
And again about cheese varieties or new developments of the All Russian Research Institute of Cheese and Butter Making
Sviridenko Y.Y., Mordvinova V.A., Delitskaya I.N.
Effects of the barrier indices of the polymer packes on quality and keepability of packed cheese
Orlova E.A., Mordvinova V.A., Sviridenko G.M.
Some aspects of keepability of the packaged cheese
Orlova E.A., Mordvinova V.A., Il'ina S.G.
Imitating processed cheese products and items of import replacement
Dunaev A.V.
Organoleptic assessment of the products of cheese making according to the new intergovernmental standard
Tetereva L.I., Mordvinova V.A., Onosovskaya N.N., Lepilkina O.V., Delitskaya I.N.
Production of the elite cheese in the terms of the Russian cheesemaking
Delitskaya I.N., Mordvinova V.A.
New natural milk coagulating enzyme preparation of the company Danisco
Shergin A.N., Shergin A.N.
Biological value of the new type of the brine cheese «Ironskii»
Vlasova J.A.
The methods to control degree of cheese ripeness
Lepilkina O.V., Mordvinova V.A., Delitskaya I.N., Tetereva L.I.
Resources of the technologies replacing cheese import
Mordvinova V.A.
Effects of brine on structural properties of semi-hard cheeses
Ostroukhova I.L., Ostrouhova I.L., Ostrouhov D.V., Ostroukhov D.V.
Physical-chemical aspects of the poly-component products of cheese making
Lepilkina O.V., Lepilkina O.V.
Special features of salting new type of the hard cheese
Delitskaya I.N., Mordvinova V.A.
Complex technology of processed cheeses and cheese products
Gavrilova N.B., Moliboga E.A.
Typical program for production control of cheese
Mordvinova V.A., Sviridenko G.M., Tetereva L.I., Onosovskaya N.N., Mordvinova V.A., Sviridenko G.M., Tetereva L.I., Onosovskaya N.N.
Quality of sausage cheese and products containing milk with milk fat replacers (MFR)) produced according to the processed cheese technology
Orlova E.A., Kalabushkin V.V., Dunaev A.V., Alekseeva E.V.
Special issues of applying calcium chloride of the trade mark «Fudix TM» in the semi-hard cheese production
Mordvinova V.A., Delitskaya I.N., Manuylov S.E., Mordvinova V.A., Delitskaya I.N., Manuilov S.E.
Conductometric methodfor determination of the natriumchloride in cheeses
Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F., Yudova E.P., Belov N.A., Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F., Yudova E.P., Belov N.A.
Technological special features of making cheese from goat milk
Mordvinova V.A., Ostrouhova I.L., Ostrouhov D.V.
Dependence of the processed cheese quality on the selected regimes of smoking
Kalabushkin V.V., Dunaev A.V., Alekseeva E.V.
Possibilities and prospects of the farmers’ cheese making
Mironenko I.M.
History is created by people (to the 70th anniversary of the All-Russian Research Institute of Cheese and Butter Making)
Sviridenko Y.Y., Mordvinova V.A.
The Fifth International Cheese Salon
Raicheva E.Y.
The effect of calf lipase on cheese ripening
Krieger A.V., Belov A.N.
Method of salting the Vodopad cheese
Pribolotnyy A.V., Pribolotnyi A.
Original technologies of the brine cheese
Mordvinova V.A., Delitskaya I.N.
Milk fat replacers for cheese products and processed cheese products of new generation
Stepanova L.I., Stepanova L.I.
Problems of improving cheese yield
Mayorov A.A., Mironenko I.M., Baybikova A.A., Mayorov A.A., Mironenko I.M., Baibikova A.A.
Emulsifying characteristics of the natural aroma and flavoring ingredients Butter Buds
Osad'ko M.I., Rumyantseva G.N., Zotkina D.S., Osad'ko M.I., Rumyantseva G.N., Zotkina D.S.
Composition of micellium fungi contaminating semi-hard cheese surface
Nagula M.N., Kuznetsova L.S., Ozerskaya S.M., Ivanushkina N.E., Nagula M.N., Kuznetsova L.S., Ozerskaya S.M., Ivanushkina N.E.
Development of new technologies: Еffect of enzyme compositions on proteolysis in cheese with high second heating temperature
Krieger A.V., Belov A.N., Koval A.D.
Technology of the brine cheese product enriched with vegetable ingridients
Kryuchkova V.V., Korneichuk K.M., Skripin P.V., Belik S.N.
Application of rice and albumin flours in the technology of processed cheese product
Bogdanova N.S.
Quality of the hard rennet cheese and technological properties of milk depending on cows feeding
Savina I.P.
Vegetable oil has been found in cheese! Is it really so?
Lepilkina O.V., Topnikova E.V.
Production of cheese and curds in Russia
Goroshchenko L.G.
International Cheese Saloon
Raicheva E.Y.
The development of milk and cheese production in Uzbekistan within the framework of agrarian policy
Kozlova L.V.
Processed cheese with whey proteinparticulate
Mel'nikova E.I., Stanislavskaya E.B., Podgornyy N.A., Mel'nikova E.I., Stanislavskaya E.B., Podgornyi N.A.
Effects of the packaging materials on the quality of the smoked sausage and processed cheese and cheese products
Orlova E.A., Dunaev A.V., Kalabushkin V.V.
Is it possible to make cheese like the Swiss one in Russia?
Sviridenlo Y.Y., Mordvinova V.A.
Packaging polimere materials with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties
Snejko A.G., Fofanova E.M., Uzdenskii V.B., Strahova P.A., Ramanauskas P., Galginaite L.
The VI International Salon of Cheese
Raicheva E.Y.
Russian melting salt for heatresistant processed cheese and cheese products manufacturing
Sokolova N.Y., Kesoyan G.A., Dobtoskokina N.D.
Processed cheese products with functional characteristics
Ostroumova T.A., Ryapolov A.N., Leonenko Y.V., Ostroumova T.A., Ryapolov A.N., Leonenko Y.V.
The company ICL Food Specialties / BK Giulini and Omya Algol Rus: expanding the range of proceed cheese with the emulsifying salts BK Giulini. Recipes and recommendation
Automated production of cheese inthe cheese making machine «TheCheeseMaker»: experience of theDutch cheese makers
Bom V., Boom W.
Application of ultrafiltration in production curd products
Merzlikina A.A., Polyansky K.K., Ponomarev A.N., Kluchnikov A.I.
Identification and consuming properties of processed cheese
Svyatkina L.I., Andruhova V.Y.
Cheese preferences of the Russian people
Rybalova T.I.
30 years with the dairy industry
Formation of the organoleptic properties of cheese and control of cheese ripening process
Belov A.N., Kriger A.V., Koval’ A.D., Miklishannskii V.A.
Effects of the packaging materials properties on the quality of smoked processed cheese and cheese products
Dunaev A.V., Orlova E.A., Kalabushkin V.V., Alekseeva E.V.
Study structure formation processes cheese products for specialized power
Moliboga E.A.
Effect of Enzyme Compositions on Cheese Proteolysis
Kriger A.V., Belov A.N., Kriger A.V., Belov A.N.
Resources saving technologies of processed cheeses and cheese products manufacturing
Dunaev A.V., Sokolova N.Y., Konovalova T.M., Vodolazskaya E.A.
Cheeses salting. What's new?
Ostrouhova I.L., Ostrouhov D.V., Ostroukhova I.L., Ostroukhov D.V.
Soft cheese from milk-protein concentrates
Suyunchev O.A., Evdokimov I.A., Sardak A.S., Klepker V.M., Rudakov A.S., Suyunchev O.A., Evdokimov I.A., Sardak A.S., Klepker V.M., Rudakov A.S.
Present day trends in the equipment for cheese forming and pressing
Loginov V.A., Mayorov A.A.
Special features of cheese ripening with cheese slime microflora
Mordvinova V.A., Ostrouhova I.L., Sviridenko G.M.
Developments for cheese salting
Pribolotnyy A.V., Pribolotnyi A.V.
«Tilsit» and Tilsiter» - see the difference
Mordvinova V.A.
Application of the rice flour and albumin in the technology of the processed cheese product
Bogdanova N.S.
Special features of the technology of the brine cheese «Ironsky» production
Vlasova J.A.
Free fat in cheese and cheese products
Lepilkina O.V., Smykov I.T., Loginova I.V.
New national standards in cheese making
Mordvinova V.A., Mordvinova V.A.
Be acquainted - Imtech Process Solutions company from the Netherlands
New concepts and names of the cheese making products
Mordvinova V.A., Onosovskaya N.N.
Direct vat starters for the brine cheese production
Kaplenko A.N., Evdokimov I.A., Kaplenko N.N., Shramko M.I., Haritonova I.V.
Amino acids score of the cheese «Spartanskii»
Vlasova J.A., Vasiliadi G.K.
Innovations in spite of trends
Altuhov V.D.
Effekt of enzume composition on cheese quality
Kriger A.V., Belov A.N., Kriger A.V., Belov A.N.
Ultra-filtration - revolution in the soft cheese manufacturing
Ostrouhov D.V.
Technological specialtiesof the soft cheese manufacturing
Ostroumov L.A., Bobylin V.V., Husnullina N.V.
Russian market of cheese in 2009
Belyakova N.A.
Structure and volumes of import and export in the Russian Federation
Smirnov E.R., Smirnov E.R.
Freezing of hard cheese within conditions of regulated heat removal
Buyanov V.O.
Situation and prospects of the processed cheese production
Sviridenko Y.Y., Dunaev A., Sviridenko Y.Y., Dunaev A.V.
Intensification of the rennet cheese ripening
Ostroumov L.A., Nikolaeva E.A., Ostroumov L.A., Nikolaeva E.A.
Microbiological state of brine
Perfil'ev G.D., Matevosyan L.S., Ostroukhova I.L., Shkalikov Y.A., Perfil'ev G.D., Matevosyan L.S., Ostrouhova I.L., Shkalikova Y.A.
The temperature of the second heating as a way to regulate syneresis and intensity of the lactic acid process at hard cheese production
Delitskaya I.N., Mordvinova V.A.
Possibility of obtaining the sign NPGO (name of the place of goods origin) to the unique dairy products produced in Altai territory
Khodyreva Z.R., Shchetinina E.M.
Correction of the technological regimes of cheese manufacturing at milk quality changes
Loginov V.A., Linkevich E.T., Mayorov A.A.
Assessment of the organoleptic indices of the product containing more than 50 % of milk fat substitute in the fat phase and produced by the processed cheese technology
Ivanilova I.G.
Whey separator
Eliseev O.M., Eliseev O.M.
Goat's milk and its quality indicators by cheeseproduction
Toschev V.K., Mustafina G.N., Ruzhbelyaeva O.G.
Protective latex coatings in cheese making: situation and prospects
Snezhko A.G., Fedotova A.V., Filinskaya Y.A., Gubanova M.I., Ramanauskas R., Gal'ginaytine L., Snezhko A.G., Fedotova A.V., Filinskaya Y.A., Gubanova M.I., Ramanauskas R., Galginaitine L.
Cheese suitable propertiesof milk powder
Lepilkina O.V., Ostroukhov D.V., Lepilkina O.V., Ostrouhov D.V.
Technology smelt of the cheese product on the basis ofalbuminous - carbohydrate weight.
Gavrilova N.B., Shmat E.V., Sokhryakov S.O., Gavrilova N.B., Shmat E.V., Sohrjakov S.O.
The III International Cheese Saloon
Raycheva E.Y., Raicheva E.Y.
Usage of the HACCP principles in the organization of the starter cultures application in cheese making
Sorokina N.P., Kucherenko I.V., Kuraeva E.V.
Application of the soft cheese in the recipes of the jell products for sports nutrition
Polyanskii K.K., Hodyreva O.E., Magomedov M.G., Lobosova L.A., Magomedova A.Z.
Some issues of identification of the products of cheese and butter making
Topnikova E.V.
Type and way of packaging as risk factors effecting safety, quality and shelf life of processed cheese
Sviridenko G.M., Babkina N.G., Zaharova M.B.
The cheese famous, beneficial, tasty, processed
Rybalova T.I.
About the role of carbon dioxide in milk and cheese
Mironenko I.M.
Innovative domestic polymer materials with improved protective action for cheese
Snejko A.G., Strahova P., Ramanauskas R., Galginaitine L., Fofanova E.
The packages «PREMIUMPACK» - new solution in the packaging for cheese making
Orlova E.A., Mordvinova V.A., Bol’shakova E.A.
Application of the phospholipase A1 in cheese making
Veziryan A.A., Anisimov S.V., Evdokimov I.A., Veziryan V.A., Karychev R.Z., Kelyashova Y.N.
Special issues of cream cheese production
Mironenko I.M., Usatyuk D.A.
1 - 100 of 456 Items 1 2 3 4 5 > >> 

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