
New possibilities of differential diagnosis of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis nodes based on a complex ultrasound assessment
Shalina M., Nagorneva S., Yarmolinskaya M.
Some features of the clinical course and treatment of cervical dysplasia depending on age
Kropaneva V., Kostyuchek D., Maximov S.
Modern approaches to classification of adenomyosis
Yarmolinskaya M., Shalina M., Nagorneva S.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of modified CRD tests in the diagnosis of preeclampsia
Fedotov S., Gerasimova E., Vashukova E., Pakin V., Kapustin R., Pachuliya O., Glotov A., Kulichikhin K., Chernoff Y., Rubel A.
The value of comprehensive examination of adolescent girls with medical abortions in the second trimester for the diagnosis of chronic latent pyelonephritis
Trubin V., Kashirina L.
Inflammatory diseases of the genitals as a leading factor of infertility (diagnosis, treatment)
Ivanyuta L., Belis N.
Technology for early differential diagnosis of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy
Mudrov V., Mudrov A.
A method for noninvasive diagnosis of inflammation in gynecological patients
Tikhomirova N., Shakhova O.
The role of urodynamic studies in the diagnosis of various forms of urinary incontinence
Pushkar D., Tevlin K., Shchaveleva O.
Improving the efficiency of diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of dysfunctional breast diseases
Kira E., Skryabin O., Tsvelev U., Ilyin A., Spesivcev U.
Diagnosis of maternal-fetal infection in pregnant women
Parashchuk Y., Avramenko N.
Diagnosis of inflammatory kidney diseases
Donskov V., Ananiev N.
Urodynamic monitoring in the diagnosis of imperative urinary disorders in women
Pushkar D., Bernikov A., Dyakov V., Tevlin K., Shchaveleva O.
Diagnosis and treatment of acute pyelonephritis in the second half of pregnancy
Nechiporenko N., Nechiporenko A.
A new method for diagnosing viral, chlamydial, and ureaplasma infections
Babadzhanova G., Tulyaganov T.
Will the ultrasound method replace radiology in the detection of stress urinary incontinence?
Pereverzev A., Schukin D., Yakubovsky V.
Criteria for early diagnosis of acute purulent pyelonephritis in pregnant women
Gaibullaev A., Abdurizaev A., Bolgarsky I.
Peculiarities of urinary organ damage after laparoscopic surgical interventions in gynecology
Loran O., Pushkar D., Godunov B., Gumin L.
Diagnostic algorithm for various types of urinary incontinence
Pereverzev A.
Prospects for preconception genetic screening at the pregnancy planning stage
Glotov A., Nasykhova Y., Dvoynova N., Bespalova O., Kogan I.
Diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis
Schukin D., Megera V.
Peculiarities of diagnosis and treatment of iatrogenic injuries of the ureter after obstetric and gynecologic surgeries
Bagnenko S., Soroka I., Novikov E., Shanava G.
Comprehensive diagnosis of tension urinary incontinence in women with vaginal/uterine descent or prolapse
Kira E., Petrov S., Tychkova L.
30 years of experience in the treatment of vesicovaginal fistulas
Pereverzev A., Rossikhin V., Keshishyan A., Vashchenko Z.
Urinary incontinence in patients with genital prolapse (diagnosis and treatment)
Buyanova S., Petrova V., Titchenko L., Chechneva M., Popov A., Rizhinashvili I.
Current diagnostic methods for urethritis in non-pregnant women
Selimyan N., Savicheva A.
Flow cytofluorometry of cervico-vaginal flushes as an objective method for the diagnosis of urogenital disorders in women who have undergone bilateral oophorectomy
Konovalov V., Zvychayny M., Vorontsova A., Gorlenko A., Kiseleva M., Pristolenko S.
Urodynamic studies in the diagnosis of neurogenic urinary disorders in women
Alexandrov V., Kuzin G., Kurenkov A., Scriabin G.
The prophylaxis and early diagnostics of mammal cancer
Semiglasov V.
Female genital candidiasis - approaches to standardization of diagnosis and treatment
Mirzabalaeva A.
Three-dimensional echography in the diagnosis of urinary incontinence
Chechneva M., Krasnopolsky V., Titchenko L.
The significance of electromyographic and radiological parallels in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of urothelial fistulas
Karpenko V., Stakhovsky E., Vukalovich P., Romanyuk I.
Modern opportunities for diagnostics of chronic endometritis
Ellinidi V., Davydova N., Kalinina N., Mikhnina Е., Dobrotvortseva О.
Changes in cerebral hemodynamics after week 32 of gestation in fetuses with late-onset fetal growth restriction
Yusenko S., Nagorneva S., Kogan I.
Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of urethritis in non-pregnant women
Selimyan N., Kalinina S., Pigina T., Savitcheva A., Savitsky G.
Tsvelev Yu.V. Urgent gynecology (a practical guide for doctors)/. Yu.V. Tsvelev, V.F. Bezhenar, I.V. Berlev. - SPb .: OOO "Foliant Publishing House". - 2004 .- 384 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-93929-099-X (in translation)
Bagnenko S., Niauri D.
Perinatal outcomes of pregnancy and childbirth in moderate to severe COVID-19 patients
Bezhenar V., Nesterov I., Dobrovolskaya I.
Bacterial vaginosis and its influence on complications after abortions
Ivanova L., Stivel L., Popov A., Nemet N.
Adenomyosis as an optional risk factor for uterine cancer
Kostyuchek D., Anichkov N., Pechenikova V.
Improvments of biopsic technologies in histologic practics of uterus adenomyosis
Tsveliov Y., Neishtadt E., Rukhliada N., Vashetko R.
Clinical picture and diagnosis of genital endometriosis
Yarmolinskaya M., Rusina E., Khachaturyan A., Florova M.
Early diagnosis and stage-related therapy as major factors for preventing disability in children with perinatal cerebral pathology
Serganova T., Kosiy S., Lisov N., Frantzuzova Z.
Opportunities to improve the diagnosis chronic tndometritis
Gazazyan M., Khutsishvili O., lvanova T., Lunova I.
Methods of biopsy specimen reception for adenomyosis histologic verification, analysis of efficiency
Fridman D., Bejenar V., Povzun S., Levitina Е.
Perinatal fetal care: still actual problem
Savelyeva G., Sichinava L., Panina O., Kurtzer M.
Diagnosis and treatment of urogenital disturbances during postmenopause
Kira E., Beskrovnyi S., Tsvelev J., Bezhenar V., Karpischenko Z., Tychkova L.
The prenatal diagnostics in optimization of pregnancy outcome
Savelieva G., Sichinava L., Panina O., Gnetetskaya V.
Current state of preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Loginova J., Chiryaeva O.
Uterine sarcomas. Diagnostics and treatment
Ourmantcheeva A., Kutusheva G., Zeldovicht D.
Problems of urogynecology in Russia
Sharapova O.
Modern conceptions for cervical cancer prevention
Selkov S., Vedeneeva G., Urmantcheeva A., Lisyanskaya A., Nerovnya R., Riskevich S., Donchenko L., Babkin P.
Efficiency of different biopsy methods of adenomyosis diagnosis, comparative analisis
Povzun S., Bezhenar V., Tsvelev Y., Fridman D.
Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders in North-West Russia: a survey of 3440 cases
Kuznetzova T., Baranov V.
Genital tumors in newborn girls
Cutusheva G., Nemilova T., Karavaeva S.
Strong preference for “genetic sonography” as non-invasive option of prenatal diagnosis in patients with pregnancies following intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Geipel A., Gembruch U., Ludwig M., Germer U., Schwinger E., Dormeier A., Diedrich K.
Laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic recurrent salpingo-oophoritis
Bodykov G., Raisova А., Dolinskaya N.
Prenatal diagnosis and fetal gene therapy today and tomorrow
Baranov V.
Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis in pregnants
Akopian T., Tioutiounnik V., Zaidieva Z.
Optimization of diagnostic and treatment methods of ectopic pregnancy
Bezhenar V., Ruhliada N., Kira E., Novikov E., Okisheva G.
Laparoscopy in the treatment of the ovarian benign tumours
Ukybasova Т., Kotlobovsky V., Satenova Z.
Congenital syphilis: the old problem against a background of the new epidemiologic situation
Krasnoselskikh Т., Sokolovsky Е.
Modern methods for radiological diagnosis of endometriosis
Rusina E., Yarmolinskaya M., Ivanova A.
Vaginal microbiota at physiological microbiocenosis and with bacterial vaginosis
Nazarova V.
The diagnostics and treatment of dishormonal mammal hyperplasia in uterine myoma patients
Tzvelev J., Ilyin A.
Diagnostics and treatment of benign ovarian tumors in patients with impaired reproductive function
Kulavsky V., Zharinova S., Kulavsky Е.
Complete asymptomatic fundal rupture of the uterus in the first stage of labor
Mochalova M., Kuzmina L., Mironenko A., Likhanov I., Mudrov V.
The Damages from Unwanted Birth in the Italian Legal System: Between Law and Social Consciousness
Genovese U., Lombardo C., Akulin I., Chesnokova Е.
Perinatal infections in the Russian Federation. Screening strategies: problems and prospectives
Savicheva A.
Fibrocystic breast disease: diagnostic approaches
Kogan I., Polyanin А., Tarasova М., Mjasnicova М., Solnceva I.
Analisis of marker serum proteins in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders
Kareva I., Kascheeva T., Vakharlovsky V., Kuznetzova T., Aylamazian E., Baranov V.
Clinical diagnosis of adenomyosis
Tsvelev U., Bejenar V., Povzun S., Fridman D.
Principles of diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms — minimization of errors
Protasova A., Tsypurdeyeva A., Tsypurdeyeva N., Solntseva I.
Vaginal flora in bacterial vaginosis - the criteria Amsel
Nazarova V., Shalepo K., Menukhova Y., Savicheva A.
Early diagnosis of external genital endometriosis in women with infertility
Bespalova J., Volkov N., Kulakov V.
Lower urinary tract dysfunction in women with pelvic organ prolapse: diagnostic problems
Rusina E.
Cytokins as the markers for non-invasive diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis
Yarmolinskaya M., Tsitskarava D., Selkov S.
Early prenatal biochemical screening, present state, current problems and options
Kascheeva T., Nikolaeva Y., Baranov V., Karpov K., Vokhmyanina N., Romanenko O.
The clinical importance of blood leucogram in early diagnostics of purulent- inflammatory postoperative complications
Dolgov G.
Application computer monitoring of parameters of the clinical analysis of blood for forecasting and early diagnostics of postoperative inflammatory complications
Dolgov G.
Herpes-virus infection of pregnant women
Yaroslavzki V.K., Isakov V.A., Semenov А.Е.
Standard approach to ultrasound investigation of monochorionic twin pregnancy in centers of primary and secondary level of care
Nekrasova E.
The Fetal Occiput Posterior Position
Arnt O., Troik Y., Gadzhiyeva T.
Practical and fundamental results of prenatal diagnostics in North-West Russia
Baranov V., Aylamazyan E.
The mistakes in diagnostics and treatment of tubal pregnancy with the use of laparoscopy
Goda I., Bezhenar V., Berlev I.
Miniinvasive surgical intervention in diagnostic and treatment of the patients with ovarian malignant tumour of stage iv
Меl՚ко A., Kira Е., Ushakov I., Ermolinskiy I., Zarubenko I.
Mochalova M., Mudrov V.
Ovarian cancer: current approaches to classification, diagnostics, staging and differential management of patients
Solopova A., Bitsadze V., Solopova A., Makatsariya A., Rozanov I.
Frequency and weight of complications of pregnancy and childbirth at women with tuberculosis of various localization in Krasnoyarskiy kraY
Vetushenko S., Zakharova T.
Experience of application of fluorescence methods for diagnostics of cervical intraepithelial neoplasias of different degrees
Shuliko L., Dyachuk A., Drygin A.
Diagnostics and treatment of climacterical disturbances
Smetnik V., Kira E., Balan V., Zatikyan E., Zaidieva Y., Klimenchenko N., Ilina E., Karelina S.
Laparoscopic surgery in diagnostics and treatment of sharp inflammatory diseases of appendages of the uterus
Strizheletsky V., Zhemchuzhuzhina Т., Luchkin А., Kahyany Е., Tayts А.
Informative application of the instrumental diagnosis of scar integrity in the experimental model of the uterine cavity
Alekseeva A., Mochalova M.
Diferential dagnosis in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: methodology and clinical cases
Nekrasova E.
Range of the rare chromosomal abnormalities diagnosed prenatally at fetuses with increased nuchal translucency
Zolotukhina T., Yudina Y., Shilova N., Minzhenkova M., Kozlova Y., Markova Z.
Novel options in Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic
Baranov V., Kuznetzova T.
Up-to-date approach to diagnosis and treatment of bladder leukoplakia
Semenjuk A., Smirnov D.
Waves of gonadotropins and diagnostics of hormonal insufficiency of ovaries
Potin V.
Orekhova E.
The differential diagnosis of benign and malignant ovarian neoplasms (history)
Egunova M., Kutsenko I.
Bacterial vaginosis: etiopathogenesis, clinical and laboratory features
Menukhova Y.
1 - 100 的 101 信息 1 2 > >> 


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