
Application of milk whey proteins in the production of fermented milks
Gordienko L.A., Evdokimov I.A., Gorlacheva S.V.
Application of milk whey in animal breeding
Prozorov A.A., Burykina I.M., Ozhiganova E.V., Prozorov A.A., Burykina I.M., Ozhyganova E.V.
Improvement of the efficiency of the membrane processing of curds whey
Babenyshev S.P., Jydkov V.E., Bratsyhin A.A., Mamai D.S., Mamai A.V., Hoha D.S.
An exceptional industrial solution for whey microparticulation
Smolnikov N.
Prospects of applying whey protein hydrolysates in the fermented milk products technology
Koroleva O.V., Agarkova E.Y., Botina S.G., Nikolaev I.V., Ponomareva N.V., Melnikova E.I., Haritonov V.D., Prosekov A.Y., Krohmal M.V., Rojkova I.V.
Prebiotic concentrate based on demineralized whey
Hramtsov A.G., Lodygin A.D., Ponomarev V.A.
The curds with whey protein microparticulate
Losev A.N., Melnikova E.I., Stanislavskaya E.B., Korotkov E.G.
Prospects of milk whey application
Dudnikova O.A., Lodygin A.D., Hramtsov A.G.
Technological bases for vacuum concentrating of milk whey
Buyanova I.V., Kotlyarova M.V.
Kinetics of ultrafiltration cheese whey
Ponomarev A.N., Kluchnikov A.I., Merzlikina A.A., Pronina O.V., Polanski K.K.
Viability of lactic acid microorganisms in the low fat probiotic ice-cream
Aslanova M.N., Kulikova I.K., Evdokimov I.A., Volodin D.N., Zolotareva M.S.
Effects of milk protein on quality indices of fruit frozen desserts
Tvorogova A.A., Chizhova P.B., Kazakova N.V., Turbina I.A., Spiridonova A.V.
Product for sport nutrition of schoolchildren
SIMONENKO S.V., KhOVANOVA I.V., LES' G.M., Simonenko S.V., Hovanova I.V., Les' G.M.
Osmotic pressure of milk whey and lactose
Timkin V.A., Lazarev V.A., Mazina O.A.
Molecular distribution of proteins at ultra-concentrating of whey
Krasnoshtanova A.A., Popov V.G., Rytchenkova O.V.
Some technological aspects of receiving cow milk whey proteins 7. Receipts of immunoglobulin and glicomacropeptide
Elchaninov V.V., Koval A.D., Belov A.N.
Fermented milks fortified with whey proteins
Donskaya G.A., Drojjyn V.M., Morozova V.V., Bryzgalina V.V.
Microparticulation of curds whey
Losev A.N., Ponomarev A.N., Mel’nikova E.I., Stanislavskaya E.B.
Ways of the efficient application of whey
Gavrilov G.B., Kravchenko E.F.
Factors forming the structure and consistency of milk desserts
Evdokimov I.A., Kulikova I.K., Misyura V.A., Volodin D.N., Semenova I.A., Pilipenko D.N.
Some technological aspects of receiving cow milk whey proteins. 1. Introduction. Principle strategies of the group division of whey proteins and caseins
Elchaninov V.V., Koval A.D., Belov A.N.
Milk whey in functional products
Donskaya G.A., Fridenberg G.V.
Protein basis for the milk dessert
Shchetinin M.P., Kol'tyugina O.V., Plutakhina E.S., Shchetinin M.P., Koltyugina O.V., Plutahina Y.S.
Promising technologies of milk whey processing
Buyanova I.V., Lupinskaya S.M., Smirnova I.A., Mazeeva I.A.
Theoretical substantiation of the cryoscopic method for determination of the degree of lactose hydrolysis in milk whey
Panov V.P., Koverda M.N., Gavrilov B.G., Kucherenkov S.A.
Bioprotective properties of the probiotic strains in respect of heavy metals
Zabegalova G.N., Polyanskaya I.S., Semenihina V.F.
New technological solutions in curds whey processing. Part 1. Study of the process of curds whey microparticulation
Losev A.N., Stanislavskaya E.B., Melnikova E.I.
Some technological aspects of receiving whey proteins of cow milk. 5. Production of lactoferrine and lactoperxidase
Elchaninov V.V., Koval A.D., Belov A.N.
Optimization of composition of the emulsion paste like milk products
Agarkova E.Y., Kruchinin A.G., Ryazantzeva K.A.
The history of the curds technology development
Zobkova Z.S., Haritonov D.V., Zenina D.V., Fursova T.P., Gavrilina A.D., Shelaginova I.R.
Composition and properties of the hydrolyzate of the p-lactoglobulin with reduced residual antigenicity
Ponomareva N.V., Mel’nikova E.I.
Desserts with functional properties on the basis of milk whey with hydrolyzed lactose
Lodygina S.V., Lodygin A.D., Zherebtsova M.V., Hramtsov A.G.
Selection of starter cultures for kefir product with reduced allergenicity
Korzhov R.P., Ponomarev A.N., Mel’nikova E.I., Bogdanova E.V.
Special features of acid whey processing
Dymar O.V.
Complex applications of whey components
Nesterenko P.G., Hramtsov A.G., Evdokimov I.A., Ryabtseva S.A., Lodygin A.D.
Membrane technologies in milk processing
Kroll Y.
Milk whey in the confectionary
Savenkova T.V., Krylova E.N., Hodak A.P., Svyatoslavova I.M., Goryacheva G.N.
Milk whey processing by electrodialysis
Garshina T.I.
Efficient approach to milk whey processing
Sviridenko Y.Y., Volkova T.A.
Preserved milk containing product with sugar
Gnezdilova A.I., Vinogradova Y.V., Muzykantova A.V., Gnezdilova A.I., Vinogradova Y.V., Muzykantova A.V.
Curds and curds products with milk whey and its components
Evdokimov I.A., Volodin D.N., Mihneva V.A., Zolotareva M.S., Golovkina M.V., Klepker V.M., Anisimov G.S.
The synthesis of science, practice and innovations
Bykovskaya G.V., Bykovskaya G.V.
New national standards
VOLKOVA T.A., KRAVChENKO E.F., Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F.
Demoralization of milk whey
KRAVChENKO E.F., GARShINA T.I., Kravchenko E.F., Garshina T.I.
The concentrate «KPC-lact»
Burtsev D.G., Lodygin A.D.
Bioconversion of milk whey for application in whole milk replacers
Kim I.V., Ganina V.I., Danil'chuk T.N., Lobysheva Y.A., Ganina V.I., Kim I.V., Danil'chuk T.N., Lobysheva Y.A.
Whey products with wild vegetable raw materials
Baymatova E.V., Lupinskaya S.M., Moiseeva Y.A., Baimatova E.V., Lupinskaya S.M., Moiseeva Y.A.
Import and export of milk products (the code ТН ВЭД 04.04)
Goroshchenko L.G.
Improvement of the efficiency of the membrane processing of curds whey
Babenyshev S.P., Zhydkov V.E., Bratsyhin A.A., Mamai D.S., Mamai A.V., Hoha D.S.
Traditional technology of curds manufacturing using modern apparatus
Russkih V.M.
Curds products enriched with probiotic microflora
Grunskya V.A., Koneva D.A.
Application of whey ingredients in foods production
Volodin D.N., Zolotareva M.S., Kostyuk A.V., Topalov V.K., Evdokimov L.A., Chablin B.V., Gridin A.S.
Fermented milk with whey protein hydrolyzate
Novokshanova A.L., Ababkova A.A., Abramov D.V.
Study of the moisture links forms in curds with whey proteins microparticulate
Korotkov E.G., Ponomarev A.N., Melnikova E.I., Kuznetsova I.V., Stanislavskaya E.B.
Milk whey concentrate fortified with essential nutrients
Suyuncheva B.O., Mizireva E.S., Grigoryan R.E., Lodygina S.V., Hramtsov A.G.
Glycolising of proteins in the baby foods
Bednyh B.S., Gapparov M.M., Nikolskaya G.V., Sokolov A.I., Ramanauskas I.R., Kiselev A.Y.
Alternative possibilities for the industrial processing of milk whey
Hramtsov A.G., Nesterenko P.G., Evdokimov I.A., Ryabtseva S.A., Lodygin A.D.
International summit on milk whey: innovative priorities
Hramtsov A.G.
New generation of the plants for microparticulation
Baranov S.
Microparticulated whey proteins in the technology of symbiotic products
Ponomarev A.N., Podgornyi N.A., Melnikova E.I., Losev A.N.
Future technology for the dairy industry. DSS Silkeborg AS
Synbiotic ice cream
Mel’nikova E.I., Muradova O.A., Ponomarev A.N., Rudnichenko E.S.
Natural complex supplement «Stamix Lact» - a new way of life
Shabalova E.D.
Lactose hydrolysates for milk products with fruit and berries flavors
Mihneva V.A., Evdokimov I.A., Somov V.S.
Present day curds manufacturing
Maltsev N.V.
Dry bifidogenous concentrate «KPC-lact» on the basis of milk whey and soy components
Khramtsov A.G., Burtsev D.G., Hramtsov A.G., Burtsev D.G.
Complex processing of the milk raw materials
Anan'eva N.V., Ananeva N.V.
Whey production in Russia: special features of the regional distribution
Goroshchenko L.G., Goroshchenko L.G.
Development of the membrane technologies: rationalityand no wastes
EVDOKIMOV I.A., Evdokimov I.A.
The plant for receiving curds by the membrane method for small operations
LYaLIN V.A., Lyalin V.A.
Bifidogenous concentrate «Lactobel»
Burtsev G.D., Chernobaev V.N.
Efficient technologies of milk whey application
Donskaya G.A., Fridenberg G.V., Donskaya G.A., Fridenberg G.V.
Effects of skim milk powder on rheological properties of coagulum
Grunskaya V.A., Korzyuk Y.V., Grunskaya V.A., Korzyuk Y.V.
Complex method of milk whey purification
Babenyshev S.P., Bratsihin A.A., Mamay D.S., Mamay A.V.
Biotransformation of milk whey into the products containing lactate
Eveleva V.V., Cherpalova T.M., Shypovskaya E.A.
ProteOmics of dairying
Hramtsov A.G.
Curds whey hydrolyzates for curds emulsion products
Zolotaryov N.A., Fedotova O.B., Agarkova E.Y.
Some technological aspects of receiving whey proteins of cow milk. 6. The technologies of the direct isolation of minor whey proteins from raw milk
Elchaninov V.V.
Refrigeration concentrating of curds whey
Ovsyannikov V.Y., Kraminova Y.S., Panchenko S.L.
Biological activity of the fermentative hydrolyzates of milk whey proteins
Golovach T.N., Kravtsova O.I., Dudchik N.V., Kurchenko V.P.
Microparticulates of proteins
Hramtsov A.G.
Technical-economic aspects of milk processing
Dymar O.V.
Resource - saving technologies
Shevchuk V.B., Medvedeva N.A., Shohalov V.A.
Intensification of the lactose crystallization process
Kostyukov D.M., Kulenko V.G., Shevchuk V.B., Fialkova E.A.
Sports drink with application of whey
Novokshanova A.L., Ohgiganova E.V.
The use of mulberry syrup in the technology of dairy-whey drink
Gabrielyan D.S., Grunskaya V.A., Kuzin A.A.
Technological aspects of applying microparticulates of whey proteins at milk products manufacturing
Dymar O.V.
Synbiotic drink with fucose
Muradova O.A., Melnikova Y.I., Ponomaryov A.N., Rudnichenko Y.S.
Milk whey: receiving of derivative components
Ryabtseva S.A., Hramtsov G.A., Evdokimov I.A., Lodygin A.D., Nesterenko P.G.
Bioconversion of milk whey constituents
Krasnikova L.V., Markelova V.V.
Progressive approach to classic technologies
Volodin D.N., Topalov V.K., Golovkina M.V., Anisimov G.S., Vesiryan V.A.
About the role of products from whey
Volkova T.A.
Improvement of the traditional curds yield
Zenina D.V.
Low lactose drinks from the protein-carbohydrate raw materials
Pashina E.Y., Khramtsov A.G., Lodygin A.D., Pashina E.Y., Hramtsov A.G., Lodygin A.D.
«Mega ProfiLine». Summarizing the results
OBRAM at the «Dairy Industry-2011»
Antioxidant properties of milk whey
DONSKAYa G.A., ZAKhAROVA E.V., Donskaya G.A., Zaharova E.V.
Milk-vegetable products
Dotsenko S.M., Skripko O.V., Gryzlov V.M., Pavlov V.P., Ryapisov D.V., Dotsenko S.M., Skripko O.V., Gryzlov V.M., Pavlov V.P., Ryapisov D.V.
Curds dessert
Kryuchkova V.V., Klopova A.V., Sorokina L.V., Kryuchkova V.V., Klopova A.V., Sorokina L.V.
Updating of the fund of technical documentation on products based on milk whey
Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F., Volkova T.A., Kravchenko E.F.
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