of the investigation of crimes, the authors of this article were able to offer an up-to-date typification of investigative situations that takes into account the realities of the lending sector and the ability of investigative authorities to investigate credit fraud.

The purpose of the research is: the study of problems related to the investigation of fraud in the field of lending, the study of the most likely investigative situations that arise during the investigation of this crime; typification of investigative situations that develop at the initial stage of the investigation of credit fraud.

The results of the research made it possible to identify problematic aspects in the investigation of credit fraud and develop their own criteria for the typification of investigative situations that develop at the initial stage of the investigation of fraud in the field of lending. In particular, the classification of investigative situations is based on: the availability of information about the subject of criminal encroachment; the totality of information available to the investigator about the nature and volume of unreliable data provided from the attacker to the lender to obtain loan funds. By analyzing typical investigative situations of the initial stage of the investigation of credit fraud, it was possible to determine both the patterns of criminal activity and the algorithm of the investigator's actions to organize the investigation of the crime.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):178-184
pages 178-184 views

Problems of Criminalization in the System of Social Control

Kravets I.


The article examines the issues of criminalization as a process of establishing by the state the public danger of a certain phenomenon in the life of society, which poses a threat to established social relations and requires criminal legal protection. Representing a complex socio-legal institution, criminalization presupposes the existence for its implementation of following certain principles, based on well-known grounds and constituting the mechanism for criminalization. The originality and peculiarities of this phenomenon in criminal law-making are of considerable interest for theoretical analysis and law enforcement. The purpose of the presented study is to define social control as a historically established system of influence on a person, aimed at organizing its activities within the framework of accepted rules and social values that express public interests. As well as questions of scientific support of the phenomena occurring in criminal rule-making, their connection with the criminal policy of the Russian Federation. Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that criminal law policy is directly related to the problems of criminalization, which is the method of its implementation. The criminalization of socially dangerous acts is justified only if it provides reliable criminal law protection of public relations. Criminalization also achieves another task of criminal law - regulatory. By establishing prohibitions, criminal law norms thereby regulate people's behavior.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):185-196
pages 185-196 views

Confiscation of Property as Type of Criminal Punishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mussali N.


Well known to Kazakhstan criminal legislation the punishment in the form of confiscation of property is considered in this article. General description of this criminal punishment is given in the article. Assignment of punishment in the form of confiscation of property to minors and in the event of the assignment of a conditional conviction are analyzed.

Distinction regulation the punishment in the form of confiscation of property between previous and new criminal law is marked. Innovation of supplementary punishment in the form of confiscation of property, is considered in the article and also disclose it’s essence. Non-compliance between criminal law and normative judgement Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan is pointed out.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):203-207
pages 203-207 views

About Some Features of the Functioning of Investigative and Operational Groups: Errors and Recommendations

Zakharova V., Samokhvalov I.


The purpose of the study. For many decades, scientists and practitioners have been making various proposals on how to optimize investigative activities, how to solve a crime "in hot pursuit", how to prove guilt and establish the true picture of what happened. But many more aspects need to be finalized, which confirms the lack of one hundred percent disclosure and the presence of acquittals of the court in a number of criminal cases. In this article, the authors consider certain aspects of investigative activity and ways to optimize it using the example of the functioning of investigative and operational groups. They analyze the features of collective forms of investigation; give their differences and give recommendations on the implementation of activities as part of the investigative task force, including in the new territories of our state. The role of the investigator in the investigative task force and his responsibility for the final result is emphasized. The authors conclude that any work should not contradict the Law and be carried out qualitatively: then the result will be both positive and in the shortest possible time.

This publication will be of interest to students of law faculties, as well as scientists and practitioners.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):208-211
pages 208-211 views

Micro-Traces (Micro-Objects) in Criminology: Concept, Classification, Methods and Methods of Detection, Fixation, Seizure and Research

Lozinsky O.


The purpose of the study. The article analyzes aspects related to micro-traces (micro-objects) in criminology, their concept, classification, methods and methods of their detection, fixation, seizure and research. Conclusions. Micro-traces (micro-objects) may contain criminalistically significant information for the disclosure and investigation of crimes. The results of the study of micro-traces (micro-objects) (in the form of conclusions on forensic examinations) fix the legal facts essential to the criminal case. Micro-traces (micro-objects), if their relevance to the illegal act under investigation is justified during the forensic examination, are reasonably subject to inclusion in the materials of the criminal case as material evidence. The results of the forensic examination of micro-traces (micro-objects) (in the form of an expert opinion), allow the investigator (inquirer): it is more reasonable to present the investigative situation in the case and conduct more reasoned version work on it; to increase the effectiveness of investigative actions, as well as the significance of the evidence obtained during their production. Within the framework of the conducted research, the author's definition of micro-objects is formulated. Within the framework of the study, based on the results of the analysis of existing classifications, taking into account the main provisions of forensic investigation, a generalized classification of micro-objects in the author's processing is proposed.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):197-202
pages 197-202 views

Mistakes of Law: Types and Its Effect to Negate the State of Mind Requirement

Korableva S.


The purpose of the research is to classify mistakes of law depending on their impact on mens rea and culpability. Based on the analysis of legal norms, theoretical provisions and judicial practice, controversial issues of using the presumption of a knowledge about wrongfulness are identified, as well as the possibility of refuting this presumption. This is necessary because a person’s misconceptions regarding the content of the criminal law are structural elements of mens rea. As a consequence, they must be considered mitigating circumstances or defenses. Results. The author proves that mistakes of law should be considered as excusable (excluding guilt) or non-excusable (constituting guilt), depending on the type of criminal law prohibition. For malum in se crimes, the presumption of knowledge of the law is reasonable. Here, only partial mistakes of law are possible, which can be considered as mitigating circumstances. or malum prohibitum crimes, mistakes of law can be considered not only as mitigating circumstances, but also as defenses in the event that the person’s act either did not cause objective harm at all, or if there was nothing subject to social criticism in the person’s behavior.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):212-217
pages 212-217 views

History of the Development of Domestic Criminal Legislation on Pornography

Kochkina M.


The paper deals with the history of the development of domestic criminal legislation on pornography. It is noted that it dates back to the 18th century and continues to this day. The author analyzes historical development of legislation on pornography and the attitude of the legislator towards it in different time periods. The paper highlights some modern problems of criminal law regarding the circulation of pornography and proposes some ways to solve them. The methodological base of the study is made up of general scientific and particular scientific methods of cognition, including historical, sociological, formal-logical and analytical. Despite the active development of domestic legislation on pornography over the past decade, there are still contradictions and gaps in this area that are to be resolved as soon as possible.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):218-222
pages 218-222 views

On Guarantees of the Right to Freedom and Personal Inviolability of a Lawyer

Lukyanov E.


The purpose of the study. The issue of procedural guarantees in relation to certain categories of persons is one of the most discussed in the theory of criminal proceedings. The study is devoted to the issues of the real application of the guarantees of freedom and personal inviolability of a lawyer established by law. Conclusions: It would be correct to amend Article 450 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, indicating that a petition to the court for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention against a lawyer can be initiated by an investigator with the consent of the head of the investigative body of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the subject of the Russian Federation. The establishment of an additional criminal procedural guarantee of advocacy in the form of a special procedure for applying to the court with a petition for the detention of a lawyer will be comply with the existing trend in the development of the criminal procedure law in the direction of reducing the use of this preventive measure. The Administrative Code of the Russian Federation to introduce administrative responsibility for obstructing the legitimate activities of a lawyer. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for the same act committed by a person subjected to administrative punishment during the period of its validity. Part 2 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation after the word "defender" should be supplemented with the word "lawyer", since the lawyer participates in the proceedings not only as a defender, but also as a representative of the victim, civil plaintiff, civil defendant, witness lawyer or person in respect of whom a pre-investigation check is being conducted. It is also necessary to supplement Article 298.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for criminal liability for defamation against a judge, juror, prosecutor, investigator, person conducting an inquiry, an employee of the enforcement authorities of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):223-227
pages 223-227 views

The Lack of Criminal Legal Protection of a Human at the Stage of Prenatal Development as a Problem of Russian Legislation

Timoshina E.


The purpose of writing the work was to study the problem of the lack of criminal legal protection of a person at the stage of prenatal development from the point of view of its contradiction with the goals of state policy, the national priorities of the Russian Federation, legally protected values, as well as the impact on various social processes.

The author analyzes the rules of law and concludes that the lack of criminal law protection of a person's life at the stage of his prenatal development contradicts the traditional moral foundations of Russian society, violates the requirements of international law on the proper legal protection of a child before birth, determines violations of the rules for artificial termination of pregnancy and the criminalization of public relations in the field of artificial termination of pregnancy.

The absence of criminal legal protection of a person at the stage of prenatal development is defined as a criminogenic factor that contributes to the commission of unlawful acts, this argues the need to eliminate it by supplementing Article 123 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with an independent corpus delicti that provides for criminal liability for carrying out artificial termination of pregnancy in violation of the deadlines established by legislation in the field of health care for artificial termination of pregnancy, as well as in the presence of medical contraindications.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):228-235
pages 228-235 views

The Use of Computer Technology in the Investigation of Crimes Related to Violation of Labor Protection and Safety Requirements

Sirakanyan A.


Due to the development of scientific and technological progress, computer technologies have become an integral part of life. In this regard, the development of modern methods and means of using computer technologies in the work of law enforcement agencies is an urgent issue. The purpose of this article is to highlight modern methods of investigating crimes related to occupational health and safety requirements, namely the use of computer technology.

Computer technologies are currently used by investigative agencies everywhere in the investigation of crimes, which in turn facilitates the collection, storage and use of evidence at all stages of the investigation. When investigating crimes, the investigator often attracts specialists and experts who are competent in various fields of science and technology, while the use of information technology takes the investigation to a new level.

Currently, there is a modernization of the labor protection management system at the state level. The goal of this transition is to move away from an inefficient labor protection system to a modern one based on professional risk assessment. Modern information technologies in forensic science are a priority in the investigation of crimes both in general and those related to occupational health and safety requirements.

The article provides statistical data that reflects the growing trend of convictions in cases of crimes related to occupational health and safety requirements. The article analyzes the use of computer technologies in the investigation of crimes related to occupational health and safety, suggests ways to introduce digital technologies in law enforcement practice for a comprehensive and complete support of the process of investigation and disclosure of crimes. The problems of using computer technologies in the investigation of crimes related to occupational health and safety are revealed.

The author focuses on the need to improve computer technologies that allow criminal investigation at a qualitatively new level.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):236-243
pages 236-243 views

The Concept, Causes and Methods of Elimination of «AYE» in Russia

Grigoryan D., Reshetnyak D., Yatskina I., Zaleskina A.


The purpose of the study. In this scientific article, the authors analyze the causes of the extremist movement "The Convict way of life is one", which is based on the criminal subculture and thieves' concepts, the basic concept and methods of combating this criminal movement are considered. "AUE" in Russia is recognized as an extremist organization, the basis of which is the promotion of thieves' concepts to the masses in order to make it easier for them to find people who can be incited to commit crimes. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the authors come to the conclusion that the foundation in the formation of a child's personality, values and views is family education.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):244-248
pages 244-248 views

International Legal Sciences

Modern Trends in Interregional Cooperation Between the Subjects of the Russian Federation and African Countries

Logvinova I.


The modern foreign policy of Russia is aimed at developing sustainable cooperation with the countries of Africa in spite of the lack of stability on the continent for the most part. In this regard, it is important to take into account the potential of regional participation in the realization of the consistent foreign policy course of the country. The subjects of the Russian Federation can make a significant contribution to educational, economic, cultural cooperation, as well as interact with almost all social, humanitarian and economic aspects with the countries of Africa. However, there are objective problems in the development of such regional interaction. The article identifies a number of such problems on the basis of systemic and historical approaches. Conclusions about the prospects of cooperation between the subjects of the Russian Federation and African partners are drawn with the use of formal-legal analysis of the Russian federal model.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(6):249-256
pages 249-256 views

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