
标题 文件
编号 4 (2008) Key trends of 2008
Mellentin J.
编号 12 (2003) Coagulants of new generation
Kentie M., Van Peridon P., Makeev V., Kentie M., Van Peridon P., Makeev V.
编号 12 (2017) Mare's milk as a raw material for fermented milk production
Kanareikina S., Gareeva I., Kanareikin V.
编号 1 (2019) When microns are of value. The role of small particles in the large world of the dairy sector
Kuz’micheva A., Kalmykova E., Sharapaeva E.
编号 9 (2003) When the fate of a man and of an enterpriseis a single thing
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编号 5 (2013) Good manufacturing practice
Protasov M.
编号 6 (2015) Goats breeding on a scale of the country
Kozhanov T.
编号 8 (2005) Goat milk - natural formula of health
Ostroumova T., Fridenberg G., Volkova L., Biryukova Z., Panteleeva O., Skobeleva N., Skobelev M., Ostroumova T., Fridenberg G., Volkova L., Biryukova Z., Panteleeva O., Skobeleva N., Skobelev M.
编号 9 (2003) Coctail «Dolutsar» for everyday consumption
Skobeleva N., Gorelova Z., Tsar'kov A., Skobeleva N., Gorelova Z., Tsarkov A.
编号 08 (2008) Quantitative criteria of sensory evaluationof the fermented milk products
Shepeleva E., Mitaseva E., Radaeva L.
编号 3 (2008) Quantitative immunofermentative methodfor lactoferrin determination in milk products
Zobkova Z., Mishina A., Smolyaninov V., Shehvatova G.
编号 7 (2010) Level of the polysaccharide produced by lactic acid bacteria in kefir
Enikeev R., Boboshko D., Rudenko E., Zimichev A.
编号 12 (2013) Kolkhoz (collective farm) after S.G. Shaumyan: present day realities and prospects
Bushueva I.
编号 9 (2006) Kombinirovannaya zakvaska dlya kislomolochnykh produktov
Khamagaeva I., Mitypova N.
编号 3 (2006) Kombinirovannaya ustanovka ul'travysokotemperaturnoy obrabotki moloka
Russkikh V., Filinkov A.
编号 5 (2008) Combined production of the «Tradition» curdsand grained curds with dressing «Cottage cheese»
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编号 5 (2005) Combined milk−vegetative products
Musul'manova M., Musulmanova M.
编号 12 (2018) Combined products for baby nutrition
Manuilov B., Simonenko S., Sidorova E.
编号 1 (2003) Combinated paste product for school children
Krivonos N., Zabodalova L., Kryvonos N., Zabodalova L.
编号 10 (2010) Kommentarii k Zakonu № 163-F3 ot 22 iyulya 2010 g. «O VNESENII IZMENENIY V FEDERAL'NYY ZAKON «TEKhNIChESKIY REGLAMENT NA MOLOKO I MOLOChNUYu PRODUKTsIYu»
编号 12 (2010) Comments on the Law № 163−ФЗ of 22 June 2010«About amendments to the Federal law «Technical Regulationon Milk and Milk Products»
ABROSIMOVA S., Abrosimova S.
编号 9 (2010) Comments to the Federal Law N 163-FZ of 22 June 2010 «About Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law «Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products» has been adopted
ABROSIMOVA S., Abrosimova S.
编号 5 (2018) Comments to the Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 033/2013 (TP TC) «About safety of milk and milk products» related to the products containing milk
Abrosimova S.
编号 7 (2010) Comments of the Typical Technological Instruction on the standard for milk and cream concentrated with sugar
Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E.
编号 1 (2013) Kommentarii spetsialistov
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编号 11 (2010) Kommentariy k Zakonu № 163-FZot 22 iyulya 2010 g. «O vnesenii izmeneniy v Federal'nyy zakon«Tekhnicheskiy reglament na moloko i molochnuyu produktsiyu»
Abrosimova S.
编号 4 (2010) Comments on the draft agreement on principlesof raw milk prices formation
编号 10 (2008) Expert comments
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编号 3 (2011) Compact and easy in operation: a new range of machines from the company OYSTAR Hassia
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编号 6 (2012) The company Ecolean - always to be one step ahead
Nilsson P., Sirotin S.
编号 7 (2015) Ishida opens new showroom in Moscow
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编号 11 (2013) The company Sealed Air - two decades of innovative achievements in Russia
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编号 3 (2010) The company «Serac» - a specialist in the field of delicious foods
Sherio F.
Stepanyants M.
编号 8 (2017) The company «Baltic Group» presents up-graded laboratory
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编号 9 (2008) Department for milk reception
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编号 8 (2004) «Danisco» company has finishedaffair on acquiring «Rhodia Foods Ingredients»
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编号 6 (2006) Kompaniya «Danisko» na Altae - novye vozmozhnosti
Solov'eva N., Dorozhkina T., Eremina L.
编号 4 (2005) «De Laval» company introduces milk somatic cells counterin the Russian market
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编号 1 (2005) «De Laval» company:well work together at milk quality improvement
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编号 4 (2004) «DeLaval» company: the key changesin the business strategy
Raycheva E., Raicheva E.
编号 9 (2018) The company «Georgia» - maintaining quality and taste characteristics of a product
Gubina I.
编号 6 (2011) The company «Internova Pack» makes plastic containers more economical
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编号 1 (2013) The company Clever Machines keeps to the principle of clear business
编号 6 (2018) The «Nestle» company in Russia reduces effects on the environment
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编号 3 (2013) The company «TECNOPAK® AgroChem Technologies» - your business partner
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编号 12 (2015) The company «Erhmann»: results of the activity and prospects of cooperation with milk suppliers
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编号 2 (2010) Kompaniya «Yunimilk»
编号 8 (2012) Compounds for cheese imitators
Svistun N.
编号 5 (2005) Mineral substances complex: «Lactoval»
Solov'eva E., Karagodina V., Solovieva E., Karagodina V.
编号 9 (2008) Complex updating of milk processing plants in view of energy saving
Sushkov V.
编号 10 (2012) Qualimetric determination of quality yoghurt
Kulyaev E.
编号 10 (2004) Complex evaluation of milk and milk products market
Nikiforova E., Kadykova O., Nikiforova E., Kadykova O.
编号 12 (2011) Complex processing of the milk raw materials
Anan'eva N., Ananeva N.
编号 12 (2005) Complex whey processing in order to develop productsof new generation
Gavrilov G., Gavrilov G.
编号 9 (2014) Complex food supplement «Multitek Mol» without «E» code for natural fermented milk products
Shabalova E.
编号 1 (2014) Complex applications of whey components
Nesterenko P., Hramtsov A., Evdokimov I., Ryabtseva S., Lodygin A.
编号 6 (2017) Complex servicing of production and management by the enterprise assets
Polyakov P.
编号 11 (2014) Complex management of an enterprise Application of the solution CSB-System at the enterprise Apostels
Motorin Y.
编号 6 (2014) Complex food supplements PROTELAC KM36 and PROTELAC T35
Zimin A.
编号 9 (2012) Complex solutions for dairy operations
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编号 6 (2011) Complex solutions from the Russkaya Trapeza
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编号 3 (2011) Complex solutions from the Russkaya Trapeza
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编号 9 (2011) Complex solutions from the «Russkaya Trapeza»
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编号 2 (2012) Complex solutions from the «Russkaya Trapeza»
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编号 6 (2012) Complex solutions from the company «Russkaya Trapeza»
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编号 2 (2013) Complex solutions from the company «Russkaya Trapeza»
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编号 9 (2013) Complex solutions from the «Russian Trapeza»
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编号 3 (2014) Complex solutions from the «Russkaya Trapeza»
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编号 10 (2014) Complex solutions from the «Russkaya Trapeza»
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编号 4 (2010) Complex analyses of guality - protects what's good
Spitsyn A., Spitsyn A.
编号 12 (2011) Complex analysis of the quality - preserving the better
Spitsyn A., Spitsyn A.
编号 9 (2018) Complex method of milk whey purification
Babenyshev S., Bratsihin A., Mamay D., Mamay A.
编号 4 (2017) Complex method of milk whey purification
Babenyshev S., Mamay D., Shapakov N., Utkin V.
编号 7 (2017) Complex method of milk whey clarification
Babenyshev S., Mamay D., Shapakov N., Molodtsov S.
编号 9 (2005) Complex approach to automation in food processing
Fokin M., Kudryavtsev D., Fokin M., Kudryavtsev D.
编号 7 (2012) Complex approach to formation of quality
Kontareva V., Kryuchkova V., Kontarev I., Yatsenko N.
编号 8 (2004) Complexes for milk processing
Tsvetkov V., Tsvetkov V.
编号 5 (2008) Set of the cooling equipment for autorefrigerators
Nemkov S.
编号 6 (2009) Composite preparation Lactoperoxidase-lactoferrin-immunoglobulins
Il'ina A., Komolova G., Il'ina A., Komolova G.
编号 8 (2003) Compositional quark product
Gavrilova N., Kanya I., Gavrilova N., Kanya I.
编号 7 (2016) GEA components for processing of liquid
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编号 7 (2008) Compressor of the ZS series - the first premiereof the company «Atlas Kopko» in Russia in 2008
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编号 10 (2008) Compressors «Atlas Copco» for PET packages production
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编号 1 (2008) Computerizing of the ice-cream recipes calculations
Glushakov M., Shingareva T.
编号 7 (2013) Comfortable habitat of a cow pledge of good health and productive longevity
Semin A.
编号 1 (2005) Competitive advantages in products manufacturing and selling
Bereslavskaya V., Bereslavskaya V.
编号 2 (2018) Competitiveness of the water heating boilers at the dairy sector enterprises
Burykin A., Rudenko G., Bocharnikov A., Zaharchuk V.
编号 10 (2009) Competitiveness of the enriched fermented milks
Kryuchkova V., Kolodenskiy A., Kryuchkova V., Kolodenskii A.
编号 3 (2006) Konsalting ot kompanii «DeLaval'»
Betlyaev R.
编号 3 (2003) Preservation of rennet cheeses - raw materialfor processed cheeses manufacturing
Zakharova N., Sokolova N., Kucherenko S., Zaharova N., Sokolova N., Kucherenko S.
编号 8 (2004) Quark preservation based on lyophilization
Petrov A., Rossikhina G., Turovskaya S., Petrov A., Rossihina G., Turovskaya S.
编号 11 (2017) Preservation of curds whey
Lepeshkin T., Polyanskaya I., Zakrepina E., Semenihina V.
编号 4 (2006) Konservirovannye geroprodukty na osnove moloka
Galstyan A.
编号 12 (2011) Preserved milk containing product with sugar
Gnezdilova A., Vinogradova Y., Muzykantova A., Gnezdilova A., Vinogradova Y., Muzykantova A.
编号 9 (2013) The canned milk product with sugar and starch treacle
Gnezdilova A., Kurenkova L.
编号 9 (2014) Canned milk product with sugar and malt
Gnezdilova A., Sharova T.
编号 2 (2018) Canned milk product with sugar based on the UF-concentrate of whey proteins
Gnezdilova A., Vinogradova Y., Muzykantova A.
编号 7 (2011) Milk based canned products with complete replacement of milk fat with vegetable oil
Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Petrov A., Turovskaya S., Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Petrov A., Turovskaya S.
编号 4 (2010) Consolidation of the company's assets -the task for the IT-system
Karasev E., Karasev E.
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