Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
№ 10 (2017) Managing prime cost
Buneev A.
№ 2 (2008) Are you operating packaging machine? Your license please!
Spitsin A.
№ 3 (2010) Are you operating a packaging machine? Your license, please
Spitsin A.
№ 3 (2008) Do you operate a packaging automated machine?Open all the categories - from A to E
Spitsin A.
№ 11 (2010) The equation for controlling and managing moisture of aproduct in the drying process
Burykin A., Burykin A.
№ 2 (2013) The lessons of dairying in the snowcovered Alps
Girinovich O.
№ 3 (2019) Digestibility of ß-lactoglobulin hydrolysate in vivo experiments
Bogdanova E., Melnikova E., Grebenshchikov A.
№ 4 (2014) Rapid method to detect salmonella in foods with application of Petri films 3M TM Petrifilm™ Salmonella Express System
Sokolov D., Sokolov M.
№ 5 (2014) Rapid method for determination of yeasts and moulds with application of Petrifilms 3M™ Petrifilm™ Rapid Yeast and Mould Count Plate
Sokolov D., Sokolov M.
№ 6 (2011) Improvement of the feeding rates of the dairy cattle: practical testing
Kharitonov E., Haritonov E.
№ 9 (2016) Success of the bacterial cultures AiBi® on the China milk market
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№ 2 (2008) Success of the automation technologies in milk processingor How to analyse milk correctly
Sikharulidze I.
№ 6 (2010) Successful operation of coatings at production sites: myth or reality?
Kurchikova V.
№ 9 (2008) Successful solution of the bioprotection in the dairy industry
Arakelova N.
№ 11 (2012) Pankratov N.V., Burykina E.A. The plant A1-OP24: capacity increasing and reduction of losses
Razgulyaev A., Burykin A., Samsonov V., Pankratov N., Burykina E.
№ 12 (2005) The plant for high temperature treatment of milk
Rusckikh V., Russkih V.
№ 1 (2012) The plant GID-100/1 for the paste milk products
ARKhIPOV A., Arhipov A.
№ 8 (2018) Equipment for obtaining of pasty products
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№ 5 (2016) The plant for dehydrated milk fat production
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№ 11 (2008) The plant T-1 for on-line curd salting
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№ 10 (2015) The multi-purpose membrane plant for the dairy industry
Lyalin V.
№ 9 (2010) The plant for receiving curds by the membrane method for small operations
LYaLIN V., Lyalin V.
№ 2 (2011) Pressing plant UTC: trials with receiving curds by acid-rennet method
RUSSKIKh V., FRIDENBERG G., Russkih V., Fridenberg G.
№ 4 (2004) The installation «PROTEMOL»
Pastushkov K., Pastushkov K.
№ 8 (2017) The plant for membrane sterilization of milk
Lyalin V.
№ 3 (2005) Processed cheese plant: cost coverage during three months
Shcheglov A., Shcheglov A.
№ 7 (2003) Plants for sanitary treatment
Russkikh V., Russkih V.
№ 5 (2017) Determination of requirements and development of raw milk criteria that are used for grades formation
Yurova E., Polyakova O., Meldenberg D.
№ 8 (2015) Determination of adulteration of the fat phase of milk products with vegetable oils
Gavrilov G., Filippov A., Gavrilov B., Kuteneva N., Garuskova N., Shmarov T.
№ 8 (2004) Resistance against antibiotics of the sour cream productstarter microorganisms
Artyukhova S., Zhidkova O., Artjuhova S., Zhidkova O.
№ 4 (2016) Stability against biocides and mechanisms of bacteria resistance
Veslemei E., Andersen M.
№ 8 (2004) «Ultra Clean» device:super clean filling for your production
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№ 5 (2003) «Soliquid» plant for mixing dry and liquid substances
Aggarvol R., Aggarvol R.
№ 1 (2017) Utverzhdeny izmeneniya v perechni kodov vidov prodovol'stvennykh tovarov
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№ 3 (2018) Utilization of the wastes of goods and packages: new normative requirements
Melanevskaya L.
№ 11 (2018) Elaborated list of the acting technical documentation for the fresh milk products
Zobkova Z.
№ 2 (2008) Participation of the Corporation «SOYUZ»in the exhibition «INGREDIENTS RUSSIA-2007»
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№ 5 (2010) Recording of assets and liabilities valued in hard currency
LESNYKh O., Lesnykh O.
№ 5 (2005) Accounting of the finished products in milk processing plants
Lesnykh O., Lesnyh O.
№ 5 (2006) Uchet moloka i molochnoy produktsii
Lesnykh O.
№ 5 (2008) Recording of the finish products returning operations
Lesnyh O.
№ 1 (2011) Uchet operatsiy po vozvratu molochnoy produktsii ot pokupateley
Lesnykh O.
№ 4 (2008) Accounting of the fixes assets
Lesnykh O.
№ 4 (2013) Registration of losses at milk processing enterprises
Lesnykh O.
№ 5 (2011) Recording of losses caused by defective goods at a dairy
Lesnykh O., Lesnyh O.
№ 10 (2008) Discount recording at the milk processing plants
Lesnykh O.
№ 2 (2018) Recording policy of an enterprise in 2018
Lesnykh O.
№ 2 (2017) Recording policy of an enterprise for 2017
Lesnyh O.
№ 3 (2017) Record policy of an enterprise in 2017
Lesnyh O.
№ 1 (2017) Fabrika upakovki MILK proshla sotsial'nyy audit Sedex
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№ 9 (2018) Phage monitoring at a milk processing plant
Polyanskaya I., Semenihina V.
№ 8 (2016) Phase-transition materials in the construction of refrigerators
Antipov A., Hello M.
№ 6 (2004) Factors effecting milk density
Merkulov M., Kosoy V., Yudina S., Merkulov M., Kosoi V., Yudina S.
№ 10 (2005) Factories affecting stability of cream and vegetable emultion
Arsen'eva T., Brusenetsev A., Arseneva T., Brusenezev A.
№ 10 (2010) Factors effecting formation of the fermented milk products quality
EGOROV A., Egorov A.
№ 10 (2008) Factors for choosing ingredients
Cope S.
№ 11 (2017) Transmission factors of foodborne pathogens through milk and milk products
Valikhov A., Dunchenko N.
№ 3 (2016) Factors improving efficiency of milk protein coagulation
Zobkova Z., Zenina D., Fursova T., Gavrilina A., Shelaginova I.
№ 1 (2019) Factors forming the structure and consistency of milk desserts
Evdokimov I., Kulikova I., Misyura V., Volodin D., Semenova I., Pilipenko D.
№ 7 (2005) 75th anniversary of the Milk products technology departmentof Omsk State Agrarian University
Gavrilova N., Gavrilova N.
№ 11 (2017) Falsification of milk products fat phase. The method to detect animal fats
Yurova E., Zhizhin N.
№ 11 (2015) Falsification of the fat phase of milk products with non-milk oils
Yurova E.
№ 1 (2009) Falsification of milk with water
Tetereva L., Lepilkina O., Shutov V., Tetereva L., Lepilkina O., Shutov V.
№ 2 (2018) Falsification of milk and milk products
Ponomarev A., Melnikova E.
№ 11 (2016) FAO - help to build world without starvation The interview with E.V. Serova
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№ 10 (2015) Pharmacological aspects of «high tech pathologies»
Shabunin S., Alekhin Y.
№ 3 (2005) Milk products filling in plastic packages
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№ 2 (2003) Filling of the products with enlarged storage life
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№ 10 (2017) Packaging equipment for the dairy sector
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№ 3 (2015) Packaging equipment is a part of the modern food industry
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№ 6 (2011) Filling-packaging equipment of the company «Bronko»
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№ 6 (2012) Packaging equipment ATD for producing of unit-dose packs
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№ 6 (2018) FGIS «Mercurii»: last steps before the start
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№ 2 (2019) FGIS «Mercury»: today and tomorrow
Eliseeva Y.
№ 4 (2005) Phenomenon of lactose and its derivatives
Khramtsov A., Hramtsov A.
№ 4 (2006) Fermentativnaya obrabotka obezzhirennogo moloka
Ostroumova T., Prosekov A., Afanas'ev O.
№ 12 (2012) Fermentative hydrolysis of milk protein concentrate
Bessonova O., Babich O., Borisova G., Dragunov I.
№ 11 (2016) Fermentative method for cleaning equipment in spread production
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kosiyanenko T., Haritonova E.
№ 4 (2018) Fermentation of milkwhey by Kluyveromyces marxianus usingJerusalem artichoke
Sokolenko G., Verzilina N.
№ 9 (2013) Fermentation process in the milk-vegetable basis of the bioproduct
Anikina E., Pasko O.
№ 6 (2006) Fermentatsiya syvorotki zakvaskami pryamogo vneseniya
Shingareva T., Kuptsova O.
№ 6 (2006) Fermentirovannaya molochnaya syvorotka
Gavrilova N.
№ 4 (2005) Fermented drinks of the complicated raw materials composition with functional ingredients: application of the «Soyuz 52L» fat
Stepanova L., Zabodalova L., Zhukova S., Stepanova L., Zabodalova L., Zhukova S.
№ 5 (2016) Fermented whey desserts - optimal application of resources
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№ 1 (2010) Fermented product for functional nutrition
KAShchEEVA N., GAVRILOVA N., Kashcheeva N., Gavrilova N.
№ 12 (2006) Fermented cream-vegetable dip with improved storage life
Simonova K., Gavrilova N., Simonova K., Gavrilova N.
№ 1 (2012) Fermented creamy biocorrector
SMIRNOVA N., Smirnova N.
№ 12 (2016) Enzymes cleaning for regeneration of the ultra-filtration plants
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Haritonova E.
№ 9 (2017) Ferment preparations from the «Flora Ingredient» - simple and correct solutions
Madzhitov D.
№ 3 (2017) Fermentative preparation «FloraBond» in the liquid form - convenient and wonderful result
Madjytov D.
№ 8 (2016) Enzymes as an alternative to the traditional physical-chemical ways of sanitarian treatment of the equipment
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kosiyanenko T., Haritonova E.
№ 11 (2014) Farmers products on your table
Rybalova T.
№ 5 (2006) Fiziko-khimicheskie izmeneniya v molochnom poroshke pri raspylitel'noy sushke
Petrova S., Petrova L.
№ 7 (2014) Physical-chemical properties of the starter culture Streptococcus thermophilus after freeze drying and at storage
Semenihina V., Rozhkova I., Raskoshnaya T., Abramova A.
№ 4 (2009) Physical-chemical indices of milk from holsteinized black-and-white cows.
Postavneva E., Postavneva E.
№ 3 (2009) Physical-chemical properties of milk at endometritis disease
Makarov A., Tararina L., Makarov A., Tatarina L.
№ 11 (2014) Physiological value of the functional milk products
Prisyazhnaya S., Gorelkina T., Gribanova S.
№ 5 (2005) Physiological aspects of the whole milk replacers development
Gaponova L., Logvinova T., Volotovskaya N., Bogomolov V., Gaponova L., Logvinova T., Volotovskaya N., Bogomolov V.
№ 12 (2014) Physical model and some theoretic issues of the process of milk powder dissolving
Burykin A.
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