Browse Title Index

Issue Title File
No 1 (2016) The Russian «Mozarella» - a successful replacement of import
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No 3 (2018) The Salairskii butter and cheese making plant: continuous trend - development
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No 2 (2017) THE SCHOOL OF A CHEESE MAKER. Complex investigation of the technological process of cheese manufacturing
Mayorov A.A., Sidenko Y.A.
No 1 (2017) The school of a cheese maker. Selfsplitting in cheese making: analysis of reasons
Mayorov A.A.
No 1 (2016) THE SCHOOL OF BUTTER MAKER Packaging of the dairy butter as a factor to prevent butter falsification
Vyshemirskii F.A., Smirnova O.I.
No 2 (2017) The school of cheese makers has been opened in Ufa
Kanareikina S.G.
No 3 (2017) The School of Cheese Makers in Ufa continues to work
Kanareikina S.G.
No 2 (2017) The seminar of the company «EFCO» at the exhibition «Prodexpo - 2017»
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No 4 (2008) The Siberian Research Institute of Cheese Making - activity and prospects for the future
Maiorov A.A.
No 6 (2010) The students from Altai trains in France
Solov'eva N.I., Kapustin A.A., Nesterova Y.V., Solov'eva N.I., Kapustin A.A., Nesterova Y.V.
No 2 (2018) The study of lactic acid bacteria isolated from natural sources
Orlova T.N., Dorofeev R.V., Meshcheryakova G.S.
No 5 (2017) The system for traceability of microbiological risks effecting quality and keepability of processed cheese
Sviridenko G.M., Sviridenko Y.Y., Zaharova M.B., Babkina N.G.
No 4 (2018) The system of full-value feeding of the cattle in the Vologda region: effects on milk productivity and milk quality
Gusarov I.V., Fomenko P.A., Bogatyreva E.V.
No 5 (2016) The taste of the imported cheese not always justifies consumers’ expectations
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No 1 (2017) The technology of the new type of cream cheese by the method of thermo-acid coagulation
Usatyuk D.A.
No 5 (2014) The technology of the processed cheese with addition of roe and milt of the Baltic herring
Lyutova E.V., Klyuchko N.Y.
No 2 (2019) The technology of the soft cheese on the base of the milk produced by the goats in the Altai region
Shchetinina E.M., Gavrilova N.B.
No 2 (2018) The temperature of the second heating as a way to regulate syneresis and intensity of the lactic acid process at hard cheese production
Delitskaya I.N., Mordvinova V.A.
No 5 (2010) The Third Russian Innovative Forum took place!
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No 5 (2013) The Tretyakovskii butter and cheese plant
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No 5 (2016) The use of vegetable ingredients in soft cheese technology
Gavrilova N.B., Makarova E.A.
No 3 (2014) The VI International Salon of Cheese
Raicheva E.Y.
No 5 (2014) The winners of the competition of quality «The best milk products of the Siberia»
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No 1 (2014) The world cheese market
Rybalova T.I.
No 6 (2017) The «Adygeiskii» cheese - all the «pros» and «cons»
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No 5 (2008) Theoretical grounds of cheese salting
Ostrouhova I.L., Perfil'ev G.D., Matevosyan L.S.
No 6 (2005) Theory and practice
Panova E.M., Il'inskaya N.A., Panova E.M., Ilinskaya N.A.
No 1 (2016) There is a direction - ahead. The interview with G.N.Rogov, the company Sealed Air Caustic
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No 1 (2014) Thermo - vacuum treatment of cream in butter making
Vyshemirskii F.A.
No 6 (2004) Thermoacid cheese with composite fat basis
Smirnova I.A., Ignat'eva A.V., Smirnova I.A., Ignatieva A.V.
No 6 (2005) Thermoacid cheeses
Shchetinin M.P., Sebekina A.Y., Azolkina L.N., Shchetinin M.P., Sebekina A.Y., Azolkina L.N.
No 2 (2004) Thermodynamic method to assess cheese protein proteolysis
Anikina A.P., Ivanov V.L., Lisin P.A., Anikina A.P., Ivanov V.L., Lisin P.A.
No 3 (2009) Thermoformers of the company CFS: evolution in the world of packaging
Tregubova E., Tregubova E.
No 5 (2010) Thermographic method for determination of the thermoacid milk coagulation
Ostroumov L.A., Braginsky V.I., Chebotarev A.L., Osintsev A.M., Ostroumov L.A., Braginskiy V.I., Chebotarev, A.L., Osintsev A.M.
No 5 (2005) Thermographic method for milk coagulation investment
Osintsev A.M., Bakhtin N.A., Braginskiy V.I., Ivanenko O.V., Osintsev A.M., Bahtin N.A., Braginskii V.I., Ivanenko O.V.
No 1 (2011) They have been united by Italy
Bushueva I.G., Bushueva I.G.
No 2 (2019) Time to help producers. Study of the fatty acids composition of the dairy butter and its analogues
Stepycheva N.V., Kulikova A.A.
No 1 (2012) To create future means to be seriouslyconcerned with the present
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No 3 (2013) To heep the best-technology of the company Eurodia
Aykush C.
No 2 (2009) To the 170th anniversary of N.V. Vereshchagin birth date
Vyshemirskiy F.A., Sviridenko Y.Y., Vyshemirskii F.A., Sviridenko Y.Y.
No 3 (2012) To the item of applying calcium chloride in cheese making
Mordvinova V.A., Delitskaya I.N., Tetereva I.N.
No 6 (2018) To the item of biochemical processes at reservation and storage of milk
Koval' A.D., Mironova A.V., Pushkarev V.A., Shevchenko K.E., Belov A.N., Tkachenko V.V.
No 2 (2019) To the item of taste formation in the cheese with white mould
Ostrouhova I.L., Mordvinova V.A., Sviridenko G.M., Ostrouhov D.V., Myagkonosov D.S.
No 4 (2006) To the problem of the methods of cheese consistency evaluation
Lepilkina O.V., Lepilkina O.V.
No 3 (2004) Toxic elements in food additives
Tetereva L.I., Zakharova N.P., Dolgoshchinova V.G., Tolkachev A.N., Tetereva L.I., Zaharova N.P., Dolgoschinova V.G., Tolkachev A.N.
No 6 (2016) Trade marks on the Russian cheese market
Rybalova T.I.
No 1 (2017) Traditional kinds of butterand cheese among the Bashkirs
Migranova E.V.
No 2 (2019) Transfer of metabolites of bifidobacteria into whey during production
Polyanskii K.K., Popov E.S., Razinkova T.A., Rodionova N.A., Keba-Lazutina Y.O.
No 6 (2013) Transforming the wastes into the profit
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No 2 (2012) Trans-isomers — the plague of the XXI century
Zaytseva L.V.
No 4 (2004) Travel to far countries...
Bushueva I.G., Bushueva I.G.
No 3 (2005) Travel with «Alpma» company to Germany
Dvinskiy B.M., Dvinskii B.M.
No 1 (2008) Trends in the food processing sector
Snegova V.
No 2 (2015) Trends in the processed cheese market - new tastes and unusual combinations
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No 1 (2004) Trends in the Russian buttermaking
Vyshemirskiy F.A., Vishemirskii F.A.
No 4 (2012) Trends of the cheese making sector developments from the point of view of the «Tetra Pak» company
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No 2 (2009) Trials of the Ester-P emulsifier at spreads manufacturing
Topnikova E.V., Stakhovskiy V.A., Topnikova E.V., Stahovskii V.A.
No 5 (2016) Type and way of packaging as risk factors effecting safety, quality and shelf life of processed cheese
Sviridenko G.M., Babkina N.G., Zaharova M.B.
No 5 (2010) Type characteristic of the hard rennet cheeses and determination of their ripeness
Haertdinov R.R., Khaertdinov R.R.
No 2 (2009) Typical program for production control of cheese
Mordvinova V.A., Sviridenko G.M., Tetereva L.I., Onosovskaya N.N., Mordvinova V.A., Sviridenko G.M., Tetereva L.I., Onosovskaya N.N.
No 2 (2010) Ultra-filtration - revolution in the soft cheese manufacturing
Ostrouhov D.V.
No 2 (2018) Ultrafiltration concentrating and demineralization of cheese whey with impulse current feeding
Lazarev S.I., Bogomolov V.Y., Lazarev D.S., Pronina O.V., Polyanskii K.K.
No 5 (2004) Unification of the technology and equipment of the «Alpma» com pany for large variety of cheese
Myasnikova L.I., Myasnikova L.I.
No 3 (2016) Unique solutions in the production of curds and fresh cheese
Vodetski K.
No 6 (2013) Universal method for milk whey treatment
Zolotareva M.S., Chablin B.V., Volodin D.N.
No 6 (2016) Universality of the Russian method of the dairy butter production
Vyshemirskii F.A.
No 2 (2017) Universality of the Russian method of the dairy butter production
Vyshemirskii F.A.
No 4 (2013) Up-grading of the churning machine of the trade mark ТВФ-2
Tverdohleb A.V., Sidletskii V.M.
No 6 (2018) Up-to-date cleaning agents for butter making
Hanumyan A.A.
No 6 (2010) Up-to-date cleaning agents for cheese making
Khanumyan A.A., Khanumyan A.A.
No 2 (2018) Up-to-date equipment for fume cheese smoking
Dunaev A.V.
No 4 (2011) Up−to−date cleaning agentsfor cheese making
Khanumyan A.A.
No 6 (2017) Usage of the HACCP principles in the organization of the starter cultures application in cheese making
Sorokina N.P., Kucherenko I.V., Kuraeva E.V.
No 2 (2015) Use of products of complex processing of stevia for improvement of milk quality
Surkova N.E., Pelevina G.A., Vostroilov A.V., Polyansky K.K.
No 3 (2018) V 2017 g. V ADYGEE PROIZVELI BOLEE 12 tys. t SYRA «ADYGEYSKIY»
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No 4 (2018) V Rossii poyavitsya syr v printsipial'no novoy upakovke
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No 4 (2017) Valio in Ershovo
Bushueva I.G.
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No 5 (2010) Varieties and compositions of the processed cheese products
Dunaev A.V., Konovalova T.M., Dunaev, A.V., Konovalova T.M.
No 2 (2012) Varieties and quality of the dairy butter producers in the Central regions of the black earth zone
Semenova I.N., Gribanov A.Y., Polyanskii K.K., Rudakov O.B., Degtyarev N.M.
No 6 (2005) Varieties of dairy butter with flavours
Vyshemirskiy F.A., Topnikova E.V., Lobacheva T.P., Vyshemirskii F.A., Topnikova E.V., Lobacheva T.P.
No 6 (2013) Vegetable components in the processed cheese manufacturing
Shchetinin M.P., Azolkina L.N., Bogdanova N.S.
No 5 (2011) Vegetable food supplements foradjustment of the dairy butternanostructure
Rashevskaya T.A., Rashevskaya T.A.
No 3 (2015) Vegetable oil has been found in cheese! Is it really so?
Lepilkina O.V., Topnikova E.V.
No 5 (2009) Vegetable oil ingredients for processed cheese products
Dunaev A., Dunaev A.V.
No 4 (2008) Vegetable oils applicationsincluding milk fat replacersin cheese products manufacturing
Snegova V.
No 3 (2009) Vegetable oils in the composition of processed cheese products
Rozdova V.F., Rozdova V.F.
No 5 (2005) Vegetable proteins isolates in composition for processed cheeseproduct
Zakharova N.P., Rozdova V.F., Lepilkina O.V., Mekhova N.I., Timofeeva M.N., Antrops M.Y., Denisova E.A., Kosova I.A., Zaharova N.P., Rozdova V.F., Lepilkina O.V., Mehova N.I., Timofeeva M.N., Antrops M.Y., Denisova Y.A., Kosova I.A.
No 2 (2008) Veterinarian carpet DezKov -assistance in the dairy farms operating
Arakelova N.T., Marchenkov F.S.
No 6 (2010) Visiting the Polish dairies with the company «Cryovac»
Raycheva E.Y., Raicheva E.Y.
No 3 (2015) V.M. Vergelesov - physical chemist of butter making. To the 90 years from the birthday
Vyshemirskii F.A., Topnikova E.V., Tereshin G.P.
No 2 (2003) Vologodskaya academy of dairying-training of the specialistsfor cheesemaking industry
Sorokin Y.Y., Sorokin Y.Y.
No 1 (2014) Vopros-otvet
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No 2 (2013) Ways of the efficient application of milk whey
Gavrilov G.B., Kravchenko E.F.
No 3 (2011) Ways to extend shelf lifeof cheeses
Rozdov I.A., Orlova E.A., Bol'shakova E.A., Rozdov I.A., Orlova E.A., Bolshakova E.A.
No 6 (2008) Ways to improve storage life of pickled cheese
Shergin A.N.
No 5 (2012) Ways to increase competitiveness of the domestic processed cheeses
Dunaev A.V.
No 3 (2013) Ways to salt cheese
Mayorov A.A., Mironenko I.M.
No 5 (2008) Ways to stabilize quality of cheeses made with cheddaring and thermomechanical treatment of cheese curd
Shergin A.N.
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