
Comparative effectiveness of infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies in patients with various forms of endometriosis and its combination with polycystic ovary syndrome
Makolkin A.A., Kalugina A.S.
Mesenchymal stromal cells application for experimental genital tuberculosis combination therapy
Afanaseva F.M., Niauri D.A., Vinogradova T.I., Kogan I.Y., Tapilskaya N.I., Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Ryzhov J.R., Gzgzyan A.M.
New International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics ovulatory disorders classification system 2022. Diagnostic assessment of ovulatory dysfunction
Kovalyova Y.V.
Immune interface of patients with reproductive loss in the North-West region of the Russian Federation
Shengeliia M.O., Bespalova O.N., Zhernakova T.S., Zagaynova V.A., Agnayeva A.O., Pachuliia O.V., Chepanov S.V., Domanskaya M.A., Selkov S.A., Kogan I.Y.
Chromosome 9 inversion infertility treatment. A clinical case
Paskar S.S., Nikitin S.V., Bogomolova M.V., Fomenkova I.S., Shutova E.E.
Endometrial NK cells in repeated implantation failure – quantity and functional markers
Zagaynova V.A., Bespalova O.N., Krikheli I.O., Gzgzyan A.M., Tral T.G., Tolibova G.K., Sokolov D.I., Kogan I.Y.
Management strategies for POSEIDON patients with poor ovarian response to ovarian stimulation: а literature review
Dumanskaya Y.A., Kalugina A.S.
Endometrial blood flow evaluation in women with uterine fibroids during in vitro fertilization treatment
Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Krikheli I.O., Potapov A.V., Ob'edkova K.V., Safarian G.K., Niauri D.A., Gzgzyan A.M.
Assisted reproductive technology and uterine cancer risk. A systematic review and meta-analysis
Klyukina L.A., Sosnova E.A., Ishchenko A.А.
The potential of micronutrient support with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the prevention of human reproductive disorders
Zhernakova T.S., Bespalova O.N.
Inflammatory diseases of the genitals as a leading factor of infertility (diagnosis, treatment)
Ivanyuta L.I., Belis N.I.
Autosensitization to human chorionic gonadotropin: etiology, role in reproductive loss, and approaches to therapy
Tkhai D.V., Chepanov S.V., Arzhanova O.N., Bespalova O.N., Selkov S.A.
Biological profile of the follicular fluid. A pilot study
Bespalova O.N., Shengelia M.O., Zagaynova V.A., Chepanov S.V., Komarova E.M., Kogan I.Y.
Application of wobenzyme in complex therapy in patients with infertility in marriage
Kalinina S.N., Tiktinsky O.L., Alexandrov V.P., Savicheva A.M., Skryabin G.N., Korenkov D.G.
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitals in women with endocrine infertility
Ilyuk T.A.
New ideas about the maternal gut microbiome as a source of fetal programming
Barinova V.V., Ivanov D.O., Bushtyreva I.O., Botasheva T.L., Artouz E.E.
Issues in reproductive health in chromosome translocation carriers
Shilenkova Y.V., Pendina A.A., Fedorova E.M., Efimova O.A., Chiryaeva O.G., Petrova L.I., Dudkina V.S., Tikhonov A.V., Gzgzyan A.M., Bespalova O.N., Kogan I.Y.
Causes of septic complications of childbirth
Nitsovich R.M., Garbuzova I.V., Nitsovich I.R.
Cure tactics of patients with infertility on suspicion to external genital endometriosis
Kulakov V.I., Bespalova J.V., Volkov N.I.
Significance of metabolomic disorders in infertility and miscarriage in patients with endometriosis
Ermolova N.V., Levkovich M.A., Petrov Y.A., Avrutskaya V.V., Krukier I.I., Savchenko A.V.
Current tactics for men with severe forms of spermatogenesis disorders
Murzakmatov M.A., Dolgov G.V., Makarenko V.B., Vesnina E.L., Kareva I.V., Dovganyuk N.B., Lukyanchuk R.M.
Pregnancy loss after overcoming the sterility with methods of auxiliary reproductive technologies
Korsak V.S., Arganova O.N., Gromyko Y.L., Isakova E.V.
The role of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system in the development of infertility
Haydariva M.K.
Role of mycoplasma infection in infertility in marriage
Nitsovich R.M., Garbuzova I.V., Nitsovich I.R.
Pregnancy and childbirth in patients with endometriosis
Bezhenar V.F., Rogatinskaya E.V., Dyachenko D.T., Fedosova D.V.
Transcervical recanalization of fallopian tubes: problems and development prospects
Bezhenar V.F., Lyatoshinskaya P.V., Kira E.F., Zhemchuzhina T.Y.
Immunocompetent cells in the endometrium of patients with infertility and external genital endometriosis
Kulakov V.I., Volkov N.I., Bespalova J.V.
Influence of immunotherapy on antisperm antibodies in women
Shliakhtenko T.
Peritoneal endometriosis and infertility
Ailamazyan Е.K., Savitsky G.A., Niauri D.А., Gorbushin S.M.
Tubal-peritoneal infertility (TPI). Problems and prospects
Bezhenar V.F., Maksimov V.F.
Laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis-associated infertility and the ovarian function
Rulev V.V., Abashova E.I.
Comparative effectiveness of endometriosis-associated infertility therapy
Kulakov V.I., Gasparov А.S., Nazarenko T.А.
Diagnostic accuracy of fertiloscopy in the examination of patients with infertility
Dubnitskaya L.V., Bakanova D.N., Nazarenko T.A.
Microvillous relief of endometrial epitheliocytes and infertility in peritoneal endometriosis
Gorbushin S.M., Savitsky G.A., Scopichev V.G.
Combined use of laparoscopy and hysteroscopy in the treatment of female infertility
Kira E.F., Ilyin A.B., Bezhenar V.F.
Role of the processes of angiogenesis, proteolysis, iron transport and changes of morpho- functional status of immunocompetent cells in the pathogenesis of infiltrative endometriosis
Adamyan L.V., Gasparyan S.A., Iarotskaya Е.L., Gavrilova T.Y.
Conservative-surgical treatment of the external-internal endometriosis
Krasnopolsky V.I., Buianova S.N.
Endovideosurgery in treatment of female sterility
Strizheletskiy V.V., Kakhiani Е.I., Zhemchyuzhina Т.Y., Tayts А.N., Luchkin А.N.
Glutathione detoxication processes in females suffering from sterility
Inoyatova V.H.
Antiphospholipid antibodies and combined pathology of small pelvis in women with tumors and tumoroid ovary formations, who suffer with infertility, and correction of revealed disorders
Gataulina R.G., Vanko L.V., Nazarenko T.А., Ezhova L.S., Menzhinskaia I.V., Barabanova О.E., Sukhikh G.T.
Preoperative preparation with using of the Zoladex in combined treatment of uterine myoma in women with infertility
Volkov N.I., Korneeva I.E., Kornilova D.P.
Treatment endometrium cancer with preserving fertility - analysis of literature data and own studies
Bakhidze E.V., Chepik O.V., Volkova A.T., Maksimov S.I.
Influence of ecological factors of Tumen region on female reproductive health and results of extracorporal impregnation
Korsack V.S., Kirsanov A.A., Popenko E.V., Ignatieva T.V., Severova E.L.
Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of female sterility
Zaitseva E.G., Marenin А.G., Biteev V.K.
The peculiarities of pregnancy and labor & delivery course in patients after laparoscopic correction of sterility
Chub V.V., Shupik А.I., Klimov V.А., Anistratenko S.I., Schola L.I.
Diagnostic and correction treatment of male immune infertility
Ter-Avanesov G.V., Kulakov V.I., Goloubeva E.L., Korotkova I.V.
International Environmental Forum
Board E.
Peritoneal endometriosis and infertility - interconnection of pathogenethics processes
Savitsky G.A., Gorbushin S.M.
Waves of gonadotropins and diagnostics of hormonal insufficiency of ovaries
Potin V.V.
Morphological evaluation of the hypoplastic endometrium in women with ineffective art protocols
Tolibova G.K., Tral T.G., Kogan I.Y.
The efficiency of IVF/ICSI protocols in female subclinical hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity
Safaryan G.K., Gzgzyan A.M., Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Niauri D.A.
Treatment of infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome using assisted reproductive technology
Danielyan R.M., Gzgzyan A.M.
Surgical treatment of the patients with tubal infertility using endoscopic and microsurgical methods
Yakovleva N.V., Marinkin I.O.
Quality-of-life of the women after surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy
Kira E.F., Bezhenar V.F., Ruhliada N.N.
Surgical treatment of tubal- peritoneal sterility in patients with hydrosalpinx
Kira E.F., Lyatoshinskaya P.V., Bezhenar V.F.
Clinical case of pregnancy and preterm labor in a woman with stage III genital prolapse
Ziganshin A.M., Mudrov V.A.
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as a checkpoint of the embryo invasive potential and endometrial receptivity
Tapilskaya N.I., Gzgzyan A.M., Kogan I.Y.
Modern capabilities of reproductive function realization for patients affected by deep infiltrative endometriosis
Yarmolinskaya M.I., Durneva E.I.
Assessment of endometrial receptivity by biomarkers
Kravchuk Y.N., Kalugina A.S.
Morphological and microbiological endometrium researches in examination of the patients with tubal-peritoneal infertility at a stage of preparation to IVF
Corsac V.S., Bodul A.S., Isakova E.V., Savitcheva A.M., Tchemodanova E.B.
Experience of microsurgical tubes operation for sterility in women
Mgeladze B.N.
Possibilities and principles of mathematical assessment of the results of laparoendoscopic operations in patients with tuboperitoneal infertility
Alieva H.G., Kharkharova E.G.
Effect of genital endometriosis on fertility and gestation course
Yarmolinskaya M.I., Seyidova C.I.
Endometrium and polycystic ovary syndrome
Yakovlev P.P., Kogan I.Y.
Uterine fibroids and effiency of in vitro fertilization programs
Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Niauri D.A., Abdulkadyrova Z.K.
Antiadhesion bariers application in infertil patients with pelvic adhesions
Popov A.A., Manannikova T.N., Kolesnik N.A., Ramazanov M.R., Fedorov A.A., Barto R.A., Zemskov U.V.
Shistozomatous salpingitis as a course for primary tubal- peritoneal infertility: A case report
Kira E.F., Guriev A.V., Povzun S.A.
Trends in safe infertility treatment with assisted reproductive technologies
Paskar S.S., Kalugina A.S., Tkachuk A.G.
Ovarian aromatase activity: evaluation methods and the clinical significance in IVF protocols
Yakovlev P.P., Krylova J.S., Mekina I.D., Polyakova V.O., Kvetnoy I.M., Tarasova M.A., Kogan I.Y., Gzgzyan A.M., Rodichkina V.R.
Comparative evaluation of morphological criteria of endometrial dysfunction in patients with infertility associated with pelvic inflammatory disease, external genital endometriosis and uterine myoma
Tolibova G.K.
Impact of the obtained embryos’ quality on the cryopreservation programs outcome in comparison slow freezing method with vitrification in IVF cycles
Kalugina A.S., Kravchuk Y.N., Shlykova S.A., Bystrova O.V., Kamenetskaya J.K., Zubova J.G.
Early diagnosis of external genital endometriosis in women with infertility
Bespalova J.V., Volkov N.I., Kulakov V.I.
Laparoscopy in diagnostics and treatment of hormonal infertility
Rulev V.V., Abashova Е.I., Mischarina Е.V., Poteen V.V., Tarasova М.А.
Way intramural recanalisation at tubal infertility at the women
Мгеладзе B.N., Tatarova N.A., Susloparov L.A.
Current views on overweight and obesity influence on assisted reproductive technology data
Makhmadaliyeva M.R., Gzgzyan A.M.
The effect of excess body weight and obesity on the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies programs
Mahmadaliyeva M.R., Kogan I.Y., Niauri D.A., Mekina I.D., Gzgzyan A.M.
Experience of application anti adgesivebarrier in the treatment of patients with Asherman’s syndrome
Makarenko T.A., Nikiforova D.E., Ul’yanova I.O.
Influence of previous exposure to Chlamydia trachomatis on in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer programs outcome
Samulyzhko V.S.
The first experience of gynecological laparoendoscopy
Alieva H.G.
Surgical treatment of patients with proximal uterine tubes occlusion
Liatoshinskaja P.V., Bezhenar V.F., Tzhemchizhina T.I., Kira Е.F.
Use of assisted reproductive technologies in euthyroid women with antibodies to the thyroid gland. A literature review
Gorelova I.V., Prikhodko K.A., Rulev M.V., Zazerskaya I.E.
Composition of endometrial microbiota and chronic endometritis severity in patients with in vitro fertilization failures. Is there any connection?
Tsypurdeeva N.D., Shipitsyna E.V., Savicheva A.M., Gzgzyan A.M., Kogan I.Y.
The features of the expression of sex steroids hormone receptors, pro-inflammatory markers and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor protein p16ink4a in endometrium at external genital endometriosis
Aylamazyan E.K., Tolibova G.K., Tral T.G., Kogan I.U., Kvetnoy I.M.
Use of androgens and aromatase inhibitors in poor responders undergoing in vitro fertilization
Merkulova A.I., Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Niauri D.A., Gzgzyan A.M., Kogan I.Y., Krikheli I.O., Tapilskaya N.I., Mekina I.D., Lesik E.A., Komarova E.M.
Pathogenetic determinants of endometrial dysfunction in patients with myoma
Tolibova G.K.
In vitro fertilization outcome in women with tubal factor of infertility and previous chlamydial infection
Myuller V.S., Kogan I.Y., Savicheva A.M.
Diagnostics and treatment of benign ovarian tumors in patients with impaired reproductive function
Kulavsky V.A., Zharinova S.M., Kulavsky Е.V.
Evolution of reproductive surgery
Kira E.F.
Role of biometric characteristics of the uterine junctional zone in fertility outcomes in patients with adenomyosis
Orekhova E.K., Zhandarova O.A., Kogan I.Y.
Early pregnancy loss as an indication for preimplantation genetic testing
Smirnova A.A., Zyryaeva N.A., Zhordanidze D.O., Anshina M.B., Kira E.F.
The influence of clinical and laboratory characteristics on psycho-emotional status in patients with endometriosis and infertility
Ishan-Khodzhaeva F.R.
Importance of genital endometriosis in pathogenesis of infertility
Yarmolinskaya M.I., Denisova V.M.
1 - 92 of 92 Items

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