Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
№ 5 (2010) New type of the food pathogens Enterobacter sakazakii in babyformulas
EFIMOChKINA N., Efimochkina N.
№ 2 (2019) New type of the emergent Enterobacter
Efimochkina N.
№ 4 (2012) New high productive automated machine for packing in «PurePak» from the company «TaurasFenix»
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№ 6 (2004) New standard (GOST) in the Kubans region
Chubov P., Popyrkina S., Skrypnikova L., Chubov P., Popyrkina S., Skrypnikova L.
№ 10 (2005) New data marker for automated machines M6−OP3−Eand AO−111
Bychkova V., Chadaeva A., Bychkova V., Chadaeva A.
№ 6 (2010) New Trade Law: relations of foods suppliersand commercial networks
Lazareva O.
№ 11 (2010) New sourcreamy souse
Golub O., Lobacheva E., Romanovskaya I., Gaberman T., Golub O., Lobacheva E., Romanovskaya I., Gaberman T.
№ 3 (2013) New concentrated product for gerodietetic purposes
Strizhko M., Radaeva I., Turovskaya S., Malova T., Chervetsov V., Galstayn A.
№ 4 (2016) New intergovernmental standard on the antioxidant dihydroquercetine
Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E., Tihonov V., Shevchenko T.
№ 8 (2015) New method of water preparation without reagents applied in heat and power engineering and other technologies
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№ 10 (2008) New method for studying products keepability
Hripushin V., Komarova E., Polyanskii K., Rudakov O.
№ 4 (2014) New milk protein - Promilk 600A
Svistun N.
№ 9 (2016) New milk processing plant in Dmitrova Gora: the cycle of construction and assembly work
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№ 2 (2008) New National standard of the RF «Quark cakes coated with glaze.General technical conditions»
Zobkova Z., Gavrilina A., Fursova T.
№ 8 (2012) New national standard on boiled condensed milk with sugar
Galstyan A., Illarionova E., Radaeva I., Turovskaya S., Chervetsov V., Petrov A.
№ 1 (2008) New national standard for milk powder
Petrov A., Radaeva I., Turovskaya S.
№ 6 (2010) New national standard on raw skim milk
Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S.
№ 1 (2013) New poly-component fermented milk product
Sokolova O.
№ 1 (2012) A new order for attestation of working places accordingto the labor conditions
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№ 12 (2015) New probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri
Rojkova I., Raskoshnaya T., Botina S., Begunova A.
№ 9 (2015) A new product - fermented milk cocktails «Lactail»!
Pivovarova A.
№ 3 (2012) A new cup with wave from the company ARCIL
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№ 1 (2008) New standard on fermented milk products enrichedwith bifidobacteria
Abdullaeva L., Ervol'der T.
№ 08 (2008) New curds
Vasces E.
№ 11 (2015) New workshop for baby foods manufacturing in Kemerovo
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№ 3 (2011) New step in the automation of milk processing
Kosmin A., Kosmin A.
№ 3 (2017) A new step in the production of sour cream for the confectionary sector
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№ 4 (2018) New express-method to assessmilk quality using dispersion analyzer LUMiFuge
Kuzmicheva A., Kalmykova E., Kudinova N., Noskova N.
№ 8 (2012) A new express-test. «4sensor» - highly precise milk control for four groups of antibiotics
Demidov D.
№ 10 (2016) A new efficient method of sanitary treatment
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№ 2 (2012) The NEUMO CIS company
RYBITsKAYa A., Rybitskaya A.
№ 6 (2017) Nomenclature of the quality indices of the canned milk products
Turovskaya S., Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Illarionova E.
№ 1 (2008) Nominal cutting molecular mass of the low molecularcompounds at membrane treatment
Kruglik V.
№ 11 (2011) The Norilsk dairy: between the past and the future
Bazhenova E.
№ 4 (2012) Standardization of milk and milk products according to protein content
Mikluh I., Dymar O.
№ 9 (2011) The normative documentation in the fieldof food products safety
Onishchenko G., Kauts E.
№ 1 (2013) Normative assurance of the activity of standardization service at an enterprise
Dunchenko N., Makeeva I.
№ 1 (2019) Regulatory and legal base for specialized food products
Jylinskaya N., Gromovyh P.
№ 7 (2014) Normative-legislating regulation of the pedigree stock breeding sector
Safina G.
№ 4 (2012) Normative and legal regulation of transporting goods that should be controlled by veterinary service at transporting milk and milk products on the territory of the Customs Union
Kuzin V.
№ 11 (2018) Regulatory and legal aspects of detecting milk and milk products falsification
Topnikova E.
№ 7 (2004) Replies to the readers questionsNormative method of the production calculations. Aboutrecalculation of the raw materials norms in milk with the basicfat content when used for buttermilk normalization
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 12 (2005) Normative method of recording at application of different typesof separators
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 7 (2014) Rationing and organization of the high productive cows feeding
Nekrasov R., Golovin A., Anikin A., Pervov N.
№ 11 (2017) Standardization of microbiological parameters of milk sugar
Ryabtseva S., Salova O., Anisimov G., Ahmedova V.
№ 8 (2015) Standardization of the indices of quality and identifying characteristics of raw milk
Yurova E.
№ 3 (2008) NPK «Progressive Technologies» offers
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№ 3 (2008) NPP «Zond-Pak» - 15 years!
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№ 2 (2013) NPP «Zond-Pak» - 20 years
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№ 4 (2008) Scientific and Technical Center «Moloko» in the south of Russia.Scientific and practical seminars arranged
Sadovaya T., Lyakh V.
№ 6 (2012) Zero valent selenium in the technology of milk products
Hramtsov A., Serov A., Miroshnichenko M.
№ 1 (2004) About bactofuge
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№ 10 (2005) About safety and quality of milk products
Stepanova B., Stepanova B.
№ 7 (2008) About bifidogenous properties of lactoferrin
Zobkova Z., Mishina A., Begunova A.
№ 1 (2008) About introduction of the standard GOST R 52738-2007«Milk and products of milk processing. Terms and definitions»
Abdullaeva L.
№ 1 (2004) About the advent of the new GOST milk-feed in the Vologda region
Khitrova G., Hitrova G.
№ 08 (2008) About effects of the gas phase on curds quality
Zobkova Z., Fursova T.
№ 3 (2004) About introduction of new state standards
Geraymovich O., Makeeva I., Zobkova Z., Geraimovich O., Makeeva I., Zobkova Z.
№ 3 (2017) About introduction of the procedures ensuring safety of milk products
Ganina V.
№ 9 (2006) O vozdushnoy (gazovoy) faze moloka i molochnykh produktov
Zobkova Z., Fursova T.
№ 12 (2018) About possible reasons of fire dangerous situation in the process of spray drying
Burykin A., Burykina E.
№ 12 (2014) About time and about work
Burykin A.
№ 10 (2012) Russia asa member of WTO and Customs Union
Petrova M.
№ 3 (2015) About choosing the equipment for milk and whey drying
Kuznetsov P., Gabrielova V., Mertin P.
№ 7 (2015) About choosing the equipment for milk and whey drying
Kuznetsov P., Gabrielova V., Mertin P.
№ 12 (2015) Milk hormones
Shidlovskaya V.
№ 4 (2016) About governmental support of the small forms of house keepings in the country site
Kalinin V.
№ 3 (2018) About governmental policy in the dairy sector
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№ 7 (2018) About governmental regulation of the trading activity
Naumov S.
№ 8 (2015) About additional indices of the raw milk quality
Ponomarev A., Losev A., Mel’nikova E., Abdullaeva L.
№ 3 (2015) About additional indices of the raw milk quality
Abdullaeva L.
№ 1 (2013) About legislations assuring competitiveness of the Russian products of agriculture
Bushueva I.
№ 7 (2012) About legislation and standards of Russia and the Customs Union
Abdullaeva L.
№ 6 (2012) About legislation and standards of Russia and the Customs Union
Abdullaeva L.
№ 9 (2004) About volumes of skim milk for milk products manufacturingwhen calculating production cost
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 10 (2004) Quantity of skim milk for products manufacturingat prime cost calculations
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 11 (2004) Volumes of skim milk for milk products manufacturingat costs calculation
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 6 (2017) About health of the nation and children. Ecologically safe disinfection of the technological equipment
Atasunts V.
№ 11 (2018) About quality and safety of milk and milk products in the Krasnodar region
Balaeva M., Tretiyakova A.
№ 10 (2016) About complex application of the foods supplements that stabilize consistency and modify milk protein in yogurt
Zobkova Z., Fursova T., Zenina D., Gavrilina A., Shelaginova I.
№ 10 (2013) About competitiveness of dairy cattlebreeding
Uvarkina E.
№ 1 (2003) About fermented milk drinks texture
Zobkova Z., Fursova T., Zobkova Z., Fursova T.
№ 3 (2008) About feeding high productive cowsin the farm «Pervomaiskoe» (Leningrad region)
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№ 10 (2004) About butter and cheese labelling
Sviridenko Y., Abdullaeva L., Ivanova N., Onosovskaya N., Sviridenko Y., Abdullaeva L., Ivanova N., Onosovskaya N.
№ 12 (2004) Methods to control quality of milk and milk products
Shidlovskaya V., Yurova E., Shidlovskaya V., Yurova E.
№ 5 (2013) About the model of intensifying heat mass exchange processes at spray drying
Burykin A.
№ 9 (2005) Priority directions of grading up and technical improvementsin food sector
Bushueva I., Bushueva I.
№ 11 (2004) About drawbacks of the standard on raw cow milk
Vasyukov M., Vasjukov M.
№ 9 (2012) About some parameters of the process of isolation lactoferrine from milk
Zobkova Z., Gavrilina A., Zenina D., Fursova T., Shelaginova I.
№ 6 (2010) About some problems of the dairy sector
Gorlenko I.
№ 5 (2014) About necessity to make amendments to the legislation of the Customs Union in the field of food supplements and aroma substances application
Bagryantseva O., Shatrov G.
№ 11 (2016) About necessity to obtain new educational literature for the dairy technologists
Novokshanova A.
№ 1 (2010) About new national standards in the dairy sector
ABDULLAEVA L., Abdullaeva L.
№ 6 (2009) About new properties of package for milk and milk products
Fedotova O., Myalenko D., Fedotova O., Myalenko D.
№ 11 (2005) About raw materials norms
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 10 (2005) About raw materials norms
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 11 (2006) About the first meeting of the United Technical Committee on Standardization in the dairy sector of Russia TK 470 "Milk and products of milk processing"
Abdullaeva L., Abdullaeva L.
№ 4 (2004) About recalculation of raw materials normsin raw milk with base fat contentat separators-normolizers usage
Fokina N., Stepanova B., Fokina N., Stepanova B.
№ 1 (2012) About increasing competitiveness of the domestic machine building
ROZOV Y., SVYaTOShNYuK V., Rozov Y., Svyatoshnyuk V.
№ 12 (2008) About preparing technical regulation for bringing into operation
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