Author Details

Evdokimov, I A

Issue Section Title File
No 10 (2003) Articles Milk processing technology: new tendencies
No 9 (2003) Articles Bifidogenous preparation «Lactobel»
No 5 (2004) Articles Fermented milk with the prebiotic «Laiel»
No 4 (2004) Articles Synbiotic milk products
No 4 (2004) Articles Events of IDF
No 7 (2004) Articles Usage of hitosan in the milk drinks manufacture
No 12 (2004) Articles Isomerization of lactose to lactulose
No 10 (2005) Articles Clarification of quark whey with natural polymere hytozan
No 1 (2006) Articles Activity of the International Dairy Federation and Russian National Committee of IDF in 2005.
No 2 (2006) Articles Necessity of the bacterial sanitation of raw milk
No 3 (2006) Articles Neobkhodimost' bakterial'noy sanatsii moloka-syr'ya
No 2 (2006) Articles Situation and future of milk whey processing
No 6 (2006) Articles Demineralizatsiya podsyrnoy solenoy syvorotki metodom elektrodializa
No 6 (2006) Articles Ispol'zovanie laktozy i ee proizvodnykh
No 6 (2006) Articles Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya proizvodnogo laktozy - laktitola
No 6 (2006) Articles Kontsentraty s prebioticheskimi svoystvami na osnove syvorotki
No 11 (2008) Articles Innovative priorities of milk whey application on principles of wasteless technology logistics
No 11 (2008) Articles Historical aspects of whey application and processing
No 11 (2008) Articles Present state of milk whey processing
No 11 (2008) Articles Structure formation of milk whey concentrate
No 12 (2008) Articles Scientific and technical basis of the lactose anomers technology
No 12 (2008) Articles Galaktooligosakharidy: sostoyanie i perspektivy proizvodstva
No 12 (2008) Articles Intensification of the lactose crystallizationin concentrated and powdered milk products
No 12 (2008) Articles Bifidogenous concentrate «Lactobel-ED»
No 12 (2008) Articles Marketing of milk sugar: situation, problems and prospects
No 3 (2009) Articles Innovative technology of fresh milk products
No 3 (2009) Articles Fermented milk Kremola
No 7 (2009) Articles Fermented milk products with whey protein concentrate
No 9 (2009) Articles Improvement of the lactose crystallization process
No 12 (2009) Articles Technological platform of the domestic prebiotic lactulose
No 12 (2009) Articles Food functional modules on the basis of demineralized milk whey
No 7 (2010) Articles Vliyanie laktitola na skvashivanie i antagonisticheskuyu aktivnost' molochnokislykh mikroorganizmov
No 7 (2010) Articles Electrodialysis plants for milk whey processing
No 7 (2010) Articles Fermented milk of mixed fermentation
No 9 (2010) Articles Production of cheese and curds abroad: on-line technologies and machinery
No 8 (2010) Articles Yogurt with application of the whey protein concentrate: rheological characteristics
No 1 (2010) Articles Safety of the nanoparticles application
No 1 (2010) Articles Real'nye membrannye tekhnologii
No 12 (2010) Articles Development of the membrane technologies: rationalityand no wastes
No 1 (2010) Articles Maillard reaction in milkproducts technology as a way of nanoparticles formation
No 1 (2010) Articles Technology of the low fatsour cream
No 7 (2011) Articles The innovative product - milk with increased content of melatonine
No 1 (2011) Articles Effektivnyy sposob pererabotki tvorozhnoy syvorotki
No 8 (2011) Articles Prospects of the functional food products development
No 9 (2011) Articles White and black: milk processing in the South-Africa Republic
No 10 (2011) Articles Application of the fermentative hydrolysisin the technology of the low lactose ice-cream
No 11 (2011) Articles Curds and curds products with milk whey and its components
No 5 (2011) Articles Milk dessert with polysaccharides
No 2 (2012) Articles Treatment of the milk raw materials by membrane methods
No 2 (2012) Articles Technology of the fermented milk: application ol the extracts of vegetable raw materials

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