
Comments of the Typical Technological Instruction on the standard for milk and cream concentrated with sugar
Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E.
New national standard on raw skim milk
Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S.
Improvement of the canned milk products quality due to the application of the pasteurized raw milk
Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Chervetsov V., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E., Petrov A.
Chemical composition of milk produced by cows of different breeds
Ponomarev A., Melnikova E., Dolmatova O., Klyuchnikova D., Bogdanova E., Popova E.
Hawaii - behind the fasade of the touristic paradise
Rybalova T.
Milk market: situation and prospects
Labinov V., Labinov V.
Effect of the electrodialysis treatment temperature on the microflora of skim milk permeate
Anisimov G., Evdokimov I., Ryabtseva S., Donskih A., Ahmedova V., Kravtsov V.
Professional development of milk producers due to the implementation of the project «Centers of the dairy expertise»
Gavrilova N., Rybchenko T.
Milk processing: results of 2016
Rybalova T.
The dairy industry of Russia in the first half of 2016
Rybalova T.
The Ryazan’ region
Ovodkov Y.
Prospects of the raw milk materials market
Anan'eva N., Ananeva N.
National standard on condensed milk and cream
PETROV A., RADAEVA I., GALSTYaN A., MAKEEVA I., TUROVSKAYa S., Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Makeeva I., Turovskaya S.
About some problems of the dairy sector
Gorlenko I.
The dairy sector of the Voronezh region: problemsand prospects of development
Spivakov A.
Effects of skim milk powder on rheological properties of coagulum
Grunskaya V., Korzyuk Y., Grunskaya V., Korzyuk Y.
Mare's milk as a raw material for fermented milk production
Kanareikina S., Gareeva I., Kanareikin V.
Dangerous or healthy?
Rybalova T.
Summer without sour milk
Beregova I.
The Moscow region
Savenko N.
Chromatographic methods of analysis
YuROVA E., Yurova E.
Milk drying. Experience of the Slovak and Mongolian specialists
Intergovernmental standard on milk powder
Radaeva I., Chervetsov V., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E., Petrov A.
Technical-economic aspects of milk processing
Dymar O.
The dairy industry of Russia in the first half of 2014
Rybalova T.
Regeneration of the membranes of ultrafiltration plants
Manevich E.
The Kursk region
Drozdov V.
The Tver’ region
Porfirov P.
The Bryansk region
Gribanov B.
The Saratov region
Igon'kin A., Igon'kin A.
Russia - France
Rybalova T.
Dairy cattle breeding: feeding, milk productivity and quality of the products received
Privalo O., Veretennikova V.
The Tambov region
Kastornov N.
Dairy sector of the Murmansk region
Skomorohova N.
Improvement of the raw milk quality by introduction of the quality management system
Gavrilova N., Rybchenko T.
New national standard on boiled condensed milk with sugar
Galstyan A., Illarionova E., Radaeva I., Turovskaya S., Chervetsov V., Petrov A.
Processing of raw milk materials with application of ultra-filtration
Mikluh I.
Israel - the land of milk and honey
Rybalova T., Rybalova T.
The problem of milk products safety as an important source of the food toxic infections
Sviridenko G.
Requirements to the metrological characteristics of the methods applied for measuring physical-chemical indices of raw milk materials and milk products
Yurova E., Denisovich E.
The Stavropol region
Hlopyanov A.
Development of milk production in the Krasnoyarsk region
Shageev R.
Replacement of the import. Pluses and minuses
Rybalova T.
The dairy industry of Russia in the first half of 2017
Rybalova T.
The dairy industry of the Belarus Republic. Trends and development prospects
Brylo I., Klimova M.
Falsification of the fat phase of milk products with non-milk oils
Yurova E.
Intergovernmental standard GOST 32901-2014 «Milk and products of milk processing. Methods of microbiological analysis»
Sviridenko G., Onosovskaya N., Zaharova M.
The Sverdlovsk region
Samorodov O., Sevostyanov M.
The world and Russian markets of raw milk and milk products
Labinov V., Labinov V.
Lactoomics - science about milk. Upgrading of our notions
Khramtsov A., Hramtsov A.
Production and processing of milk in the Kaliningrad region
Romanov A.
The milk market of the Belarus Republic
Klimova M.
About additional indices of the raw milk quality
Ponomarev A., Losev A., Mel’nikova E., Abdullaeva L.
The special offer on the tests that detect antibiotics in milk. Present day methods Betastar ®, Betastar ® Combo and BRT ®-test (GOST R)
Standardization of the indices of quality and identifying characteristics of raw milk
Yurova E.
The treasure has been found: what to do with it?
Hramtsov A., Evdokimov I., Nesterenko P., Ryabtseva S., Lodygin A.
Lactoferrine of cow milk
Komolova G., Tikhomirova N., Ionova I., Komolov S., Komolova G., Tihomirova N., Ionova I., Komolov S.
How not to get burned with milk and to get cream
Sal'kova Y.
New milk processing plant in Dmitrova Gora: the cycle of construction and assembly work
The Dairy Industry-2011
Dvinskiy B., Dvinskii B.
Domestic dairy market and formation of prices for raw milk: situation and prospects
Labinov V., Union V.
«Ehrmann» in Russia: results of activity in 2009and prospects of cooperation with milk suppliers
Bushueva I.
Strength of the French agroindustrial sector is in the equipment manufactured in France
Microbiological control of raw milk
GANINA V., Ganina V.
Increase of milk production - the main priority of the agrarian policy
Ivanova V., Seregin S.
Resources saving biotechnology of the milk containing product
Ganina V., Tereshina E., Karpychev S., Ganina V., Tereshina E., Karpychev S.
Changes of the raw milk microflora depending on a season
Rodionov G., Postavneva E., Anan'eva T., Rodionov G., Postavneva E., Anan'eva T.
Prices of the raw materials basisof the EC dairy market in 2009-2010 (January-May)
Smirnov E.
Milk products safety. Review of the existing methods providing microbiological norms
Gel'fand A., Gelfand A.
Raw milk: legislations requirements
Abdullaeva L.
Equipment for milk processing and milk products manufacturing
Suslova N., Suslova N.
The canned milksproduction: innovations in the formation of raw materials characteristics
PETROV A., RADAEVA I., GALSTYaN A., Turovskaya S., Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S.
Multilevel system providing safety and quality of milk and milk products
Degterev G., Degterev G.
New technology of the one stage cleaning of the equipment for raw milk storage
Manevich B., Hanumyan A.
Milk with stabilizing systems MAk
Beregova I.
Foam generation of milk raw materials
IVANOVA S., Ivanova S.
Self-cleaning centrifugal bactofugeur
Comments on the draft agreement on principlesof raw milk prices formation
The experience of introducing electronic veterinary certification (EVC)
Ozhyganova E.
Correlation between titratableand actual acidities of raw milk (practical usage)
Panov V., Lebedev A., Panov V., Lebedev A.
Control of the raw milk quality: experience of Latvia
RUSKA D., Ruska D.
From crisis to milk streams
Shikhov A., Sikharulidze I., Shihov A., Siharulidze I.
With «Milkmix» protein deficiency in raw materials is not a problem
Clarification of milk and its microbiology
BURYKIN A., PANKRATOV N., BURYKINA E., Burykin A., Pankratov N., Burykina E.
The Yakut national fermented milk products of new generation
Stepanov K., Vasil'eva V.
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