Lista de artigos

Edição Título Arquivo
Nº 3 (2019) Promising technologies of milk whey processing
Buyanova I., Lupinskaya S., Smirnova I., Mazeeva I.
Nº 9 (2012) Promising technological solutions: extension of curds storage life
Zobkova Z., Zenina D.
Nº 11 (2013) Promising ways to treat dairy raw materials
Murashov I., Ganina V., Morozova V., Tkachuk A.
Nº 1 (2004) Milk animalbreeding in Russia
Sivkin N., Sivkin N.
Nº 2 (2003) Future, health and success
Gavrilov V., Gavrilov V.
Nº 10 (2009) Prospects of applying Procsagel agars in low fat yogurts
Bondarenko N., Mironenko I., Arkhipov A., Nesterova A., Bondarenko N., Mironenko I., Arhipov A., Nesterova A.
Nº 6 (2008) Prospects of the antioxidants application
Ponomarev A., Merzlikina A., Gladneva A., Lukin A.
Nº 7 (2013) Prospects of applying whey protein hydrolysates in the fermented milk products technology
Koroleva O., Agarkova E., Botina S., Nikolaev I., Ponomareva N., Melnikova E., Haritonov V., Prosekov A., Krohmal M., Rojkova I.
Nº 1 (2011) Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya moloka transgennykh zhivotnykh
Razumnikova I., Korotkaya E., Prosekov A.
Nº 6 (2006) Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya proizvodnogo laktozy - laktitola
Evdokimov I., Kulikova I., Papina M., Kravchenko N.
Nº 9 (2011) Prospects of the raw milk materials market
Anan'eva N., Ananeva N.
Nº 10 (2017) Perspectives of transition on the principles of the best available technologies
Kuzin A., Grunskaya V., Ostretsova N., Builova L., Shohalov V.
Nº 9 (2018) Prospects of applying trigeneration systems at the milk processing plants
Sapozhnikov V., Chuhlebov L.
Nº 11 (2014) Prospects of the dairy cluster development
Shchetinin M.
Nº 6 (2012) The challenges of packaging developments in the dairy sector
Kaiser T.
Nº 8 (2011) Prospects of the functional food products development
Kryuchkova V., Kontareva V., Shramko M., Evdokimov I., Kryuchkova V., Kontareva V., Shramko M., Evdokimov I.
Nº 5 (2005) Future prospects of the raw material basis for the Russiamilk industry
Evdokimov O., Evdokimov O.
Nº 8 (2014) Ultrasonic treatment of milk
Tolochko N., Prokopiev N., Cheledinov A.
Nº 5 (2009) Ice water: myphs and reality
Akhmetzyanov M., Semenchuk S.
Nº 3 (2005) St.Petersburg food exhibitions increase volume of business
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Nº 5 (2010) Nutrition of pregnant women and feeding mothers
GEORGIEVA O., KON' I., Georgieva O., Kon' I.
Nº 4 (2008) Feeding of the high productive cows of new typeof the Holmogorskaya breed at the breeding farm «Zolotaya niva»
Meshcherov R., Seryankin A., Meshcherov S.
Nº 10 (2005) Nutrition and health: problems of the XXIth century
Baturin A., Mendel'son G., Baturin A., Mendelson G.
Nº 10 (2003) Selection of the nutrition media for receivingbifidobacteria biomass
Semenikhina V., Yarkina Y., Semenihina V., Yarkina Y.
Nº 10 (2011) Nutrition value of the rations: effects on the productivityand reproduction functions of the springer cows
Kirnos I., Suslova I., Duborezov V., Kirnos I., Suslova I., Duborezov V.
Nº 1 (2010) Nutritive media for bifidobacteria
OSTROUMOV L., PROSEKOV A., KURBANOVA M., KOZLOVA O., Ostroumov L., Prosekov A., Kurbanova M., Kozlova O.
Nº 7 (2015) Nutritive media for determination of the bifidobacteria in fermented milk products
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Nº 11 (2010) Culture media for cultivation of the Lactobacterium acidophilus
Raskoshnaya T., Semenikhina V., Raskoshnaya T., Semenihina V.
Nº 5 (2005) Liquid pasteurized milk with improved chelf−life
Ponomarev A., Barbashina M., Ponomarev A., Barbashina M.
Nº 2 (2017) Drinking yogurt with reduced sugar content and excellent taste
Paasman M., Mayauskaite V.
Nº 12 (2003) Food additive from baikal omul soft roe
Dubinina O., Khamnaeva N., Tsyrenov V., Dubinina O., Hamnaeva M., Tsyrenov V.
Nº 3 (2008) Food supplement based on the probiotic cultures
Ganina V., Sonieva M., Hvylya S., Motylina N.
Nº 7 (2012) Food composition from cheese whey
Ponomarev A., Rudnichenko E., Mel’nikova E., Muradova O.
Nº 6 (2008) Food grade plastic packaging:materials and manufacturing technologies
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Nº 10 (2011) Food legislation of the EC and CIS-countries
Kuznetsov G., Kuznetsov G.
Nº 9 (2018) The Food Forum SGS: thin tuning
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Nº 10 (2010) Food orange fibers «Citri-fi» - a new component of healthy nutrition and a new possibility to create functional milk products
GUBINA I., Gubina I.
Nº 2 (2011) Food orange fibers «Citri-fi» - a new component of healthy nutrition and a new possibility to create functional milk products
GUBINA I., Gubina I.
Nº 3 (2012) Food fibers «Citri-Fi» for fermented milk products
Gubina I.
Nº 9 (2017) Dietary fibers «Citri-fi» for low-fat spreads
Pirogova E., Topnikova E., Gubina I.
Nº 8 (2013) Food fibers in the production of enriched curds
Ponomarev A., Melnikova E., Skrylnikova E., Zagorulko E., Rudnichenko E.
Nº 3 (2013) Food supplements, aroma substances and auxiliary aids at ice-cream manufacturing
Nechaev A., Semenova P., Kotkova T.
Nº 11 (2011) Food supplements and existing technologies of the agricultural raw materials processing
Kulyov D.
Nº 2 (2008) Food ingredients of XXI century
Girinovich O.
Nº 8 (2013) Food ingredients and innovative technologies in the manufacture of products for healthy nutrition
Kulyov D.
Nº 5 (2013) Food ingredients: the course for introduction of innovations
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Nº 12 (2009) Food functional modules on the basis of demineralized milk whey
Shipulin V., Evdokimov I., Slyusarev G., Shipulin V., Evdokimov I., Slyusarev G.
Nº 1 (2006) Processed sausage cheese - new solutions and technologies
Mogil'nyy V., Mogil'nyi V.
Nº 9 (2004) Processed cheese from manufacturing to retail package.Stephan and Corazza companies -the platform of the Sympak group
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Nº 10 (2015) Planning of sales and operations in the dairy industry
Dorogov N.
Nº 1 (2003) Plastic bottles new aspects in solving economical problems
Komarov E., Komarov E.
Nº 5 (2017) Payment for negative influence on the surroundings
Kovyrshyna T.
Nº 8 (2009) Breeding work in the Sergiev-Posad region
Postavneva E., Postavneva E.
Nº 4 (2009) Breeding in the dairy animal husbandry of Russia
Prokhorenko P., Egiazaryan A., Prohorenko P., Egiazaryan A.
Nº 7 (2015) Dairy cattle breeding: dynamics of development in the period of 2009-2014
Lastochkina O.
Nº 2 (2010) Plemennoy zavod-kolkhoz «Avrora»
Nº 6 (2011) Pedigree plant «Semenovskii»
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Nº 8 (2016) The film vacuum evaporating plants «Erfurt-Rudisleben»
Burykin A., Samsonov V., Burykina E.
Nº 10 (2011) Following our publications
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Nº 11 (2011) Po sledam nashikh publikatsiy
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Nº 7 (2013) Victory over moulds: natural way to protect cheese
Kerhof Y.
Nº 10 (2015) The winners of the All-Russian competition «Milk products - 2015»
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Nº 11 (2015) Winners of the International Professional Tasting Competition«The product of the year - 2015»
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Nº 9 (2006) Povedenie antagonisticheski aktivnykh shtammov bifidobakteriy v protsesse khraneniya sinbioticheskogo kompleksa
Tokaev E., Ganina V., Bagdasaryan A., Perminov S., Vuctina T., Mozgovaya I.
Nº 6 (2015) To govern time is the principle by which protective cultures AiBi® work
Belkova M.
Nº 5 (2012) Surface tension of milk products
Burykin A.
Nº 5 (2009) Surface intensificators in heat exchangers.
Vlasenko A., Glazov V., Sergievskiy E., Vlasenko А., Glazov V., Sergievsky E.
Nº 4 (2011) Improvement of the biological value of curds
Il'ina A., Komolova G., Golubeva L., Ponomarev A., Merzlikina A., Il'ina A., Komolova G., Golubeva L., Ponomarev A., Merzlikina A.
Nº 7 (2014) Improvements of the herd reproduction in the agricultural production cooperative «Dalnyaya Polyana»
Balyuk V.
Nº 6 (2011) Improvement of quality and safety of raw milk: control and cooperation
Ozhiganova E., Molotov S., Ozhiganova E., Molotov S.
Nº 9 (2009) Improvement of quality and keepability of functional products.
Gavrilova N., Pas'ko O., Khitrik S., Gavrilova N., Pas'ko O., Hitrik S.
Nº 4 (2003) Milk quality improvement
Degterev G., Shaykin V., Degterev G., Shaikin V.
Nº 10 (2006) Improvement of milk and milk products quality under conditions of technogen tension
Kebekov M., Polyakov A., Sozaev V., Kebekov M., Polyakov A., Sozaev V.
Nº 3 (2010) Improvement of milk quality is impossible without deep milk purification
Burykin A.
Nº 3 (2005) Improvement of milk quality by two stage clearing
Mizgirev V., Ostryakova A., Pantina T., Burykina I., Mizgirev V., Ostryakova A., Pantina T., Burykina I.
Nº 5 (2010) Improvement of the quality of milk intended for baby foods
SIMONENKO S., DIMITRIEVA S., Simonenko S., Dimitrieva S.
Nº 11 (2010) Improvement of the milk and milk products quality - the pledge of the nation health
Anan'eva N., Anan'eva N.
Nº 2 (2004) Improvement of milk products quality
Fedotova O., Shepeleva E., Fedotova O., Shepeleva E.
Nº 11 (2004) All-Russian scientific and practical conference in Adler
Raycheva E., Raicheva E.
Nº 5 (2015) Improvement of the raw milk quality by introduction of the quality management system
Gavrilova N., Rybchenko T.
Nº 7 (2012) Improvement of curds quality
Grunskaya V., Karimov R., Vasil’eva M.
Nº 9 (2016) Professional development of milk producers due to the implementation of the project «Centers of the dairy expertise»
Gavrilova N., Rybchenko T.
Nº 12 (2005) Increase of milk products competitivenessusing EC experience
Bykovskaya G., Bykovskaya G.
Nº 9 (2005) Forcing competitive of output products
Ershov V., Ershov V.
Nº 12 (2013) Increasing efficiency of sellers operation
Dolgih V.
Nº 6 (2005) Improvement of the electric power supplies
Mazukha N., Mazuha N.
Nº 2 (2014) Increase of the profit of an enterprise - the lines ERMATEC for cutting cheese into the portions with fixed weight
Chistova Y.
Nº 4 (2014) Increase of milk production - the main priority of the agrarian policy
Ivanova V., Seregin S.
Nº 5 (2005) Improvement of vitamin C stability in milk
Simbireva E., Turusov D., Girinovich O., Symbireva E., Turusov D., Girinovich O.
Nº 2 (2004) Improvement of milk heat stability
Donskaya G., Tikhomirova G., Donskaya G., Tihomirova G.
Nº 7 (2018) Improvement of the heat stability of the canned products containing milk
Morozova V., Andrianova O., Kolomytseva O.
Nº 10 (2009) Improvement of physical-chemical and technological properties of milk
Tedtova V., Baeva Z., Temiraev V., Tedtova V., Baeva Z., Temiraev V.
Nº 12 (2014) Improvement of the efficiency of business processes LEAN Planning Manager
Shestopalov P.
Nº 7 (2018) Improvement of the efficiency of the membrane processing of curds whey
Babenyshev S., Zhydkov V., Bratsyhin A., Mamai D., Mamai A., Hoha D.
Nº 8 (2018) Improvement of the efficiency of the membrane processing of curds whey
Babenyshev S., Jydkov V., Bratsyhin A., Mamai D., Mamai A., Hoha D.
Nº 6 (2012) Improvement of efficiency of reservoirs cleaning
Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kos’yanenko T., Simonova I.
Nº 10 (2016) Improvement of the efficiency of the open surfaces cleaning
Butuzov V.
Nº 11 (2005) Improvement of the efficiency of composite milkproducts manufacturing
Dunaev A., Lyakh V., Sadovaya T., Shabanova O., Dunaev A., Lyah V., Sadovaya T., Shabanova O.
Nº 11 (2005) Improvement of milk products manufacturing efficiency
Sizenko E., Gudkov S., Serebryakova T., Sizenko E., Gudkov S., Serebryakova T.
Nº 11 (2014) Improvement of the efficiency of whey processing
Kirillova A.
3101 - 3200 de 5181 resultados << < 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 > >> 

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