
标题 文件
编号 7 (2008) Microbiological features of soya fermented products
Sokolenko G., Polyanskiy K.
编号 12 (2016) At the aid of a microbiologist
编号 3 (2008) Microbiological indices of milk pasteurized in container
Ponomarev A., Merzlikina A., Lukin A., GIadneva A.
编号 12 (2017) Microbiological risks at processed cheese production through the examples of coliform bacteria
Sviridenko G., Zaharova M., Babkina N.
编号 6 (2008) Microbiological requirements and ways to control raw materialsat receiving milk products
Sviridenko G.
编号 2 (2009) Microbiological control in cheese making: principle elements of the system
Sviridenko G., Sviridenko G.
编号 2 (2012) Microbiological control with petri- filims
SOKOLOV D., SOKOLOV M., Sokolov D., Sokolov M.
编号 2 (2010) Microbiological control of raw milk
GANINA V., Ganina V.
编号 5 (2010) Microbiologicalcontrol of baby foods
SIMONENKO S., ShAMANOVA G., KUZNETsOV V., ANTIPOVA T., Simonenko S., Shamanova G., Kuznetsov V., Antipova T.
编号 4 (2011) Microbiological express-analysis: flowing cytometry
Nurmukanov A., Bashkova N., Gavryun'kina E., Nurmukanov A., Bashkova N., Gavryun'kina E.
编号 12 (2004) Microbiology of the dairy industry
Semenikhina V., Rozhkova I., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I.
编号 4 (2003) Mikrobiologiya yogurta
Kolbasyuk V., Kolbasjuk V.
编号 10 (2008) Microbial consortium of desert functional products
Artjuhova S., Maksheev A.
编号 5 (2014) Microbial symbiosis of the fermented milk product «The Tibet delight»
Smirnova I., Eremina I., Lobacheva E., Gulbani A.
编号 7 (2013) Microparticulated whey proteins in the technology of symbiotic products
Ponomarev A., Podgornyi N., Melnikova E., Losev A.
编号 4 (2015) Microparticulate of whey proteins in the low lactose ice-cream
Ponomarev A., Mel’nikova E., Popova E.
编号 3 (2016) Microparticulates of proteins
Hramtsov A.
编号 9 (2015) Microparticulation of curds whey
Losev A., Ponomarev A., Mel’nikova E., Stanislavskaya E.
编号 6 (2014) Microparticulation. The Technology LeanCreme™ from the company APV
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编号 8 (2018) Microscopic moulds - producers of micotoxins
Efimochkina N., Sedova I.
编号 7 (2005) Microstructure of sour cream based on EPS−starter culture
Ganina V., Rozhkova T., Khvylya S., Ganina V., Rozhkova T., Hvylya S.
编号 8 (2009) Microstructure of cheese before and after smoking
Golubeva L., Avakimyan A., Grebenshchikov A., Kitaev S., Golubeva L., Avakimyan A., Grebenshchikov A., Kitaev S.
编号 5 (2009) Mikrofil'tratsiya - luchshaya al'ternativa snizheniya zagryaznennosti moloka
Kharitonov V., Dimitrieva S., Zyabrev A., Kravtsova T., Goryachiy N.
编号 2 (2009) Microfiltration in dairying
Bou-Khabib D., Tal'khammer V., Boy-Habib J., Talhammer V.
编号 2 (2009) Microfiltrated milk is also in Russia
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编号 12 (2016) Microflora of the Altai national fermented milk chegen
Bukachakova L., Krasnikova L., Arsen'eva T.
编号 2 (2010) Microflora of the traditional Mongolian fermented milk products
TsEND-AYuUSh C., GANINA V., Tsend-Ayush C., Ganina V.
编号 12 (2008) Microflora of whey and products of it processing
Ryabtseva S., Kuznetsova O., Getman Y.
编号 12 (2012) Microbial flora of the national Yakut's fermented milk products
Stepanov K., Eliseeva L.
编号 4 (2014) Micro elements composition of milk: impacts on the lactococci growth in milk
Kuzina D., Kuzin A., Grunskaya V.
编号 8 (2016) Milliard of platinkas under protection of the BRS standard
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编号 9 (2015) Minimal operation expenses - maximum time of operation!
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编号 6 (2009) Minimum of package as a new marketing advantage
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编号 5 (2010) Mini-industrialization of the milk baby foods kitchens
KUZNETsOV V., ANTIPOVA T., Kuznetsov V., Antipova T.
编号 3 (2006) Minus mineritarnye aktsionery
Serebryanyy A.
编号 5 (2003) World of ice cream and cold 2003
Sudarikova T., Sudarikova T.
编号 9 (2008) World novelty from the «Atlas Copco» -oil free compressor with built in adsorption type dryer
Korobko D.
编号 3 (2013) World milk production
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编号 10 (2013) The world production of condensed milk
Rybalova T.
编号 2 (2012) Dairy world market - 2010-2011
SMIRNOV E., Smirnov E.
编号 2 (2011) The world dairy market in 2009-2010
SMIRNOV E., Smirnov E.
编号 5 (2014) The world milk market: present day trends and developments
编号 3 (2008) World dairy market: queue of buyers is growing
Dvinskii B.
编号 11 (2011) The world market of food supplements - present situation and prospects
Van Mourik S.
编号 6 (2009) World consumers drink more milk than ever before
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编号 2 (2019) Myths and legends about curds production
Gushcha Y.
编号 6 (2015) MK «Lactis»: products from goat milk
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编号 6 (2014) Multivarious line for curds manufacturing
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编号 7 (2003) Multicomponent gelatinous products
Kozlov S., Vozhdaeva L., Kozlov S., Vozhdaeva L.
编号 5 (2012) Multicomponent fermented product
Tarasova E., Galkina S.
编号 2 (2019) Many-sided lactose
Rybalova T.
编号 3 (2012) Variety of the ingredients for the dairy sector
Solopenkova O.
编号 1 (2012) Multilayer flexible polymer packing materials
SNEZhKO A., GUBANOVA M., DONTsOVA E., ZhARNENKOVA O., Snezhko A., Gubanova M., Dontsova E., Zharnenkova O.
编号 11 (2009) Multilevel system providing safety and quality of milk and milk products
Degterev G., Degterev G.
编号 4 (2003) Mobile laboratory for milk control
Ermakov I., Klimenko V., Lutfulaev A., Shutov E., Fetisov E., Ermakov I., Klimenko V., Lutfulaev A., Shutov E., Fetisov E.
编号 7 (2004) Mobile diagnostic computer complex
Protopopov I., Vaynberg I., Fetisov E., Shabshaevich M., Shidlovskaya V., Polyakov K., Protopopov I., Vainberg I., Fetisov E., Shidlovskaya V., Polyakov K.
编号 2 (2006) Organic products are in fashion but without demand
Rybalova T., Rybalova T.
编号 8 (2011) Tailoring of the products for school children
Lisin P., Kanushina Y., Lisin P., Kanushina Y.
编号 7 (2013) Modeling of the mixing aggregate of the centrifugal type on the basis of cybernetic approach
Haritonov V., Borodulin D., Suhorukov D., Komarov S.
编号 9 (2015) Tailoring of the carbohydrates composition in the baby foods. Scientific and practical aspects
Bednyh B., Evdokimov I.
编号 11 (2012) Up-dating of the line for casein production. Technical-economical aspects
Dymar O.
编号 7 (2010) Upgrading of dairying: promotion of the innovative priorities
Hramtsov A.
编号 3 (2011) Rumyantseva M.N. Upgrading at the plant «Bishkeksut»
Rumyantseva M.
编号 8 (2011) Up-grading of the plants for waste waters treatment
Karpovich V., Karpovich V.
编号 5 (2008) Updating of the heat supplying system at replacing steam boilerswith water heating ones
Bocharnikov A., Bocharnikov A., Rudenko G.
编号 3 (2016) Up-grading of the drying plants for milk products
Kuznetsov P., Gabrielova V., Mertin P.
编号 7 (2005) Modernized vacuum evaporating plants
Khomyakov A., Batalov A., Zakolyukin A., Khomyakova T., Homyakov A., Batalov A., Zakoljukin A., Homyakova T.
编号 6 (2009) Modification of packaging materials by ultrasonic treatment
Anan'ev V., Bannikova O., Anan'ev V., Bannikova O.
编号 1 (2005) Modula system «Stephan» for continuous processed cheesemanufacturing with sterilization
Dubinich A., Dubinich A.
编号 6 (2008) Mozhno li ispol'zovat' vosstanovlennoe moloko dlya prigotovleniya zakvasok?
Anishchenko I.
编号 08 (2008) My experience of the work with graduate students
Vyshemirskii F.
编号 7 (2005) Cleaning - the price of choice
Kudryavtsev D., Kudryavtsev D.
编号 6 (2014) Cleaning of automated milk tanks: new one-stage technology
Efimova Z., Krivoruchko A., Hanumyan A., Voronin D.
编号 2 (2006) Cleaning of the volumetric equipment
Lesnichiy V., Platonov Y., Lesnichii V., Platonov Y.
编号 3 (2010) Cleaning of the large volume equipment
Lesnichii V., Platonov Y.
编号 2 (2003) Cleaning and desinfection - factors, that definefinished product quality
Belozerov D., Belozerov D.
编号 5 (2008) Cleaning of the spray drying plants
Reshetnik E., Eremin E.
编号 2 (2014) Cleaning of heat exchanging apparatuses and development of rational solutions
Manevich B., Kuzina J., Simonova I.
编号 7 (2010) Molecular distribution of proteins at ultra-concentrating of whey
Krasnoshtanova A., Popov V., Rytchenkova O.
编号 12 (2017) Molinform in Yaroslavl
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编号 11 (2014) Milk is health. Prospects of development of the dairy industry in Siberia
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编号 1 (2012) The milk «From Krasulya» - an ecologically clean product
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编号 6 (2004) Milk «Stoikoe»
Korotkov E., Katorgin I., Korotkov Y., Katorgin I.
编号 11 (2015) Milk in the plus
Yatsuk D.
编号 3 (2014) Milk is out of the crisis!
Beregova I.
编号 10 (2013) Should milk be white?
Besetskaya Y.
编号 12 (2012) Milk and milk products as factors of transferring yersiniosis agents
Lenchenko E.
编号 10 (2005) Milk and milk products as risk factors of infections transfer
Sheveleva S., Sheveleva S.
编号 6 (2018) Milk and cheese from Tomarovka
Afanasyeva O.
编号 6 (2013) Milk as an ingredient in the functional products manufacturing
Andersen K.
编号 7 (2011) Milk as a microecosystem
Ogneva O., Ogneva O.
编号 10 (2009) Milk of the Holstein black-and-white cows of the Hungarian selection
Kovaleva G., Sulyga N., Kovaleva G., Sulyga N.
编号 11 (2006) Milk of the red step' cows in Stavropol' region
Sycheva O., Veselova M., Sycheva O., Veselova M.
编号 8 (2006) Moloko korov simmental'skoy porody v Stavropol'skom krae
Sycheva O., Veselova M., Samoylov V.
编号 11 (2010) Milk of the cows of the Yaroslaval' breed
Timofeev A., Arsen'ev D., Dmitrievskaya E., Timofeev A., Arsen'ev D., Dmitrievskaya E.
编号 11 (2012) Milk that we drink
Tyrsin Y.
编号 4 (2015) Milk at the exhibition «PRODEXPO-2015»
Fedotova O.
编号 3 (2013) Milk on the FMCG market
Fejk M.
编号 10 (2014) Pasteurized milk: how to extend life?
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