
The dairy sector of the Republic of Belarus
Klimova M.
Efficiency of milk production in Germany
Kozlova L.
Principle approaches to reduction of thermal effects in the technologies for dry milk products manufacturing. Part 1. Initial milk treatment
Dymar O.
Sweetmeats with good reputation
Rybalova T.
Milk drying. Experience of the Slovak and Mongolian specialists
Items of hygiene in the curds production
The Krasnodar region
Orlenko S.
A new word in the Russian biotechnology - starter cultures AiBi® Golden Time for the dairy sector
Belkova M.
The interval of working without losses and current prime cost of goods
Artamonov I., Razgulyaev V.
Economic growth in the dairy sector -the basis for solving foods problem
Kastornov N.
Milk with the taste of palm
Rybalova T.
Microparticulated whey proteins in the technology of symbiotic products
Ponomarev A., Podgornyi N., Melnikova E., Losev A.
Membrane technologies in milk processing
Kroll Y.
World milk production
The Tambov region
Kastornov N.
The Moscow region
Savenko N.
Automated line for producing curds by closed method A-TL. Basic equipment
Russkih V.
Savings of resources: experience of the Belorussian enterprise
Popenya V.
Production of milk in Russia: results of the last decade
Dvinskiy B., Dvinskii B.
Resources saving starts with a usual counter
Fetskova V., Feckova V.
Development trends of milk products manufacturing in Russia
Goroshchenko L., Goroshchenko L.
Considerable increase of the automation level
Miller M., Polynovskaya M., Miller M., Polynovskaya M.
All business-operations in one system
The III All Russian dairy forum in Vologda
Principle approaches to reduction ofthermal effects in the technologies for dry milkproducts manufacturing. Part 2. Milk processingat a milk plant
Dymar O.
Production ecological control at an enterprise
Nikonenko N.
Lines for curds production of the company «Protemol»
Gushcha Y.
Medical-biological assessment of the curds with transglutaminase
Zobkova Z., Zenina D., Fursova T., Gavrilina A., Shelaginova I., Fedulova L., Kotenkova E.
The industry 4.0: a «clever» production of food products
Motorin Y.
The Greek yogurt: how cultures and lactase can help to maintain authenticity and taste
Ober S., Mayauskaite V.
Milk processing in Russia in the first half of 2015
Rybalova T.
Strategy of technical servicing of equipment on the basis of diagnostics methods
Yablokov A., Pogoreltsev S.
Monitoring of violations found in the course of inspection
Babina T.
Optimal parameters of neuron network for controlling curds quality
Davydova G.
Products of functional nutrition
Tihomirova N.
The dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus
TEPLYaKOV N., Teplyakov N.
Systems of energetic management
Nikanorov P.
Promising mechanisms of integrating milk producers and milk processors: supply with raw materials
Surovtsev V., Nikulina Y.
Air disinfection at milk processing plant
Ugryumova E.
The Dairy Industry-2011
Dvinskiy B., Dvinskii B.
Critical control points of the air and gases purification
Davidyan G., Kaitukov A.
Quality managing at a milk processing plantCSB-System AG offers integrated laboratory accounting
Highly efficient NanoValve™
How many MES does an enterprise need?
Vil'gel'm S., Wilhelm S.
How to stabilize milk prices
Bykovskaya G.
Integration and automation of production processes
Elkin A., Elkin A.
Organic agriculture. International experience of legal regulation
Klimova M.
Present day situation and prospects for introduction of the best available technologies
Grevtsov O., Volosatova M.
Development of the marketing service. Efficient launching of new items
Kalinin R.
Direct vat starter cultures «Idgea» for milk products manufacturing
Gubina I.
The Arhangelsk region
Korotenkov A.
Improvement of the raw milk quality by introduction of the quality management system
Gavrilova N., Rybchenko T.
Prospects of the dairy cluster development
Shchetinin M.
Food additives industry: situation and developments prospects
Nikiforova T.
Russian market of ice-cream
Ptukha A., Merzlyakova T.
Intensification of technological processes due to the cleaning of machinery surfaces
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Simonova I.
Uniting maximum advantages
The Stavropol region
Hlopyanov A.
The Kursk region
Drozdov V.
CheaslyFC-PC - the concept of fresh fermented milk products manufacturing from the company SPX
Israel - the land of milk and honey
Rybalova T., Rybalova T.
Set-up of the automated line of the A-TL type
Russkih V.
Why the need of the milk operations for import stainless steel increases
Dvoretskiy V., Dvoretskii V.
The world dairy market in 2009-2010
SMIRNOV E., Smirnov E.
The dairy industries in the BRIC countries
DVINSKIY B., Dvinskii B.
Dairy sector of the Leningrad region
Kobyakov V.
Russian dairy industry
Sergeev V., Sergeev V.
Transferring of the steam boilers working on solid fuel on the water heating operation regime
Zaharchuk V., Burykin A., Rudenko G.
The starter culture AiBi Golden Time 20.12 FS -an innovative development for improving nutrition value of curds
Milk processing: results of 2016
Rybalova T.
Technology of lactose and its analogues with application of membrane and ion-exchanging processes
Zolotareva M., Volodin D., Evdokimov I., Kulikova I., Chablin B.
Novelties and assessment of realities. Typical mistakes at introduction of a novelty item
Kalinin R.
Separation of moisture from the curds coagulum
Klepker V., Gostishcheva E.
The German dairy sector after quotas revocation: new challenges and possibilities
Trofimtseva O.
The efficient monitoring of the supplying chains
Motorin Y., Mollov I.
New horizons of efficiency
Baranov S.
Items of technical regulation in the field of milk fat replacers
Pavlova I., Dolganova N., Kravchenko E., Dotsenko E., Koblitskaya M.
Production of curds on membrane plants: quality and profit
Drenov A., Lyalin V.
New requirements to obligatory and periodical medical examination in the operating units
Babina T.
Energy management - your possibilities
Kosmin A.
The Bryansk region
Gribanov B.
Special offer!
Color coding system VIKAN. A simple view at complicated things
Murkis M., Murkis M.
Dairy animal breeding in the Yaroslavl' region
Borovitskiy M., Borovitskii M.
Rumyantseva M.N. Upgrading at the plant «Bishkeksut»
Rumyantseva M.
Automatization is a nessesary step of development
Working out of the program for production control at anenterprise
ABROSIMOVA S., Abrosimova S.
IT-systems: from simple to complicated
Ryazanov I., Ryazanov I.
The world dairy situation 2003
Dynamics of milk production
Goroshchenko L.
The dairy sector of Russia: results of years
Rybalova T.
Dairy animal breeding in the epoch of crisis: results of 2016
Rybalova T.
Production of food ingredients in the RF: realities and prospects
Nechaev A., Kraus S., Nikiforova T., Savenkova T., Semenova P.
Application of the bromelithium cooling machines for ice water production
Aleksikov I., Krasnov M., Ovchinnikov A.
Equipment of the company ALPMA for production of «Camembert»
Bekturova R.
Liquid adapted dairy mixtures for babies' nutrition: experience of production and application
Chumakova I., Fateeva N., Bleher B., Pivovarova A.
Logistics of the technological streams with application of the commutative panels
Geraimovich O.
Milk production in 2013
Goroshchenko L.
Normative assurance of the activity of standardization service at an enterprise
Dunchenko N., Makeeva I.
Innovations in detail. New homogenizing device
Voronin Y.
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