
Starter cultures «Liofast» from the «BK Guilini»:experience of applications in the Siberia and Kazakhstan
Tsvetkov I., Babkina N.
Russian market of dry milk products and canned milks
GOROShchENKO L., Goroshchenko L.
Mini-industrialization of the milk baby foods kitchens
KUZNETsOV V., ANTIPOVA T., Kuznetsov V., Antipova T.
«Erhmann»: more life
ZhDANOV A., KOVALENSKIY A., ZAGIEV T., Zhdanov A., Kovalenskii A., Zagiev T.
Consuming market of milk baby foods
VASENKOVA I., Vasenkova I.
Immunoglobulin G and lactoperoxidase contents in milk products
Il'ina A., Ovchinnikova O., Komolova G., Il'ina A., Ovchinnikova O., Komolova G.
Ekspress-kontrol' kachestva molochnykh produktov s primeneniem p'ezosensorov
Kalach A., Rudakova L., Polyanskiy K.
Sterilized evaporated milk: newrequirements
Radaeva I., Illarionova E., Turovskaya S., Gevorkuan K.
Stabilization system of the company KRIST for the dairy industry
Inhibitory substances. Intergovernmental standard GOST 23454-2016 «Milk. Methods for determination of inhibitory substances»
Sviridenko G., Zaharova M.
Milk production and processing in Brazil
Kozlova L.
State of the world milk market
Rybalova T.
New intergovernmental standard on the antioxidant dihydroquercetine
Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E., Tihonov V., Shevchenko T.
Healthy nutrition of children - guarantee of the nation health
Bugrova I.
To govern time is the principle by which protective cultures AiBi® work
Belkova M.
Revealing of adulteration by the noncontact method
Alekseev G., Andreeva A., Hripov A.
An exceptional industrial solution for whey microparticulation
Smolnikov N.
Identification and quantity count of microorganisms in starter cultures and concentrates
Irkitova A.
Trends in formation of fresh milk products variety
Zobkova Z.
Requirements to the metrological characteristics of the methods applied for measuring physical-chemical indices of raw milk materials and milk products
Yurova E., Denisovich E.
The Tambov region
Kastornov N.
The Kursk region
Drozdov V.
The Republic of Mordovia. Situation in the dairy sector
Sidorov V.
Possibilities of using transporting-technological reservoirs.
Geraimovich O.
Complex solutions from the «Russkaya Trapeza»
Regional leader is launching into the market a federal brand
Muratova A., Muratova A.
National standard on condensed milk and cream
PETROV A., RADAEVA I., GALSTYaN A., MAKEEVA I., TUROVSKAYa S., Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Makeeva I., Turovskaya S.
Production of cheese and curds abroad: on-line technologies and machinery
EVDOKIMOV I., Evdokimov I.
Fats SDS for special purposes: innovative approachto improvement of quality and safety of the fat and oils products
Zaitseva L.
Baby foods in the Siberian region
GAVRILOVA N., Gavrilova N.
Genotype and metabolic characteristics of the Enterococcus bacteria isolated from milk products
Botina S., Semenikhina V., Rozhkova I., Botina S., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I.
Falsification of milk with water
Tetereva L., Vitushkina L., Shutov V., Tetereva L., Lepilkina O., Shutov V.
Principle approaches to reduction ofthermal effects in the technologies for dry milkproducts manufacturing. Part 2. Milk processingat a milk plant
Dymar O.
Bitter truth about sugar
Rybalova T.
The problem of milk products safety as an important source of the food toxic infections
Sviridenko G.
Dairy cattle breeding: feeding, milk productivity and quality of the products received
Privalo O., Veretennikova V.
Application of the laminar pumps in the dairy industry
Benderovich V., Lunatsy E., Sheina A.
Amendments to the normative documentation for the concentrated milk and containing milk canned products with sugar
Radaeva I., Chervetsov V., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E., Petrov A.
Special features of feeding milk goats
Dvalishvili V.
To the items of efficiency of dry milk products reconstitution
Strizhko M., Semipyatnyi V., Radaeva I., Turovskaya S., Karapetyan V., Malova T., Galstyan A.
Rebranding and restyling in the milk products market
Rybalova T.
Evaluation of application of the infra-red thermogravimetric method for measuring mass share of moisture in milk products
Golynets O., Shemetova N., Moskovkin D.
Future technology for the dairy industry. DSS Silkeborg AS
Microbiological safety of milk and milk-vegetable canned products
Ganina V., Grinevich A., Volkova R.
The Stavropol region
Hlopyanov A.
The Bryansk region
Gribanov B.
The Customs Union: confirmation of the milk products conformity
Shepeleva E.
«The Dairy Master-2010»
Dvinskiy B., Dvinskii B.
Amendment N1 and revised typical technological instruction for the state standard GOST R 52791-2007 «Canned milk products. Milk powder. Technical conditions»
Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Petrov A., Turovskaya S., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Petrov A., Turovskaya S.
The Saratov region
Igon'kin A., Igon'kin A.
Dynamics of retail sales of milk products
Application of the high pressure homogenization in the dairy sector
Strength of the French agroindustrial sector is in the equipment manufactured in France
Review of the market of milk products with extended shelf life
Avchuhova A.
Chromatographic methods of analysis
YuROVA E., Yurova E.
Present day situation in the dairy sector of Russia
Anan'eva N., Ana'eva N.
Potential of fuel saving in boilers of milk processing plants.
Bocharnikov A., Bocharnikov A., Rudenko G., Burykin A., Bocharnikov A., Bochernikov A., Rudenko G., Burykin A.
Study of sweetened condensed milk rheological properties
Kalinina E., Porotova E., Filonov R., Lodygin A.
Sweetmeats with good reputation
Rybalova T.
Upon guard of health and life of the Saint-Petersburg inhabitants
Shypitsyn R.
Matrix method for calculating milk products formulae
Lisin P., Chernopolskaya N., Esipova M., Walter G., Rodenko Y.
Mathematical modelling of the milk products homogenization process with application of Markov's chain
Hvostov A., Zhuravlev A., Boger A., Shipilova E., Polyansky K.
Do you want colored milk? It is simply and easy!
Suhoverkova E.
Development of milk goats breeding base in Russia
Grigoryan L., Khatataev S.
Liquid adapted dairy mixtures for babies' nutrition: experience of production and application
Chumakova I., Fateeva N., Bleher B., Pivovarova A.
Requirements to the safety of milk and milk products given in the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union. Principle issues. Disputable moments
Sviridenko G.
Foreign economic activity of the Customs Union
Rybalova T.
Production of fermented milk products and cheeses: composition and properties of the starter cultures microflora
Sorokina N., Kucherenko I.
Production of fermented milk products and cheeses: composition and properties of starters microflora
Sorokina N., Kucherenko I.
Zero valent selenium in the technology of milk products
Hramtsov A., Serov A., Miroshnichenko M.
The Argentine tango of milk
Evdokimov I.
Processing of raw milk materials with application of ultra-filtration
Mikluh I.
Formula of the milk-grain products
Musina O., Musina O.
Conception of the dairy effluents purification
Ul'rikh E., Ul'rih E.
Calculation of the coefficient of ecological safety of milk products
SMIRNOV A., BELOVA L., Smirnov A., Belova L.
The market of frozen milk products in the USA
RYBALOVA T., Rybalova T.
Global trends in fluid milk products consumption
The company «Serac» - a specialist in the field of delicious foods
Sherio F.
Russian Union of Dairy Enterprises: some results of the activity in 2009
LABINOV V., Labinov V.
Criteria for choosing probiotic
Once more about «non-milk» milk products
Bushueva I., Bushueva I.
Prozrachnoe moloko at the TNUVA enterprise
Miller M., Polynovskaya M., Miller M., Polynovskaya M.
World consumers drink more milk than ever before
Requirements to milk powder intended for baby foods manufacturing
Radaeva I., Illarionova E., Turovskaya S., Semipyatnyi V.
Perspectives of transition on the principles of the best available technologies
Kuzin A., Grunskaya V., Ostretsova N., Builova L., Shohalov V.
Changes in the multicomponent mixtures in the course of technological treatment
Polovyanova A., Ereshova V., Shramko M., Lapshenkova Y.
Simple solutions for standard situations
Beregova I.
Application of the bromelithium cooling machines for ice water production
Aleksikov I., Krasnov M., Ovchinnikov A.
Direct-vat-starters «Idgea» for milk products manufacturing
Gubina I.
Membrane processes in the technology of canned milk products
Zolotoreva M., Volodin D., Topalov V., Ivanchenko E.
Organoleptic analysis of milk products: normative documents
Tetereva L.
«PITERPROM SZ» - new developments. Targets, search, solutions
Gavricheva O.
Thermoformed tare with antimicrobial properties
Fedotova O., Myalenko D.
Improvement of the process of milk powder solution: mathematical modeling of the system «solid particle-liquid»
Semipyatnyi V., Strizhko M., Galstyan A.
Up-to-date equipment for dry milk products manufacturing
Kuznetsov P., Smokotin E., Ogarkov V., Urvantsev V.
Maintenance of the dairy farms equipment. Norms of time and labor expenses
Kovalev L., Kovalev I.
The Sverdlovsk region
Samorodov O., Sevostyanov M.
The company Ecolean - always to be one step ahead
Nilsson P., Sirotin S.
The methods of the DNA technologies for the vegetable raw materials identification in milk products
Prosekov A., Mudrikova O., Bulavina A., Arkhipov A., Prosekov A., Mudrikova O., Bulavina A., Arhipov A.
Advanced farms of the Moscow region: the course to modernization
Stepanyants M.
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