Browse Title Index

Issue Title File
No 6 (2008) Trends in the packaging machine building in Russia
Hmelevskii G.K.
No 7 (2003) Trends in the Russian market of fermented milk products
Kolosova T., Kolosova T.
No 2 (2008) Trends in the specialized fats market
Klimakov I.Y.
No 6 (2010) Trends of development of the milk raw materials basis(at the example of one agricultural enterprise)
Zhdanov A.A., Lukashina L.A.
No 5 (2010) Trends of milk baby foods production in Russia
GOROShchENKO L.G., Goroshcheno L.G.
No 4 (2010) Trends of the developmentof milk products manufacturing in Russia
Goroshchenko L.G., Goroshchenko L.G.
No 1 (2019) Trends of the market or the strongest will survive
Beregova I.
No 6 (2012) Trends of the Russian consumers market
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No 5 (2016) Trends on the Russian milk market
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No 4 (2004) Trends, particularities and future of the Russiandairy industry development
Kharitonov V.D., Neznanov Y.A., Haritonov V.D., Neznanov Y.A.
No 9 (2008) Tropic oils market. Results of 2007 and the first half of 2008
Klimakov I.Y.
No 6 (2006) Tsellyulozoliticheskie mikroorganizmy v kormakh na osnove molochnoy syvorotki
Burykina I.M., Borisova G.V., Ozhiganova E.V.
No 3 (2006) Tselostnaya upakovochnaya sistema dlya pasterizovannykh i sterilizovannykh zhidkostey
Martynenko N.
No 6 (2017) Tube heat exchanging apparatus with double system of heat exchange
Geraimovich O.A.
No 10 (2006) Two pumps plant managing with automatic switching on of the reserve feeding
Musina O.N., Mazuha N.A.
No 10 (2006) Two pumps plant managing with automatic switching on of the reserve feeding
Mazukha N.A., Mazuha N.A.
No 9 (2016) Two years to the epoch of the products embargo
Rybalova T.I.
No 12 (2016) Types, varieties and principles to choose condensers for the air cooling of the vapor compressing cooling machines
Sapojnikov V.B.
No 1 (2009) Typical programs of the production control
Sviridenko G.M., Topnikova E.V., Tetereva L.I., Onosovskaya N.N., Mordvinova V.A., Dunaev A., Sviridenko G.M., Topnikova E.V., Tetereva L.I., Onosovskaya N.N., Mordvinova V.A., Dunaev A.V.
No 5 (2011) Typical technological instructionsfor manufacturing products from whey
Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F., Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F.
No 7 (2016) Typological selection of the starter cultures for the milk-multigrain compositions
Makarkin D.V., Fedotova O.B.
No 5 (2006) Uchet moloka i molochnoy produktsii
Lesnykh O.V.
No 1 (2011) Uchet operatsiy po vozvratu molochnoy produktsii ot pokupateley
Lesnykh O.V.
No 5 (2006) Udalenie somaticheskikh kletok iz moloka tsentrifugirovaniem
Viking U.
No 6 (2006) Uglevodno-mineral'naya kormovaya dobavka na osnove solenoy podsyrnoy syvorotki
Volkova T.A.
No 1 (2016) Ultra-filtrated curds: quality, economy and universality
Dvornikov E.V.
No 5 (2011) Ultra-filtration of the floatated whey
Polyanskiy K.K., Titov S.A., Sayko D.S., Shakhov A.S., Polyanskii K.K., Titov S.A., Saiko D.S., Shahov A.S.
No 10 (2013) Ultra-pasteurization for one step
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No 12 (2010) Ultra-pasteurized milk - nearer to consumers
Kopytko O., KOPYTKO O.
No 5 (2011) Ultra-sonic sonochemical preparation of water
Shestakov S.D., Krasulya O.N., Artemova Y.A., Tikhomirova N.A., Shestakov S.D., Krasulya O.N., Artemova Y.A., Tihomirova N.A.
No 8 (2014) Ultrasonic treatment of milk
Tolochko N.K., Prokopiev N.A., Cheledinov A.N.
No 3 (2012) Ultrasound technology for cutting
Perrier J.-.
No 10 (2008) Understandability of the technical regulation - classificationand terminology
Krikun T.I.
No 5 (2005) Unificated cleaning stations «Protemol»
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No 4 (2004) Unification of the capacity apparatusesfor the dairy industry
Russkikh V.M., Filinkov A.S., Russkih V.M., Filinkov A.S.
No 4 (2010) UNIMILK: new positions in the segment of functional products
Bushueva I.G., Bushueva I.G.
No 8 (2005) Union of milk producers and milk processors «Utrennyaya rosa»
Arakcheev V.A., Arakcheev V.A.
No 2 (2006) Union of the milk processing plants of the Leningrad region
Girinovich O., Girinovich O.
No 9 (2012) Uniting maximum advantages
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No 12 (2012) Universal automated unit for cooling and formation of coagulum for producing curds, soft cheese and cheese of the «Rossiiskii» type
Chistova Y.
No 5 (2004) Universal butter making machinesand scraper pasteurizers
Tverdokhleb A.V., Tikhonova E.M., Tverdohleb A.V., Tihonova E.M.
No 5 (2004) Universal complex for various milk products manufacturing
Ermakov I.G., Fedonov L.B., Lutfulaev A.A., Ermakov I.G., Fedonov L.B., Lutfulaev A.A.
No 2 (2006) Universal single screw pumps for the dairy industry
Kovalev M.I., Kovalev M.I.
No 10 (2017) Universal solution for fermented milk products manufacturing
Shabalova E.D.
No 4 (2008) Universal thermocameras for intensive cheese smoking
Klimov A.V.
No 1 (2016) Universality and flexibility
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No 5 (2014) Unprecedented activity and involvement: new generation of consumers over 50 years old
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No 5 (2017) Up the stairs
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No 1 (2009) Up to date heat exchange plants for products of new generation
Glavatskikh A.V., Glavatskih A.V.
No 12 (2004) UP «BELNIKTIMMP» - from laboratory to scientific research institute
Prokop'ev N.A., Prokopiev N.A.
No 4 (2011) UPAK ITALIA-2011
Girinovich O.A., Girinovich O.A.
No 4 (2019) Upakovka - 2019
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No 1 (2017) Upakovka na vystavke «Agroprodmash-2016»
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No 1 (2013) Upakovka prodaet produkt
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No 6 (2014) Upakovka/UpakItalia-2014
Bykovskaya G.V., Girinovich O.A.
No 3 (2009) Updating of the fund of technical documentation on products based on milk whey
Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F., Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F.
No 5 (2008) Updating of the heat supplying system at replacing steam boilerswith water heating ones
Bocharnikov A.A., Bocharnikov A.A., Rudenko G.S.
No 11 (2012) Up-dating of the line for casein production. Technical-economical aspects
Dymar O.V.
No 7 (2010) Upgrading of dairying: promotion of the innovative priorities
Hramtsov A.G.
No 3 (2016) Up-grading of the drying plants for milk products
Kuznetsov P.V., Gabrielova V.T., Mertin P.
No 8 (2011) Up-grading of the plants for waste waters treatment
Karpovich V.S., Karpovich V.S.
No 9 (2017) Upon guard of health and life of the Saint-Petersburg inhabitants
Shypitsyn R.A.
No 7 (2011) Upravlenie bezopasnost'yu i kachestvom produktsii
Anan'eva N.V.
No 12 (2016) Up-to date methods to control safety and quality
Kuteneva N.N.
No 5 (2017) Up-to-date approaches to the items of hygiene
Hanumyan A.A.
No 7 (2013) Up-to-date approaches to the items of hygiene at dairies
Hanumyan A.A.
No 2 (2015) Up-to-date approaches to the items of hygiene at milk processing plants
Hanumyan A.A.
No 6 (2013) Up-to-date equipment for dry milk products manufacturing
Kuznetsov P.V., Smokotin E.V., Ogarkov V.K., Urvantsev V.A.
No 2 (2018) Up-to-date equipment for milk products drying
Kuznetsov P.V., Gabrielova V.T., Volodin D.N., Mertin P.
No 2 (2013) Up-to-date equipment of the company «Alpma» for curds manufacturing
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No 12 (2018) Up-to-date equipment of the company «Oskon»
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No 8 (2017) Up-to-date methods of controlling safetу of milk and milk products from the company Charm
Karychev R.Z., Lastochkina V.A.
No 3 (2018) Up-to-date methods to control safety using express diagnostics of antibiotics in milk and ATF-luminometry Charm
Karychev R.Z., Zhdaneeva N.P.
No 2 (2019) Up-to-date problems of the bacteria phages
Sorokina N.P., Kucherenko I.V., Kuraeva E.V., Kushnarenko L.V.
No 3 (2009) Up-to-date solution of the sour cream product quality problem
Belkova M.D., Belkova M.D.
No 10 (2017) Up-to-date solutions for dry milk products manufacturing
Mertin P., Gridin A.
No 3 (2014) Up-to-date technological equipment - principle competitive advantage
Gladik Y., Murashov V.V.
No 4 (2009) Up-to-date technologies in the dairy animal breeding of the state farm Plemzavod Rodina
Anishchenko N.I., Bil'kov V.A., Anishchenko N.I., Bil'kov V.A.
No 8 (2017) Up-to-date vectors of the dairy sector development in Russia
Rybalova T.I.
No 4 (2009) Up-to-day solution of the sour cream product quality problem
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No 7 (2012) Urgency of the national standards for antibiotics detecting
Malinina Z.Y., Stratonova N.V., Makeeva I.A.
No 6 (2005) Urgent issues of spreads manufacturing
Vyshemirskiy F.A., Topnikova E.V., Vyshemirskii F.A., Topnikova E.V.
No 7 (2003) Usade of malt extracts and extracts of different agriculturalplants for fermented milk products manufacturing
Enal'eva L.V., Enalyeva L.V.
No 7 (2004) Usage of hitosan in the milk drinks manufacture
Evdokimov I.A., Vasilisin S.V., Alieva L.R., Perlik E.A., Evdokimov I.A., Vasilisin S.V., Alieva L.R., Perlik E.A.
No 4 (2003) Usage of milk replacers provides successful calves raising
Li V., Lee V.
No 8 (2004) Usage of milk with higher acidityfor receiving thermoacid protein concentrate
Smirnova I.A., Gralevskaya I.V., Smirnova I.A., Gralevskaya I.V.
No 5 (2015) Usage of the advances technological equipment of the company «Tommoloko»
Stativko V.A.
No 3 (2017) Usage of the HACCP principles in the organization of the process of starter cultures application
Sorokina N.P., Kucherenko I.V.
No 3 (2005) Usage of the indicator lines «Dezikont»
Fomin N.A., Kormil'chinkova O.E., Filonenko O.V., Medvedeva O.I., Fomin N.A., Kormilchinkova O.E., Filonenko O.V., Medvedeva O.I.
No 9 (2005) Usage of vegetable oils from Trade House «Delo vseh»
Kravchenko N., Kravchenko N.
No 3 (2010) Use and convenience in one packaging
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No 4 (2018) Use of chitosane for casein production
Kurchenko V.P., Radevich T.V., Rizevsky S.V., Varlamov V.P., Tihonov V.E., Evdokimov I.A., Alieva L.R.
No 9 (2009) Useful seminar for the specialists
Bykovskaya G.V., Bykovskaya G.V.
No 08 (2008) Utilization of milk protein at curds and curdsproducts manufacturing
Klepker V.M.
No 3 (2018) Utilization of the wastes of goods and packages: new normative requirements
Melanevskaya L.A.
No 1 (2017) Utverzhdeny izmeneniya v perechni kodov vidov prodovol'stvennykh tovarov
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No 8 (2011) Uvazhaemye chitateli!
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No 5 (2011) Uvazhaemye chitateli!
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No 5 (2012) Uvazhaemye chitateli!
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No 10 (2012) Uvazhaemye chitateli!
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