Browse Title Index

Issue Title File
No 12 (2015) Indices and methods of assessment of goat milk
Shuvarikov A.S.
No 10 (2006) Indices of the oxidative deterioration of fat and physical-chemical characteristics of milk products with phytosupplements of flavonoid nature at storage
Korenkova A.A., Tokaev E.S., Mun A.L., Korenkova A.A., Tokaev E.S., Moon A.L.
No 10 (2011) Indices of the sheep and goats milks safety
Tsend- Ayuush C., Ganina V.I., Tsend-Ayush C., Ganina V.I.
No 3 (2010) Individual solutions of complicated targets
Matusevich Y.
No 7 (2016) Industrial cold accumulators
Antipov A.V., Dugarov C.B.
No 1 (2012) Industrial energy saving: maximum efficiency at minimum expenditures
BURYKIN A.I., SAMSONOV V.N., PANKRATOV N.V., BURYKINA E.A., Burykin A.I., Samsonov V.N., Pankratov N.V., Burykina E.A.
No 5 (2009) InFatTM - closer to mother's milk
Snegova V., Snegova V.
No 9 (2016) Infinity is not a bound
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No 6 (2003) Influence of lactic acid bacteria on the qualityof freese dried products
Gus'kova L.D., Fil'chakova S.A., Guskova L.D., Filchakova S.A.
No 2 (2003) Influence of the canal parameterson fat globules dispersing at vacuum homogenizing
Dolinskiy A.A., Shurchkova Y.A., Burimskiy V.K., Feofilov I.V., Dolinskyi A.A., Shurchkova Y.A., Burimskyi V.K., Feofilov I.V.
No 3 (2003) Influence of the whey dispersed phaseon its granulation
Popov A.M., Ostroumova T.A., Tikhonov V.V., Litvina E.A., Popov A.M., Ostroumova T.A., Tihonov V.V., Litvina E.A.
No 10 (2010) Information about authors of publications
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No 12 (2010) Information about authors of publications
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No 1 (2010) Information about authors of publications
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No 2 (2011) Information about authors of publications
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No 12 (2004) Information and library service in VNIMI
Telitsyna E.A., Telitsina E.A.
No 2 (2014) Information of the technical committee TK 470/MTK 532. New standards for milk, milk products and methods of control
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No 4 (2010) Information technologies in the personnel management
Govyadkin I.E., Govyadkin I.E.
No 3 (2009) Information technologies. Service of finish products sale.
Shikhov A.V., Shihov A.V.
No 4 (2010) Informative technologies in the food sector
Bykovskaya G.V., Bykovskaya G.V.
No 6 (2008) Informatsionnoe obespechenie innovatsiy po molochnoy syvorotke
No 12 (2008) Ingineering in dairy processing
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No 7 (2009) Ingredients beneficial for health
Kristiansen S., Christiansen S.
No 7 (2003) Ingredients for milk replacers
Smekalov N.A., Smekalov N.A.
No 10 (2005) Ingredients for quark products
Solov'eva E., Karagodina V., Soloveva E., Karagodina V.
No 3 (2011) Ingredients of the company Chr. Hansen - optimal expenses and guarantees of your cheese quality
Sokolova O.M., Sokolova O.M.
No 10 (2008) Ingredients of the natural origin
Kjoeller K.
No 1 (2018) Ingredients without the E-index for coloring food products
Smirnov E.V.
No 6 (2006) Ingredienty dlya zdorovogo pitaniya
Solov'eva E.E.
No 10 (2011) Inhibiting of the milk fat oxidation
Ivkova I.A., Ivkova I.A.
No 9 (2017) Inhibitory substances. Intergovernmental standard GOST 23454-2016 «Milk. Methods for determination of inhibitory substances»
Sviridenko G.M., Zaharova M.B.
No 2 (2008) Inlet microbiological control
Samsonkina Z.I.
No 11 (2008) Inner auditing of the management systems
Fokin V.N., Kislova E.I., Dmitrieva K.S., Fokin V.N., Kislova E.I., Dmitrieva K.S.
No 12 (2011) Inner auditing of the systems for the safety management
Makhova N.N., Mahova N.N.
No 12 (2009) Innovations - 2009. It's impressing
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No 2 (2013) Innovations in detail. New homogenizing device
Voronin Y.
No 11 (2006) Innovations in improving raw milk value
Ponomarev A.N., Semenov S.N., Surkova N.E., Polyanskiy K.K., Vyazina N.V., Ponomarev A.N., Semenov S.N., Surkova N.E., Polyanskii K.K., Vyazina N.V.
No 8 (2005) Innovations in production of milk with improved shelf life
Barbashina M.A., Ponomarev A.N., Shuvaeva G.P., Korneeva O.S., Shuvaev P.V., Barbashina M.A., Ponomarev A.N., Shuvaeva G.P., Korneeva O.S., Shuvaev P.V.
No 9 (2008) Innovations in the continuous freezer design
Seliverstov V.K., Zhukov A.G., Berezovskii Y.M.
No 3 (2019) Innovations in the curds products technology
Mazeeva I.A., Smirnova I.A., Gutov N.Y.
No 10 (2015) Innovations in the technologies of curds and yogurt
Zobkova Z.S., Haritonov D.V.
No 8 (2004) Innovations or traditions?Choosing the strategy of development
Andrianov S.A., Andrianov S.A.
No 11 (2015) Innovations start with starter.New starter cultures ensure stable quality of thick yogurts
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No 2 (2008) Innovations with DSM Nutritional Products
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No 10 (2011) Innovationsof the company Chalon Megard: equipment for cheese making
Chistova Y.S., Vinnichenko E.A., Chistova Y.S., Vinnichenko E.A.
No 5 (2018) Innovative activity of the agricultural organizations
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No 10 (2017) Innovative automatic machine for filling RG270MINICROSS
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No 12 (2004) Innovative developments of the «EFCO» dairy companies group
Tarasenko O.S., Alekseenko A.V., Tarasenko O.S., Alekseenko A.V.
No 11 (2009) Innovative equipment for primary cooling of milk: development and operation
Popov A.V., Dvurechenskiy I.V., Babin V.N., Popov A.V., Dvurechenskii I.V., Babin V.N.
No 2 (2009) Innovative ingredients for cheese making from the company Chr. Hansen
Kulikova T.V., Kulikova T.V.
No 11 (2008) Innovative priorities of milk whey application on principles of wasteless technology logistics
Khramtsov A.G., Evdokimov I.A., Nesterenko P.G., Hramtsov A.G., Evdokimov I.A., Nesterenko P.G.
No 8 (2013) Innovative product for yogurts and milk desserts
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No 6 (2013) Innovative products and ingredients - drivers of the dairy market
Shenderov B.A.
No 7 (2013) Innovative products from bioavailable whey proteins
Titova M.E.
No 6 (2012) Innovative solution in curds manufacturing
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No 8 (2011) Innovative solution in the curds production (on-line method of dehydration and cooling of the product)
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No 1 (2015) Innovative solutions at curds and butter production. The seminar of the company «Protemol» in Vologda
Raicheva E.Y.
No 9 (2008) Innovative solutions for improving processedcheese texture and taste
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No 8 (2016) Innovative solutions of the company «EFKO»
Kapranchikov V.S.
No 3 (2011) Innovative solutions of the company «Protemol» in equipment andtechnology
Gushcha Y.M., Guscha Y.M.
No 8 (2010) Innovative technologies and equipment
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No 10 (2011) Innovative technologies and equipment inthe dairy sector
Bushueva I.G., Bushueva I.G.
No 8 (2013) Innovative technologies of the GEA Сorporation. Provision of sterility of the microdosing process
Tumasov N.P., Marchenko A.Y.
No 10 (2012) Innovative technologies promote stable development of production and protection of surroundings
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No 11 (2008) Innovative technologies: health of the nation and efficient production
Barsukov V.A., Barsukov V.A.
No 3 (2009) Innovative technology of fresh milk products
Evdokimov I.A., Khramtsov A.G., Volodin D.N., Topalov V.K., Bessonov A.S., Mikhneva V.A., Poverin A.P., Evdokimov I.A., Hramtsov A.G., Volodin D.N., Topalov V.K., Bessonov A.S., Mihneva V.A., Poverin A.P.
No 12 (2014) Instant milk powder can be produced and today
Burykin A.I.
No 1 (2004) Instrumentak method for controlling milkand cream heat stability
Androsova L.M., Tikhomirova G.P., Protopopov I.I., Potapov A.S., Androsova L.M., Tihomirova G.P., Protopopov I.I., Potapov A.S.
No 11 (2018) Instrumental assessment of milk quality by the color of reductase test with resazurin
Gorbunova E.V., Chertov A.N., Gorbachev A.A., Aleev A.M., Alehin A.A.
No 5 (2003) Insurance of the responsibility for foods quality
Zenka D., Zenka D.
No 11 (2005) Integrated approach to development of domesticdirect vat starters
Ganina V.I., Anan'eva N.V., Rozhkova T.V., Ganina B.I., Ananeva N.V., Rozhkova T.V.
No 5 (2013) Integrated management systems at milk processing plants
Mahova N.N.
No 10 (2010) Integrated system of the products quality and safety management. Development and launching
ShEPELEVA E.V., MITASEVA E.V., Shepeleva E.V., Mitaseva E.V.
No 9 (2012) Integrated systems of management. Methodology of developing and introduction
Mahova N.N.
No 9 (2013) Integration a strong link of milk processing
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No 2 (2009) Integration and automation of production processes
Elkin A., Elkin A.
No 7 (2011) Integration of the ecological standards requirements with the systems of the food products safety
Makhova N.N., Mahova N.M.
No 6 (2004) Integration processes in the dairy subcomplex
Kastornov N.P., Kastornov N.P.
No 5 (2018) Intensification of bactericide and cleaning properties of the disinfecting agents based on the quarter ammonium compounds
Manevich B.V., Kuzina J.I., Kosiyanenko T.V., Haritonova E.B., Orlova T.V.
No 5 (2013) Intensification of technological processes due to the cleaning of machinery surfaces
Kuzina J.I., Manevich B.V., Simonova I.A.
No 12 (2014) Intensification of the lactose crystallization process
Kostyukov D.M., Kulenko V.G., Shevchuk V.B., Fialkova E.A.
No 12 (2008) Intensification of the lactose crystallizationin concentrated and powdered milk products
Kulenko V.G., Fialkova E.A., Kostyukov E.M., Evdokimov I.A., Chervetsov V.V.
No 7 (2011) Intercrystallic corrosion of equipment
Ermakov B.S., Ermakov S.B., Vasil'ev A.V., Karginova V.V., Ermakov B.S., Ermakov S.B., Vasil'ev A.V., Karginova V.V.
No 11 (2005) Interesting and useful
Panova E.M., Il'inskaya N.A., Panova E.M., Ilinskaya N.A.
No 2 (2015) Intergovernmental standard GOST 32901-2014 «Milk and products of milk processing. Methods of microbiological analysis»
Sviridenko G.M., Onosovskaya N.N., Zaharova M.B.
No 3 (2016) Intergovernmental standard on milk powder
Radaeva I.A., Chervetsov V.V., Galstyan A.G., Turovskaya S.N., Illarionova E.E., Petrov A.N.
No 11 (2016) International conference in Sochi
Raicheva E.Y.
No 2 (2012) International criteria of safety of the bifido bacteria application
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No 1 (2013) International exhibition «Agroprodmach-2012»
Dvinskiy B.M., Girinovich O.A.
No 1 (2012) International exhibition «Agroprodmash-2011»
GIRINOVICh O.A., Girinovich O.A.
No 4 (2015) International exhibition «PACKAGE/PACKAGEITALY - 2015»
Grinevich A.I., Bykovskaya G.V.
No 9 (2014) International exhibition «RosUpack-2014»
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No 4 (2013) International exhibition «UPAKOVKA/UPAK ITALIA-2013»
Dvinskiy B.M.
No 4 (2008) International Forum «Dairy industry - 2008:awards have found their heroes»
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No 5 (2008) International forum «Dairy Industry - 2008»
Dvinskii B.M.
No 12 (2010) International forums on milk whey
KhRAMTsOV A.G., Hramtsov A.G.
No 10 (2003) International Gairy Federation - 100 years
Labinov V.V., Labinov V.V.
No 7 (2005) International investment in dairy processing
Yansen D., Kriyger A., Griffin M., Jansen J., Krijger A., Griffin M.
No 6 (2015) International seminar in Belarus
Raicheva E.Y.
No 1 (2006) International seminar in Minsk
Raycheva E.Y., Raicheva E.Y.
2001 - 2100 of 5181 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 > >> 

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