Lista de artigos

Edição Título Arquivo
Nº 12 (2014) Consortium of the bifidobacteria «Bifilife» in the dietetic and preventive foods
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Nº 9 (2015) Consortium of the bifidobacteria «Bifilife» in the products of dietetic (medicinal and prophylactic) nutrition
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Nº 12 (2017) Contamination of milk and milk products with potentially hazardous substances
Valihov A.
Nº 9 (2011) Contamination of milk products with moulds
Babina T., Babina T.
Nº 8 (2018) Control of the veterinary drugs
Belyakova Z.
Nº 2 (2009) GMO in milk products
Kireeva K., Razumnikova I., Ostroumov L., Prosekov A., Kireeva K., Razumnikova I., Ostroumov L., Prosekov A.
Nº 2 (2008) Control of the inhibiting substances in milk
Rodionov G., Akinina N., Ermoshina E., Anan'eva T.
Nº 4 (2018) Control of yogurts and yogurt products
Yurova E.
Nº 1 (2009) Quality control - basis of the production life
Shirinkin A., Shirinkin A.
Nº 6 (2016) Control of the analytic works quality
Trepalina E., Galkin A., Elagina A.
Nº 2 (2008) Quality control of the bacterial concentrates and starter cultures
Sorokina N.
Nº 4 (2003) Quality control in a laboratory
Vessels D., Vessels D.
Nº 2 (2013) Water quality control at a milk processing enterprise: working program
Raeva N.
Nº 4 (2003) Quality control and laboratory analysis
Bogopa D., Bogopa J.
Nº 6 (2006) Kontrol' kachestva i tekhnologicheskikh parametrov pererabotki molochnoy syvorotki
Kravchenko E.
Nº 2 (2016) Control of the yogurts quality
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Nº 2 (2011) Control of the quality of products containing milk
KOBZEVA T., YuROVA E., Kobzeva T., Yurova E.
Nº 8 (2005) Control of the products quality by artificial smell
Shaposhnik A., Polyanskiy K., Demochko N., Ponomarev A., Shaposhnik A., Polyanskii K., Demochko N., Ponomarev A.
Nº 2 (2010) Control of the raw milk quality: experience of Latvia
RUSKA D., Ruska D.
Nº 9 (2012) Control of curds quality by organoleptic indices with application of neuron network
Davydova G., Potapov A.
Nº 1 (2006) Control of the disinfecting solutions concentrations and express method for rinsing waters control
Fomin N., Kormil'chinkova O., Filonenko O., Medvedeva O., Fomin N., Kormil'chinkova O., Filonenko O., Medvedeva O.
Nº 4 (2015) Control of the milk raw materials. Existing requirements, principles and approaches
Yurova E.
Nº 6 (2015) Control of milk products under existing requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union
Yurova E.
Nº 10 (2009) Control of milk-protein coagulum formation by the method of small amplitudes dynamic fluctuations
Shilov A., Pirogov A., Osintsev A., Zakharova L., Shilov A., Pirogov A., Osintsev A., Zaharova L.
Nº 5 (2016) Control of the total bacterial contamination of raw milk by the device express-method
Sviridenko G., Zaharova M., Kashintsev I.
Nº 9 (2013) Control of the indices of milk and milk products safety
Abdullaeva L.
Nº 5 (2011) Control of the safety indices of milk products
Yurova E., Kobzeva T., Polyakova O., Yurova E., Kobzeva T., Polyakova O.
Nº 1 (2009) Control of quality indices of milk and processed products (example of the protein mass share determination in curds and curds products)
Yurova E., Kobzeva T., Yurova E., Kobzeva T.
Nº 4 (2015) Control of milk quality parameters using ultrasonic waves in thin plates
Chuprin V.
Nº 1 (2015) Control of potentially hazardous biologically active substances in the vegetable raw material
Rudometova N.
Nº 9 (2012) Control of flows in the technological lines
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Nº 11 (2008) Control of the bifidogenous whey concentrates production
Lodygin A., Kravets A., Lodygin A., Kravets A.
Nº 11 (2016) At the aid of a microbiologist
Nº 7 (2008) Control of the sanitarian and hygienic situation at a production facility
Sviridenko G., Zaharova M.
Nº 7 (2004) Stevioside control by the HPLC method
Rudakov O., Verzilina N., Polyanskiy K., Fedorov S., Rudakov O., Verzilina N., Fedorov S., Polyanskii K.
Nº 2 (2010) Control of the results of chemical analysis
ERMILOVA T., Ermilova T.
Nº 5 (2016) The control work for farmers The interview with Yulia Eliseeva
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Nº 4 (2018) Kontrol'no-nadzornaya deyatel'nost' na molokopererabatyvayushchikh predpriyatiyakh
Raeva N.
Nº 10 (2011) Control card - the main instrument of the inner laboratory control
Yurova E., Denisovich E., Yurova E., Denisovich E.
Nº 7 (2008) Conference «Principle issues of standardization,new normative documents for the dairy industry»
Bushueva I.
Nº 8 (2004) Conference «Strategy of the food industry development(foreign investments)»
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Nº 1 (2005) Conference in «Molmach»
Dvinskiy B., Dvinskii B.
Nº 7 (2010) The concentrate «KPC-lact»
Burtsev D., Lodygin A.
Nº 2 (2015) The concentrate of the bifidobacteria «Bifilife Forte»
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Nº 12 (2008) Concentrate of thegalactooligosaccharides from lactose and milk whey ultrafiltrate
Lodygin A., Rodnaya A.
Nº 2 (2015) Milk whey concentrate fortified with essential nutrients
Suyuncheva B., Mizireva E., Grigoryan R., Lodygina S., Hramtsov A.
Nº 12 (2008) Concentrate of the natural casein
Molochnikov V., Orlova Т., Ostroumova L., Mil'tyusov V.
Nº 9 (2016) Kontsentrat syvorotochnykh belkov dlya smetannogo produkta
Morozova V., Boburkova L., Katkova N.
Nº 6 (2006) Kontsentrat-obogatitel' na osnove molochnoy syvorotki
Samoylov V., Nesterenko P., Bogdanova N., Zhurba L.
Nº 11 (2008) Concentrates Profilact-B on milk whey basis
Panova N., Khramtsov A., Merkulova O., Lodygin A., Panova N., Hramtsov A., Merkulova O., Lodygin A.
Nº 9 (2010) Direct vat concentrates of bifidobacteria «Bifilife»
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Nº 6 (2006) Kontsentraty s prebioticheskimi svoystvami na osnove syvorotki
Lodygin A., Evdokimov I., Ryabtseva S., Lodygin D., Chernobaev V.
Nº 9 (2017) Concentration of amino acids of the curds whey on the ceramic membranes
Lazarev V., Pishchikov G., Shihalev S.
Nº 7 (2018) Concentrating of the bacteria at the starter cultures manufacturing by ultrafiltration
Dymar O.
Nº 2 (2016) Concentrated milk product with sugar and malt extract
Gnezdilova A., Burmagina T.
Nº 4 (2016) Conceptual approach to the organizing of milk whey processing in the Republic of Belarus
Dymar O.
Nº 6 (2011) Conception of the dairy effluents purification
Ul'rikh E., Ul'rih E.
Nº 12 (2017) Conception of receiving milk base with increased total solids content for fermented products manufacturing
Evdokimov I., Egorov O., Lodygin A.
Nº 11 (2014) The concept of the development of the domestic production of food microingredients
Kulyov D., Nikiforova T.
Nº 3 (2015) The Concern GEA presents a budget line of the high pressure homogenizers of the series «One»
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Nº 10 (2016) State of the world milk market
Rybalova T.
Nº 3 (2012) Situation in the dairy market of Russia: maintaining stability is the principle task of the industry
Seregin S.
Nº 8 (2011) Offers of the enriched milk products in Chelyabinsk
Rebezov M., Naumova N., Al'khamova G., Kozhevnikova E., Sorokin A., Rebezov M., Naumova N., Al'hamova G., Kozhevnikova E., Sorokin A.
Nº 7 (2013) The cooperative «Kolos»: from raw materials to finish products
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Nº 4 (2008) Feeding of the cows in calves and milk cows
Buryakov N.
Nº 4 (2008) Feed supplement «Kormix» enriched with «KDK-O»
Nesterenko P., Ogneva O., Dubikov D.
Nº 9 (2008) Feed supplement «Kormix-CO»
Nesterenko P., Ogneva O.
Nº 12 (2008) Feedsupplements on the basis of milk whey fortified with nonprotein nitrogen
Panova N., Hramtsov A., Lodygin A., Merculova O.
Nº 4 (2009) Feed yeasts in the rations of lactating cows
Gulyaev E., Shumov A., Maksimova A., Gulyaev E., Shumov A., Maksimova A.
Nº 8 (2018) Cow colostrum in the composition of the functional food products
Zabegalova G., Polyanskaya I., Semenihina V., Lepeshkin T.
Nº 12 (2005) Corporative system to evaluate efficiencyof the personnel activity and structural unitsof the enterprise
Manasyan M., Protopopov I., Anikeeva I., Manasyan M., Protopopov I., Anikeeva I.
Nº 1 (2010) Corporation «SOYUZ» - crisis is not an obstacle for the factory of the future
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Nº 9 (2010) The corporation «Soyuz» - synergetic effect of science and production
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Nº 3 (2011) The Kostroma region
Gorokhova L., Gorohova L.
Nº 2 (2008) Coenzyme Q10 - antioxidant protection of an organism
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Nº 3 (2013) Efficiency of distribution at joining the World Trade Organization
Sorokina T.
Nº 4 (2015) Colors for ice-cream - better from the nature
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Nº 7 (2013) Domestic the red stepnaya breed of the cattle: result of the efficient selection
Knyazeva T.
Nº 5 (2016) The Krasnodar region
Orlenko S.
Nº 6 (2018) The Krasnodar territory
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Nº 4 (2018) Creative instruments of the marketing communications for milk products promotion
Baimatova E.
Nº 3 (2006) Krest'yanstvo Rossii zhivet nadezhdoy
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Nº 10 (2009) Crisis - time to share markets
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Nº 4 (2015) Crisis - the time for adaptation
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Nº 12 (2015) The crisis of 2015: seriously and for a long time
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Nº 1 (2017) Cryoconcentration of curds whey
Ovsyannikov V., Kraminova Y., Panchenko S.
Nº 11 (2008) Lactose crystallization
Chervetsov V., Chervetsov V.
Nº 12 (2009) Lactose crystallization in presence of vegetable components
Dobriyan E., Dobriyan E.
Nº 3 (2004) Lactose and saccharose crystallizationin recombined canned milks with sugar
Gnezdilova A., Shevchuk V., Gnezdilova A., Shevchuk V.
Nº 6 (2006) Kristallizatsiya molochnogo sakhara v barbotazhnoy ustanovke
Fialkova E., Kulenko V., Kachalova E.
Nº 5 (2010) Criteria for choosing probiotic
Nº 6 (2005) Criteria of quality and safety of raw milk: approved normsand standards of EC
Sviridenko G., Sviridenko G.
Nº 3 (2015) Criteria of assessment of safety of the milk products with transglutaminase
Zobkova Z., Zenina D., Fursova T., Gryazneva T., Rodionova V., Sapojnikov I., Kozlova N.
Nº 4 (2019) Criteria of the raw milk assessment used to obtain products with guaranteed quality
Yurova E., Meldenberg D., Parfenova E.
Nº 1 (2004) Criteria to evaluate nonmilk fats usedfor products with complicated fatcomposition manufacturing
Dunaev A., Dunaev A.
Nº 5 (2016) Criteria of the efficiency of transglutaminase effects on the sour cream quality
Haritonov V., Zobkova Z., Fursova T., Zenina D., Gavrilina A., Shelaginova I., Shefov D.
Nº 11 (2011) Critical control points of the air and gases purification
Davidyan G., Kaitukov A.
Nº 1 (2013) KRUGLYY STOL
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Nº 5 (2015) Cultivation of kefir grains in milk whey
Shuvalova E., Dolgorukova M.
Nº 4 (2015) Cultivation of the probiotic microorganism Lactobacillus reuteri: preparation of the nutritive medium
Raskoshnaya T., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I., Begunova A.
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