
Arterial hypertension in patients with non-specific aortoarteritis
Chikhladze N.M.
The efficacy and safety of torasemid in the treatment of arterial hypertension in different clinical situations
Ostroumova O.D., Piksina G.F., Smolyarchuk E.A., Pavleeva E.E., Bondarets O.V.
Dihydropyridine calcium antagonists: conscious choice
Ostroumova O.D., Vikentev V.V., Abrosimov A.G., Smoliarchuk E.A.
Cardiovascular risk factors in people with high normal blood pressure in Russian population (based on data obtained in ESSE-RF epidemiological study)
Efremova Y.E., Oshchepkova E.V., Zhernakova Y.V., Chazova I.E., Iarovaia E.B., Shalnova S.A., Rotar O.P., Konradi A.O., Shliakhto E.V., Boitsov S.A.
A modern view of the place of b-blockers in the treatmentof cardiovascular disease: the choice of drug within a class is crucial
Ostroumova O.D., Fomina V.M., Smolyarchuk E.A.
Using meldonium to improve adaptation of patients with hypertension and pre-diabetes to influence of heat
Smirnova M.D., Svirida O.N., Ageev F.T., Fofanova T.V., Vitsenya M.V., Mikhaylov G.V.
Central and humoral mechanisms for arterial hypertension in women
Podzolkov V.I., Bragina A.E., Rodionova J.N., Koloda J.A.
Medical and social risk factors for arterial hypertension in coal miners
Indukaeva E.V., Makarov S.A., Ogarkov M.Y.
Clinical case: combination therapy with iloprost and sildenafil in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary hypertension
Zavyrylina I.N., Arkhipova O.A., Saidova M.A., Danylov N.M., Martynyuk T.V., Chazova I.E.
Arterial hypertension and brain damage. New targets of therapy
Yanishevskiy S.N., Mirnaya D.A., Andreyev R.V.
Pleiotropic features of dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists
Anikin G.S.
Why occurrence of arterial hypertension with age becomes frequent?
Poseliugina O.B., Poseliugina E.B., Al-Galban N.
The telmisartan and amlodipine combination in the treatment of hypertension
Shehyan G.G., Yalymov A.A., Schikota A.M., Zadionchenko V.S., Varentsov S.I.
Clinico-pharmacological aspects of metoprolol use
Anikin G.S., Chernova I.M., Vinokurov V.G.
Legochnaya arterial'naya gipertenziya: na puti ot ratsional'noy diagnostiki k vyboru effektivnoy lekarstvennoy terapii
Chazova I.E., Martynyuk T.V.
Effect of the fixed-dose combination Ekvator on blood pressure level and cognitive functions in elderly patients with arterial hypertension
Ostroumova O.D., Pervichko E.I.
The availability of a home tonometer as a factor that increases therapy compliance in outpatients with arterial hypertension
Smirnova M.D., Tsygareishvili E.V., Ageyev F.T., Svirida O.N., Kuzmina A.E., Fofanova T.V.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Litvin A.Y., Chazova I.E.
Aspects of efficacy, safety and adherence to antihypertensive therapy with single pill combinations of valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide (Vamloset® and Co-Vamloset) in patients with 2 and 3 grade of arterial hypertension in the Russian clinical study VICTORY II
Chazova I.E., Martynyuk T.V., Rodnenkov O.V., Gorieva S.B., Rogoza A.N., Arkhipov M.V., Grinshtein Y.I., Ostroumova O.D., Galyavich A.S., Rotar’ O.P., Khaisheva L.A., Kameneva T.R.
Obesity as a risk factor of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients with arterial hypertension and stable coronary artery disease
Mironova O.I., Sivakova O.A., Fomin V.V.
Contrast-associated acute kidney injury in patients with arterial hypertension and stable coronary artery disease
Mironova O.I., Fomin V.V.
Evidence base regarding target levels of arterial pressure in patients after a stroke: focus on a geriatric population
Ostroumova O.D., Cherniaeva M.S.
Orthostatic reactions and cognitive dysfunctions in elderly and senile patients with arterial hypertension
Atyunina I.V., Oschepkova E.V., Rogoza A.N., Lazareva N.V.
Obesity and hypertension: the role of criteria
Tsygankova D.P., Krivoshapova K.E., Maksimov S.A., Indukaeva E.V., Shapovalova E.B., Artamonova G.V., Barbarash O.L.
Rationale for the use of sartans in patients with arterial hypertension
Stryuk R.I.
Metabolic syndrome
Mychka V.B., Chazova I.E., Mychka V.B., Chazova I.E.
Ramipril - angiotensin converting enzyme ingibitor with a wide spectrum of therapeutic action
Preobrazhenskiy, D.V., Preobrazhensky D.V., Vyshinskaja I.D., Vyshinskaya I.D.
Gender differences efficiency of various dosage regimes of antihypertensive agents by patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease
Skibitsky V.V., Gorodetskaya E.V., Kudryashov E.A., Fendrikova A.V., Skibitsky A.V.
Prevalence, awareness and adherence to treatment of arterial hypertension: myths and reality
Krivoshapova K.E., Tsygankova D.P., Barbarash O.L.
Dynamics of clinico-psychological characteristics in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and arterial hypertension after one month of the use of CPAP therapy
Konovalova K.I., Elfimova E.M., Mikhailova O.O., Fedorova V.I., Litvin A.Y.
Clinical-pharmacological priorities in the election of blockators of the renin-angiotenzine system and diuretics in patients with uncompleted hypertension
Ponomareva A.I., Ketova G.G., Kompaniets O.G.
Achievement of the main goals of therapy by using of a triple fixed combination of amlodipine, indapamide and perindopril (Co-Dalneva®) in patients with arterial hypertension
Chukaeva I.I., Spiryakina Y.G., Glibko K.V., Orlov D.A., Bayramova A.S., Logunova I.Y.
The choice of antihypertensive therapy in correction of cognitive impairments and prevention of dementia: possibilities of valsartan and fixed-dose combination of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide
Ostroumova O.D., Garelik I.A., Karavashkina E.A.
The role of bisoprolol in the management of patients with arterial hypertension
Nedogoda S.V.
Predictors of progression of atrial fibrillation in patients with arterial hypertension
Podzolkov V.I., Tarzimanova A.I.
The association of arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease is the main problem in modern cardiology practice
Ostroumova O.D., Dudaev V.A., Fomina V.M.
The results of the pharmacoepidemiological study PIFAGOR IV concerning arterial hypertension (AH patients survey)
Leonova M.V., Belousov Y.B., Shteinberg L.L., Alimova E.E., Smirnova E.P., Belousov D.Y.
Calcium channel blockers: more than 50 years on guard of health
Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Y.V.
Autoregulation hemodynamics in pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders
Makarov R.A., Kinzhalova S.V., Davydova N.S.
Dispersible Prestarium A tablets in the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension
Malchikova S.V., Tarlovskaya Y.I.
The combination therapy in arterial hypertension: opportunities of the fixed combination of irbesartan andhydrochlorothiazide(Koaprovel’)
Ostroumova O.D., Guseva T.F., Bondarets O.V.
The impact of fixed combination of amlodipine and perindopril (drug Prestance)on the mechanisms of heat adaptation in patients with arterial hypertension
Ageev F.T., Smirnova M.D., Fofanova T.V., Svirida O.N., Mikhailov G.D., Revich B.A.
Efficacy and safety of amlodipine and perindopril (Prestance) fixed combination in patients with arterial hypertension during the summer heat
Chazova I.E., Ageev F.T., Smirnova M.D., Ageeva N.V., Fofanova T.V., Svirida O.N., Mikhailov G.V., Levin A.M., Revich B.A.
Riociguatas the first innovative guanylatecyclase stimulators class drugs for pulmonary arterial hypertension patients treatment
Chazova I.E., Martynyuk T.V.
Efficacy of irbesartan in arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome
Ostroumova O.D., Zykova A.A., Polosova T.A., Bondarets O.V.
Torasemide: additional benefits for postmenopausal women with arterial hypertension
Tkacheva O.N., Runikhina N.K., Sharashkina N.V.
Perepech N.B., Shurygina V.D.
Perindopril in treatment of patients with arterial hypertension and high cardiovascular risk
Недогода С.В., Nedogoda S.V.
Efficacy and safety of azilsartan medoxomil in various doses in patients with metabolic disorders
Perepech N.B., Chazova I.E., Zhernakova J.V.
The place of fixed antihypertensive drugs in modern therapy of arterial hypertension
Pinchuk T.V., Orlova N.V.
Primary hyperaldosteronism as a possible cause of resistant arterial hypertension
Chikhladze N.M.
Guidelines on treatment of patients with arterial hypertension comorbid with metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus type 2
Chazova I.E., Shestakova M.V., Zhernakova Y.V., Markova T.N., Mazurina N.V., Yezhov M.V., Mironova O.Y., Litvin A.Y., Elfimova E.M., Blinova N.V., Sukhareva O.Y., Ametov A.S., Akhmedzhanov N.M., Kislyak O.A., Kukharchuk V.V., Nedogoda S.V., Nebieridze D.V., Medvedev I.V., Mkrtumyan A.M., Podzolkov V.I.
Role of fixed combinations in modern treatment of arterial hypertension: new or well overlooked old?
Adasheva T.V., Samorukova E.I., Zadionchenko V.S., Laricheva K.A.
Candesartan in the prevention of cardiovascular catastrophes: emphasis on the pre-vention of stroke
Drapkina O.M., Dikur O.N.
Three calcium antagonists: a place of everyone in treatment arterial hypertension (ALTERNATIVE study)
Chazova I.E., Ratova L.G.
Final results of STRATEGYA Study (Russian Comparative Programme on a fixed,low-dose perindopril/indapamide combination efficacy in hypertensive patients with inadequateblood pressure control): use of a fixed, low- dose perindopril/indapamide combination in hypertensivepatients in real clinical practice
Martynyuk T.V., Kolos I.P., Chazova I.E., Martyniuk T.V., Kolos I.P., Chazova I.E.
Up-to date view on ƒ-blocker in treatment of arterial hypertension with heart failure
Gorokhovskaya G.N., Petina M.M., Nikolau E.G., Martynov A.I., Gorohovskaja G.N., Petina M.M., Nikolau E.G., Martynov A.I.
Organoprotection with arterial hypertension 2-3 degrees
Afonicheva I.I., Melnik M.V., Knyazeva S.A., Kazyulin A.A.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and arterial hypertension: expert opinion
Litvin A.Y., Elfimova E.M., Chazova I.E.
Improving blood pressure control, organoprotection and metabolic disorders correction in patients with hypertension switching from diuretic-based combinations to fixed combination lisinopril + amlodipine + rosuvastatin
Nedogoda S.V., Chumachek E.V., Ledyaeva A.A., Tsoma V.V., Salasyuk A.S., Smirnova V.O., Khripaeva V.Y., Palashkin R.V., Popova E.A.
The influence of Losartanum and Amlodipinum fixed combination use on cardiovascular complications risk factors seasonal variability in patients with arterial hypertension
Smirnova M.D., Fofanova T.V., Ageev F.T., Blankova Z.N., Vicenia M.V., Barinova I.V.
Prolonged release verapamil: application in clinical practice
Gaponova N.I., Abdrakhmanov V.R.
«New» molecules composed of rational combinations of antihypertensive drugs: issues of choice
Kislyak O.A., Chervyakova Y.B.
Functional state of kidneys and arterial hypertension among indigenous and nonindigenous residents of Mountain Shoria
Ogarkov M.Y., Filimonov E.S., Mulerova T.A., Kuzmina A.A.
The hardness of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension
Ostroumova O.D., Kochetkov A.I., Kopchenov I.I., Guseva T.F., Bondarec O.V.
Perindopril is angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor in treatment patients with arterial hypertension
Martynov A.I., Urlaeva I.V., Akatova Y.V., Nikolin O.P.
Comparative evaluation of zofenopril. Are the characteristics of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors important for the practice?
Kirichenko A.A.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease combined with arterial hypertension: efficacy and safety ofthesustained-release indapamide (Arifon® retard)
Ovcharenko S.I., Nersesyan Z.N., Morozova T.E.
New trends in the treatment of hypertension in 2013: the renaissance of pulse pressure
Ostroumova O.D., Galeeva N.Y.
The comparative analysis of therapy by «typical practice» and the fixed combination perindopril and indapamide an arterial hypertension with kidney insufficiency
Shiganov S.V., Baev V.V., Shulbayev A.P.
Combined pharmacotherapy for arterial hypertension: a view through the 2013 clinical practice guidelines
Rodionov A.V.
The abilities of losartan in angioprotection in hypertensive patients with hyperuricemia
Nedogoda S.V., Ledyaeva A.A., Chumachok E.V., Tsoma V.V., Salasyuk A.S.
Amlodipin in the treatment of arterial hypertension
Galyavich A.S.
Contrast-associated acute kidney injury in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease and its long-term prognosis
Mironova O.I., Fomin V.V.
Speckle-tracking echocardiography in 3D mode in assessing the deformation of the myocardium and identifying subclinical cardiotoxicity during chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with arterial hypertension
Avalyan A.A., Saidova M.A., Oshchepkova E.V., Chazova I.E.
New approaches to the analysis of daily variability of sinus rhythm in assessing the antihypertensive effect of various drugs
Sobolev A.V., Talabanov P.G., Ryabykina G.V., Kozhemyakina E.S., Oshchepkova E.V.
Arterial hypertension in the elderly and higher mental functions. Possibilities of an-tihypertensive therapy withArifon retard in the prevention of dementia.
Ostroumova O.D., Korsakova N.K., Varako N.A.
Dynamics of blood pressure, heart rate variability and QTc in patients with metabolic syndrome on the selective betablockerand biguanide therapy.
Ryabykina G.V., Shishova T.A., Laptev D.N., Mychka V.B., Lyutikova L.N., Kozhemyakina E.S., Shchedrina E.V., Sobolev A.V., Chazova I.E.
Efficacy of amlodipin in treatment of arterial hypertension.
Prokhorovich E.A.
Endothelium dysfunction at arterial hypertension: focus on nebivolol
Vaulin N.A.
Features of antihypertensive and vasoprotective efficiency of combination of valsartan and amlodipine in patients with obesity under different polymorphic variants of CYP2C9 and CYP11B2 genes
Kovalenko F.A., Skibitsky V.V., Fendrikova A.V.
Nitrogen oxide biochemical pathway in pulmonary arterial hypertension therapy and REPLACE trial results
Shmalts A.A., Gorbachevsky S.V.
Clinical and genetic factors determining target lesions of patients with arterial hypertension among Mountain Shoria population
Mulerova T.A.
A new fixed combination of perindopril, indapamide and amlodipine. "Three in one" is the way to improve the results of arterial hypertension treatment
Temnikova E.A.
Angiotensin receptor blocker telmisartan: efficacy, safety and relevance of clinical application
Maksimov M.L., Dralova O.V.
Application of advanced electrovectorcardiographic methods in the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy on the basis of Uryupinsk central district hospital
Vishnyakova N.A., Ryabykina G.V., Sakhnova T.A., Blinova E.V., Kozhemiakina E.S., Volkov V.E.
Clinical effects of one-year physical training program in arterial hypertension patients of working age who have suffered acute myocardial infarction (Russian randomized controlled trial)
Aronov D.M., Bubnova M.G., Krasnitskiy V.B., Ioseliani D.G., Grinshteyn Y.I., Gulyaeva S.F., Efremushkin G.G., Lyamina N.P.
The role of b-blockers in treatment of hypertension, according to Russian and European experts
Ostroumova O.D., Fomina V.M., Shchukina G.N., Smoliarchuk E.A.
Safety of beta-agonists with different duration of action in patients with arterial hypertension and broncho-obstructive diseases
Dolgusheva Y.A., Agapova O.Y., Zykov K.A., Chazova I.E.
The rise of cardiac biomarkers due to planned PCI and 1-year prognosis in patients with stable coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension
Mironova O.Y.
Once again about the clinical efficacy and safety of sartans
Minina Y.S., Khadzhieva B.R.
Heart rate in patients with arterial hypertension:a possible marker of high risk or independent therapeutic target?
Kobalava Z.D., Shavarova E.K.
Local rigidity of the walls of the carotid artery at the site of formation of atherosclerotic plaques in patients with arterial hypertension
Vakhovskaya T.V., Tripoten M.I., Pogorelova O.A., Balakhonova T.V., Loukianov M.M., Boytsov S.A.
Dynamics of arterial hypertension and its impact on mortality in the Russian population
Balanova Y.A., Shalnova S.A., Deyev A.D., Konstantinov V.V., Kapustina A.V.
Psychosomatic Aspects of Low Adherence to Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients with Arterial Hypertension
Fofanova T.V., Ageyev F.T., Kadushina E.B., Drobizhev M.Y., Smirnova M.D., Kuzmina A.E.
National questionnaire of treatment compliance:testing and application in outpatient practice
Fofanova T.V., Ageev F.T., Smirnova M.D., Svirida O.N., Kuzmina A.E., Thostov A.S., Nelyubina A.S.
The effects of climate in patients with arterial hypertension, including in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or bronchial asthma
Chazova I.E., Ratova L.G., Dolgusheva Y.A., Nazarov B.M., Agapova O.Y., Sivakova O.A., Galitsin P.V., Rvacheva A.V., Kuznetsova T.V., Beilina V.B., Tkachev G.A., Kaznacheeva E.I., Zykov K.A.
Additional possibilities of antihypertensive therapy for metabolic syndrome
Kislyak O.A., Pokhilchenko M.V.
Antihypertensive efficacy of a fixed full-dose perindopril A-indapamide combination in patients with grades 2–3 arterial hypertension
Glukhova T.V., Solgalova S.A., Alferov V.V.
Diuretics in arterial hypertension: a focus on torasemide
Baryshnikova G.A., Stepanova I.I.
101 - 200 of 255 Items << < 1 2 3 > >> 

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