
Cheese and curds production is growing
Evangeleeva A.
Nanotechnological provision of the wastelesscycle of a cheese making plant
Ramanauskas R., Gal'ginaitite L.
Recipe and technology of the cheese with mould culture Penicillium roqueforti
Pershina E., Vasil'eva S., Vasil'ev E., Pershina E., Vasil'eva S., Vasil'ev E.
Improved of technology packaging of cheese in film without drying
Pribolotnyi A., Pribolotnyy, A.
Smoking of processed cheese and cheese products
Dunaev A., Dunaev A.
The range of the mould cheeses in the market of Kemerovo
Vasil'eva S., Pershina E., Vasil'ev E., Vasil'eva S., Pershina E., Vasil'ev E.
New national standard «Processed cheese products. General technical conditions»
Dunaev A., Onosovskaya N., Konovalova T., Vodolazskaya E., Sokolova N.
Technological properties of milk from Yaroslavl pure breed cows
Tamarova R., Yarlykov N., Tamarova R., Yarlykov N.
Microbiological control in the processed cheese manufacturing
Sviridenko G., Sviridenko G.
Coatings for cheese and protection of cheese against moulds
Soft cheese - it is efficient
Ostroukhova I., Mordvinova V., Il'ina S., Ostrouhova I., Mordvinova V., Il'ina S.
Effects of the temperature on the special features of the types of the semi-hard rennet cheese
Mironenko I.
The development of the cheese production is one of priority directions of the agrarian policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kozlova L.
Testing of phage resistance of the bacterial starters’ compositions and concentrates intended for cheese making
Tkachenko V., Odegov N., Dorofeyev R., Volokitina E.
Contribution of water to the cheese structure formation
Mironenko I.
Whey separator
Eliseev O., Eliseev O.
Goat's milk and its quality indicators by cheeseproduction
Toschev V., Mustafina G., Ruzhbelyaeva O.
Protective latex coatings in cheese making: situation and prospects
Snezhko A., Fedotova A., Filinskaya Y., Gubanova M., Ramanauskas R., Gal'ginaytine L., Snezhko A., Fedotova A., Filinskaya Y., Gubanova M., Ramanauskas R., Galginaitine L.
Cheese suitable propertiesof milk powder
Lepilkina O., Ostroukhov D., Lepilkina O., Ostrouhov D.
Technology smelt of the cheese product on the basis ofalbuminous - carbohydrate weight.
Gavrilova N., Shmat E., Sokhryakov S., Gavrilova N., Shmat E., Sohrjakov S.
The III International Cheese Saloon
Raycheva E., Raicheva E.
Usage of the HACCP principles in the organization of the starter cultures application in cheese making
Sorokina N., Kucherenko I., Kuraeva E.
Application of the soft cheese in the recipes of the jell products for sports nutrition
Polyanskii K., Hodyreva O., Magomedov M., Lobosova L., Magomedova A.
Some issues of identification of the products of cheese and butter making
Topnikova E.
Type and way of packaging as risk factors effecting safety, quality and shelf life of processed cheese
Sviridenko G., Babkina N., Zaharova M.
The cheese famous, beneficial, tasty, processed
Rybalova T.
About the role of carbon dioxide in milk and cheese
Mironenko I.
Innovative domestic polymer materials with improved protective action for cheese
Snejko A., Strahova P., Ramanauskas R., Galginaitine L., Fofanova E.
The packages «PREMIUMPACK» - new solution in the packaging for cheese making
Orlova E., Mordvinova V., Bol’shakova E.
Application of the phospholipase A1 in cheese making
Veziryan A., Anisimov S., Evdokimov I., Veziryan V., Karychev R., Kelyashova Y.
Special issues of cream cheese production
Mironenko I., Usatyuk D.
Development of the technology of the domestic analogous of the «Maskarpone» cheese
Mironenko I., Usatyuk D.
Packed cheese in Russia - yesterday, today, tomorrow
Petrova M.
Prices in the Russian market of dairy butter, various cheeses and curds
Goroshchenko L.
The world cheese market
Rybalova T.
Cheese suitability of milk received from the cows raised in the Altai territory
Kosarev A., Gromova T.
Innovations in existing technologies for cheese handling
Snejko A., Gubanova M., Ramanauskas R., Galginaitine L.
Grated cheeses in the Russian market
Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I.
Hygiene items in modern cheese making
Hanumyam A.
«Mozarella» - and no any problems!
Kashina E.
Processed cheese market
Solomin S.
Packaged cheese - it is actual!
Petrova M.
Food fibres «Citry-Fai»-innovations in the processed cheeses manufacturing
Gubina I.
Development of the science about cheese making in Russia (the second part of the XX century)
Ostroumov L.
Long expected on- line for the «Adygeiskii» cheese manufacturing
Protein - an important component of the cheese making products
Tetereva L., Tetereva L.
70 years to the Uglich experimental biofactory
Sorokina N., Sorokina N.
Effects of the melting salts produced in Russia on the quality of processed cheese products
Sokolova N., Sokolova N.
Food fibres «Citry-Fi»-innovations in the processed cheeses manufacturing
Gubina I., Gubina I.
Dependence of renneting and syneresis characteristics of protein clots on season features of milk
Proshkina T., Belov A., Odegov N., Shalimova E.
Technological specialtiesof the soft cheese manufacturing
Ostroumov L., Bobylin V., Husnullina N.
Russian market of cheese in 2009
Belyakova N.
Structure and volumes of import and export in the Russian Federation
Smirnov E., Smirnov E.
Freezing of hard cheese within conditions of regulated heat removal
Buyanov V.
Situation and prospects of the processed cheese production
Sviridenko Y., Dunaev A., Sviridenko Y., Dunaev A.
Intensification of the rennet cheese ripening
Ostroumov L., Nikolaeva E., Ostroumov L., Nikolaeva E.
Microbiological state of brine
Perfil'ev G., Matevosyan L., Ostroukhova I., Shkalikov Y., Perfil'ev G., Matevosyan L., Ostrouhova I., Shkalikova Y.
The temperature of the second heating as a way to regulate syneresis and intensity of the lactic acid process at hard cheese production
Delitskaya I., Mordvinova V.
Possibility of obtaining the sign NPGO (name of the place of goods origin) to the unique dairy products produced in Altai territory
Khodyreva Z., Shchetinina E.
Correction of the technological regimes of cheese manufacturing at milk quality changes
Loginov V., Linkevich E., Mayorov A.
Assessment of the organoleptic indices of the product containing more than 50 % of milk fat substitute in the fat phase and produced by the processed cheese technology
Ivanilova I.
Innovations in the cheese wayprocessing
Mel'nikova E., Niftaliev S., Shirunov M., Melnikova E., Niftaliev S., Shirunov M.
New application of processed cheese
Tsvetkov I.
Premium Pack - Premium CheeseSomething new in the package for cheeseripening
Innovative packaging solutions fromthe «Multivac»
Lebedeva A., Lebedeva A.
The association of the processed cheese producershas been created
Import and export of cheese and curds
Goroshchenko L., Goroshchenko L.
Russian market of cheesesin 2010
Goroshchenko L., Goroshchenko L.
Application of the description-profile method of the tasting analysis at comparing quality of the DOP cheese and its analogues
Zavorohina N.
Cheese market in the USA
Kozlova L.
Effects of the way of the milk mixture normalization on the hard cheese quality
Delitskaya I., Mordvinova V., Lepilkina O., Myagkonosov D.
Milk casein composition and its practical importance
Guskova S., Eskin G.
The king of cheeses: the great and beautiful «Parmesan»
Rybalova T.
Commodity-technological classification of cheeses and cheese products: innovative approaches
Nikolaeva M., Ryazanova O.
Lactose free cheese - myth or reality?
Mordvinova V., Lepilkina O.
Production of goat cheese in the world and in Russia
Rybalova T.
Problems of cheese classification in the commodity turnover
Mayorov A., Surai N.
The factors effecting quality of the cheese of the «Maasdam» type
Mordvinova V., Sviridenko G.
Cheese products - the objective reality
Mordvinova V., Ostrouhova I.
The farmers cheese: underestimated in Russia business
Rybalova T.
Innovative replacing import technologies of natural cheese
Sviridenko Y., Mordvinova V.
Cheese making in Belarus
Rybalova T.
The International Week of Cheese and Butter Making
Raicheva E.
The company «Orbita» - innovations multiplied by experience
Production is falling and import is growing
Petrova M., Rybalova T.
Vegetable components in the processed cheese manufacturing
Shchetinin M., Azolkina L., Bogdanova N.
Methods for handling cheeses
Mayorov A., Nikolaeva E.
Development trends of the packed cheese market in 2012
Petrova M.
«POLISVED» — reliable protection of rennet cheeses
Fedotova A., Snejko A.
Problems of distribution and prices formation in the cheese making sector
Torbenko A.
Biocoating for improving safety and quality of the cheese «Adygeiskii»
Zaharchenko A., Ganina V., Fedotova A., Galkina T.
Plants for microparticulation in the present day milk processing
Baranov S.
Effects of drying on cheese microstructure
Ostroumov L., Ermolaev V., Chesnokov N.
Problems of the Russian cheese making. Maintenance of traditions and development of national brands
Sviridenko Y., Mordvinova V.
Special features of formation of the organoleptic indices of cheese products
Mordvinova V., Lepilkina O., Ostrouhova I., Samoilov A.
Before the cheese countersof Rome
Dvinskii B.
Large scale reconstruction at the Elanskii butter and cheese combine has beencompleted
Raicheva E.
Belebeevskii dairy factory - an enterprise of the Russian scale
Technologies for the processed cheese products
Dunaev A., Konovalova T., Dunaev u., Konovalova, T.
Food value of cheese products with vegetable oils
Lepilkina O., Lepilkina O.
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