
Knowledge of senior students in the definition, classification, and approaches to the treatment of arterial hypertension. Final results of the PHYSTARH project
Bontsevich R.A., Vovk Y.R., Gavrilova A.A., Batishcheva G.A., Goncharova N.I., Elizarova I.O., Ketova G.G., Barysheva V.O., Bikkinina G.M., Myronenko O.V.
Management of patients with arterial hypertension and atrial fibrillation
Chazova I.E., Golitsyn S.P., Zhernakova J.V., Zheleznova E.A., Kropacheva E.S., Mironov N.I., Kostiukevich M.V., Laiovich L.I., Utsumueva M.D., Iuricheva I.A., Litvin A.Y., Elfimova E.M., Rogoza A.N., Panchenko E.P.
Drug-induced arterial hypertension
Ostroumova O.D., Kulikova M.I.
Clinical features and course of arterial hypertension in patients with its various forms
Denisova A.R., Esaulova T.E., Solntseva T.D., Sivakova O.A., Chazova I.E.
Uncontrolled arterial hypertension: main causes, features of pathogenesis and approaches to treatment
Denisova A.R., Solntseva T.D., Sivakova O.A., Chazova I.E.
Uncontrolled arterial hypertension in patients with breast cancer and the risk of developing cardiotoxicity with anthracycline-containing chemotherapy
Oshchepkova E.V., Avalyan A.A., Rogoza A.N., Gorieva S.B., Saidova M.A., Chazova I.E.
Resistant and refractory arterial hypertension: similarities and differences, new approaches to diagnosis and treatment
Aksenova A.V., Esaulova T.E., Sivakova O.A., Chazova I.E.
Rekomendatsii ESH/ESC 2013 g. po lecheniyu arterial'noy gipertonii
Mancia G., Fagard R.
Clinical Manual for Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Complications of Cancer Therapy. Parts II-V
Chazova I.Y., Tyulyandin S.A., Vitsenia M.V., Poltavskaya M.G., Gilyarov M.Y., Martynyuk T.V., Ovchinnikov A.G., Panchenko E.P., Fedotkina Y.A., Stenina M.B., Trophimova O.P., Ageev F.T.
Effektivnost' i bezopasnost' sovremennykh mochegonnykh preparatov u patsientov s arterial'noy gipertoniey oslozhnennogo techeniya
Chazova I.E.
Gipertonicheskie krizy, sovremennye printsipy terapii
Tereshchenko S.N.
Sravnitel'naya otsenka antigipertenzivnoy effektivnosti lozartana i ego fiksirovannoy kombinatsii s gidrokhlortiazidom pri 24-nedel'noy terapii u bol'nykh gipertonicheskoy bolezn'yu
Ratova L.G., Tolpygina S.N., Chazova I.E.
Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and approaches to the treatment of arterial hypertension: an assessment of the physicians’ basic knowledge. Final results of the PHYSTARH project
Bontsevich R.A., Vovk Y.R., Gavrilova A.A., Kirichenko A.A., Ebzeeva E.Y., Kosmacheva E.D., Kompaniets O.G., Prozorova G.G., Nevzorova V.A., Martynenko I.M., Barysheva V.O., Ketova G.G., Maksimov M.L., Osipova O.A.
Speckle-tracking echocardiography in 3D mode in assessing the deformation of the myocardium and identifying subclinical cardiotoxicity during chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with arterial hypertension
Avalyan A.A., Saidova M.A., Oshchepkova E.V., Chazova I.E.
New approaches to the analysis of daily variability of sinus rhythm in assessing the antihypertensive effect of various drugs
Sobolev A.V., Talabanov P.G., Ryabykina G.V., Kozhemyakina E.S., Oshchepkova E.V.
Orthostatic reactions and cognitive dysfunctions in elderly and senile patients with arterial hypertension
Atyunina I.V., Oschepkova E.V., Rogoza A.N., Lazareva N.V.
Rationale for the use of sartans in patients with arterial hypertension
Stryuk R.I.
Communication of subcutaneous, visceral, periaortic, epicardial fat and metabolic parameters with arterial stiffness in young people with abdominal obesity
Zheleznova E.A., Zhernakova Y.V., Chazova I.E., Rogoza A.N., Zairova A.R., Shariya M.A., Yarovaya E.B., Orlovsky A.A., Blinova N.V., Azimova M.O., Gorieva S.B., Konosova I.D.
The role of b-blockers in the new revision of the 2018 European guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension in the patients with comorbidities
Ostroumova O.D., Kochetkov A.I.
Guidelines for diagnostics and treatment of hypertension 2018 - European experts’opinion [Guidelines]
Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Y.V.
Clinical efficacy of sympathetic denervation of renal arteries in patients with resistant arterial hypertension as part of annual prospective follow-up
Gapon L.I., Mikova E.V., Savelyeva N.Y., Kolunin G.V., Zherzhova A.Y.
Nephroprotective in patients with metabolic syndrome: approaches to the appointment of antihypertensive drugs
Ostroumova O.D., Zykova A.A., Maksimov M.L.
The major arteries and skin microcirculatory vessels status and antihypertensive therapy effect on them in hypertensive patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk
Mordvinova E.V., Oshchepkova E.V., Fedorovich A.A., Zairova A.R., Pogorelova O.A., Tripoten M.I., Rogoza A.N.
The role of b-blockers in treatment of hypertension, according to Russian and European experts
Ostroumova O.D., Fomina V.M., Shchukina G.N., Smoliarchuk E.A.
The prevalence of renal dysfunction in arterial hypertension (in the framework of the ESSE-RF study)
Oshchepkova E.V., Dolgusheva I.A., Zhernakova I.V., Chazova I.E., Shal'nova S.A., Iarovaia E.B., Rotar' O.P., Konradi A.O., Boitsov S.A.
The application of torasemide in patients with arterial hypertension: evidence-based and practical approaches
Gilyarevsky S.R., Kuzmina I.M., Golshmid M.V.
The treatment options of the new angiotensin II receptor blocker - azilsartan medoxomil in the therapy of hypertension in patients with metabolic disorders
Zhernakov Y.V., Chazova I.Y.
The impact of fixed combination of amlodipine and perindopril (drug Prestance)on the mechanisms of heat adaptation in patients with arterial hypertension
Ageev F.T., Smirnova M.D., Fofanova T.V., Svirida O.N., Mikhailov G.D., Revich B.A.
Korrektsiya dislipidemiy pri soputstvuyushchey arterial'noy gipertonii s pozitsiy obnovlennoy paradigmy serdechno-sosudistogo riska
Gurevich V.S.
Effektivnoe i bezopasnoe ispol'zovanie perindoprila v doze 8 mg v kachestve startovogo lecheniya bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey v usloviyakh statsionara (po rezul'tatam issledovaniya DOMINANTA)
Ostroumova O.D., Barabash O.L., Bondareva Z.G., Yakhontov D.A., Pereskal'skaya M.A., Mordvinova N.I., Paukov S.V.
Primenenie karvedilola u bol'nykh s metabolicheskim sindromom
Mychka V.B., Chazova I.E.
Otsenka effektivnosti moeksiprila u bol'nykh myagkoy i umerennoy arterial'noy gipertoniey s gipertrofiey miokarda levogo zheludochka (issledovanie ENIGMA)
Belenkov Y.N., Chazova I.E., Ratova L.G., Ataullakhanova D.M., Karpov R.N., Shlyakhto E.V., Fomin I.V.
Kombinirovannaya terapiya arterial'noy gipertenzii
Chazova I.E., Ratova L.G.
Comparative characteristics of indicators of peripheral arterial and central aortic pressure, remodeling of the left ventricular myocardium in salt-sensitive and salt-resistant patients with arterial hypertension
Skibitskiy V.V., Vasil'ev V.Y., Fendrikova A.V., Pyatakov S.N.
Clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chazova I.E., Nevzorova V.A., Ambatiello L.G., Brodskaia T.A., Oshchepkova E.V., Belevskii A.S., Zhernakova J.V., Aisanov Z.R., Ovcharenko S.I., Chuchalin A.G.
First results of Russian multicenter prospective clinical study VICTORY II: Vamloset® and Co-Vamloset effectiveness and safety in patients with stage 2 and 3 arterial hypertension
Chazova I.E., Martynyuk T.V., Rodnenkov V.O., Gorieva B.S., Rogoza A.N., Arkhipov M.V., Grinshtein Y.I., Ostroumova O.D., Galiavich A.S., Rotar’ O.P., Haisheva L.A., Kameneva T.R.
Evaluation of subclinical cardiotoxicity in patients with breast cancer and arterial hypertension in two regimens of anthracycline-containing chemotherapy
Avalyan A.A., Oshchepkova E.V., Saidova M.A., Shitov V.N., Glazkova E.V., Stenina M.B., Chazova I.E.
Features of diurnal blood pressure profile, arterial stiffness and left ventricular structure and function in patients with arterial hypertension, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Fendrikova A.V., Gutova S.R., Skibitsky V.V., Skibitsky A.V.
The efficacy and safety of torasemid in the treatment of arterial hypertension in different clinical situations
Ostroumova O.D., Piksina G.F., Smolyarchuk E.A., Pavleeva E.E., Bondarets O.V.
The results of the international clinical study VICTORY: efficacy and safety of antihypertensive monotherapy with valsartan (Valsacor®) and its fixed combination with hydrochlorothiazide (Valsacor® H) in routine clinical practice in patients with grade 1 and grade 2 hypertension
Chazova I.E., Martynyuk T.V., Accetto R., Sirenko Y., Vincelj J., JWidimsky J., Barbič-Žagar B., Arhipov M.V., Grinshtein Y.I., Ostroumova O.D., Galjavich A.S., Rotar' O.P., Haisheva L.A., Nedogoda S.V.
Dihydropyridine calcium antagonists: conscious choice
Ostroumova O.D., Vikentev V.V., Abrosimov A.G., Smoliarchuk E.A.
Workplace hypertension": focus on emotional and personality traits in patients
Ostroumova O.D., Pervichko E.I., Zinchenko Y.P.
Effectiveness of combined antihypertensive treatment depending on the phenomenon of salt sensitivity in patients with refractory arterial hypertension
Skibitskiy V.V., Garkusha E.S., Fendrikova A.V.
The association of arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease is the main problem in modern cardiology practice
Ostroumova O.D., Dudaev V.A., Fomina V.M.
The first results of an international clinical trial VICTORY:the efficacy and safety of antihypertensive valsartan monotherapy and the fixed combination of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide usingdifferent dosage regimens in patients with 1-2 degree arterial hypertension
Chazova E.E., Martyniuk T.V.
Dynamics of arterial hypertension and its impact on mortality in the Russian population
Balanova Y.A., Shalnova S.A., Deyev A.D., Konstantinov V.V., Kapustina A.V.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease combined with arterial hypertension: efficacy and safety ofthesustained-release indapamide (Arifon® retard)
Ovcharenko S.I., Nersesyan Z.N., Morozova T.E.
The telmisartan and amlodipine combination in the treatment of hypertension
Shehyan G.G., Yalymov A.A., Schikota A.M., Zadionchenko V.S., Varentsov S.I.
Candesartan in treating hypertension
Minushkina L.O.
Covremennye predstavleniya ob ideal'noy kombinatsii antigipertenzivnykh preparatov dlya profilaktiki insul'ta
Ostroumova O.D., Fomina V.M., Guseva T.F.
Use of diuretics in hypertensive patients with metabolic disturbances
Zhernakova Y.V., Chazova I.E.
Effect of adrenalectomy on the condition of the myocardium and arteries in hypertensive patient with primary hyperaldosteronism
Valieva Z.S., Chikhladze N.M., Sakhnova T.A., Blinova E.V., Panteleev I.V., Tripoten M.I., Balakhonova T.V., Chazova I.E.
Vozmozhnosti gipolipidemicheskoy terapii bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey (po rezul'tatam programmy "ROZA" - ROZuvastatin u patsientov s Arterial'noy gipertoniey)
Chazova I.E., Kukharchuk V.V., Ratova L.G., Kaminnaya V.I.
Korotkiy put' k zavetnoy tseli – ko-renitek dlya patsienta s AG
Chazova I.E., Ratova L.G.
Osnovnye rezul'taty programmy APREL'
Chazova I.E., Mychka V.B., Belenkov Y.N.
Vozmozhnosti primeneniya beta-adrenoblokatorov s vazodilatiruyushchimi svoystvami u bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey
Chikhladze N.M., Chazova I.E.
Nefroprotektsiya v lechenii bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey (rezul'taty issledovaniya IRIS)
Chazova I.E., Ratova L.G., Kolos I.P., Kotkina T.I., Martsevich S.Y., Moiseeva O.M., Kozyreva M.P., Dmitrieva N.A., Semenova Y.A., Andreeva G.F., Voronina V.P., Lukina Y.V., Ivanenkova P.Y., Serazhim A.A., Fel'dsherova N.A.
Nefroprotektivnyy effekt antigipertenzivnoy terapii: issledovanie IRIS
Ratova L.G., Chazova I.E.
Combined antihypertensive and psychocorrective therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and anxiety-depressive disorders: are there any advantages?
Skibitsky V.V., Ginter J.E., Fendrikova A.V., Sirotenko D.V.
Renal artery denervation in patients with resistant arterial hypertension: clinical and organ-protective effect
Gapon L.I., Mikova E.V., Krinochkin D.V., Savelyeva N.Y., Zherzhova A.Y., Aleksandrovich E.L.
Arterial hypertension in the elderly and higher mental functions. Possibilities of an-tihypertensive therapy withArifon retard in the prevention of dementia.
Ostroumova O.D., Korsakova N.K., Varako N.A.
Blood pressure level and arterial stiffness parameters role in prediction of the antihypertensive therapy efficacy escape phenomenon
Mikhailova O.O., Elfimova E.M., Litvin A.Y., Rogoza A.N.
The influence of antyhypertensive therapy of valsartan and fixed combination with hydrochlorothiazide use on pulse-wave velocity and central arterial pressure in patients with arterial hypertension of 1-2 grades in international VICTORY clinical trial
Chazova I.E., Martynyuk T.V., Accetto R., Sirenko Y.N., Vincelj J., Widimsky J., Barbič-Žagar B., Arhipov M.V., Grinshtein Y.I., Ostroumova O.D., Galjavich A.S., Rotar O.P., Haisheva L.A., Nedogoda S.V.
Dynamics of clinico-psychological characteristics in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and arterial hypertension after one month of the use of CPAP therapy
Konovalova K.I., Elfimova E.M., Mikhailova O.O., Fedorova V.I., Litvin A.Y.
The control of blood pressure level as the prevention of cognitive impairment
Melnik M.V., Afonicheva I.I., Kazyulin A.A.
Loop diuretics in the treatment of hypertension and edema syndrome
Kirichenko A.A.
From the choice of antihypertensive drug to the choice of fixed combinations of antihypertensive drugs: a paradigm shift
Ostroumova O.D., Bondarets O.V., Kopchenov I.I., Guseva T.F.
The results of the pharmacoepidemiological study PIFAGOR IV concerning arterial hypertension (AH patients survey)
Leonova M.V., Belousov Y.B., Shteinberg L.L., Alimova E.E., Smirnova E.P., Belousov D.Y.
Phylogentic theory of pathology. Common phylogenetic features in the pathogenesis of essential arterial hyperntesion and insulin resistance syndrome
Titov V.N.
Psychosomatic Aspects of Low Adherence to Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients with Arterial Hypertension
Fofanova T.V., Ageyev F.T., Kadushina E.B., Drobizhev M.Y., Smirnova M.D., Kuzmina A.E.
Primenenie diuretikov u bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey s metabolicheskimi narusheniyami
Zhernakova Y.V., Chazova I.E.
Evaluation of the antihypertensive efficacy and safety of moxonidine in the treatment of uncomplicated hypertensive crisis
Tereshchenko S.N., Gaponova N.I., Abdrakhmanov V.R.
Diurnal blood pressure variability as a risk factor for complications of arterial hypertension
Ostroumova O.D., Reznikova K.U.
Korrektsiya disfunktsii endoteliya pri arterial'noy gipertonii: fokus na beta -blokatory
Ostroumova O.D., Dubinskaya R.E., Zhukova O.V.
Optimizatsiya lecheniya patsientov s sochetannymi formami arterial'noy gipertonii i ishemicheskoy bolezni serdtsa
Volkova E.G.
Podkhody k lecheniyu arterial'noy gipertonii v usloviyakh statsionara: korrektsiya arterial'nogo davleniya i sostoyanie kognitivnykh funktsiy
Ostroumova O.D., Desnitskaya I.V.
Vliyanie terapii bisoprololom i aktoveginom na perfuziyu golovnogo mozga u patsientov s metabolicheskim sindromom
Mychka V.B., Chazova I.E., Gornostaev V.V., Sergienko V.B.
Ot idei k klinicheskoy praktike: pervye rezul'taty Rossiyskogo natsional'nogo issledovaniya optimal'nogo snizheniya arterial'nogo davleniya (ROSA)
Chazova I.E., Belenkov Y.N.
Povyshenie arterial'nogo davleniya i gipotenzivnaya terapiya pri insul'te
Parfenov V.A.
Drug therapy of arterial hypertension: assessment of the physicians’ basic knowledge. Final results of the PHYSTARH project
Bontsevich R.A., Vovk Y.R., Gavrilova A.A., Kirichenko A.A., Krotkova I.F., Kosmacheva E.D., Kompaniets O.G., Prozorova G.G., Nevzorova V.A., Martynenko I.M., Ketova G.G., Barysheva V.O., Maksimov M.L., Osipova O.A.
Russian medical society on arterial hypertension (RMSAH) Consensus of Experts on the use of radiofrequency denervation of the renal arteries in patients with arterial hypertension
Danilov N.M., Agaeva R.A., Matchin Y.G., Grigin V.A., Shchelkova G.V., Ripp T.M., Pekarskii S.E., Baev A.E., Chazova I.Е.
The nature of the course of arterial hypertension in low-renin hyperaldosteronism
Chikhladze N.M.
The condition of parameters of memory, attention and thinking at men of young age officers under the contractwith arterial hypertension.
Davidovich I.M., Afonaskov O.V., Staroverova Y.K.
Gender differences efficiency of various dosage regimes of antihypertensive agents by patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease
Skibitsky V.V., Gorodetskaya E.V., Kudryashov E.A., Fendrikova A.V., Skibitsky A.V.
Arterial hypertension in patients with non-specific aortoarteritis
Chikhladze N.M.
The problem of broncho-obstructive syndrome early detection in cardiological patients. Review of specialized respiratory questionnaires and their use in patients with comorbid cardiovascular and broncho-obstructive pathologies
Klimova A.A., Ambatello L.G., Smolyakova E.V., Nistor S.Y., Zykov K.A., Chazova I.E.
Quality assessment of examination of patients with arterial hypertension in primary health care (according to the Russian arterial hypertension register data)
Oshchepkova E.V., Lazareva N.V., Chazova I.E.
Cardiovascular risk factors in people with high normal blood pressure in Russian population (based on data obtained in ESSE-RF epidemiological study)
Efremova Y.E., Oshchepkova E.V., Zhernakova Y.V., Chazova I.E., Iarovaia E.B., Shalnova S.A., Rotar O.P., Konradi A.O., Shliakhto E.V., Boitsov S.A.
Radiofrequency renal arteries denervation: effectively and safely
Grigin V.A., Danilov N.M., Matchin Y.G., Chazova I.E.
The possibility of a new receptor blocker to angiotensin in improving control of hypertension. Non-intervention international multicenter observational prospective study of the use azilsartan medoxomil in patients with arterial hypertension and overweight or obesity in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zhernakova Y.V., Chazova I.E.
Safety of beta-agonists with different duration of action in patients with arterial hypertension and broncho-obstructive diseases
Dolgusheva Y.A., Agapova O.Y., Zykov K.A., Chazova I.E.
Calcium channel blockers: more than 50 years on guard of health
Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Y.V.
First results of the Russian database of international prospective observational registry variability of blood pressure in patients with hypertension
Ostroumova O.D.
Education and self-education of the patients is an important step towards increasing patients acceptance of therapy
Chazova I.Y., Ageev F.T., Fofanova T.V., Chikhladze N.M., Kuznetsova M.B., Smirnova M.D., Ostrogorskaya V.A., Geraschenko Y.S.
Izuchenie kognitivnykh funktsiy mozga u bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey s nalichiem ili otsutstviem metabolicheskogo sindroma
Sharipova G.K., Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Y.V.
Antihypertensive efficacy of a fixed full-dose perindopril A-indapamide combination in patients with grades 2–3 arterial hypertension
Glukhova T.V., Solgalova S.A., Alferov V.V.
Stress-induced arterial hypertension – clinical features and treatment options
Ratova L.G., Chazova I.E.
Novye vozmozhnosti v lechenii bol'nykh s metabolicheskim sindromom (rezul'taty issledovaniya ALMAZ)
Chazova I.E., Mychka V.B.
Kogda neobkhodimo nachinat' lechenie arterial'noy gipertonii s fiksirovannykh kombinatsiy? Novye tendentsii
Ostroumova O.D., Golovina O.V.
Sakharnyy diabet i arterial'naya gipertoniya: kakovy preparaty pervogo ryada vybora?
Shestakova M.V.
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