Browse Title Index

Issue Title File
No 1 (2010) Application of nanotechnologies in the food sector
MANNINO S., Mannino S.
No 9 (2009) Application of pectin at milk-juice drinks manufacturing
Beregova I., Beregova I.
No 3 (2011) Application of phytosterols in fat and oil products
Ipatova L.G., Kochetkova A.A., Ipatova L.G., Kochetkova A.A.
No 11 (2005) Application of polymeric compositions in equipmentmaitenance
Bashkirtsev V.I., Gladkikh S.N., Boykov V.Y., Panin A.A., Bashkirtsev V.I., Gladkih S.N., Boikov V.Y., Panin A.A.
No 10 (2009) Application of pumps in the dairy sector
Bartlome V., Bartlome V.
No 7 (2017) Application of ß-glucan in the curds technology: resource-saving and functionality
Bogdanova E.V., Ponomarev A.N., Melnikova E.I., Bolgova M.S.
No 6 (2015) Application of spices to control organoleptic characteristics of fermented milk products with flour
Sokolova O.V., Rozhkova I.V., Fedotova O.B.
No 11 (2009) Application of test systems in the dairy sector
Prosekov A.Y., Korotkaya E.V., Bespomestnykh K.V., Prosekov A.Y., Korotkaya E.V., Bespomestnyh K.V.
No 11 (2012) Application of the baromembrane equipment in the milk plants
Sheremet A.V.
No 7 (2016) Application of the bromelithium cooling machines for ice water production
Aleksikov I.Y., Krasnov M.I., Ovchinnikov A.V.
No 11 (2016) Application of the condensate of the plants «Vigand 8000» in the feeding system of boilers
Baikov V.I.
No 8 (2012) Application of the disinfecting agent «BIOPAG-D»
Manevich B.V., Efimov K.M., Dityuk A.I., Bogdanov A.I.
No 11 (2013) Application of the disinfecting agent «Stericide Forte 15» at the dairy industry enterprises
Hanumyan A.A.
No 4 (2015) Application of the disinfecting agent «Stericide Forte 15» at the dairy industry enterprises
Hanumyan A.A.
No 2 (2018) Application of the disinfecting agent «Stericide Forte 15» at the dairy sector enterprises
Hanumyan A.A.
No 3 (2019) Application of the disinfecting agent «Stericide Forte 15» at the dairy sector enterprises
Hanumyan A.A.
No 10 (2014) Application of the disinfecting agent «Stericide Forte 15» at the milk processing plants
Hanumyan A.A.
No 12 (2015) Application of the drum mixer in the technological line for the yogurt product manufacturing
Borodulin D.M., Suhorukov D.V., Komarov S.S.
No 5 (2005) Application of the energy saving technologies and equipmentof the «Slavutich» company for complex solutionof energy saving problems
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No 11 (2014) Application of the enzyme «Lactafree» in the low lactose products manufacturing
Trushnina Y.V.
No 5 (2008) Application of the equipment for water cooling
V'yugina T.P., Nikonova E.B.
No 10 (2011) Application of the fermentative hydrolysisin the technology of the low lactose ice-cream
Evdokimov I.A., Kulikov I.K., Ereshova V.D., Anisimov S.V., Medvedeva V.G., Evdokimov I.A., Kulikov I.K., Ereshova V.D., Anisimov S.V., Medvedeva V.G.
No 11 (2008) Application of the fermentative lactose hydrolysis
Donskoy N.S., Lodygin A.D., Vardanyan A.G., Pashina E.Y., Khramtsov A.G., Donskoi N.S., Lodygin A.D., Vardanyan A G., Pashina E.Y., Hramtsov A.G.
No 1 (2016) Application of the fruit-and-berries flavors at the fermented milk products manufacturing
Dymar O.V.
No 4 (2017) Application of the GOST P 51740-2001 in terms of introduction of the classifier ОКПД 034-2014
Ivanilova I.G.
No 2 (2014) Application of the HACCP principles at machines design and manufacturing
Makarov A.S., Kirienko A.V.
No 5 (2010) Application of the high pressure homogenization in the dairy sector
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No 11 (2006) Application of the immobilized forms of probiotic bacteria in milk products manufacturing
Anan'eva N.V., Ganina V.I., Nefedova N.V., Gabril'yan G.R., Anan'eva N.V., Ganina V.I., Nefedova N.V., Gabril'yan G.R.
No 4 (2015) Application of the instrumental methods of analysis to control of milk and milk products
Yurova E.A., Burykin A.I., Burykina E.A.
No 6 (2018) Application of the international standards for assessment of the physical-chemical indices of milk powder
Yurova E.A.
No 9 (2016) Application of the laminar pumps in the dairy industry
Benderovich V.A., Lunatsy E.D., Sheina A.E.
No 7 (2018) Application of the protective cultures. Theoretical aspects
Sviridenko G.M., Sorokina N.P.
No 7 (2014) Application of the technologically functional proteins «PROCREAM 151C» in the ice-cream manufacturing
Tvorogova A.A., Kazakova N.V., Spiridonova A.V., Alekseeva O.V., Svistun N.N.
No 3 (2005) Application of the universal store capacities in new managingand technological schemes
Russkikh V.M., Filinkov A.S., Russkih V.M., Filinkov A.S.
No 12 (2012) Application of the wild berries extracts in ice-cream
Tekutieva L.A., Pavlova J.P., Bobchenko V.I., Son O.M., Fishchenko E.S.
No 12 (2013) Application of transglutaminase at yogurt production
Zobkova Z.S., Fursova T.P., Zenina D.V., Shidlovskaya V.P., Gavrilina A.D., Shelaginova I.R.
No 12 (2017) Application of ultrafiltration for the preliminary concentration of milk in curds production
Mikluh I.V., Dymar O.V.
No 2 (2006) Application of volume disinfection at the milk processing enterprises
Khovzun T.V., Dudko N.V., Furik N.N., Lobanov Y.V., Hovzun T.V., Dudko N.B., Furik N.N., Lobanov Y.V.
No 2 (2017) Application of whey ingredients in foods production
Volodin D.N., Zolotareva M.S., Kostyuk A.V., Topalov V.K., Evdokimov L.A., Chablin B.V., Gridin A.S.
No 4 (2019) Application of whey protein in the production of cream mass of lowered sugar capacity
Magomedov G.O., Plotnikova I.V., Magomedov M.G., Polyanskii K.K., Pisarevskii D.S.
No 8 (2018) Application of whey proteins microparticulate in the technology of kefir production
Stanislavskaya E.B., Melnikova E.I.
No 4 (2005) Applications of milk whey in Russia and abroad
Kravchenko E.F., Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F., Volkova T.A.
No 10 (2013) Applications of natamicin for salting cheese. Delvo®Cid+ for brine
Kerkhof Y.
No 5 (2008) Applications of the secondary energy resourcesin theSlavgorodskii milk combine
Zaharchuk V.V., Burykin A.I.
No 10 (2005) Applications of vegetable fats in cheese products
Stepanova L.I., Stepanova L.I.
No 11 (2008) Applications of whey proteins in foods
Ostroumov L.A., Leonenko Y.V., Razumnikova I.S., Emelin V.P., Ostroumov L.A., Leonenko Y.V., Razumnikova I.S., Emelin V.P.
No 4 (2017) Applying galoidactive disinfecting agents
Manevich B.V., Kuzina J.I., Kosiyanenko T.V.
No 6 (2014) Applying of microparticiulated whey proteins in milk products
Smirnova I.A., Lobacheva E.M., Gulbani A.J.
No 5 (2008) Approaches to the magister programs formation
Rogov I.A., Titov E.I., Dunchenko N.I., Kalinina L.V., lonov A.V.
No 3 (2010) Are you operating a packaging machine? Your license, please
Spitsin A.
No 2 (2008) Are you operating packaging machine? Your license please!
Spitsin A.
No 12 (2009) Areas of scientific provision of the dairy sector
Haritonov V.D., Fedotova O.B., Kovalenko L.M., Kharitonov V.D., Fedotova O.B., Kovalenko L.M.
No 6 (2011) Arrangement of the rapid selection zone
Razgulyaev V.Y., Razgulyaev V.
No 2 (2018) A.S.Emeliyanov - one of the founders of the dairy cattle breeding development in Russia
Maklahov A.V., Zadumkin K.A., Abramova N.I., Mokrousova T.A., Martsenyuk E.A.
No 4 (2019) Aseptic bottle against aseptic package
Grogol V.V.
No 8 (2011) Aseptic two-saddle valve «GEMBRA»
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No 2 (2014) Aspects of hygienic treatment of hands
Manevich B.V.
No 10 (2010) Aspects of the development of the Russian vegetable oils market
KOROY N.E., TOLKAChEVA D.V., Koroi N.E., Tolkacheva D.V.
No 7 (2014) Assessment of full-value of the rations for cattle
Buryakov N.P.
No 6 (2015) Assessment of launching the HACCP system at enterprises
Shepeleva E.V.
No 2 (2017) Assessment of liquid milk quality and safety
Yurova E.A.
No 12 (2017) Assessment of the dairy butter safety
Dunchenko N.I., Denisov S.V.
No 12 (2016) Assessment of the fat phase of milk products. Effects of technological factors and storage time on the fatty acids composition
Yurova E.A., Jijin N.A.
No 7 (2017) Assessment of the fatty acids composition of milk fat
Stepycheva N.V., Vasina N.A., Petrova S.N.
No 4 (2018) Assessment of the fatty acids composition of themilk fat replacers
Stepycheva N.V., Vasina N.A., Kulikova A.A.
No 6 (2017) Assessment of the hygienic risks of the food equipment - a composite part of the system for products safety management
Antonov A.E., Shyryaev D.S.
No 12 (2016) Assessment of the products taste
Merculova N.G.
No 3 (2016) Assessment of the quality indices and identification of milk powder characteristics
Kobzeva T.V., Yurova E.A.
No 5 (2016) Assessment of the technological indices of the herd milk
Pavlov A.V.
No 11 (2014) Assets management on the basis of the standards of the ISO 55000
Hromova N.A., Kryukov I.E., Pugachev V.M.
No 6 (2003) Association of the baby foods producers of Russia.History and future
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No 10 (2017) Association of the probiotic cultures Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus helveticus for development of the bacterial concentrate
Semenihina V.F., Rojkova I.V., Begunova A.V., Raskoshnaya T.A., Shyrshova T.I.
No 6 (2006) Assortiment molochnogosakhara
Volkova T.A.
No 2 (2008) At the aid of a microbioligist
Fil'chakova S.A.
No 4 (2011) At the aid of a microbioloaist
Semenikhina V.F.
No 1 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
Stepanenko I.Y., Perfil'ev G.D., Anishchenko I.P.
No 3 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
Anishchenko I.P., Lerfil'ev G.D.
No 5 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
Sviridenko G.M.
No 7 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 9 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
ROZhKOVA T.V., Sviridenko G.M.
No 08 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 12 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 10 (2008) At the aid of a microbiologist
Sviridenko G.M.
No 6 (2010) At the aid of a microbiologist
Volkova N.A., Nefedova N.V.
No 2 (2010) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 9 (2010) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 8 (2010) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 1 (2010) At the aid of a microbiologist
No 12 (2010) At the aid of a microbiologist
No 8 (2011) At the aid of a microbiologist
Anan'eva N.V.
No 9 (2011) At the aid of a microbiologist
Kazakova I.V., Merkulova L.V.
No 5 (2011) At the aid of a microbiologist
Anan'eva N.V.
No 12 (2011) At the aid of a microbiologist
Anan'eva N.V., Ananeva N.V.
No 7 (2012) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 6 (2012) At the aid of a microbiologist
No 10 (2012) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 8 (2012) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 12 (2013) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 5 (2016) At the aid of a microbiologist
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No 6 (2016) At the aid of a microbiologist
Ganina V.I.
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