
Equipment for dairy butter and products from it
Gerstenberg Kerkebi P., Gerstenberg Kerkebi P.
Potential of the dairy animal breeding
Chinarov V.
Professional development of milk producers due to the implementation of the project «Centers of the dairy expertise»
Gavrilova N., Rybchenko T.
The dairy sector of the Vologda region: situation and prospects
Britvina T., Britvina T.
Implementation of the investment projects in the dairy cattle breeding: strategic positioning
Surovtsev V., Nikulina Y.
Milk drying. Experience of the Slovak and Mongolian specialists
Application of the fruit-and-berries flavors at the fermented milk products manufacturing
Dymar O.
Reconstruction of the workshop for the dairy butter and spread production
Gushcha Y.
Economic growth in the dairy sector -the basis for solving foods problem
Kastornov N.
Present day situation in the dairy cattle breeding in the Russian Federation
Sharkaev V., Sharkaeva G.
Support of the dairy sector of the USA
Terentieva A.
Yeasts in the dairy sector This is a review containing data about taxonomy and existing methods of yeasts identification
Ryabtseva S., Anisimov G., Skripnjuk A.
Maintenance of the dairy farms equipment. Norms of time and labor expenses
Kovalev L., Kovalev I.
Automation of planning and recording of transports
Razgulyaev V.
Disinfecting agent of extended action «Biopag-D» for dairies and farms
Long-term directions of the dairy sector development in the existing situation
Bykovskaya G.
Advanced farms of the Moscow region: the course to modernization
Stepanyants M.
Embryonic laboratory at the milk complex «Alatau»: first results of activity
Akhtyamov A., Samigullina D., Ahtyamov A., Samigullina D.
Development of the raw materials basis - a key factor for productivity growth in the dairy sector of Russia
Kolonchin K., Kolonchin K.
Upgrading of dairying: promotion of the innovative priorities
Hramtsov A.
Production and processing of milk in the Kaliningrad region
Romanov A.
Areas of scientific provision of the dairy sector
Haritonov V., Fedotova O., Kovalenko L., Kharitonov V., Fedotova O., Kovalenko L.
Falsification of milk with water
Tetereva L., Vitushkina L., Shutov V., Tetereva L., Lepilkina O., Shutov V.
The order of handling coolingagents at working with refrigerating equipment
Sapojnikov V.
65 years to the company «VSP Engineering Hradec Králove» - traditions of quality of the cheese making equipment
Gladik Y., Nemets V., Murashov V.
The dairy sector of the Republic of Belarus
Klimova M.
Milk processing in Russia in the first half of 2015
Rybalova T.
Strategy of technical servicing of equipment on the basis of diagnostics methods
Yablokov A., Pogoreltsev S.
Milk with the taste of palm
Rybalova T.
All-Russian plenary meeting in Ekaterinburg
Bushueva I.
Tasks of the automated systems of managing technological processes at a dairy
Petukhova A., Donyukov S., Skornyakov K.
Up-dating of the line for casein production. Technical-economical aspects
Dymar O.
About legislation and standards of Russia and the Customs Union
Abdullaeva L.
Improvement of efficiency of reservoirs cleaning
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kos’yanenko T., Simonova I.
Disinfection of the outer surfaces of the equipment
Kanunnikova E., Kanunnikova E.
115 years to the Voznesenskii dairy college
Nozdrinova R., Nozdrinova R.
Dairy cattle breeds: pedigree resources
Sivkin N., Strekozov N., Chinarov V., Sivkin N., Strekozov N., Chinarov V.
Seminar «BK Guilini» 2009
The dairy industry of the Russian Federation under conditions of market
Neznanov Y.
The dairy sector of the Voronezh region: problemsand prospects of development
Spivakov A.
Livanov V., Livanov V.
Moving to the free market: the dairy sector of Israel
Rybalova T.
Replacement of the import. Pluses and minuses
Rybalova T.
The dairy industry of the Belarus Republic. Trends and development prospects
Brylo I., Klimova M.
Some special issues of introducing membrane technologies in the dairy sector
Chilton M., Vidyakin M.
Application of disinfecting agents in the context of introduction of the HACCP
Manevich B., Kuzina J., Kosiyanenko T., Manevich E.
The dairy sector of Canada
Rybalova T.
Monitoring of violations found in the course of inspection
Babina T.
Domestic dairy animal breeding in the terms of the WTO: problems of adaptation
Surovtsev V.
The Belorusian dairy industry: technological priorities of development
Dymar O.
From the Irbit milk - health for ages!
Lubskaya I.
Disinfecting agent of extended action «Biopag-D» for dairies and farms
Dairy sector of Russia: consequences of joining the WTO
Ivanova S.
Water quality can be and should be managed
Davidyan G., Davidyan G.
Maintenance and repairing ofthe equipment
Antonenko I., Kryukov I., Antonenko I., Kryukov I.
Energy management
Kosmin A., Kosmin A.
«Malino»: prospects of the dairy cattle breeding development
The dairy sector of the Republic of Tatarstan
Ahmetov M.
Methods for controlling raw milk by quality indices and safety: principles and approaches
YuROVA E., Yurova E.
Dairy sector of the Penza region: problems and prospects
Stolyarova O., Stolyarova O.
Control of quality indices of milk and processed products (example of the protein mass share determination in curds and curds products)
Yurova E., Kobzeva T., Yurova E., Kobzeva T.
Concentration of amino acids of the curds whey on the ceramic membranes
Lazarev V., Pishchikov G., Shihalev S.
Dairy animal breeding in the epoch of crisis: results of 2016
Rybalova T.
More than 30 enterprises have joined the dairy cluster of the Vologda region
Sergeeva V.
Microparticulate of whey proteins in the low lactose ice-cream
Ponomarev A., Mel’nikova E., Popova E.
Milk and milk-vegetable canned products: effects of the dormant forms of microorganisms on microflora of the human intestine
Grinevich A., Ganina V.
Recommendations for organizing inner control at an enterprise
Lesnykh O., RYBAKOVA O.
The lessons of dairying in the snowcovered Alps
Girinovich O.
Special features of entering into the foreign trade contract with foreign suppliers of equipment
Nadzhar A., Nadjar A.
Mixing technologies from the company «Tetra Pak» -combination of maximum advantages The mixing module «TetraAlmix» of the portion type
Technical maintenance of the equipment for dairy farms. Norms of using material resources
Kovalev L., Kovalev I.
The challenges of packaging developments in the dairy sector
Kaiser T.
Recording of losses caused by defective goods at a dairy
Lesnykh O., Lesnyh O.
Innovative technologies and equipment inthe dairy sector
Bushueva I., Bushueva I.
Resources saving starts with a usual counter
Fetskova V., Feckova V.
Identification of the processes for products development on the basis of the requirements of the ISO standards 9001:2008 and 22000:2005
Shepeleva E., Mitaseva E., Komissarova I., Shepeleva E., Mitaseva E., Komissarova I.
Laboratory information systems (LIMS)
Kutsevich I., Kutsevich I.
Exhibition in Cremona
Raycheva E., Raicheva E.
Present day situation in the dairy sector of Russia
Anan'eva N., Ana'eva N.
Dairy sector of the Vladimir region
Malafeeva T., Malafeeva T.
The milk market of the Belarus Republic
Klimova M.
Economy of the milk cow paunch
Surovtsev V., Nikulina Y., Dunyasheva E.
What is the coming year preparing for us
Rybalova T.
Resource - saving technologies
Shevchuk V., Medvedeva N., Shohalov V.
Machine building for milk processing: trends and nearest prospect
Geraimovich O.
Food products safety and food grade lubricating materials. The HACCP system is an economic concept
Antonov A., Shiryaev D.
Membrane technologies in milk processing
Evdokimov I., Volodin D., Somov V., Chablin B., Mihneva V., Zolotoreva M.
The dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus
TEPLYaKOV N., Teplyakov N.
Investment support of the dairy sector enterprises in the Altai region
Shchetinin M.
To the meeting in the Eurozone
Zhdanov A.
About legislation and standards of Russia and the Customs Union
Abdullaeva L.
100 years to the Vologda State DairyFarming Academy after N.V.Vereshchagin
Malkov N., Malkov N.
Buttermilk: minimum of calories-maximum of biological value
Vyshemirskiy F., Ozhgikhina N., Vyshemirskii F., Ozhgihina N.
The dairy animal breeding of Russia: situation, problems and future prospects
Shichkin G., Dunin I., Shichkin G., Dunin I.
The dairy cattle breeding in the USA
RYBALOVA T., Rybalova T.
Automation of production: principle idea is not to be inactive!
How full are the milk streams
Biofilms in the dairy industry: significance, formation, control
Ryabtseva S., Hramtsov A., Evdokimov I., Anisimov G., Salova O.
The dairy sector of Russia: results of years
Rybalova T.
Novelties and assessment of realities. Typical mistakes at introduction of a novelty item
Kalinin R.
1 - 100 的 154 信息 1 2 > >> 


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