Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
№ 5 (2010) Rationalization due to the mobile completing of orders
MILLER M., POLYNOVSKAYa M., Miller M., Polynovskaya M.
№ 4 (2009) Rationalization based on integration
Polynovskaya M., Polynovskaya M.
№ 9 (2015) Rational optimization of the system of safety
Sapelov A.
№ 11 (2006) Rational feeding - the way to efficiency of milk production
Mukhametshina G., Muhametshina G.
№ 1 (2010) Maillard reaction in milkproducts technology as a way of nanoparticles formation
BUDKEVICh R., EMEL'YaNOV S., KhRAMTsOV A., EVDOKIMOV I., Budkevich R., Emel'yanov S., Hramtsov A., Evdokimov I.
№ 6 (2017) Implementation of the «Strategy of quality improvement» at the sector of ice-cream production
Tvorogova A.
№ 5 (2018) Implementation of the investment projects in the dairy cattle breeding: strategic positioning
Surovtsev V., Nikulina Y.
№ 9 (2015) Implementation of the investment projects in the dairy cattle breeding: efficiency of the module approach
Surovtsev V., Nikulina Y., Sayapin A.
№ 10 (2013) Implementation of the potential of an agricultural enterprise - a pledge of stable development of milk production
Nikiforov A.
№ 4 (2011) Fulfillment of the social projects - the care of stability and prosperity of our Motherland
Baranov V., Baranov V.
№ 12 (2009) Real membrane nanobiotechnologies in the dairy industry
Bushueva I., Bushueva I.
№ 1 (2010) Real'nye membrannye tekhnologii
EVDOKIMOV I., VOLODIN D., BESSONOV A., ZOLOTAREVA M., POVERIN A., Evdokimov I., Volodin D., Bessonov A., Zolotareva M., Poverin A.
№ 10 (2013) Rebrending of the «Ostankinskii»: further, to the past!
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№ 6 (2014) Rebranding and restyling in the milk products market
Rybalova T.
№ 10 (2004) Revolution in milk and milk products consumption
Kouli T., Coley T.
№ 7 (2018) Regeneration and disinfection of the ultrafiltration plants. Theoretical and practical aspects
Haritonova E., Manevich B., Kuzina J., Evdokimov I.
№ 10 (2012) Regeneration of the membranes of ultrafiltration plants
Manevich E.
№ 7 (2015) Regeneration of the ultrafiltration membranes at curds manufacturing
Manevich E., Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kos’yanenko T., Kruchinin A., Evdokimov I.
№ 8 (2011) Regional distribution of the manufacturing of milk products forchildren
Goroshchenko L., Goroshchenko L.
№ 12 (2010) The regional project «Buy products made in Perm»promotes domestic goods producers
TIMOFEEVA O., Timofeeva O.
№ 7 (2009) EС Regulations on healthy products.Problems and prospects of launching in the dairy sector
Krasil'nikov V., Kuznetsova O., Krasil'nikov V., Kuznetsova O.
№ 3 (2017) Regulation of the enzyme preparations application in dairy industry
Bagryantseva O., Shatrov G., Leont’eva E., Elizarova E.
№ 11 (2012) Regulation of food supplements, aroma substances and technological auxiliary means in the Customs Union
Bessonov V., Shatrov G., Nechaev A., Semyonova P.
№ 8 (2017) Regulation of disinfecting agents and ways to improve efficiency of preparations containing chlorine
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kosiyanenko T.
№ 1 (2016) Regulation in the sphere of packaging wastes. More questions than replies
Melanevskaya L.
№ 5 (2018) Regulation of the cancirogens 3-MCPD and glycidil ethers levels - the world trend in the food products safety
Stepanova L., Potepkin M.
№ 8 (2012) Adjustment of microorganisms level in raw milk
Rodionov G., Anan'eva T., Kujuget E.
№ 8 (2006) Reguliruemaya aglomeratsiya chastits pri proizvodstve sukhogo bystrorastvorimogo moloka
Burykin A.
№ 10 (2011) Reserves for milk market development
Vinogradov V., Chinarov V., Bautina O., Vinogradov V., Chinarov V., Bautina O.
№ 3 (2011) Reserves for increasing sales-2011
Sorokina T., Sorokina T.
№ 5 (2003) Reserves to improve dairies efficiency
Polozova A., Chernikova A., Polozova A., Chernicova A.
№ 10 (2013) Results exceeding expectations
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№ 1 (2013) About results of the independent expertise of milk products quality
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№ 8 (2009) Recommendations for increasing milk yields and milk quality improvement
Dreksler B., Dreksler B.
№ 4 (2014) Recommendations for organizing inner control at an enterprise
Lesnykh O., RYBAKOVA O.
№ 1 (2016) Recommendations on the inside auditing (control) of the finance reports for 2015
Lesnyh O.
№ 2 (2016) Recommendations on making inside auditing (control) of the finance reports for 2015
Lesnyh O.
№ 7 (2008) Reconstruction of manufacture: approaches and implementation
Belyaev A., Mosunov S.
№ 9 (2013) Reconstruction of the curds producing department
Maltsev N.
№ 9 (2014) Reconstruction of the curds production section
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№ 12 (2015) Reconstruction of the workshop for the dairy butter and spread production
Gushcha Y.
№ 9 (2013) Renovated machinery. Myths and reality
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№ 2 (2017) Radiological control guarantees detection of foreign inclusions in ice-cream
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№ 9 (2008) Rheological indices of the reconstituted vacuum dried skim milk curds
Zaharova L., Pirogov A., Ermolaev V., Donya D.
№ 2 (2009) Rheological indices of the fermented product with lactoferrine
Zobkova Z., Mishina A., Zobkova Z., Mishina A.
№ 2 (2018) Study of sweetened condensed milk rheological properties
Kalinina E., Porotova E., Filonov R., Lodygin A.
№ 6 (2017) The rheological properties of fermented milk sauces with berries pomace
Koryagina A., Lepeshkin A., Nadtochii L.
№ 12 (2008) Rheological properties of sour milk with whey proteins
Smirnova I., Pirogov A., Manylov S., Shilov A., Poselenov V.
№ 4 (2006) Reologicheskie svoystva syvorotochnykh belkovykh kontsentratov
Gavrilov G.
№ 5 (2016) The rheological characteristics of the ice cream mixture containing NF-curds whey concentrates
Shokhalova V., Kusin A., Shokhalov V.
№ 3 (2011) Republic of Bashkortostan
Kovalenko N., Kovalenko N.
№ 5 (2015) The Republic of Bashkortostan
Faizullin I.
№ 2 (2012) Principle ways of processing and application ol whey in the Republic of Belarus: situation, trends, prospects
DYMAR O., Dymar O.
№ 5 (2012) The Republic of Mordovia. Situation in the dairy sector
Sidorov V.
№ 5 (2011) Resources saving biotechnology of the milk containing product
Ganina V., Tereshina E., Karpychev S., Ganina V., Tereshina E., Karpychev S.
№ 3 (2005) Technology for quark production
Klepker V., Klepker V.
№ 6 (2015) Resource - saving technologies
Shevchuk V., Medvedeva N., Shohalov V.
№ 12 (2018) Resources saving technologies in fermented milk products manufacturing
Grunskaya V., Gabrielyan D.
№ 2 (2006) Energy saving is the main principle of machinery building for agro-industrial complex
Lutfulaev A., Svyatoshnyuk V., Lutfulaev A., Svyatoshnjuk V.
№ 9 (2011) Resources saving starts with a usual counter
Fetskova V., Feckova V.
№ 3 (2012) Savings of resources: experience of the Belorussian enterprise
Popenya V.
№ 4 (2010) Resources for automation of recording at an enterprise
Shikhov A., Shihov A.
№ 11 (2017) Reference materials QSE to control quality of the analytic works
Galkin A., Trepalina E.
№ 2 (2016) Book reviewa
Hramtsov A.
№ 3 (2006) Retsepturnye raschety s uchetom soderzhaniya zhira i belka
Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 9 (2010) Solutions for warehousing logistics
Miller M., Polynovskaya M., MILLER M., POLYNOVSKAYa M.
№ 12 (2014) Solution for growth
Shikhov A.
№ 3 (2012) Solutions from the company Butter Buds -taste of natural sour cream for the sour cream product price
Osad’ko M.
№ 4 (2005) Solution of the milk whey problems
Vasilisin S., Vasilisin S.
№ 5 (2005) Solution of the feeds quality problems
Porkhov N., Edzaeva D., Porhov N., Edzaeva D.
№ 6 (2011) Solution of the problem of protein feeding of cows
Kharitonov E., Mysnik N., Haritonov E., Mysnik N.
№ 1 (2003) Solution of the complicated engineering problemsin the dairy industry
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№ 6 (2003) Solution of the complicated engineering tasksin the dairy industry
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№ 10 (2004) Solutions of the «CORAZZA» company for large portionsof processed cheese: dosing, wrapping and group packaging
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№ 2 (2008) Solutions of the «Danisco» companyfor functional foods manufacturing
Elizarova V.
№ 11 (2003) Rue brans - additive for milk products
Shchetinin M., Stretovich D., Schetinin M., Stretovich D.
№ 12 (2018) The risks connected with declaration of milk and milk products
Haritonova T.
№ 9 (2018) Risk oriented assessment of the technological process at normalizing quality and safety indices of a food product with complex composition of raw materials
Ivanilova I., Makeeva I., Pryanichnikova N., Stratonova N., Belyakova Z., Smirnova J.
№ 2 (2014) Retail in Russia
Rybalova T.
№ 4 (2006) Robastnaya sistema upravleniya protsessom sushki moloka
Mamtsev A., Shiyanova N.
№ 6 (2009) Robotized systems for arranging logistics at an enterprise
Krivonosova Y., Krivonosova Y.
№ 12 (2018) Robots at the milk plant
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№ 6 (2009) Filling in the PET-bottles: aspects of quality and technology
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№ 9 (2006) Rozliv molochnykh produktov v PEND-butylku
Tikhomirov V.
№ 7 (2011) Rol' brendinga v prodvizhenii molochnoy produktsii
Afanas'eva L.
№ 2 (2010) Role of the state veterinary service in control of raw milk production
LAVROVA G., Lavrova G.
№ 10 (2005) Role of the government in the development of dairy cattlebreeding (Situation in the Ulyanovsk region)
Berg A., Berg A.
№ 12 (2017) Role of protective cultures in the contemporary world
Mayauskaite V., Hesseling M.
№ 6 (2012) Role of import in providing Russian population with milk products
Rybalova T.
№ 4 (2013) The role of milk in children development
Tihomirova N.
№ 6 (2003) Milkclotting enzymes in cheese quality improvement
Shamanova G., Tolstykh O., Shamanova G., Tolstych O.
№ 8 (2003) Organoleptic evaluation of canned milksand their quality improvement
Radaeva I., Radaeva I.
№ 1 (2005) Role of modern methods of sensor analysis in developmentand promotion of new products in the market
Berezhnoy I., Berezhnoy I.
№ 8 (2006) Rol' stabilizatorov v proizvodstve kislomolochnykh produktov
Ollsen S.
№ 12 (2004) Role of standardization in the dairy indusrty development
Geraymovich O., Makeeva I., Geraimovich O., Makeeva I.
№ 2 (2017) Role of enzymes in the free radicals oxidation of milk lipids
Shydlovskaya V.
№ 9 (2010) Role of the phyto feed supplement in the milk proteins synthesis
SEMENOV S., Semenov S.
№ 2 (2010) Role of the central laboratory in the system of raw milkquality assessing in Lithuania
SAVITsKIS S., URBShENE L., Savitskis S., Urbshene L.
№ 6 (2010) Russian industry of packaging: situation and possibilities
Boiko A.
№ 8 (2013) Russian butter makers for the healthy mode of life!
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