Browse Title Index

Issue Title File
No 3 (2010) Dairy sector of the Leningrad region
Kobyakov V.N.
No 3 (2010) Dairy sector of the Murmansk region
Skomorohova N.A.
No 9 (2009) Dairy sector of the Penza region: problems and prospects
Stolyarova O.A., Stolyarova O.A.
No 2 (2009) Dairy sector of the Vladimir region
Malafeeva T.V., Malafeeva T.V.
No 1 (2004) Dairy subcomplex of the Ryazan region
Morozova N.I., Shashkova I.G., Morozova N.I., Shashkova I.G.
No 7 (2014) Dairy successes with the «Russkaya Trapeza»
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No 5 (2018) Dairy Trader - a mobile supplement for analysis and forecast of the milk products market
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No 7 (2018) Dairy Trader - a mobile supplement for analysis and forecast of the milk products market
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No 2 (2003) Dairy Union in Sverdlovsky region
Panferov A.V., Panferov A.V.
No 6 (2009) Dairy wastes and their utilization
Butovskiy M.E., Butovskii M.E.
No 2 (2012) Dairy world market - 2010-2011
SMIRNOV E.R., Smirnov E.R.
No 1 (2008) Dairying in Bavaria
Hibel S.
No 10 (2015) Dairying: scientific ensure of modernization To the jubilee of the Professor Ivan Evdokimov
Hramtsov A.G.
No 12 (2012) Dairying: technological platform of high technologies
Hramtsov A.G.
No 6 (2016) Dangerous or healthy?
Rybalova T.I.
No 10 (2005) Danisco - your reliable partner
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No 4 (2017) Danone in Russia - 25 years of success
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No 12 (2006) Decontamination of consumer tare for milk products
Fedotova O.B., Myalenko D.M., Fedotova O.B., Myalenko D.M.
No 08 (2008) Decontamination of tare and packaging with UV-radiation
Myalenko D.M.
No 3 (2003) Dedicated to the 80 anniversaryof academician Lipatov
Kharitonov V.D., Radaeva I.A., Haritonov V.D., Radaeva I.A.
No 6 (2018) Deep processing of raw milk materials and secondary resources
Haritonov V.D.
No 3 (2004) Defence of the engines for industrial use
Kargapol'tsev V.P., Kargapoltsev V.P.
No 11 (2015) Dehydroquercitine - a competitor to antibiotics?
Fomichev Y.P., Artemeva O.A., Pereselkova D.A., Lashin S.A.
No 9 (2005) DeLaval company: cooperation with Vladimir region
Bushueva I.G., Bushueva I.G.
No 3 (2012) Demineralization of curds whey
Evdokimov I.A., Volodin D.N., Topalov V.K.
No 6 (2006) Demineralizatsiya podsyrnoy solenoy syvorotki metodom elektrodializa
Evdokimov I.A., Dykalo N.Y., Volodin D.N., Poverin A.P., Permyakov A.V.
No 2 (2013) Demineralized permeate as an alternative to milk sugar
Evdokimov I.A., Volodin D.N., Topalov V.K., Mihneva V.A.
No 3 (2004) Demographic situation in Russia and food for schoolchildren
Bushueva I.G., Bushueva I.G.
No 9 (2010) Demoralization of milk whey
KRAVChENKO E.F., GARShINA T.I., Kravchenko E.F., Garshina T.I.
No 9 (2008) Department for milk reception
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No 4 (2015) Dependence of the sour-milk structural-mechanical characteristics on the proteins composition of milk modified by transglutaminase
Zobkova Z.S., Fursova T.P., Zenina D.V., Gavrilina D.D., Shelaginova I.R., Shefov O.A.
No 7 (2016) Dependence on «MAK»
Beregova I.
No 6 (2006) Deserty iz molochnoy syvorotki dlya shkol'nogo pitaniya
Ganina V.I., Sonieva M.M., Butyaykina A.N.
No 9 (2013) Design and automation at the milk processing plants
Romali E.P.
No 10 (2015) Design and technological solutions of milk products manufacturing in the crisis period
Geraimovich O.A.
No 6 (2013) Design of a package
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No 9 (2005) Design of the cold supplying systems for butter making
Novikov I.V., Gordeeva E.Y., Novikov I.V., Gordeeva E.Y.
No 7 (2003) Desinfectants for the dairy industry
Manevich B.V., Manevich B.V.
No 2 (2005) Desinfecting agent «Lerasept forte»for milk processing plants
Karavaeva N.V., Karavaeva N.V.
No 7 (2008) Dessert products with immobilized probiotics
Gavrilova N.B., Pas'ko O.V., Nazarenko T.A.
No 2 (2015) Desserts with functional properties on the basis of milk whey with hydrolyzed lactose
Lodygina S.V., Lodygin A.D., Zherebtsova M.V., Hramtsov A.G.
No 10 (2013) Details invisible for eyes
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No 8 (2013) Detection of canned milks falsification: scientific and legislation basis
Radaeva I.A., Turovskaya S.N.
No 1 (2018) Detection of enterotoxigenous staphylococci in raw milk and milk products
Efimochkina N.R., Bykova I.B., Fluer F.S., Kuvaeva I.B., Sheveleva S.A.
No 7 (2011) Detection of microcracks in the heat-exchangers plates
Bokov N., Bokov N.
No 2 (2008) Detection of the foreign substances in raw milk
Burykina I.M.
No 2 (2004) Detergent «Moidodyr» for industrial use
Galimzyanova I., Galimzyanova I.
No 8 (2015) Determination of adulteration of the fat phase of milk products with vegetable oils
Gavrilov G.B., Filippov A.A., Gavrilov B.G., Kuteneva N.N., Garuskova N.V., Shmarov T.A.
No 9 (2013) Determination of aflatoxins B 1 and M 1 in milk: a rapid and simple way to prepare samples
Karaseva N.M., Amelin V.G., Tretyakov A.V.
No 7 (2008) Determination of an enterprise profit
Chernova M.V.
No 12 (2016) Determination of Bacillus cereus in dry milk products
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No 12 (2008) Determination of heavy metalsin milk whey and products resulting after milk whey processing
Rodnyi A.A., Horoshilova S.E.
No 3 (2014) Determination of optimal conditions for IR-pasteurization of milk
Ovsyannikov V.Y., Babenko M.S.
No 5 (2017) Determination of requirements and development of raw milk criteria that are used for grades formation
Yurova E.A., Polyakova O.S., Meldenberg D.N.
No 1 (2009) Determination of the acidity of milk and milk products
Shabshaevich M.L., Shabshaevich M.L.
No 10 (2017) Determination of the colloid milk proteins by the method of dynamic diffusion of the light
Tihomirova N.A., Levin A.D., Alenichev M.K., Zhovannik I.E.
No 5 (2014) Determination of the residual quantity of inhibiting agents in milk
Kerhof Y.
No 3 (2011) Determination of the skim milk powderkeepability
Dubova E.A., Buylova L.A., Kuznetsov V.B., Dubova E.A., Builova L.A., Kuznetsov V.B.
No 11 (2010) Determination of the somatic cells counts in cow milk in the period of lactation
Sivkin N.V., Strekozov N.I., Sivkin N.V., Strekozov N.I.
No 12 (2005) Determination of the volatile fatty acids in quark whey
Korenman Y.I., Mel'nikova E.I., Niftaliev S.I., Svetolunova S.E., Dubovskiy I.I., Korenman Y.I., Melnikova E.I., Niftaliev S.I., Svetolunova S.E., Dubovskii I.I.
No 11 (2006) Determination of urea in milk
Khramov V.A., Kaydulina A.A., Hramov V.A., Kaidulina A.A.
No 2 (2017) Determination of urine content at working with milk herd
Pavlov A.V.
No 10 (2006) Determination of water activity in milk powder
Buylova L.A., Dubova E.A., Builova L.A., Dubova E.A.
No 1 (2014) Development and introduction of the system for products safety management on the basis of the HACCP
Shepeleva E.V., Albekov M.A.
No 12 (2004) Development and manufacturing of baby and medical products
Ivanova L.N., Ivanova L.N.
No 6 (2015) Development of baby foods on the base of goat milk
Simoneko S.V., Dimitrieva S.E.
No 12 (2004) Development of canned milks science and industry
Radaeva I.A., Petrov A.N., Radaeva I.A., Petrov A.N.
No 3 (2010) Development of dairy cattle breeding of the Tambov region
Kastornov N.P.
No 12 (2012) Development of measures for production managing
Mahova N.N.
No 7 (2015) Development of milk goats breeding base in Russia
Grigoryan L.N., Khatataev S.A.
No 3 (2010) Development of milk production in the Krasnoyarsk region
Shageev R.M.
No 12 (2004) Development of new technological equipment
Brodskiy Y.A., Bazikov V.I., Brodskii Y.A., Bazikov V.I.
No 12 (2004) Development of scientific bases and equipment for freshmilk products manufacturing
Fridenberg G.V., Fridenberg G.V.
No 12 (2004) Development of scientific basis of separators building
Kharitonov V.D., Zuev B.G., Filatov Y.I., Haritonov V.D., Zuev B.G., Filatov Y.I.
No 11 (2013) Development of starter cultures for fermented milk products
Semenihina V.F., Rozhkova I.V., Raskoshnaya T.A., Abramova A.A.
No 3 (2011) Development of technical documentation on the products excluded from the Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products
Makeeva I.A., Genova D.E., Malinina Z.Y., Makeeva I.A., Genova D.E., Malinina Z.Y.
No 6 (2004) Development of the baby foods industry
Sergeev V.N., Sergeev V.N.
No 11 (2015) Development of the baby foods industry
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No 4 (2009) Development of the dairy animal breeding in the frames of realization of the governmental program
Shichkin G.I., Shichkin G.I.
No 4 (2014) Development of the dairy industry in the Republic of Belarus
Meleshchenya A.V., Shakel T.P.
No 6 (2004) Development of the dairy industry in the Vologodskyregion till 2010
Anishchenko N.I., Anischenko N.I.
No 4 (2015) Development of the dairy sector of Russia in terms of the rouble devaluation and international sanctions
Surovtsev V.N., Nikulina Y.N., Payurova E.N.
No 9 (2017) Development of the draft norms for wastes formation
Nikonenko N.
No 4 (2003) Development of the enterprise
Mukhachev A.V., Muhachev A.V.
No 11 (2004) Development of the financial reports and taxation is going on.
Lesnykh O.V., Lesnyh O.V.
No 8 (2015) Development of the healthy milk products technologies: up-to-date methodologies
Zobkova Z.S., Zenina D.V., Fursova T.P., Gavrilina A.D., Shelaginova I.R.
No 3 (2015) Development of the intergovernmental standard. Selection of antibiotics for improving selectivity of the nutritive media
Sviridenko G.M., Komarova T.V.
No 6 (2015) Development of the intergovernmental standard. The methods to determine somatic cells in raw milk
Sviridenko G.M.
No 3 (2017) Development of the marketing service. Efficient launching of new items
Kalinin R.
No 11 (2016) Development of the marketing service. Management of varieties to increase profit
Kalinin R.
No 9 (2017) Development of the marketing service. Minimal varieties matrixes
Kalinin R.
No 8 (2018) Development of the marketing service. Planning of sales and motivation to increase income of the dairy enterprises
Kalinin R.
No 3 (2019) Development of the marketing service. Working out of the package design
Kalinin R.
No 12 (2010) Development of the membrane technologies: rationalityand no wastes
EVDOKIMOV I.A., Evdokimov I.A.
No 11 (2012) Development of the method to remove beta-lactoglobulin from milk whey with the aid of chitosan
Bakulin A.V., Lopatin S.A., Scherbinina T.S., Varlamov V.P., Kurchenko V.P., Botina S.G., Agarkova E.Y., Kharitonov V.D.
No 6 (2015) Development of the milk goats breeding in the Republic of Tatarstan: implementation of the target program
Hazipov N.N.
No 12 (2015) Development of the nutritient medium for cultivation of the consortium of the probiotic microorganisms
Begunova A.V., Semenihina V.F., Rojkova I.V., Shyrshova T.I.
No 12 (2009) Development of the process of the direct vat starter cultures production
Budrik V.G., Haritonov D.V., Dimitrieva S.E., Budrik V.G., Kharitonov D.V., Dimitrieva S.E.
No 6 (2018) Development of the processing sectors of the agro-industrial complex
Boeva N.D.
No 3 (2011) Development of the raw materials basis - a key factor for productivity growth in the dairy sector of Russia
Kolonchin K.V., Kolonchin K.V.
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